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BMJ Glob Health ; 9(4)2024 Apr 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38677778


Women, children and adolescents (WCA), especially in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), will bear the worst consequences of climate change during their lifetimes, despite contributing the least to global greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in WCA can address these inequities in climate risk, as well as generating large health, economic, social and environmental gains. However, women's, children's and adolescents' health (WCAH) is currently not mainstreamed in climate policies and financing. There is also a need to consider new and innovative financing arrangements that support WCAH alongside climate goals.We provide an overview of the threats climate change represents for WCA, including the most vulnerable communities, and where health and climate investments should focus. We draw on evidence to explore the opportunities and challenges for health financing, climate finance and co-financing schemes to enhance equity and protect WCAH while supporting climate goals.WCA face threats from the rising burden of ill-health and healthcare demand, coupled with constraints to healthcare provision, impacting access to essential WCAH services and rising out-of-pocket payments for healthcare. Climate change also impacts on the economic context and livelihoods of WCA, increasing the risk of displacement and migration. These impacts require additional resources to support WCAH service delivery, to ensure continuity of care and protect households from the costs of care and enhance resilience. We identify a range of financing solutions, including leveraging climate finance for WCAH, adaptive social protection for health and adaptations to purchasing to promote climate action and support WCAH care needs.

Salud del Adolescente , Salud Infantil , Cambio Climático , Salud de la Mujer , Humanos , Cambio Climático/economía , Adolescente , Femenino , Niño , Salud Infantil/economía , Salud del Adolescente/economía , Salud de la Mujer/economía , Financiación de la Atención de la Salud , Países en Desarrollo
Bull World Health Organ ; 102(5): 330-335, 2024 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38680468


Climate change poses significant risks to health and health systems, with the greatest impacts in low- and middle-income countries - which are least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. The Conference of Parties 28 at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference led to agreement on the need for holistic and equitable financing approaches to address the climate and health crisis. This paper provides an overview of existing climate finance mechanisms - that is, multilateral funds, voluntary market-based mechanisms, taxes, microlevies and adaptive social protection. We discuss these approaches' potential use to promote health, generate additional health sector resources and enhance health system sustainability and resilience, and also explore implementation challenges. We suggest that public health practitioners, policy-makers and researchers seize the opportunity to leverage climate funding for better health and sustainable, climate-resilient health systems. Emphasizing the wider benefits of investing in health for the economy can help prioritize health within climate finance initiatives. Meaningful progress will require the global community acknowledging the underlying political economy challenges that have so far limited the potential of climate finance to address health goals. To address these challenges, we need to restructure financing institutions to empower communities at the frontline of the climate and health crisis and ensure their needs are met. Efforts from global and national level stakeholders should focus on mobilizing a wide range of funding sources, prioritizing co-design and accessibility of financing arrangements. These stakeholders should also invest in rigorous monitoring and evaluation of initiatives to ensure relevant health and well-being outcomes are addressed.

Le changement climatique fait peser des risques considérables sur la santé et les systèmes de santé, affectant principalement les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire ­ alors qu'ils contribuent le moins aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique de 2023, la 28e Conférence des Parties a abouti à un accord sur la nécessité d'adopter des approches de financement équitables et holistiques pour résoudre la crise climatique et sanitaire. Le présent document offre un aperçu des dispositifs de financement climatique existants ­ à savoir des fonds multilatéraux, des mécanismes de marché volontaires, des micro-taxes et une protection sociale adaptative. Nous évoquons la possibilité de recourir à ces approches en vue de promouvoir la santé, de générer des ressources supplémentaires pour le secteur de la santé et de renforcer la viabilité et la résilience des systèmes de santé; nous nous intéressons également aux défis que représente leur mise en œuvre. Nous suggérons que les professionnels de la santé publique, les responsables politiques et les chercheurs profitent de cette occasion pour obtenir des fonds climatiques afin d'améliorer la santé et de développer des systèmes de santé durables et adaptés au changement climatique. Souligner tout l'intérêt, pour l'économie, d'investir dans la santé peut aider à inscrire la santé en priorité dans les initiatives de financement climatique. Réaliser des progrès significatifs implique que la communauté internationale prenne conscience des enjeux sous-jacents en matière d'économie politique, enjeux qui ont jusqu'à présent limité le potentiel du financement climatique dans l'atteinte des objectifs de santé. Pour y remédier, nous devons restructurer les institutions financières afin d'accroître l'autonomie des communautés en première ligne face à la crise climatique et sanitaire, et de faire en sorte que leurs besoins soient satisfaits. Les efforts des parties prenantes à l'échelle nationale et mondiale doivent porter sur la mobilisation d'un large éventail de sources de financement, en mettant l'accent sur la conception conjointe et l'accessibilité des modalités financières. Ces parties prenantes doivent en outre investir dans un suivi étroit et une évaluation rigoureuse des initiatives pour veiller à obtenir des résultats pertinents en termes de santé et de bien-être.

