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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(5)2023 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37227193


Recently, great progress has been made in the field of ultrasensitive microwave detectors, reaching even the threshold for utilization in circuit quantum electrodynamics. However, cryogenic sensors lack the compatibility with broad-band metrologically traceable power absorption measurements at ultralow powers, which restricts their range of applications. Here, we demonstrate such measurements using an ultralow-noise nanobolometer, which we extend by an additional direct-current (dc) heater input. The tracing of the absorbed power relies on comparing the response of the bolometer between radio frequency and dc-heating powers traced to the Josephson voltage and quantum Hall resistance. To illustrate this technique, we demonstrate two different methods of dc-substitution to calibrate the power that is delivered to the base temperature stage of a dilution refrigerator using our in situ power sensor. As an example, we demonstrate the ability to accurately measure the attenuation of a coaxial input line between the frequencies of 50 MHz and 7 GHz with an uncertainty down to 0.1 dB at a typical input power of -114 dBm.

Nature ; 586(7827): 47-51, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32999484


Radiation sensors based on the heating effect of absorbed radiation are typically simple to operate and flexible in terms of input frequency, so they are widely used in gas detection1, security2, terahertz imaging3, astrophysical observations4 and medical applications5. Several important applications are currently emerging from quantum technology and especially from electrical circuits that behave quantum mechanically, that is, circuit quantum electrodynamics6. This field has given rise to single-photon microwave detectors7-9 and a quantum computer that is superior to classical supercomputers for certain tasks10. Thermal sensors hold potential for enhancing such devices because they do not add quantum noise and they are smaller, simpler and consume about six orders of magnitude less power than the frequently used travelling-wave parametric amplifiers11. However, despite great progress in the speed12 and noise levels13 of thermal sensors, no bolometer has previously met the threshold for circuit quantum electrodynamics, which lies at a time constant of a few hundred nanoseconds and a simultaneous energy resolution of the order of 10h gigahertz (where h is the Planck constant). Here we experimentally demonstrate a bolometer that operates at this threshold, with a noise-equivalent power of 30 zeptowatts per square-root hertz, comparable to the lowest value reported so far13, at a thermal time constant two orders of magnitude shorter, at 500 nanoseconds. Both of these values are measured directly on the same device, giving an accurate estimation of 30h gigahertz for the calorimetric energy resolution. These improvements stem from the use of a graphene monolayer with extremely low specific heat14 as the active material. The minimum observed time constant of 200 nanoseconds is well below the dephasing times of roughly 100 microseconds reported for superconducting qubits15 and matches the timescales of currently used readout schemes16,17, thus enabling circuit quantum electrodynamics applications for bolometers.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 6325, 2018 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29679059


Superconducting microwave circuits show great potential for practical quantum technological applications such as quantum information processing. However, fast and on-demand initialization of the quantum degrees of freedom in these devices remains a challenge. Here, we experimentally implement a tunable heat sink that is potentially suitable for the initialization of superconducting qubits. Our device consists of two coupled resonators. The first resonator has a high quality factor and a fixed frequency whereas the second resonator is designed to have a low quality factor and a tunable resonance frequency. We engineer the low quality factor using an on-chip resistor and the frequency tunability using a superconducting quantum interference device. When the two resonators are in resonance, the photons in the high-quality resonator can be efficiently dissipated. We show that the corresponding loaded quality factor can be tuned from above 105 down to a few thousand at 10 GHz in good quantitative agreement with our theoretical model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(3): 030802, 2016 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27472107


We experimentally investigate and utilize electrothermal feedback in a microwave nanobolometer based on a normal-metal (Au_{x}Pd_{1-x}) nanowire with proximity-induced superconductivity. The feedback couples the temperature and the electrical degrees of freedom in the nanowire, which both absorbs the incoming microwave radiation, and transduces the temperature change into a radio-frequency electrical signal. We tune the feedback in situ and access both positive and negative feedback regimes with rich nonlinear dynamics. In particular, strong positive feedback leads to the emergence of two metastable electron temperature states in the millikelvin range. We use these states for efficient threshold detection of coherent 8.4 GHz microwave pulses containing approximately 200 photons on average, corresponding to 1.1×10^{-21} J≈7.0 meV of energy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(24): 240501, 2012 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368292


A localized qubit entangled with a propagating quantum field is well suited to study nonlocal aspects of quantum mechanics and may also provide a channel to communicate between spatially separated nodes in a quantum network. Here, we report the on-demand generation and characterization of Bell-type entangled states between a superconducting qubit and propagating microwave fields composed of zero-, one-, and two-photon Fock states. Using low noise linear amplification and efficient data acquisition we extract all relevant correlations between the qubit and the photon states and demonstrate entanglement with high fidelity.