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Foods ; 12(13)2023 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37444356


Potatoes are one of the most consumed crops worldwide. They contain a high amount of bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds and vitamins with important antioxidant activities, which makes this crop of high biological value for human health. The goal of this research was to biochemically evaluate polyphenol levels and antioxidant capacities in parent and control genotypes compared to advanced mutant potato lines in the M1V8 generation. This will reveal the genetic changes that result from induced mutagenesis. The quantified compounds and the evaluated antioxidant activity boost the health benefits of consuming the improved mutant potatoes. In the present study, the phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of eighteen mutant and initial potato genotypes were analyzed by UPLC-qTOF-MS/MS and the ORAC method, respectively. In each of the hybrid combinations, mutant lines with an improved phenolic compound profile were observed. Representative samples from the third hybrid combination had notable increases in phenolic compound concentrations, as well as the presence of metabolites not found in the parental lines. With one exception, the remaining nine mutants showed significantly higher antioxidant capacities. The results will be used in future potato breeding programs, with participation of the valuable mutant lines containing new phenolic substances not present in the initial genotypes.

Foods ; 11(16)2022 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36010457


The citrus industry produces large amounts of waste rich in bioactive compounds that have important effects on human health. Their extraction was performed using organic solvents, and a greener alternative to those solvents are natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES). The present study aimed to obtain and optimize extracts rich in polyphenols and flavonoids from orange peels using NADES and monitor polyphenol stability in the extracts for 30 days. The software COSMOtherm (conductor-like screening model) was used to screen fourteen NADES. The most promising solvents were lactic acid:glucose (LA:Glu) with an extraction yield of 1932 ± 7.83 mgGAE/100 gdw for TPC (total polyphenol content) and 82.7 ± 3.0 mg/100 gdw for TFC (total flavonoid content) and in the case of L-proline:malic acid (LP:MA) was 2164 ± 5.17 mgGAE/100 gdw for TPC and 97.0 ± 1.65 mg/100 gdw for TFC. The extraction process using LA:Glu and LP:MA was optimized, and the results showed that the selected variables (%NADES, solid:liquid ratio, and extraction time) had a significant influence on the extraction of TPC and TFC. Results showed that NADES improve the stability of TPC. These findings revealed that NADES are efficient for the extraction of bioactive compounds from orange by-products, and these extracts can represent an alternative for the food industry to enrich food products with natural ingredients.

Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 39(1): 40-45, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-184185


Introducción: El análisis de la composición nutricional de los alimentos mediante análisis bromatológico es una ardua tarea; por ello, gracias a la recopilación de los datos obtenidos de estos análisis en diferentes países se han elaborado las tablas de composición de alimentos (TCA). Estas suponen la base de los programas informáticos nutricionales, con los que se consigue agilizar el cálculo de la composición en nutrientes de la dieta. Objetivo: comprobar sí hay diferencias significativas entre los resultados obtenidos para el cálculo de proteínas, glúcidos, lípidos, fibra dietética y hierro mediante análisis bromatológico, y el obtenido mediante el cálculo por programas informáticos. Métodos: para el análisis bromatológico se han utilizado las técnicas recomendadas por la AOAC y para los valores obtenidos mediante cálculo se han utilizado los programas informáticos nutricionales de distintas épocas: Programa utilizado por la Subdirección general de protección del comercio de la Comunidad de Madrid, Dietowin, Dietsource y Dial. Se han estudiado veintitrés platos diferentes: doce primeros y once segundos, correspondientes al menú de siete comedores colectivos de una empresa de la Comunidad Valenciana, en un estudio transversal y longitudinal durante un periodo de dos años. Resultados: se ha comprobado que los valores promedio determinados por análisis directo y los obtenidos por cálculo, muestran diferencias significativas tras aplicar el estadístico de la t de Student. En el caso de los valores obtenidos para los distintos programas informáticos no se encuentran diferencias significativas. Conclusión: Los programas informáticos que se han utilizado presentan un 65% e incluso superior, de diferencias significativas en los valores calculados para los distintos nutrientes, con respecto a los valores obtenidos mediante análisis bromatológico. Una de entre las posibles causas que se podrían considerar por la que se dan estas diferencias sería: porque en TCA la mayoría de los valores de los nutrientes son obtenidos a partir de alimentos en crudo; mientras que en el análisis directo se han analizado platos completos en los cuales los alimentos se han sometido a técnicas culinarias o de procesado. En cuanto a la segunda hipótesis planteada, decir que no hay diferencias entre los valores obtenidos por los diferentes programas informáticos utilizados, ya que los valores para todas las TCA están valorados en crudo

