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Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 12(6): e5869, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38841522


Surgical correction of gynecomastia currently ranks in the top five cosmetic procedures performed in men in the United States. Although removal of excess gland is relatively straightforward, the combination of glandular/fatty excess, significant skin redundancy, nipple ptosis, and nipple-areolar complex hypertrophy poses a significant challenge in the male patient desiring inconspicuous scars. The latter renders any form of skin and nipple reduction/elevation using traditional mastopexy patterns or breast amputation with free nipple grafting less favorable due to the surgical stigmata and scars produced with these techniques. To that end, we present our experience treating cases of moderate to severe gynecomastia involving significant skin excess (defined as Simon grade IIb and III) with a technique focused on avoiding visible extra-areolar scars, called the glandular excision, liposuction-assisted, areolar mastopexy for nipple repositioning and skin reduction with internal quilting sutures.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(2): 339-346, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38681250


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic imparted an important shift in strategies postgraduate surgical programs use to recruit, interact with, and select medical students applying through the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). With this unprecedented shift toward virtual applicant selection, this study sought to explore and analyze perspectives of the first cohort of program directors (PDs) and applicants who participated in this process. Methods: A cross-sectional survey study was designed using Google Forms for both PDs and applicants participating in the 2021 CaRMS surgical subspecialty selection process. Questions pertained to format and content of virtual engagement methods, the interview itself, as well as advice for future applicants. Results: Thirty-five PDs and 40 successful applicants (n = 75) participated in the study. Cost reduction was the most commonly reported benefit of online interviewing by PDs (85%), followed by efficiency (71%), enhanced resource management (49%), and ability to conduct more interviews (23%). Strong letters of reference (80%) and interview performance (74%) remained the most significant factors in virtual applicant selection. Attendance to virtual recruitment events did not increase the likelihood of offering interviews (n = 24, 69% of PDs), although the ability to perform in-person electives held tremendous value. Most applicants (90%) reported on virtual information sessions as the best method for learning about programs; work culture and environment were topics most valued as discussion points (90%). Successful applicants provided an average confidence of 76% regarding their suitability with their matched programs. Seventy-three percent of applicants (n = 29) had either a preference for virtual interviews or were equivocal, while 51.4% of PDs (n = 18) preferred interviews to be conducted virtually for future cohorts. Conclusion: Trainees are entering residency with confidence following a virtual selection process, and PDs feel confident in their selections. Although no clear consensus exists regarding preference for virtual or in-person interviews, several advantages for virtual resident selection exist. The influence of an in-person elective was found difficult to replace, regardless of interview format. The importance of applicant engagement with programs prior to interviews is highlighted and discussed with recommendations provided for best practices.

Introduction: La pandémie de COVID-19 a induit un important changement de stratégies de l'utilisation des programmes chirurgicaux de 3e cycle pour recruter, interagir avec les étudiants en médecine et sélectionner les étudiants déposant une candidature par le biais du CaRMS, le service d'affectation des résidents canadiens. Avec ce mouvement sans précédent vers une sélection virtuelle des candidats, l'étude a cherché à explorer et analyser les points de vue de la première cohorte de directeurs de programmes (DP) et de candidats ayant participé à ce processus. Méthodes: Une enquête transversale a été conçue à l'aide de Google Forms pour, à la fois, les DP et les candidats participant au processus de sélection de sous-spécialité chirurgicale 2021 du CaRMS. Des questions portaient sur le format et le contenu des méthodes de contact virtuelles, l'entretien proprement dit ainsi que sur des conseils pour les candidats futurs. Résultats: Trente-cinq DP et quarante candidats acceptés (n = 75) ont participé à l'étude. La réduction des coûts a été l'avantage des entretiens en ligne le plus souvent cité par les DP (85 %) suivie de l'efficacité (71 %), d'une meilleure gestion des ressources (49 %) et de la capacité à réaliser plus d'entretiens (23 %). De solides lettres de recommandation (80 %) et la performance au cours de l'entretien (74 %) restaient les facteurs les plus significatifs pour la sélection virtuelle des candidats. La participation aux événements virtuels de recrutement n'augmentait pas la probabilité d'offre d'un entretien (n = 24, 69 % des DP), même si la possibilité de réaliser des entretiens facultatifs en personne avait une valeur considérable. La plupart des candidats (90 %) ont indiqué que les séances d'information virtuelles étaient la meilleure méthode pour en savoir plus sur les programmes; la culture et l'environnement de travail étaient les thèmes ayant le plus de valeur comme sujets de discussion (90 %). Les candidats ayant réussi ont indiqué à 76 % qu'ils s'estimaient confiants sur le fait de bien correspondre aux programmes auxquels ils étaient affectés. Soixante-treize pour cent des candidats (n = 29) avaient une préférence pour les entretiens virtuels ou étaient dans le doute, tandis que 51,4 % des DP (n = 18) préféraient que les entretiens des cohortes futures soient menés virtuellement. Conclusion: Les stagiaires commencent leur résidence avec confiance après un processus de sélection virtuel et les DP se sentent confiants quant à leurs choix. Même s'il n'existe pas un franc consensus concernant une préférence pour les entretiens virtuels ou en face à face, la sélection à distance des résidents présente plusieurs avantages. L'influence d'un entretien optionnel en personne s'est avérée difficile à remplacer, quelle que soit la forme donnée à l'entretien. L'importance de l'engagement du candidat dans des programmes antérieurs aux entretiens est soulignée et discutée avec des recommandations fournies pour de meilleures pratiques.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(1): 115-126, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433792


