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Osteoarthr Cartil Open ; 3(4): 100209, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36474770


Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy of the anticatabolic 'a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif-5' (ADAMTS-5) inhibitor, S201086/GLPG1972, in slowing cartilage loss in participants with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design: ROCCELLA (NCT03595618) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-ranging, phase 2 trial. We plan to enrol a total of 852 participants with knee OA across 12 countries. Participants will be randomized 1:1:1:1 to receive 75, 150 or 300 â€‹mg S201086/GLPG1972, or placebo orally, once daily for 52 weeks. Eligible participants will be aged 40-75 years and have predominantly medial knee OA with centrally read Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 or 3, OARSI atlas medial femorotibial joint space narrowing grade 1 or 2, and consistent moderate to severe baseline pain. The primary endpoint will be the change from baseline to week 52 in magnetic resonance imaging-assessed central medial femorotibial compartment cartilage thickness. Secondary endpoints will include other structural outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes, as well as safety and pharmacokinetic assessments. Study sites will be assessed for eligibility based on factors including imaging quality, and images will be centrally read and quality checked. Conclusions: Using strict inclusion criteria and leading imaging techniques with stringent quality controls, the ROCCELLA trial will evaluate the efficacy of S201086/GLPG1972 in slowing cartilage loss in participants with knee OA. The selected eligibility criteria should enrich for participants with OA who experience sufficient cartilage loss to allow detection of a substantial treatment effect.

Osteoarthr Cartil Open ; 3(3): 100188, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36474822


Objectives: Selection of patients with KL radiographic grade 2 and 3 is widely used in clinical trials, but this approach could have some limitations. The purpose of this study performed on OsteoArthritis Initiative (OAI) data is to assess whether adding OARSI-JSN to KL grading could select a population with increased rate of cartilage loss. Indeed, KL is not compartment-specific and not uniformly graded amongst expert readers. OARSI-JSN is another established, compartment-specific grading scale that specifically captures the joint space narrowing from radiographs. Design: 1019 knee radiographs data from the progression cohort of the OAI public database were used. Cartilage loss measured with magnetic resonance imaging was evaluated using change over 1 year from baseline in cartilage thickness in the central Medial Tibio-Femoral Compartment (cMTFC) in the KL2-3 and KL2-3+JSN1-2 populations. Results: The mean cMTFC cartilage loss over one year was -0.135 â€‹± â€‹0.29 â€‹mm (median â€‹= â€‹-0.095 â€‹mm) in the KL2-3 population and -0.176 â€‹± â€‹0.29 â€‹mm (median â€‹= â€‹-0.140 â€‹mm) in the KL2-3 +JSN1-2 population. Conclusions: OARSI-JSN appears to be an effective inclusion criterion to be considered in combination with the KL grade in future clinical trials testing the structural efficacy of DMOADs in a time window of 1-year as it contributes to identify knees in whom the disease progresses rapidly.