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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(16): 167202, 2022 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522502


A broken interfacial inversion symmetry in ultrathin ferromagnet/heavy metal (FM/HM) bilayers is generally believed to be a prerequisite for accommodating the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) and for stabilizing chiral spin textures. In these bilayers, the strength of the DMI decays as the thickness of the FM layer increases and vanishes around a few nanometers. In the present study, through synthesizing relatively thick films of compositions CoPt or FePt, CoCu or FeCu, FeGd and FeNi, contributions to DMI from the composition gradient-induced bulk magnetic asymmetry (BMA) and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) are systematically examined. Using Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy, both the sign and amplitude of DMI in films with controllable direction and strength of BMA, in the presence and absence of SOC, are experimentally studied. In particular, we show that a sizable amplitude of DMI (±0.15 mJ/m^{2}) can be realized in CoPt or FePt films with BMA and strong SOC, whereas negligible DMI strengths are observed in other thick films with BMA but without significant SOC. The pivotal roles of BMA and SOC are further examined based on the three-site Fert-Lévy model and first-principles calculations. It is expected that our findings may help to further understand the origin of chiral magnetism and to design novel noncollinear spin textures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(13): 137201, 2021 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33861132


We present an experimental study of time refraction of spin waves (SWs) propagating in microscopic waveguides under the influence of time-varying magnetic fields. Using space- and time-resolved Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we demonstrate that the broken translational symmetry along the time coordinate results in a loss of energy conservation for SWs and thus allows for a broadband and controllable shift of the SW frequency. With an integrated design of SW waveguide and microscopic current line for the generation of strong, nanosecond-long, magnetic field pulses, a conversion efficiency up to 39% of the carrier SW frequency is achieved, significantly larger compared to photonic systems. Given the strength of the magnetic field pulses and its strong impact on the SW dispersion relation, the effect of time refraction can be quantified on a length scale comparable to the SW wavelength. Furthermore, we utilize time refraction to excite SW bursts with pulse durations in the nanosecond range and a frequency shift depending on the pulse polarity.