Background: The popularity of aesthetic surgery is on the rise, as is patients' expectations towards excellent surgical results. In order to meet these expectations, risk factors that hinder desired outcomes, such as smoking, need to be identified and addressed. To that end, the present study summarizes an updated systematic review focused on the effects of smoking on cosmetic surgical procedures and outcomes. Methods: A systematic review of studies comparing aesthetic surgical outcomes by procedure, between tobacco smokers and non-smokers was carried out, querying PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane databases. Data regarding surgical outcomes were extracted and meta-analyzed by a random effects model in conjunction with the Mantel-Haenszel statistical method. Results: Eighty-two studies were included in the final synthesis. Abdominoplasty/panniculectomy (n = 19 cohorts) and breast reduction (n = 27 cohorts) were the most common types of procedures included in this review. Other than mastopexy and rhinoplasty, smoking conferred a statistically significant increased risk of overall complications for all studied aesthetic procedures. Conclusions: The data demonstrates that smoking is a clear risk factor for the vast majority of aesthetic plastic surgeries studied. Although our meta-analysis suggests that smoking is not a risk factor for complications in mastopexies and rhinoplasties, these two specific analyses may have been biased, and should therefore be re-evaluated with future additional evidence. The results of this systematic review confirm the importance of smoking cessation and education relative to the outcomes of common cosmetic surgical procedures.

Historique : La popularité de la chirurgie esthétique est en hausse, tout comme les attentes des patients envers l'excellence des résultats chirurgicaux. Pour répondre à ces attentes, il est nécessaire de nommer et de résoudre les facteurs de risque qui entravent les résultats souhaités, tels que le tabagisme. À cet effet, la présente étude résume une analyse systématique à jour des effets du tabagisme sur les interventions et les résultats en chirurgie esthétique. Méthodologie: Dans une analyse systématique des études, les chercheurs ont comparé les résultats de la chirurgie esthétique chez des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs en fonction de l'intervention, après une fouille dans les bases de données de PubMed, d'Embase et de Cochrane. Ils ont extrait les données relatives aux résultats des opérations et ont procédé à la méta-analyse à l'aide d'un modèle à effets aléatoires, conjointement avec la méthode statistique de Mantel-Haenszel. Résultats : Au total, les chercheurs ont inclus 82 études dans la synthèse définitive. Les interventions les plus fréquentes étaient les abdominoplasties et les panniculectomies (n = 19 cohortes), de même que les réductions mammaires (n = 27 cohortes). À part dans les cas de mastopexie et de rhinoplastie, le tabagisme provoquait une augmentation statistiquement significative du risque de complications globales dans tous les cas d'interventions esthétiques à l'étude. Conclusions : Les données ont démontré que le tabagisme est un facteur de risque évident dans la majorité des chirurgies esthétiques à l'étude. Même si la méta-analyse a indiqué que le tabagisme n'est pas un facteur de risque de complications dans les cas de mastopexie et de rhinoplastie, ces deux analyses peuvent avoir été biaisées et devraient donc être réévaluées d'après de futures données complémentaires. Les résultats de cette analyse systématique confirment l'importance de l'arrêt du tabagisme et de l'éducation sur les résultats des interventions chirurgicales esthétiques courantes.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 32(1): 19-32, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433796


