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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(9): e2310715121, 2024 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394241


We experimentally and theoretically study the dynamics of a one-dimensional array of pendula with a mild spatial gradient in their self-frequency and where neighboring pendula are connected with weak and alternating coupling. We map their dynamics to the topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model of charged quantum particles on a lattice with alternating hopping rates in an external electric field. By directly tracking the dynamics of a wave-packet in the bulk of the lattice, we observe Bloch oscillations, Landau-Zener transitions, and coupling between the isospin (i.e., the inner wave function distribution within the unit cell) and the spatial degrees of freedom (the distribution between unit cells). We then use Bloch oscillations in the bulk to directly measure the nontrivial global topological phase winding and local geometric phase of the band. We measure an overall evolution of 3.1 [Formula: see text] 0.2 radians for the geometrical phase during the Bloch period, consistent with the expected Zak phase of [Formula: see text]. Our results demonstrate the power of classical analogs of quantum models to directly observe the topological properties of the band structure and shed light on the similarities and the differences between quantum and classical topological effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(1): 016602, 2021 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34270311


The axion insulator is a higher-order topological insulator protected by inversion symmetry. We show that, under quenched disorder respecting inversion symmetry on average, the topology of the axion insulator stays robust, and an intermediate metallic phase in which states are delocalized is unavoidable at the transition from an axion insulator to a trivial insulator. We derive this conclusion from general arguments, from classical percolation theory, and from the numerical study of a 3D quantum network model simulating a disordered axion insulator through a layer construction. We find the localization length critical exponent near the delocalization transition to be ν=1.42±0.12. We further show that this delocalization transition is stable even to weak breaking of the average inversion symmetry, up to a critical strength. We also quantitatively map our quantum network model to an effective Hamiltonian and we find its low-energy k·p expansion.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32726771


We study the effects of pseudo-magnetic fields on Weyl semimetals with over-tilted Weyl cones, or type II cones. We compare the phenomenology of the resulting pseudo-Landau levels in the type II Weyl semimetal to the known case of type I cones. We predict that due to the nature of the chiral Landau level resulting from a magnetic field, a pseudo-magnetic field, or their combination, the optical conductivity can be utilized to detect a type II phase and deduce the direction of the tilt. Finally, we discuss ways to engineer homogeneous and inhomogeneous type II semimetals via generalizations of known layered constructions in order to create controlled pseudo-magnetic fields and over-tilted cones.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(25): 256802, 2020 Dec 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416370


We introduce a method to design topological mechanical metamaterials that are not constrained by Newtonian dynamics. The unit cells in a mechanical lattice are subjected to active feedback forces that are processed through autonomous controllers preprogrammed to generate the desired local response in real time. As an example, we focus on the quantum Haldane model, which is a two-band system with nonreciprocal coupling terms, the implementation of which in mechanical systems requires violating Newton's third law. We demonstrate that the required topological phase characterized by chiral edge modes can be achieved in an analogous mechanical system only with closed-loop control. We then show that our approach enables us to realize, a modified version of the Haldane model in a mechanical metamaterial. Here, the complex-valued couplings are polarized in a way that modes on opposite edges of a lattice propagate in the same direction, and are balanced by counterpropagating bulk modes. The proposed method is general and flexible, and could be used to realize arbitrary lattice parameters, such as nonlocal or nonlinear couplings, time-dependent potentials, non-Hermitian dynamics, and more, on a single platform.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(4): 046801, 2019 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491258


In magnetically doped thin-film topological insulators, aligning the magnetic moments generates a quantum anomalous Hall phase supporting a single chiral edge state. We show that as the system demagnetizes, disorder from randomly oriented magnetic moments can produce a "quantum anomalous parity Hall" phase with helical edge modes protected by a unitary reflection symmetry. We further show that introducing superconductivity, combined with selective breaking of reflection symmetry by a gate, allows for creation and manipulation of Majorana zero modes via purely electrical means and at zero applied magnetic field.

