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Front Microbiol ; 12: 662686, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33746936


Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is an alphaherpesvirus related to pseudorabies virus (PRV) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). This virus is one of the major pathogens affecting horses worldwide. EHV-1 is responsible for respiratory disorders, abortion, neonatal foal death and equine herpes myeloencephalopathy (EHM). Over the last decade, EHV-1 has received growing attention due to the frequent outbreaks of abortions and/or EHM causing serious economical losses to the horse industry worldwide. To date, there are no effective antiviral drugs and current vaccines do not provide full protection against EHV-1-associated diseases. Therefore, there is an urgent need to gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of EHV-1 in order to develop effective therapies. The main objective of this review is to provide state-of-the-art information on the pathogenesis of EHV-1. We also highlight recent findings on EHV-1 immune evasive strategies at the level of the upper respiratory tract, blood circulation and endothelium of target organs allowing the virus to disseminate undetected in the host. Finally, we discuss novel approaches for drug development based on our current knowledge of the pathogenesis of EHV-1.

Educ. revEduc. rev ; 33: e138587, 2017. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-891239


Resumo: O artigo problematiza o discurso de crise ambiental na atualidade. A partir de algumas ferramentas da análise do discurso foucaultiana, discute-se um dos enunciados que compõe o discurso aqui investigado: o "Terror e medo pela perda do Planeta". O estudo toma como corpus discursivo a revista Veja, especialmente reportagens produzidas a partir de 2001, em que enunciações ocupadas por terror e medo se tornam evidentes na mídia em análise. Discussões acerca do medo em Zigmunt Bauman, biopoder/biopolítica em Michel Foucault e cultura a partir de estudiosos do campo da Educação Ambiental são tomados como aportes teóricos desse estudo. Nas reportagens em evidência, há um forte chamamento para riscos e perigos quanto à continuidade de vida na Terra atrelado ao convite para que participemos da grande campanha mundial. Pensarmos possibilidades de enfrentar medos líquidos modernos, produzindo outros modos de nos relacionarmos com o ambiente, é um dos desafios dessa pesquisa.

Abstract: This article addresses the current environmental crisis discourse. Based on some of Foucault's discourse analysis tools, one of the statements that compose the discussed discourse is the "Terror and fear of the loss of the planet." The study takes Veja magazine as its discursive corpus, especially articles produced since 2001, where enunciations occupied by terror and fear become evident in the media under analysis. Discussions about fear in Zigmunt Bauman; biopower / biopolitics in Foucault and culture based on environmental education scholars are used as theoretical contributions in this study. In the chosen articles, there is a strong call to the risks and dangers to continuity of life on Earth, connected to an invitation to joining a great global campaign. One of the challenges of this research is to reflect about possibilities of confronting our modern liquid fears and to produce other ways of relating with the environment.