Introduction: Aesthetic liposuction represents one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures worldwide. The purpose of this article is to examine and synthesize reported complication rates and explore the analytical prospect of possible patient or procedure-related predictive factors associated with specific complications. Methods: A systematic review was performed using the Pubmed, Cochrane, and Embase databases in line with specific criteria set to ensure an accurate assessment of complication rates; extracted data was synthesized through a random-effects model and meta-analysis of proportions. Results: A total of 60 studies were included in the meta-analysis, representing 21,776 patients undergoing aesthetic liposuction. Most studies followed an observational design. The overall complication rate was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI] 8%, 16%). When stratifying according to specific complications, the incidence of contour irregularities was determined to be 2% (95% CI 1%, 2%), seroma 2% (95% CI 1%; 2%), hematoma 1% (95% CI 0%, 1%), surgical site infection 1% (95% CI 1%, 2%), fibrosis or induration 1% (95% CI 1%, 2%), and pigmentary changes 1% (95% CI 1%, 1%), among others. A meta-regression to identify patient- or procedure-related factors associated with greater complication rates proved infeasible given the nature of the available data. Conclusion: Overall, liposuction demonstrated a relatively low complication rate profile, however, a considerable degree of heterogeneity exists within the examined literature preventing the recognition of predictive risk factors. While this calls for efforts to establish consensus on unified methods of outcomes reporting, the present meta-analysis can serve to provide practitioners with an evidence-based reference to improve informed consent and inform clinical guidelines, specifically pertaining to the incidence of commonly encountered complications in aesthetic liposuction, of which presently available survey studies and database queries remain devoid.

Introduction : La liposuccion esthétique est l'une des procédures esthétiques le plus souvent réalisées dans le monde. L'objectif de cet article est d'étudier et synthétiser les taux de complications rapportés et d'explorer la possibilité d'analyse de possibles facteurs prédictifs liés aux patients ou à la procédure en association avec des complications spécifiques. Méthodes : Une revue systématique a été exécutée à partir des bases de données Pubmed, Cochrane et Embase selon un ensemble de critères spécifiques pour assurer une évaluation précise des taux de complications; les données extraites ont été synthétisées par un modèle d'effets aléatoires et une méta-analyse des pourcentages. Résultats : Un total de 60 études a été inclus dans la méta-analyse, représentant 21 776 patients subissant une liposuccion esthétique. La plupart des études étaient observationnelles. Le taux global de complications était de 12% (IC à 95% : 8% à 16%). Après stratification selon des complications spécifiques, les incidences suivantes ­ parmi d'autres ­ ont été établies : irrégularités de contour a été établi à 2% (IC à 95% : 1% à 2%), sérome 2% (IC à 95% : 1% à 2%), hématome 1% (IC à 95% : 0% à 1%), infection du site opératoire 1% (IC à 95% : 1% à 2%), fibrose ou induration 1% (IC à 95% : 1% à 2%) et modification de la pigmentation 1% (IC à 95% : 1% à 1%). Une méta-régression visant à identifier des facteurs liés aux patients ou à la procédure pour les taux de complications les plus élevés s'est avérée infaisable, compte tenu de la nature des données disponibles. Conclusion : Globalement, la liposuccion a montré un relativement bas profil en termes de taux de complications. Il existe cependant une hétérogénéité considérable dans les publications étudiées, empêchant d'identifier des facteurs de risque prédictifs. Cela appelle à des efforts en vue de l'établissement d'un consensus sur des méthodes uniformisées de déclaration des résultats, mais la présente méta-analyse peut permettre aux praticiens de disposer d'une référence basée sur des constatations probantes pour améliorer le consentement éclairé et enrichir les lignes directrices cliniques, en particulier pour ce qui concerne l'incidence des complications fréquemment vues dans la liposuccion esthétique. En effet, les études, enquêtes et bases de données actuellement disponibles en sont dépourvues.

