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Earth Space Sci ; 8(11): e2021EA001637, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34820479


Visible-shortwave infrared (VSWIR) imaging spectrometers map composition remotely with spatial context, typically at many meters-scale from orbital and airborne data. Here, we evaluate VSWIR imaging spectroscopy capabilities at centimeters to sub-millimeter scale at the Samail Ophiolite, Oman, where mafic and ultramafic lithologies and their alteration products, including serpentine and carbonates, are exposed in a semi-arid environment, analogous to similar mineral associations observed from Mars orbit that will be explored by the Mars-2020 rover. At outcrop and hand specimen scales, VSWIR spectroscopy (a) identifies cross-cutting veins of calcite, dolomite, magnesite, serpentine, and chlorite that record pathways and time-order of multiple alteration events of changing fluid composition; (b) detects small-scale, partially altered remnant pyroxenes and localized epidote and prehnite that indicate protolith composition and temperatures and pressures of multiple generations of faulting and alteration, respectively; and (c) discriminates between spectrally similar carbonate and serpentine phases and carbonate solid solutions. In natural magnesite veins, minor amounts of ferrous iron can appear similar to olivine's strong 1-µm absorption, though no olivine is present. We also find that mineral identification for carbonate and serpentine in mixtures with each other is strongly scale- and texture-dependent; ∼40 area% dolomite in mm-scale veins at one serpentinite outcrop and ∼18 area% serpentine in a calcite-rich travertine outcrop are not discriminated until spatial scales of <∼1-2 cm/pixel. We found biological materials, for example bacterial mats versus vascular plants, are differentiated using wavelengths <1 µm while shortwave infrared wavelengths >1 µm are required to identify most organic materials and distinguish most mineral phases.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 126(8): e2021JB021976, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34595085


Processes for formation, cooling, and altering Earth's ocean crust are not yet completely understood due to challenges in access and sampling. Here, we use contiguous micro-imaging infrared spectroscopy to develop complete-core maps of mineral occurrence and investigate spatial patterns in the hydrothermal alteration of 1.2 km of oceanic crust recovered from Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A, GT2A, and GT3A drilled in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. The imaging spectrometer shortwave infrared sensor measured reflectance of light at wavelengths 1.0-2.6 µm at 250-260 µm/pixel, resulting in >1 billion independent measurements. We map distributions of nine key primary and secondary minerals/mineral groups-clinopyroxene, amphibole, calcite, chlorite, epidote, gypsum, kaolinite/montmorillonite, prehnite, and zeolite-and find differences in their spatial occurrences and pervasiveness. Accuracy of spectral mapping of occurrence is 68%-100%, established using X-ray diffraction measurements from the core description. The sheeted dikes and gabbros of upper oceanic crust Hole GT3A show more pervasive alteration and alteration dominated by chlorite, amphibole, and epidote. The foliated/layered gabbros of GT2A from intermediate crustal depths have similarly widespread chlorite but more zeolite and little amphibole and epidote. The layered gabbros of the lower oceanic crust (GT1A) have remnant pyroxene and 2X less chlorite, but alteration is extensive within and surrounding major fault zones with widespread occurrences of amphibole. The results indicate greater distribution of higher temperature alteration minerals in the upper oceanic crust relative to deeper gabbros and highlight the importance of fault zones in hydrothermal convection in the lower ocean crust.

J Geophys Res Planets ; 126(7): e2021JE006828, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34422534


Magnesium carbonates have been identified within the landing site of the Perseverance rover mission. This study reviews terrestrial analog environments and textural, mineral assemblage, isotopic, and elemental analyses that have been applied to establish formation conditions of magnesium carbonates. Magnesium carbonates form in five distinct settings: ultramafic rock-hosted veins, the matrix of carbonated peridotite, nodules in soil, alkaline lake, and playa deposits, and as diagenetic replacements within lime-and dolostones. Dominant textures include fine-grained or microcrystalline veins, nodules, and crusts. Microbial influences on formation are recorded in thrombolites, stromatolites, crinkly, and pustular laminites, spheroids, and filamentous microstructures. Mineral assemblages, fluid inclusions, and carbon, oxygen, magnesium, and clumped isotopes of carbon and oxygen have been used to determine the sources of carbon, magnesium, and fluid for magnesium carbonates as well as their temperatures of formation. Isotopic signatures in ultramafic rock-hosted magnesium carbonates reveal that they form by either low-temperature meteoric water infiltration and alteration, hydrothermal alteration, or metamorphic processes. Isotopic compositions of lacustrine magnesium carbonate record precipitation from lake water, evaporation processes, and ambient formation temperatures. Assessment of these features with similar analytical techniques applied to returned Martian samples can establish whether carbonates on ancient Mars were formed at high or low temperature conditions in the surface or subsurface through abiotic or biotic processes. The timing of carbonate formation processes could be constrained by 147Sm-143Nd isochron, U-Pb concordia, 207Pb-206Pb isochron radiometric dating as well as 3He, 21Ne, 22Ne, or 36Ar surface exposure dating of returned Martian magnesium carbonate samples.

Astrobiology ; 18(7): 934-954, 2018 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30035643


Ancient hydrothermal systems are a high-priority target for a future Mars sample return mission because they contain energy sources for microbes and can preserve organic materials (Farmer, 2000 ; MEPAG Next Decade Science Analysis Group, 2008 ; McLennan et al., 2012 ; Michalski et al., 2017 ). Characterizing these large, heterogeneous systems with a remote explorer is difficult due to communications bandwidth and latency; such a mission will require significant advances in spacecraft autonomy. Science autonomy uses intelligent sensor platforms that analyze data in real-time, setting measurement and downlink priorities to provide the best information toward investigation goals. Such automation must relate abstract science hypotheses to the measurable quantities available to the robot. This study captures these relationships by formalizing traditional "science traceability matrices" into probabilistic models. This permits experimental design techniques to optimize future measurements and maximize information value toward the investigation objectives, directing remote explorers that respond appropriately to new data. Such models are a rich new language for commanding informed robotic decision making in physically grounded terms. We apply these models to quantify the information content of different rover traverses providing profiling spectroscopy of Cuprite Hills, Nevada. We also develop two methods of representing spatial correlations using human-defined maps and remote sensing data. Model unit classifications are broadly consistent with prior maps of the site's alteration mineralogy, indicating that the model has successfully represented critical spatial and mineralogical relationships at Cuprite. Key Words: Autonomous science-Imaging spectroscopy-Alteration mineralogy-Field geology-Cuprite-AVIRIS-NG-Robotic exploration. Astrobiology 18, 934-954.

Exobiología/métodos , Marte , Simulación del Espacio/métodos , Exobiología/instrumentación , Modelos Estadísticos , Robótica , Vuelo Espacial , Nave Espacial , Análisis Espectral/instrumentación , Análisis Espectral/métodos