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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 114: 109153, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38096701


INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Foot degloving injuries are serious problem and presented regularly to plastic surgery department. Proper identification of this condition followed by suitable reconstruction reduces disability and limb loss. This study highlights the effectiveness of a supramalleolar flap for covering a foot defect. CASE PRESENTATION: An 18 year- old man was involved in a road traffic accident and received trauma to his left foot which led to loss of the skin of the dorsum of his foot. He was referred to a plastic surgery unit after initial stabilization. After reassessment, he was diagnosed as a left dorsum foot degloving injury. Then he underwent multiple sessions of debridement followed by resurfacing of the foot using pedicaled lateral supramalleolar flap. The flap covers the dorsum aspect of the left foot and the post-surgery period passed uneventfully. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: The Lateral supra malleolar flap reaches distal defects, preserves a main limb neurovascular supply and is aesthetically acceptable. All these advantages, besides ease of harvest, make it more useful for cover of foot defects. Although it is not an ideal reconstructive method, when microvascular surgery is not applicable, this technique will cover foot defects. CONCLUSION: We present this case because foot degloving injury is common but there is limited options for covering, although free flap is gold standard reconstructive tool but pedicaled supramalleolar flap can reach final result similar to complex surgeries. Although complications exist in literature, benefits promote using this method.