Aesthet Surg J ; 44(8): 889-896, 2024 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38318684


BACKGROUND: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the way plastic surgeons and their patients can access and leverage artificial intelligence (AI). OBJECTIVES: The present study aims to compare the performance of 2 current publicly available and patient-accessible LLMs in the potential application of AI as postoperative medical support chatbots in an aesthetic surgeon's practice. METHODS: Twenty-two simulated postoperative patient presentations following aesthetic breast plastic surgery were devised and expert-validated. Complications varied in their latency within the postoperative period, as well as urgency of required medical attention. In response to each patient-reported presentation, Open AI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard, in their unmodified and freely available versions, were objectively assessed for their comparative accuracy in generating an appropriate differential diagnosis, most-likely diagnosis, suggested medical disposition, treatments or interventions to begin from home, and/or red flag signs/symptoms indicating deterioration. RESULTS: ChatGPT cumulatively and significantly outperformed Bard across all objective assessment metrics examined (66% vs 55%, respectively; P < .05). Accuracy in generating an appropriate differential diagnosis was 61% for ChatGPT vs 57% for Bard (P = .45). ChatGPT asked an average of 9.2 questions on history vs Bard's 6.8 questions (P < .001), with accuracies of 91% vs 68% reporting the most-likely diagnosis, respectively (P < .01). Appropriate medical dispositions were suggested with accuracies of 50% by ChatGPT vs 41% by Bard (P = .40); appropriate home interventions/treatments with accuracies of 59% vs 55% (P = .94), and red flag signs/symptoms with accuracies of 79% vs 54% (P < .01), respectively. Detailed and comparative performance breakdowns according to complication latency and urgency are presented. CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT represents the superior LLM for the potential application of AI technology in postoperative medical support chatbots. Imperfect performance and limitations discussed may guide the necessary refinement to facilitate adoption.

Inteligencia Artificial , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Humanos , Femenino , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/terapia , Mamoplastia/métodos , Mamoplastia/efectos adversos , Adulto , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230304


Background: Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are used to treat an array of aesthetic indications. Proper filler selection is paramount for successful patient outcomes. However, many important physiochemical and physical properties that impact HA gel behavior remain undefined. Purpose: To evaluate the hydrophilicity, cohesivity and particle size of eight commercial HA fillers manufactured by either Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid (NASHA) or Optimal Balance Technology (OBT) techniques. Methods and Materials: Three individual in vitro experiments were performed to assess HA swelling capacity, cohesion, and particle size. Image analyses, blinded evaluation using the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale, and laser diffraction technology were utilized, respectively. Results: Compared to fillers manufactured with NASHA technology, OBT products demonstrated greater swelling capacity, cohesion, and wider particle size distributions. Strong positive correlations between swelling factor, degree of cohesivity, and increasing widths of the particle size distributions were observed. Conclusions: The hydrophilicity, cohesivity and particle size distributions vary among HA fillers manufactured with different techniques. The creation of new labels identifying products based on their unique combination of physiochemical and physical characteristics may help guide appropriate selection of HA fillers to optimize patient outcomes.

Plast Reconstr Surg ; 153(3): 597e-604e, 2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37104466


BACKGROUND: The development of mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO) and tongue-lip adhesion (TLA) has led to significant improvements in respiratory outcomes for the Robin sequence (RS) population. Despite such advances, there continues to be debate regarding management strategies. The authors present their experience managing the RS population with insights on technique selection. METHODS: A retrospective review of RS patients treated at the senior author's institution from 2003 to 2021 was conducted. Baseline patient demographics and clinical parameters including feeding and respiratory status were recorded. Outcomes included the need for tracheostomy or tracheostomy, decannulation rates, and feeding status. Patients were evaluated through overnight oximetry and drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE). Outcomes were stratified according to management technique (MDO, TLA, versus conservative) and compared through statistical analysis. RESULTS: Fifty-nine RS patients were included. Twenty-eight were managed conservatively, 19 underwent MDO, 10 underwent TLA, one underwent both TLA and MDO, and one underwent tracheostomy primarily. Overall, 1.7% of the cohort required a tracheostomy and 86% achieved oral feeding after the procedure. The MDO cohort had lower Apgar scores and mean birth weight compared with the conservative and TLA cohorts ( P < 0.05). There were no statistical differences in respiratory and feeding outcomes across all three cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: A therapeutic algorithm was developed with insight into the use of DISE and risk stratification with overnight oximetry to guide procedural selection. Using this approach, safe and satisfactory respiratory outcomes were achieved with a low tracheostomy rate. Risk stratification is possible without polysomnography, and DISE is a promising tool (that requires further validation) for procedural selection in this population. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, IV.

Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas , Osteogénesis por Distracción , Síndrome de Pierre Robin , Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Resultado del Tratamiento , Síndrome de Pierre Robin/cirugía , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas/cirugía , Labio/cirugía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Osteogénesis por Distracción/métodos , Mandíbula/cirugía , Algoritmos , Hospitales
J Craniofac Surg ; 35(1): 6-9, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37622565


INTRODUCTION: While the literature is replete of clinical studies reporting on the Robin sequence (RS), population-based analyses are scarce with significant variability within the literature in terms of reported incidence, demographic parameters, and outcomes. The authors have conducted a 20-year population-based analysis to guide clinical practice. METHODS: A birth cohort was created from the available datasets in the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project-Kids' Inpatient Database (HCUP-KID; 2000-2019). Robin sequence patients were identified and further stratified by syndromic status. Incidence, demographic parameters, and outcomes including mortality and tracheostomy rates were computed. A subset analysis comparing the isolated and syndromic cohorts was conducted. Data was analyzed through a χ 2 or t test. RESULTS: The incidence of RS was 5.15:10,000 (95% CI: 4.99-5.31) from a birth cohort of 7.5 million. Overall, 63.3% of the cohort was isolated RS and 36.7% had syndromic RS. Robin sequence patients had a significantly higher rate of cardiac (25.9%) and neurological (8.6%) anomalies compared with the general birth cohort and were most commonly managed in urban teaching hospitals ( P <0.0001). The pooled mortality and tracheostomy rates were 6.6% and 3.6%, respectively. Syndromic status was associated with a longer length of hospital stay (27.8 versus 13.6 d), tracheostomy rate (6.2% versus 2.1%), and mortality (14.1% versus 2.2%) compared with isolated RS ( P <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The true incidence of RS is likely higher than previously reported estimates. Isolated RS patients have a low associated mortality and tracheostomy rate and are typically managed in urban teaching hospitals. Syndromic status confers a higher mortality rate, tracheostomy rate, and length of stay compared with nonsyndromic counterparts.

Síndrome de Pierre Robin , Humanos , Estados Unidos/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Síndrome de Pierre Robin/epidemiología , Síndrome de Pierre Robin/cirugía , Síndrome de Pierre Robin/complicaciones , Incidencia , Tiempo de Internación , Pacientes Internos
Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 31(4): 417-420, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37915355


Although rarer than their lateral orbital counterparts, dermoid cysts are part of any differential diagnosis of a midline nasal mass in the pediatric population. Here we present a case of a nasal dermoid with intracranial extension that presented as a mass appearing at the nasal-cheek junction. This atypical presentation for a nasal dermoid highlights the need for clinicians to remain vigilant and consider midline dermoid cyst as a diagnosis despite an off-midline position on the face.

Bien qu'ils soient plus rares que les kystes orbitaux, les kystes dermoïdes font partie du diagnostic différentiel de masse nasale médiane dans la population pédiatrique. Les auteurs présentent un cas de kyste dermoïde comportant une extension intracrânienne qui a pris la forme d'une masse à la jonction du nez et de la joue. Cette manifestation atypique de kyste dermoïde nasal fait ressortir la nécessité que les cliniciens demeurent vigilants et envisagent ce diagnostic malgré une position décalée de la médiane sur le visage.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 31(3): 217, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37654532
Biomater Adv ; 153: 213519, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37392519


Inadequate tissue blood supply as may be found in a wound or a poorly vascularised graft, can result in tissue ischemia and necrosis. As revascularization is a slow process relative to the proliferation of bacteria and the onset of tissue necrosis, extensive tissue damage and loss can occur before healing is underway. Necrosis can develop rapidly, and treatment options are limited such that loss of tissue following necrosis onset is considered unavoidable and irreversible. Oxygen delivery from biomaterials exploiting aqueous decomposition of peroxy-compounds has shown some potential in overcoming the supply limitations by creating oxygen concentration gradients higher than can be attained physiologically or by air saturated solutions. We sought to test whether subdermal oxygen delivery from a material composite that was buffered and contained a catalyst, to reduce hydrogen peroxide release, could ameliorate necrosis in a 9 × 2 cm flap in a rat model that reliably underwent 40 % necrosis if untreated. Blood flow in this flap reduced from near normal to essentially zero, along its 9 cm length and subdermal perforator vessel anastomosis was physically prevented by placement of a polymer sheet. In the middle, low blood flow region of the flap, treatment significantly reduced necrosis based on measurements from photographs and histological micrographs. No change was observed in blood vessel density but significant differences in HIF1-α, inducible nitric oxide synthase and liver arginase were observed with oxygen delivery.