Sci Adv ; 3(5): e1602983, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28560340


By introducing a superconducting gap in Weyl or Dirac semimetals, the superconducting state inherits the nontrivial topology of their electronic structure. As a result, Weyl superconductors are expected to host exotic phenomena, such as nonzero-momentum pairing due to their chiral node structure, or zero-energy Majorana modes at the surface. These are of fundamental interest to improve our understanding of correlated topological systems, and, moreover, practical applications in phase-coherent devices and quantum applications have been proposed. Proximity-induced superconductivity promises to allow these experiments on nonsuperconducting Weyl semimetals. We show a new route to reliably fabricate superconducting microstructures from the nonsuperconducting Weyl semimetal NbAs under ion irradiation. The significant difference in the surface binding energy of Nb and As leads to a natural enrichment of Nb at the surface during ion milling, forming a superconducting surface layer (Tc ~ 3.5 K). Being formed from the target crystal itself, the ideal contact between the superconductor and the bulk may enable an effective gapping of the Weyl nodes in the bulk because of the proximity effect. Simple ion irradiation may thus serve as a powerful tool for the fabrication of topological quantum devices from monoarsenides, even on an industrial scale.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(25): 257601, 2016 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28036206


The polarization of a material and its response to applied electric and magnetic fields are key solid-state properties with a long history in insulators, although a satisfactory theory required new concepts such as Berry-phase gauge fields. In metals, quantities such as static polarization and the magnetoelectric θ term cease to be well defined. In polar metals, there can be analogous dynamical current responses, which we study in a common theoretical framework. We find that current responses to dynamical strain in polar metals depend on both the first and second Chern forms, related to polarization and magnetoelectricity in insulators as well as the orbital magnetization on the Fermi surface. We provide realistic estimates that predict that the latter contribution will dominate, and we investigate the feasibility of experimental detection of this effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(9): 096802, 2015 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371673


Transport in three-dimensional topological insulators relies on the existence of a spin-momentum locked surface state that encloses the insulating bulk. In this work we show how, in a topological insulator p-n junction, a magnetic field turns this surface state into an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Transmission of the junction can be tuned from zero to unity, resulting in virtually perfect visibility of the interference pattern, and the reflected and transmitted currents carry opposite spin polarization so that the junction also acts as a spin filter. Our setup therefore realizes a novel and highly tunable spintronic device where the effects of spin-momentum locking in topological insulator surface states can be probed directly in a transport experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(10): 107003, 2014 Sep 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25238379


Finding a clear signature of topological superconductivity in transport experiments remains an outstanding challenge. In this work, we propose exploiting the unique properties of three-dimensional topological insulator nanowires to generate a normal-superconductor junction in the single-mode regime where an exactly quantized 2e2/h zero-bias conductance can be observed over a wide range of realistic system parameters. This is achieved by inducing superconductivity in half of the wire, which can be tuned at will from trivial to topological with a parallel magnetic field, while a perpendicular field is used to gap out the normal part, except for two spatially separated chiral channels. The combination of chiral mode transport and perfect Andreev reflection makes the measurement robust to moderate disorder, and the quantization of conductance survives to much higher temperatures than in tunnel junction experiments. Our proposal may be understood as a variant of a Majorana interferometer which is easily realizable in experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(21): 216602, 2012 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23215605


The quantum spin Hall insulator is characterized by the presence of gapless helical edge states where the spin of the charge carriers is locked to their direction of motion. In order to probe the properties of the edge modes, we propose a design of a tunable quantum impurity realized by a local gate under an external magnetic field. Using the integrability of the impurity model, the conductance is computed for arbitrary interactions, temperatures and voltages, including the effect of Fermi liquid leads. The result can be used to infer the strength of interactions from transport experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(13): 136801, 2011 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21517404


Signatures of the non-Abelian statistics of quasiparticles in the ν=5/2 quantum Hall state are predicted to be present in the current-voltage characteristics of tunneling through one or two quantum Hall puddles of Landau filling ν(a) embedded in a bulk of filling ν(b) with (ν(a),ν(b))=(2,5/2) and (ν(a),ν(b))=(5/2,2).

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(8): 086803, 2008 Feb 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352649


We consider a quantum dot in the regime of the quantum Hall effect, particularly in Laughlin states and non-Abelian Read-Rezayi states. We find the location of the Coulomb blockade peaks in the conductance as a function of the area of the dot and the magnetic field. When the magnetic field is fixed and the area of the dot is varied, the peaks are equally spaced for the Laughlin states. In contrast, non-Abelian statistics is reflected in modulations of the spacing which depend on the magnetic field.