El cambio climático plantea riesgos importantes para la salud y los sistemas sanitarios, con mayores impactos en los países de ingresos bajos y medios, que son los menos responsables de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La 28.ª Conferencia de las Partes en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2023 condujo a un acuerdo sobre la necesidad de enfoques de financiación holísticos y equitativos para abordar la crisis climática y sanitaria. Este documento ofrece una visión general de los mecanismos de financiación climática existentes, es decir, los fondos multilaterales, los mecanismos voluntarios basados en el mercado, los impuestos, los microimpuestos y la protección social adaptable. Analizamos el uso potencial de estos enfoques para promover la salud, generar recursos adicionales para el sector sanitario y mejorar la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de los sistemas sanitarios. Sugerimos que los profesionales de la salud pública, los responsables de formular las políticas y los investigadores aprovechen la oportunidad de utilizar la financiación climática para mejorar la salud y los sistemas sanitarios sostenibles y resilientes al cambio climático. Destacar los beneficios más amplios de invertir en salud para la economía puede ayudar a priorizar la salud dentro de las iniciativas de financiación climática. Para lograr avances significativos será necesario que la comunidad mundial reconozca los problemas de economía política subyacentes que hasta ahora han limitado el potencial de la financiación para abordar los objetivos de salud. Para superar estos desafíos, necesitamos reestructurar las instituciones financieras para empoderar a las comunidades que se encuentran en primera línea de la crisis climática y sanitaria y asegurar que se satisfacen sus necesidades. Los esfuerzos de las partes interesadas a nivel mundial y nacional deben centrarse en movilizar una gran variedad de fuentes de financiación y priorizar el diseño conjunto y la accesibilidad de los acuerdos de financiación. Estas partes interesadas también deben invertir en la supervisión y evaluación rigurosas de las iniciativas para garantizar que se abordan los resultados pertinentes en materia de salud y bienestar.

Cambio Climático , Salud Global , Cambio Climático/economía , Humanos , Atención a la Salud/economía , Atención a la Salud/organización & administración
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35457706


Climate change is a multidimensional issue that affects all aspects of society, including public health and human rights. Climate change is already severely impacting people's health and threatening people's guaranteed fundamental rights, including those to life, health, self-determination, and education, among others. Across geographical regions, population groups and communities who are already marginalized due to age, gender, ethnicity, income, and other socioeconomic factors, are those who are disproportionately affected by climate impacts despite having contributed the least to global emissions. Although scholars have been calling for a human rights-based approach and a health perspective to climate action, the literature looking at this multidisciplinary intersection is still nascent, and governments have yet to implement such intersectoral policies. This commentary begins to reflect on the relationship between climate change, human rights, and public health from the perspective of young people engaged in climate action and discourse at the national and international levels. It presents a way forward on what we, as youth climate advocates and researchers, believe is a priority to bring intersectoral integration of human rights and public health approaches to climate change to fruition. First, scholars and practitioners should examine and support youth-led climate interventions that tackle human rights and public health violations incurred by the climate crisis. Second, participatory approaches to climate change must be designed by working synergistically with climate-vulnerable groups, including children and young people, practitioners and scholars in public health and human rights sectors to holistically address the social, health, and environmental impacts of the climate crisis and root causes of injustice. Finally, we recommend more holistic data collection to better inform evidence-based climate policies that operationalize human rights and public health co-benefits.

Derechos Humanos , Salud Pública , Adolescente , Niño , Cambio Climático , Humanos
Health Hum Rights ; 23(2): 95-108, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34966228


Climate change is the greatest challenge of our century. Children, adolescents, and youth will bear the most severe impacts, physically, socially, economically, and psychologically. In response to this immense threat and to the failure of international climate negotiations to date, young people are taking to the streets and using global fora to call for climate justice. While these protests have received much attention, there has been limited examination of these and other youth-led efforts through the lens of a human rights-based approach and its operational principles: participation, equality and nondiscrimination, accountability, and transparency. This paper draws from academic and gray literature, as well as the authors' experience as practitioners and young activists, to argue that young people, by promoting human rights-based operational principles at the international, national, and local levels, are pioneering a human rights-based approach to climate change. The paper concludes by suggesting how policy makers can support and empower young people to advance an explicit human rights-based agenda, while concurrently translating human rights-based operational principles into climate change policies and practice.

Cambio Climático , Derechos Humanos , Adolescente , Niño , Humanos , Justicia Social , Responsabilidad Social