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Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 79(Pt 4): 301-317, 2023 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37265049


This paper presents the basic tools used to describe the global symmetry of so-called bilayer structures obtained when two differently oriented crystalline monoatomic layers of the same structure are superimposed and displaced with respect to each other. The 2D nature of the layers leads to the use of complex numbers that allows for simple explicit analytical expressions of the symmetry properties involved in standard bicrystallography [Gratias & Portier (1982). J. Phys. Colloq. 43, C6-15-C6-24; Pond & Vlachavas (1983). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A, 386, 95-143]. The focus here is on the twist rotations such that the superimposition of the two layers generates a coincidence lattice. The set of such coincidence rotations plotted as a function of the lengths of their coincidence lattice unit-cell nodes exhibits remarkable arithmetic properties. The second part of the paper is devoted to determination of the space groups of the bilayers as a function of the rigid-body translation associated with the coincidence rotation. These general results are exemplified with a detailed study of graphene bilayers, showing that the possible symmetries of graphene bilayers with a coincidence lattice, whatever the rotation and the rigid-body translation, are distributed in only six distinct types of space groups. The appendix discusses some generalized cases of heterophase bilayers with coincidence lattices due to specific lattice constant ratios, and mechanical deformation by elongation and shear of a layer on top of an undeformed one.

Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 74(Pt 6): 647-658, 2018 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30378576


Some specific structures of intermetallic alloys, like approximants of quasicrystals, have their unit cells and most of their atoms located on a periodic fraction of the nodes of a unique {\bb Z}-module [a set of the irrational projections of the nodes of a (N > 3-dimensional) lattice]. Those hidden internal symmetries generate possible new kinds of defects like coherent twins, translation defects and so-called module dislocations that have already been discussed elsewhere [Quiquandon et al. (2016). Acta Cryst. A72, 55-61; Sirindil et al. (2017). Acta Cryst. A73, 427-437]. Presented here are electron microscopy observations of the orthorhombic phase NiZr - and its low-temperature monoclinic variant - which reveal the existence of such defects based on the underlying {\bb Z}-module generated by the five vertices of the regular pentagon. New high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy high-angle annular dark-field (STEM-HAADF) observations demonstrate the agreement between the geometrical description of the structure in five dimensions and the experimental observations of fivefold twins and translation defects.

Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 73(Pt 6): 427-437, 2017 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29072196


An analysis is presented of the new types of defects that can appear in crystalline structures where the positions of the atoms and the unit cell belong to the same {\bb Z}-module, i.e. are irrational projections of an N > 3-dimensional (N-D) lattice Λ as in the case of quasicrystals. Beyond coherent irrationally oriented twins already discussed in a previous paper [Quiquandon et al. (2016). Acta Cryst. A72, 55-61], new two-dimensional translational defects are expected, the translation vectors of which, being projections of nodes of Λ, have irrational coordinates with respect to the unit-cell reference frame. Partial dislocations, called here module dislocations, are the linear defects bounding these translation faults. A specific case arises when the Burgers vector B is the projection of a non-zero vector of Λ that is perpendicular to the physical space. This new kind of dislocation is called a scalar dislocation since, because its Burgers vector in physical space is zero, it generates no displacement field and has no interaction with external stress fields and other dislocations.

Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 72(Pt 1): 55-61, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26697867


A twin is defined as being an external operation between two identical crystals that share a fraction of the atomic structure with no discontinuity from one crystal to the other. This includes merohedral twins, twins by reticular merohedry as well as coherent twins by contact where only the habit plane is shared by the two adjacent crystals (epitaxy). Interesting and original cases appear when the invariant substructure is built with positions belonging to the same {\bb Z}-module as, for example, the quinary twin structure first drawn by Albrecht Dürer [(1525). The Painter's Manual: a Manual of Measurement of Lines, Areas and Solids by Means of Compass and Ruler. Facsimile Edition (1977), translated with commentary by W. L. Strauss. New York: Abaris Books]. This paper will show that the Dürer twins, once defined in five-dimensional space, are simple merohedral twins, in the sense of Georges Friedel, leaving the five-dimensional lattice invariant. This analysis will be generalized to some other higher-order {\bb Z}-modules.

Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 70(Pt 3): 229-38, 2014 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24815972


This paper presents the basic tools commonly used to describe the atomic structures of quasicrystals with a specific focus on the icosahedral phases. After a brief recall of the main properties of quasiperiodic objects, two simple physical rules are discussed that lead one to eventually obtain a surprisingly small number of atomic structures as ideal quasiperiodic models for real quasicrystals. This is due to the fact that the atomic surfaces (ASs) used to describe all known icosahedral phases are located on high-symmetry special points in six-dimensional space. The first rule is maximizing the density using simple polyhedral ASs that leads to two possible sets of ASs according to the value of the six-dimensional lattice parameter A between 0.63 and 0.79 nm. The second rule is maximizing the number of complete orbits of high symmetry to construct as large as possible atomic clusters similar to those observed in complex intermetallic structures and approximant phases. The practical use of these two rules together is demonstrated on two typical examples of icosahedral phases, i-AlMnSi and i-CdRE (RE = Gd, Ho, Tm).

Acta Crystallogr A ; 58(Pt 4): 391-403, 2002 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12089462


The structure of the alpha-(Al,Si)CuFe approximant phase is determined by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study and compared to the ideal structure obtained by the perpendicular shear method of the parent icosahedral phase. It is shown that the local environments (typical atomic clusters) of the two phases are similar and expand significantly farther than the size of the unit cell of the approximant. The orbit Al(2) issuing from the theoretical icosahedral model corresponding to the inner dodecahedron of the Mackay-type cluster is not found in the approximant and is replaced by a partially occupied inner icosahedron with an unusually large Debye-Waller factor.