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Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 200-217, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811971


Parenting interventions can improve parenting outcomes, with widespread implications for children's developmental trajectories. Relational savoring (RS) is a brief attachment-based intervention with high potential for dissemination. Here we examine data from a recent intervention trial in order to isolate the mechanisms by which savoring predicts reflective functioning (RF) at treatment follow-up through an examination of the content of savoring sessions (specificity, positivity, connectedness, safe haven/secure base, self-focus, child-focus). Mothers (N = 147, Mage  = 30.84 years, SDage  = 5.13; Race: 67.3% White/Caucasian, 12.9% other or declined to state; 10.9% biracial/multiracial, 5.4% Asian, 1.4% Native American/Alaska Native, 2.0% Black/African American; Ethnicity: 41.5% Latina) of toddlers (Mage  = 20.96 months, SDage  = 2.50; 53.5% female) were randomized to four sessions of RS or personal savoring (PS). Both RS and PS predicted higher RF, but through different means. RS was indirectly associated with higher RF through greater connectedness and specificity of savoring content, while PS was indirectly associated with higher RF through greater self-focus in savoring content. We discuss the implications of these findings for treatment development and for our understanding of the emotional experience of mothers of toddlers.

Las intervenciones sobre la crianza pueden mejorar los resultados, con implicaciones ampliamente extendidas para las trayectorias de desarrollo de los niños. Disfrute de la Relación (RS) es una intervención breve con base en la afectividad que tiene un alto potencial para ser diseminada. Aquí examinamos los datos de un reciente ensayo de intervención con el fin de aislar los mecanismos por medio de los cuales el disfrutar predice el funcionamiento con reflexión (RF) al momento del seguimiento del tratamiento a través de una examinación del contexto de las sesiones de disfrutar (especificidad, positividad, sentido de conexión, refugio seguro/base segura, auto enfoque, enfoque en el niño). Las madres (N = 147, edad promedio = 30.84 años, desviación estándar por edad = 5.13; Raza: 67.3% blanca/cáucasa, 12.9% otra o se negó a indicarla; 10.9% birracial/multirracial, 5.4% asiática, 1.4% indígena americana/indígena de Alaska, 2.0% negra/afroamericana; Etnicidad: 41.5% latina) de niños pequeñitos (edad promedio = 20.96 meses, desviación estándar por edad = 2.50; 53.5% niñas) fueron asignadas al azar a 4 sesiones de RS o de disfrute personal (PS). Ambas, RS y PS predijeron una más alta RF, pero por diferentes medios. Se asoció RS indirectamente con una más alta RF a través de un mayor sentido de conexión y especificidad del contenido de disfrute, mientras que PS se asoció indirectamente con una mayor RF a través de un mayor auto enfoque en el contenido de disfrute. Discutimos las implicaciones de estas observaciones para el desarrollo del tratamiento y para nuestra comprensión de la experiencia emocional de madres y niños pequeñitos.

Les interventions de parentage peuvent améliorer les résultats de parentage, avec des implications généralisées pour les trajectoires de développement des enfants. La Saveur relationnelle (relational savoring en anglais, soit RS) est une intervention basée sur l'attachement brève, ayant un fort potentiel de dissémination. Nous examinons ici des données de l'essai d'intervention récent de façon à isoler les mécanismes par lesquels le fait de savourer prédit le fonctionnement de réflexion (RF) au suivi du traitement au travers d'un examen du contenu des session de saveur (spécificité, positivité, connexion, refuge/base sûre, concentration, concentration-enfant). Les mères (N = 147, Mâge = 30,84 ans, SDâge = 5,13; Race: 67,3% blanches, 12,9% autre race ou ont préféré ne pas répondre; 10,9% métis/multiraciales, 5,4% asiatiques, 1,4% autochtones/natives de l'Alaska, 2,0% noires/Africaines Américaines; Ethnicité: 41.5% latinas) de jeunes enfants (Mâge = 20,96 mois, SDâge = 2,50; 53,5% de sexe féminin) ont été randomisées en 4 séances de RS ou de Saveur Personnelle (SP). La RS et la SP ont prédit un RF plus élevé mais à travers différents moyens. La RS était indirectement liée à un RF plus élevé au travers d'une plus grande connexion et une spécificité du contenu de saveur, alors que la SP était indirectement liée à une RF plus élevé au travers d'une plus grande concentration en savourant le contenu. Nous discutons les implications de ces résultats pour le développement d'un traitement et pour notre compréhension de l'expérience émotionnelle des mères de jeunes enfants.

Emociones , Madres , Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Adulto , Lactante , Masculino , Madres/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Apego a Objetos , Proyectos de Investigación
Brain Sci ; 11(5)2021 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34065747


Savouring is an emotion regulation strategy and intervention that focuses on the process of attending, intensifying and prolonging positive experiences and positive affect associated with these memories. Personal savouring involves a reflection on positive memories that are specific to the individual and do not involve others. In contrast, relational savouring entails reflecting on instances when people were responsive to the needs of their significant others. Such interventions hold potential benefits in enhancing positive affect (PA) and reducing negative affect (NA) for both parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and parents of neurotypical children. Adults with greater symptoms of generalised anxiety have been found to have less PA and more NA. However, no study has investigated the effects of a mother's anxiety symptoms on the efficacy of savouring in enhancing PA and reducing NA. Thus, this paper combined personal and relational savouring to investigate whether savouring may enhance PA and reduce NA of a pooled sample of mothers of neurotypical children and mothers of children with ASD. 52 mothers of neurotypical children and 26 mothers of children with ASD aged 3-7 years old were given a series of questionnaires and randomly assigned to either relational savouring or personal savouring conditions. In relational savouring, mothers were asked to reflect upon a shared positive experience with their child while in the personal savouring condition, a personal positive experience was recalled. Across mothers of children with ASD and neurotypical children, findings suggest that savouring leads to a decrease in NA (p < 0.01) but not increases in PA. Similarly, mothers with higher levels of anxiety experience a greater decrease in NA (p < 0.001) compared to mothers with lower levels of anxiety post-savouring. This study proposes that a brief savouring intervention may be effective among mothers of preschoolers. As lower levels of negative affect is linked to healthier psychological well-being, mothers might be able to engage in more effective and warm parenting after savouring exercises, which would cultivate positive mother-child relationships that benefit their children in the long-term.