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Res Involv Engagem ; 10(1): 76, 2024 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39044294


BACKGROUND: In rare diseases, limited access to services and rare disease experts may force families to act as medical advocates for their child; they can volunteer to support clinician-initiated research or initiate and lead research themselves. Ketotic Hypoglycemia International (KHI) is a new, global organization for families affected by idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia (IKH) and is run solely by volunteers. Doing research together, families and international experts in a collaborative process such as at KHI, also referred to as patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) or extreme citizen science, is often praised for its positive effects on the research and the stakeholders involved. METHODS: We used auto-ethnographic narratives from parents and medical professionals in KHI to report on their experiences with co-produced health research. All co-authors wrote down their experiences in relation to three topics: time invested, work invested and power dynamics. RESULTS: Whilst the parents and health care professionals felt a new hope for (their) children with IKH, they also felt pressure to contribute time or to be flexible in how and when they dedicated time towards the organization. The power dynamics were characterised by a change in the relationship between the parents and medical experts; the parent being taught by the expert shifted to the expert learning from the lived experience of the parent. Both parents and medical experts struggled with maintaining boundaries and safeguarding their mental health. CONCLUSION: Our findings call for the need to secure and prioritize funding for patient organizations, to enable them to create the sustainable architecture required for meaningful PPIE within these organizations. The morals and often deeply personal reasons for engaging with voluntary work in health research, can lead to overstepping of boundaries. As a result of our research, we call for the development of ethics of care guidelines within collaborative health research.

When confronted with a rare disease it is often hard to access information and or medical experts for help. Parents of children affected by idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia (IKH) have joined in a patient-led organisation to initiate and lead research that could give answers to their medical questions and worries. Medical experts have been invited to join the organisation as members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). When people report on health research conducted in collaboration with patients and or members of the public, they mostly mention positive outcomes. At KHI, some people had left the organisation and we had to deal with some difficult situations; so, we wanted to document and understand these challenges. Nine members of KHI, parents and medical experts, wrote down their stories, using three topics to guide their narrative: time invested, work invested and power dynamics at KHI. Parents and medical experts felt a new hope for (their) children with IKH when working for KHI but they also felt pressured to work at all hours and at the cost of time with their families or their own health. The stories revealed that parents felt less important compared to medical experts, but also that the relationship between parents and experts changed from the parent being taught by the expert, to the expert starting to learn from the lived experience of the parent. To make these collaborations successful we plead for funding for patient-led organisation and ethical guidelines to safeguard volunteers (both medical and lay people).