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Hippocampus ; 2024 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39096199


Although the hippocampus has been implicated in both the temporal organization of memories and association of scene elements, some theoretical accounts posit that the role of the hippocampus in episodic memory is largely atemporal. In this study, we set out to explore this discrepancy by identifying hippocampal activity patterns related to scene construction while participants performed a temporal order memory task. Participants in the fMRI scanner were shown a sequence of photographs, each consisting of a central object and a contextual background scene. On each retrieval trial, participants were shown a pair of the original photographs (FULL), objects from the scenes without the background (OBJ), or background contexts without the main foreground object (BACK). In the temporal order judgment (TOJ) task, participants judged the temporal order of the pair of scenes; in the Viewing trials, two identical scenes were shown without any task. First, we found that the anterior hippocampus-particularly the CA1 and subiculum-showed similar patterns of activation between the BACK and OBJ conditions, suggesting that scene construction occurred spontaneously during both TOJ and Viewing. Furthermore, neural markers of scene construction in the anterior hippocampus did not apply to incorrect trials, showing that successful temporal memory retrieval was functionally linked to scene construction. In the cortex, time-processing areas, such as the supplementary motor area and the precuneus, and scene-processing areas, such as the parahippocampal cortex, were activated and functionally connected with the hippocampus. Together, these results support the view that the hippocampus is concurrently involved in scene construction and temporal organization of memory and propose a model of hippocampal episodic memory that takes both processes into account.

J Cogn Neurosci ; 35(11): 1773-1787, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37584602


Despite distinct neural representation of what, where, and when information, studies of individual differences in episodic memory have neglected to test the three components separately. Here, we used a componential episodic memory task to measure cognitive profiles across a wide age range and in Alzheimer disease (AD) and to examine the role of theta oscillations in explaining performance. In Experiment 1, we tested a group of 47 young adults (age 21-30 years, 21 women) while recording their scalp EEG. A separate behavioral experiment (Experiment 2) was performed in 42 older adults (age 66-85 years, 29 women) and in a group of 16 AD patients (age 80-90 years, 12 women). In Experiment 1, K-means clustering based on behavioral data resulted in three "cognotypes" whose memory profiles showed corresponding differences in their EEG markers: What and where memory depended on frontal theta power and when memory depended on theta modulation by temporal distance between retrieved items. In Experiment 2, healthy older adults showed three cognotypes similar to those found in younger adults; moreover, AD patients had an overlapping profile with one specific cognotype, characterized by marked difficulties in when memory. These findings highlight the utility of componential episodic memory tests and cognotyping in understanding individual strengths and vulnerabilities in age-related neurocognitive decline.