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Front Vet Sci ; 9: 990884, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36262528


The impact of drug transporters in veterinary medicine has been recognized in recent years. One of the most well-characterized is the product of the MDR1 gene, P-gp. A 4-bp deletion in the MDR1 gene known since 2001 has been described to affect herding dog breeds. Since many used drugs in veterinary medicine are substrates for P-gp, including the macrocyclic lactones, such as avermectins, this 4-bp deletion causes a pathological condition known as "ivermectin toxicosis." For this reason, it is important to determine the animal status concerning this mutation. In Portugal, the information of the occurrence of this mutation in our breeds is limited. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of this mutation and evaluate its association with Portuguese and non-Portuguese dog breeds in Portugal. To achieve this, a total of 105 animals were studied for the presence of the MDR1 4-bp deletion, 23 of which were from Barbado da Terceira, 10 from Cão da Serra d'Aires, 55 belonging to breeds known to carry the mutation (Australian Shepperd, Border Collie and others) and 17 to other breeds (Labrador Retriever, Jack Russel, and others). Despite the small sample size, we observed the presence of the MDR1 1-delta mutation in previously described breeds and identified this mutation in Barbado da Terceira breed for the first time.

Front Vet Sci ; 7: 616293, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33521089


Nowadays the intentional poisoning of domestic and wild animals is a crime in the European Union (EU), but as in the past the poison is still used in rural areas of a number of European countries to kill animals that were considered harmful for human activities. From January 2014 up until October 2020, the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (LFT-FMV) has done the analytical detection of poisoning substances in 503 samples of wildlife and domestic animals and pesticides residues were found in 239 of the samples analyzed. In this retrospective study, toxicology results from domestic species (dog, cat, sheep, cows, and horses), wildlife species (red foxes, birds of prey, lynx, and wild boar), and food baits, are presented. During this period the samples analyzed at the LFT-FMV, were received from all over the country. Analytical detections were performed via solvent extraction followed by thin layer chromatography. Molluscicides (47%, n = 109) and Carbamates (24%, n = 57) were found to be the first category of pesticides involved in intoxications, in both domestic and wild animals, followed by rodenticides (13%, n = 30)-in this group second and third generation, were the most represented; Strychnine is the third (11%, n = 26) even though this pesticide has been banned in Portugal since 1988 and in the European Union since 2006 and finally Organophosphates (5%, n = 11) in the small number. This study allowed to realize that a great number of positive samples involved banned pesticides (i.e., Aldicarb and Strychnine) but, at the same time, many positives cases were due to the exposure to commercially available products (i.e., Methiocarb and Anticoagulant rodenticides). Also, it's possible to identify the areas where domestic species are the most affected (i.e., Setubal and Lisboa) and the areas where the wild animals are the mainly affected species (i.e., Faro, Castelo Branco, and Bragança).