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Eplasty ; 23: e49, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37664816


Background: Human factors research involves the study of work system interactions, physician workload, cognitive effort, and performance. This pilot study incorporated a human factor approach and other surgery-based metrics to assess cognitive workload among plastic surgeons during elective plastic surgery breast procedures. Methods: In this prospective study of plastic surgery breast procedures over a 3-month period, surgeon and patient demographics and procedural details were collected. The lead surgeon assessed each procedure using a validated workload questionnaire (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index [NASA-TLX]) that included 6 subscales (ie, mental, physical, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration), a question on distraction, and their expectation of procedural difficulty. Results: Fifty-seven cases were included in this study. Surgical duration had a positive correlation with increased mental demand (P < .001), physical demand (P < .001), and degree of distractions (P < .001). Free flap reconstruction, breast reduction, and transgender mastectomy had the highest average mental, physical demands, and perceived effort. Bilateral cases had significantly higher workload than unilateral ones (P = .002). NASA-TLX scores between immediate and delayed reconstructions were comparable, but delayed cases had higher degree of distractions (P = .04). There was a strong correlation between degree of distractions and increased mental workload (R = 0.68; P < .001), increased physical demand (P = 0.61; P < .001), and increased temporal demand (R = 0.78; P < .001). More difficult procedures were associated with greater procedural duration than those rated as difficult as expected or less difficult than expected (P = .02). Conclusions: These preliminary data demonstrated multiple factors that may influence and govern perceived physician workload and may provide insight for targeted quality improvement to plan procedures safely and effectively.