Piel , Colgajos Quirúrgicos , Ratas , Animales , Piel/irrigación sanguínea , Piel/patología , Colgajos Quirúrgicos/irrigación sanguínea , Colgajos Quirúrgicos/patología , Isquemia/patología , Isquemia/prevención & control , Oxígeno/uso terapéutico , Necrosis/patología
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open ; 11(5): e4985, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37197011


Positional plagiocephaly is a pediatric condition with important cosmetic implications affecting ∼40% of infants under 12 months of age. Early diagnosis and treatment initiation is imperative in achieving satisfactory outcomes; improved diagnostic modalities are needed to support this goal. This study aimed to determine whether a smartphone-based artificial intelligence tool could diagnose positional plagiocephaly. Methods: A prospective validation study was conducted at a large tertiary care center with two recruitment sites: (1) newborn nursery, (2) pediatric craniofacial surgery clinic. Eligible children were aged 0-12 months with no history of hydrocephalus, intracranial tumors, intracranial hemorrhage, intracranial hardware, or prior craniofacial surgery. Successful artificial intelligence diagnosis required identification of the presence and severity of positional plagiocephaly. Results: A total of 89 infants were prospectively enrolled from the craniofacial surgery clinic (n = 25, 17 male infants [68%], eight female infants [32%], mean age 8.44 months) and newborn nursery (n = 64, 29 male infants [45%], 25 female infants [39%], mean age 0 months). The model obtained a diagnostic accuracy of 85.39% compared with a standard clinical examination with a disease prevalence of 48%. Sensitivity was 87.50% [95% CI, 75.94-98.42] with a specificity of 83.67% [95% CI, 72.35-94.99]. Precision was 81.40%, while likelihood ratios (positive and negative) were 5.36 and 0.15, respectively. The F1-score was 84.34%. Conclusions: The smartphone-based artificial intelligence algorithm accurately diagnosed positional plagiocephaly in a clinical environment. This technology may provide value by helping guide specialist consultation and enabling longitudinal quantitative monitoring of cranial shape.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 31(2): 161-167, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37188127


Introduction: Plastic surgeons are more likely to face medical litigation, compared to other specialists. Although this has been previously studied in other countries, there is a paucity of data regarding legal medical cases within Canada. The goal of this study was to compile and analyze all medical litigations in plastic surgery in Canada and identify themes associated them. Methods: A systematic search of the 2 largest Canadian online legal databases, LexisNexis Canada and WestLawNext Canada, was conducted to retrieve all legal medical cases against plastic surgeons in Canadian courts. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed to dissect the characteristics of plastic surgery litigation in Canada. Results: A total of 105 legal cases were included in this analysis, including 81 lawsuits and 24 appeals. The preponderance of cases was related to breast surgeries (47.0%), followed by head and neck surgeries (18.1%), with 76.5% being related to cosmetic surgery; 64.2% were ruled in favour of the surgeon. The lack of preoperative informed consent was highly associated with a final ruling in favour of the patient (P < .0001). The average monetary value of damages awarded was $61 076. There was no significant difference in monetary value between cosmetic and reconstructive cases. Conclusion: The majority of medical litigation in plastic surgery in Canada is associated with cosmetic surgeries, most commonly of the breast. Lack of informed consent is associated with judicial rulings in favour of patients. By understanding the themes underlying these legal cases, we hope to highlight the main issues that lead to litigation in plastic surgery.

