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Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 84(2): 215-22, 2010.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20571721


BACKGROUND: The most useful criteria for diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) are those proposed by the ATP-III from NCEP 2001, reviewed in 2005. Waist circumference is one of the criteria included in the ATP-III estimate. Given the high incidence of coronary disease attributable to this risk factor, it seems interesting to evaluate its performance as an isolated parameter for the screening of MS among people with a variety of other prevalent cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure. DESIGN: case-control study. Cases were defined as patients with hypertension and MS. Controls were those patients with hypertension and without MS. SAMPLE: the entire population attended in a Primary Care area that had, unless one blood analysis performed between July first 2007 and December 31st 2007. SAMPLE size: 137 individuals were included (60 cases and 77 controls). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: test of logistical regression was used to estimate of the probability of suffering from MS according to values of waist circumference. RESULTS: Probability of MS among hypertensive patients = 1/ (1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,097))). Probability of MS among female hypertensive patients = 1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,099))). Probability of MS among male hypertensive patients = 1/(1 +2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,105))). CONCLUSIONS: Among hypertensive patients, MS can be predicted by means of a formula (calculator), which takes waist circumference as unique variable. This method can be used to better stratify patients according to their cardiovascular risk and to identify those who need an early preventive intervention. We propose a table with the calculations already made.

Hipertensión/complicaciones , Síndrome Metabólico/complicaciones , Síndrome Metabólico/diagnóstico , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 84(2): 215-222, mar.-abr. 2010. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-79463


Fundamento: Para el diagnóstico de Síndrome Metabólico (SM)los criterios mas utilizados son los propuestos, por el ATP-III del NCEPde 2001, actualizados posteriormente en 2005. El perímetro de cinturaes uno de los cinco criterios utilizados para su diagnóstico. Dada la elevadaincidencia ajustada de enfermedad coronaria atribuible a este factorde riesgo, el objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la utilidad del perímetrode cintura como método de cribaje único de SM en la poblacióncon otros factores de riesgo muy prevalentes, como la HTA.Método: Estudio de casos (pacientes hipertensos con SM) y controles(pacientes hipertensos sin SM). Mediante muestreo sistemáticode la totalidad de individuos hipertensos de un cupo de Atención Primariacon resultados de al menos una analítica sanguínea desde el1/07/2007 hasta 31/12/2007. El tamaño muestral fue de 137 individuos(casos = pacientes hipertensos con SM = 60 y controles = pacienteshipertensos sin SM=77). Se utilizó el test de regresión logística para elcálculo de la probabilidad de SM disponiendo únicamente del perímetroabdominal.Resultados: Los resultados para el objetivo principal fueron: Probabilidadde SM en población hipertensa=1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perímetrox 0,097))), Probabilidad de SM en mujeres hipertensas=1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perímetro x 0,099))), Probabilidad de SM en varoneshipertensos=1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perímetro x 0,105))).Conclusiones: Utilizando una calculadora podría predecirse laprobabilidad de SM en personas hipertensas con el perímetro de cinturacomo única variable, priorizando mejor a los pacientes con más necesidadpreventiva y mayor riesgo cardiovascular. Se propone una tablacon los cálculos ya realizados(AU)

Background: The most useful criteria for diagnosis of theMetabolic Syndrome (MS) are those proposed by the ATP-III fromNCEP 2001, reviewed in 2005. Waist circumference is one of the criteriaincluded in the ATP-III estimate. Given the high incidence ofcoronary disease attributable to this risk factor, it seems interesting toevaluate its performance as an isolated parameter for the screening ofMS among people with a variety of other prevalent cardiovascularrisk factors, such as high blood pressure.Methods: Design: case-control study. Cases were defined aspatients with hypertension and MS. Controls were those patientswith hypertension and without MS. Sample: the entire populationattended in a Primary Care area that had, unless one blood analysisperformed between July first 2007 and December 31st 2007. Samplesize: 137 individuals were included (60 cases and 77 controls). Statisticalanalysis: test of logistical regression was used to estimate ofthe probability of suffering from MS according to values of waist circumference.Results: Probability of MS among hypertensive patients = 1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,097))). Probability of MS among femalehypertensive patients = 1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,099))).Probability of MS among male hypertensive patients = 1/(1+2,718281828-(-10+ (perimeter x 0,105)))Conclusions: Among hypertensive patients, MS can be predictedby means of a formula (calculator), which takes waist circumferenceas unique variable. This method can be used to better stratifypatients according to their cardiovascular risk and to identify thosewho need an early preventive intervention. We propose a table withthe calculations already made(AU)

Humanos , Síndrome Metabólico/diagnóstico , Antropometría , Ajuste de Riesgo/métodos , Síndrome Metabólico/complicaciones , Obesidad/complicaciones , Hipertensión/complicaciones , Distribución de la Grasa Corporal