Introduction: The analysis of the nutritional composition of foods by bromato- logic analysis is an arduous task; for this reason, thanks to the collection of the data obtained from these analyses in different countries, the food composition tables have been developed. These are the basis of nutritional software, which gets speed up the calculation of the composition of nutrients in the diet. Objective: check if there are significant differences between the results obtained for the calculation of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, dietary fiber and iron through bromatological analysis, and the one obtained by the calculation with computer programs. Methods: for the bromatological analysis have been used the techniques recommended by the AOAC and for the values obtained by calculation, the nutritional computer programs of different periods have been used: Program used by the General Subdirectorate for Commercial Protection of the Community of Madrid, Dietowin, Dietsource and Dial. 23 different dishes were studied: twelve starters and eleven main dishes, corresponding to the menu of seven collective dining rooms of a company from the Valencian Community, in a transversal and longitudinal study over a period of two years. Results: it has been verified that the average values determined by direct analysis and those obtained by calculation, show significant differences after applying the t of Student. In the case of the values obtained for the different computer programs, no significant differences were found. Conclusion: The computer programs that have been used present about 65% and even higher significant differences in the values calculated for the different nutrients, with respect to the values obtained by bromatolo- gical analysis. One of the possible causes that could explain these differences would be: because in TCA most of the values of the nutrients are obtained from raw foods; While in the direct analysis, complete dishes have been analyzed in which the food has been subjected to culinary or processing techniques. Regarding the second hypothesis, it could be said that there are no differences between the values obtained by the different computer programs used, since the values for all TCAs are valued in crude

Humanos , Planificación de Menú/tendencias , Alimentación Colectiva , Análisis de los Alimentos/métodos , Composición de Alimentos , Inspección de Alimentos/métodos , Necesidades Nutricionales , Validación de Programas de Computación , Nutrientes/análisis , Micronutrientes/análisis
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 39(4): 41-47, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-191638


INTRODUCCIÓN: La obesidad en la población escolar es un problema en aumento, por ello se ha desarrollado "el programa Bon Profit", para una alimentación saludable y responsable en el comedor escolar, en donde se aborda la evaluación de la calidad nutricional y su adecuación a la población a la que va dirigida. OBJETIVO: Estudio y valoración de la alimentación en escolares, para después hacer una intervención educacional en el ámbito escolar a través del comedor, con el fin de disminuir la incidencia de la obesidad infantil. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado la valoración nutricional de 28 menús que constituyen un total de 56 platos. Cada plato se ha muestreado durante un periodo de tres meses, lo que se traduce en que: se han tomado tres muestras diferentes de cada uno, mediante método de pesada directa, y valorado con el programa informático DIETSOURCE ®, para determinar la composición en macronutrientes y en vitamina A, Calcio y hierro. Posteriormente se han comparado los valores obtenidos con las recomendaciones nutricionales para la población estudiada de 900 escolares entre 3 y 19 años. RESULTADOS: El aporte energético está por encima de las recomendaciones de ingesta establecidas para la población española por grupos de edad. El porcentaje de proteínas se ajusta bastante al recomendado. Hay un exceso de lípidos en detrimento de los hidratos de carbono. Y en lo que respecta a el aporte de Vitamina A y de hierro está por encima de lo recomendado, mientras que el Calcio está por debajo. CONCLUSIONES: Los menús están desequilibrados. Pre sentan un exceso de lípidos en detrimento de los hidratos de carbono e insuficiente aporte de calcio. Los datos de valoración nutricional dados por la empresa presentan diferencias en general a la baja con respecto a la que se ha obtenido por pesada directa y escandallos. Las raciones mensuales cumplen las recomendaciones

INTRODUCTION: Obesity in the school population is an increasing problem, therefore the Bon Profit program has been developed for a healthy and responsible diet in the school canteen, where the assessment of nutritional quality and its suitability to the target population is addressed. OBJECTIVE: Study and evaluation of school feeding, followed by an educational intervention at school through the canteen, with a view to reducing the incidence of childhood obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The nutritional evaluation of 28 menus has been carried out, making a total of 56 dishes. Each dish has been sampled over a period of three months, which means that: three different samples have been taken from each one, by direct weighing method, and valued with the DIETSOURCE software [, to determine the composition in macronutrients and in vitamin A, calcium and iron. Sub sequently, the values obtained have been compared with the nutritional recommendations for the studied population of 900 schoolchildren between the ages of 3 and 19. RESULTS: The energy intake is above the intake recommendations established for the Spanish population by age group. The percentage of proteins conforms quite to the recommended. There is an excess of lipids to the detriment of carbohydrates. And in terms of the intake of Vitamin A and iron is above the recommended, while Calcium is below. CONCLUSIONS: The menus are unbalanced. They have an excess of lipids to the detriment of carbohydrates and insufficient calcium intake. The nutritional valuation data given by the company show generally downward differences from that obtained by direct weighing and scandals. Monthly rations meet recommendations

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Calidad de los Alimentos , Valor Nutritivo , Instituciones Académicas , Ingestión de Energía , Restaurantes , España