Introduction: Les chirurgiens plastiques sont plus susceptibles de faire face à un contentieux médical que d'autres spécialistes. Si cela a déjà été étudié dans d'autres pays, il y a peu de données sur les affaires judiciaires de nature médicale au Canada. L'objectif de cette étude était de compiler et analyser les contentieux médicaux en chirurgie plastique au Canada et d'identifier les thèmes qui leur sont associés. Méthodes: Une recherche systématique a été menée dans les deux grandes bases de données juridiques canadiennes sur internet, LexisNexis® Canada et WestLawNext® Canada, pour en tirer toutes les affaires judiciaires contre des chirurgiens plastiques passées devant les tribunaux canadiens. Des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives ont été réalisées pour disséquer les caractéristiques des contentieux en chirurgie plastique au Canada. Résultats: Un total de 105 cas judiciaires ont été inclus dans cette analyse, dont 81 poursuites en justice et 24 appels. Une prépondérance de cas avait trait à la chirurgie mammaire (47,0 %), suivie par la chirurgie de la tête et du cou (18,1 %), et 76,5 % étant liés à chirurgie cosmétique. Dans 64,2 % des cas, la décision a été en faveur du chirurgien. L'absence de consentement éclairé préopératoire a été fortement associée à des jugements définitifs en faveur des patients (P < 0,0001). La valeur monétaire moyenne des dommages et intérêts accordés était de 61 076 $. Il n'y a pas eu de différence significative de valeur monétaire entre les cas cosmétiques et la chirurgie reconstructrice. Conclusion: La majorité des cas de contentieux médicaux en chirurgie plastique au Canada est associée à la chirurgie cosmétique, le plus souvent la chirurgie mammaire. L'absence de consentement éclairé est associée aux décisions judiciaires favorables aux patients. En comprenant les thèmes sous-tendant ces affaires judiciaires, nous espérons souligner les principaux problèmes qui débouchent sur un contentieux en chirurgie plastique.

Plast Surg (Oakv) ; 31(2): 113-114, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37188138
J Surg Educ ; 80(6): 873-883, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37105861


BACKGROUND: Breast augmentation is the most performed aesthetic procedure in the United States yet one that surgical trainees have limited exposure to. This creates a lack of confidence in performing this key procedure among graduates. It is imperative to develop novel curricula and objective measures to standardize acquiring competency. OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study establishes various cognitive competencies and pitfalls in augmentation mammoplasty. METHODS: Using a priori established task analysis, literary sources and operative observations, a total of 20 cognitive vignettes were developed to conduct cognitive task analyses (CTA) for breast augmentation through semistructured interviews of experts. Interviews were itemized, and verbal data were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed by reviewers. RESULTS: Eight experts were interviewed (median age 39 years, 87.5% males, with a median of 7 years in practice). A conceptual framework for breast augmentation was developed and divided into 5 operative stages containing 208 competencies and 41 pitfalls. Pitfalls were mapped to deficits in shared decision making, proper informed consent, prospective hemostasis, and awareness of anatomical landmarks and markings. CONCLUSIONS: This work provided an inclusive framework of cognitive competencies in breast augmentation surgery to facilitate their assessment. This model guides the analysis of other procedures to transfer cognitive competencies to learners. In a transition toward competency-based education, this provides a primer to assessments that include all aspects of a surgeon's skill set.

Competencia Clínica , Mamoplastia , Masculino , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Femenino , Adulto , Estudios Prospectivos , Cognición , Curriculum
Aesthet Surg J ; 43(10): 1150-1158, 2023 09 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37099036


BACKGROUND: Fat manipulation procedures such as liposuction contain a degree of subjectivity primarily guided by the surgeon's visual or tactile perception of the underlying fat. Currently, there is no cost-effective, direct method to objectively measure fat depth and volume in real time. OBJECTIVES: Utilizing innovative ultrasound-based software, the authors aimed to validate fat tissue volume and distribution measurements in the preoperative setting. METHODS: Eighteen participants were recruited to evaluate the accuracy of the new software. Recruited participants underwent ultrasound scans within the preoperative markings of the study area before surgery. Ultrasound-estimated fat profiles were generated with the in-house software and compared directly with the intraoperative aspirated fat recorded after gravity separation. RESULTS: Participants' mean age and BMI were 47.6 (11.3) years and 25.6 (2.3) kg/m2, respectively. Evaluation of trial data showed promising results following the use of a Bland Altman agreement analysis. For the 18 patients and 44 volumes estimated, 43 of 44 measurements fell within a confidence interval of 95% when compared with the clinical lipoaspirate (dry) volumes collected postsurgery. The bias was estimated at 9.15 mL with a standard deviation of 17.08 mL and 95% confidence interval between -24.34 mL and 42.63 mL. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative fat assessment measurements agreed significantly with intraoperative lipoaspirate volumes. The pilot study demonstrates, for the first time, a novel companion tool with the prospect of supporting surgeons in surgical planning, measuring, and executing the transfer of adipose tissues.

Lipectomía , Humanos , Tejido Adiposo/diagnóstico por imagen , Tejido Adiposo/cirugía , Lipectomía/métodos , Proyectos Piloto , Programas Informáticos , Validación de Programas de Computación , Ultrasonografía , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad