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Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 11(1): 10-31, jan.-mar.2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361446


Objetivo: discutir se replicar o Projeto "Sífilis Não", naquilo que se refere ao tratamento de vastas quantidades de dados pessoais relativos à saúde sem o consentimento dos titulares, seria possível em solo português. Metodologia: análise da legislação referente à proteção de dados pessoais brasileira, portuguesa e europeia, tendo o Projeto "Sífilis Não" como o caso em estudo. Resultados: o tratamento de dados pessoais sensíveis sem o consentimento do titular é, em regra, proibido pelo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados, entretanto, o tratamento por motivo de interesse público na área da saúde e para fins de pesquisa científica é autorizado, desde que sejam garantidas as liberdades fundamentais dos titulares. Conclusão: tendo em vista que o Projeto "Sífilis Não" é um projeto de pesquisa que envolve o enfrentamento e erradicação da sífilis em todas as suas formas, hipóteses específicas da legislação portuguesa e europeia autorizam o tratamento de dados pessoais sensíveis mesmo sem o consentimento dos titulares, notadamente o tratamento de dados pessoais por motivos de interesse público no domínio da saúde pública e para fins de investigação científica.

Objective: to discuss whether the reproduction of the "No Syphilis" Project regarding the processing of large scale of personal data related to health without the consent of the holders would be possible in Portugal. Methods: analysis of the Brazilian, Portuguese, and European legislation on personal data protection, with the "No Syphilis" Project as a case study. Results: the processing of sensitive personal data without the consent of the owner is, as a rule, prohibited by the General Data Protection Regulation, however the processing for reasons of public interest in the field of health and scientific research purposes is authorized, provided that the fundamental freedoms of the holders are guaranteed. Conclusion: considering that the "No Syphilis" Project is a research project that involves addressing and eradicating syphilis in all its forms, specific hypotheses of Portuguese and European legislation authorize the processing of sensitive personal data even without the consent of the holders, specifically, the processing of personal data for reasons of public interest in the field of public health and scientific research purposes.

Objetivo: discutir si la reproducción del Proyecto "Sífilis No", con respecto al procesamiento de grandes cantidades de datos personales relacionados con la salud sin el consentimiento de los titulares, sería posible en el terreno portugués. Metodología: análisis de la legislación sobre protección de datos personales brasileños, portugueses y europeos, con el Proyecto "Sífilis No" como caso en estudio. Resultados: el tratamiento de datos personales sensibles sin el consentimiento del titular está, por regla general, prohibido por el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, sin embargo, el tratamiento por razones de interés público en el ámbito de la salud y con fines de investigación científica está autorizado, siempre que se garanticen las libertades fundamentales de los titulares. Conclusión: considerando que el Proyecto "Sífilis No" es un proyecto de investigación que implica hacer frente y erradicar la sífilis en todas sus formas, hipótesis específicas de la legislación portuguesa y europea autorizan el procesamiento de datos personales sensibles incluso sin el consentimiento de los titulares, en concreto, el tratamiento de datos personales por razones de interés público en el ámbito de la salud pública y con fines de investigación científica.

BMC Med Inform Decis Mak ; 22(1): 8, 2022 01 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34996444


BACKGROUND: In Brazil, many public hospitals face constant problems related to high demand vis-à-vis an overall scarcity of resources, which hinders the operations of different sectors such as the surgical centre, as it is considered one of the most relevant pillars for the proper hospital functioning, due to its complexity, criticality as well as economic and social importance. Proper asset management based on well-founded decisions is, therefore, a sine-qua-non condition for addressing such demands. However, subjectivity and other difficulties present in decisions make the management of hospital resources a constant challenge. METHODS: Thus, the present work proposes the application of a hybrid approach, formed by the QFD tools, fuzzy logic and SERVQUAL as a decision support tool for the quality planning of the surgical centre of the Onofre Lopes Teaching Hospital (Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes-HUOL). To accomplish such objective, it was necessary to discover and analyse the main needs of the medical team working in the operating room, through the application of the SERVQUAL questionnaire, associated with fuzzy logic. RESULTS: Then, the most relevant deficiencies were transformed into entries for the QFD-fuzzy, where they were translated into project requirements. Soon after, the analysis of the existing relationships between the inputs and these requirements was carried out, generating the ranking of actions with the greatest impact on the improvement of the surgical centre overall quality. CONCLUSIONS: As a result, it was found that the proposed methodology can optimize the decision process to which hospital managers are submitted, improving the surgical centre operation efficiency.

Lógica Difusa , Hospitales Públicos , Brasil , Hospitales de Enseñanza , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
J Multidiscip Healthc ; 13: 1717-1728, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273820


PURPOSE: The hospital is an organization that has its own characteristics that differentiate it from other institutions. It is characterized as a company providing services of social purpose, with a great operational complexity, due to the diversity of services provided. These organizations are dependent on technology to play the role of assisting society. Technology is onerous: it is up to the aforementioned institutions to adopt management tools to control these costs. The present study explains the process of implementing a shared service centre (CENTROMED) for the management of hospital medical equipment (HME) at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL) in the city of Natal, RN. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In order to achieve a successful implementation, four key steps were taken: process modelling; determination of key performance indicators, organization of physical arrangement; and adequate training and development of human resources. The work followed an action research approach focusing on three main methodological steps: identification of HUOL clinical engineering team's demands, definition of the process for providing the equipment service, and definition of the supply items that will be managed. RESULTS: The preliminary results of this research indicate that the centralization of the management of the HME contributed to the optimization of the processes, the reduction of the costs and the availability of the equipment, thus providing a powerful management tool to support the hospital operational management. CONCLUSION: The utilization of the shared service center for the management of hospital medical equipment is ultimately linked to the patient's well-being as it contributes to the agility in hospital procedures and provides support in maintaining the capacity of attendance of the assistance teams.

Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 28(4): 346-354, dez. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660857


Uma identificação correta de transientes em sinais de ECG (Eletrocardiograma) pode auxiliar métodos de processamento de sinal de ECG, pois esse tipo de evento degrada o sinal e pode induzir a erros. Diante disso, o presente trabalho propõe uma arquitetura para a detecção desses fenômenos, seguindo a tendência atual da computação distribuída, na qual um sensor realiza a detecção dos transientes no momento da aquisição do sinal, e, em seguida, encaminha essa informação através de uma rede de comunicação de dados, desenvolvida especialmente para a automação hospitalar, até um dispositivo computacional que irá processar os dados ou então apresentá-los a um profissional capacitado para fazer a análise de forma manual. Para realizar a detecção de transientes, foi proposto um método matemático baseado na transformada Hilbert do sinal de ECG, aliado ao PM-AH (Protocolo Multiciclos para Automação Hospitalar), com adição de quadros neste, para que seja possível o envio da informação sobre a ocorrência de transientes junto aos dados do sinal de eletrocardiograma. Dentre os transientes possíveis, foi escolhido o ruído, por ser o fenômeno que mais interfere no processamento de sinais de ECG, onde testes foram realizados com a base de dados MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database, enquanto uma análise matemática foi feita nos novos quadros do protocolo PM-AH, com o intuito de demonstrar a consistência do protocolo com esta adição.

A correct identification of transients in the ECG (electrocardiogram) can assist processing methods for ECG signals, since this type of event degrades the signal and can be misleading. Therefore, this paper proposes an architecture for detection of these phenomena, following the current trend of distributed computing, in which a sensor will detect transients at the time of signal acquisition, and then forward this information through a data communication network, designed specifically for hospital automation, to a computing device that will process the data or present it to a trained professional for manual analysis. To perform the detection of transients, a mathematical method based on the Hilbert transform of the ECG signal is proposed here, allied with the MP-HA (Multicycle Protocol for Hospital Automation), with the addition of frames, so that information on the occurrence of transients can be transmitted along with signal data of the electrocardiogram. Among the possible transients, noise was chosen because it is the phenomenon that interferes the most with the processing of ECG signals. Tests were performed using the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database, while a mathematical analysis was used in the new frames of the MP-HA protocol in order to demonstrate the consistency of the protocol with this addition.