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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1287825, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38046606


As a fourth major food crop, potato could fulfill the nutritional demand of the growing population. Understanding how potato plants respond to predicted increase in atmospheric CO2 at the physiological, biochemical and molecular level is therefore important to improve potato productivity. Thus, the main objectives of the present study are to investigate the effects of elevated CO2 on the photosynthetic performance, water use efficiency and tuber yield of various commercial potato cultivars combined with biochemical and molecular analyses. We grew five potato cultivars (AC Novachip, Atlantic, Kennebec, Russet Burbank and Shepody) at either ambient CO2 (400 µmol CO2 mol-1) or elevated (750 µmol CO2 mol-1) CO2. Compared to ambient CO2-grown counterparts, elevated CO2-grown Russet Burbank and Shepody exhibited a significant increase in tuber yield of 107% and 49% respectively, whereas AC Novachip, Atlantic and Kennebec exhibited a 16%, 6% and 44% increment respectively. These differences in CO2-enhancement of tuber yield across the cultivars were mainly associated with the differences in CO2-stimulation of rates of photosynthesis. For instance, elevated CO2 significantly stimulated the rates of gross photosynthesis for AC Novachip (30%), Russet Burbank (41%) and Shepody (28%) but had minimal effects for Atlantic and Kennebec when measured at growth light. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the total tuber number for Atlantic (40%) and Shepody (83%) but had insignificant effects for other cultivars. Average tuber size increased for AC Novachip (16%), Kennebec (30%) and Russet Burbank (80%), but decreased for Atlantic (25%) and Shepody (19%) under elevated versus ambient CO2 conditions. Although elevated CO2 minimally decreased stomatal conductance (6-22%) and transpiration rates (2-36%), instantaneous water use efficiency increased by up to 79% in all cultivars suggesting that enhanced water use efficiency was mainly associated with increased photosynthesis at elevated CO2. The effects of elevated CO2 on electron transport rates, non-photochemical quenching, excitation pressure, and leaf chlorophyll and protein content varied across the cultivars. We did not observe any significant differences in plant growth and morphology in elevated versus ambient CO2-grown plants. Taken all together, we conclude that the CO2-stimulation of photosynthetic performance, water use efficiency and tuber yield of potatoes is cultivar dependent.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 698060, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34456939


Drought poses a major challenge to the production of potatoes worldwide. Climate change is predicted to further aggravate this challenge by intensifying potato crop exposure to increased drought severity and frequency. There is an ongoing effort to adapt our production systems of potatoes through the development of drought-tolerant cultivars that are appropriately engineered for the changing environment. The breeding of drought-tolerant cultivars can be approached through the identification of drought-related physiological and biochemical traits and their deployment in new potato cultivars. Thus, the main objective of this study was to develop a method to identify and characterize the drought-tolerant potato genotypes and the related key traits. To achieve this objective, first we studied 56 potato genotypes including 54 cultivars and 2 advanced breeding lines to assess drought tolerance in terms of tuber yield in the greenhouse experiment. Drought differentially reduced tuber yield in all genotypes. Based on their capacity to maintain percent tuber yield under drought relative to their well-watered controls, potato genotypes differed in their ability to tolerate drought. We then selected six genotypes, Bannock Russet, Nipigon, Onaway, Denali, Fundy, and Russet Norkotah, with distinct yield responses to drought to further examine the physiological and biochemical traits governing drought tolerance. The drought-induced reduction in tuber yield was only 15-20% for Bannock Russet and Nipigon, 44-47% for Onaway and Denali, and 83-91% for Fundy and Russet Norkotah. The tolerant genotypes, Bannock Russet and Nipigon, exhibited about a 2-3-fold increase in instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE) under drought as compared with their well-watered controls. This stimulation was about 1.8-2-fold for moderately tolerant genotypes, Onaway and Denali, and only 1.5-fold for sensitive genotypes, Fundy, and Russet Norkotah. The differential stimulation of instantaneous WUE of tolerant and moderately tolerant genotypes vs. sensitive genotypes was accounted for by the differential suppression of the rates of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rates across genotypes. Potato genotypes varied in their response to leaf protein content under drought. We suggest that the rates of photosynthesis, instantaneous WUE, and leaf protein content can be used as the selection criteria for the drought-tolerant potato genotypes.