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Zookeys ; 1166: 351-373, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328666


Freshwater fishes are in a serious state of decline across the world, making them one of the most threatened groups of vertebrates. The Danube River catchment area in Europe holds the richest freshwater fish community, but our knowledge of the current distribution of these species is limited. Transylvania, the largest region of Romania, is one of the important tributaries of the Danube, from where 77 fish and two lamprey species were recorded until now. Despite this large diversity of freshwater fishes, there is a lack of systematic survey of the fish fauna in this region for the past 50 years. In this study, we present data on the occurrence and distribution of fishes and lampreys collected in Transylvania from 2007 to 2022. This data covers 43% of Romania's surface and includes all major rivers from Transylvania. 65 species of fish and three species of lampreys are recorded, and an additional nine fish species are also reported based on information from competent people. Of the 77 fish and lamprey species recorded 19 (24.7%) are non-native, although their relative abundance was low (5.1%) compared to other similar regions in Europe. The first records of Eudontomyzonmariae, Neogobiusmelanostomus, Piaractusbrachypomus, Pygocentrusnattereri, and Salvelinusalpinus in Transylvanian rivers are presented, as well as the first record of Cobitiselongata outside the Nera River basin (from the Caraș River) and the detection of three new populations of the vulnerable Umbrakrameri. Data on changes in distribution that have occurred since the last comprehensive survey 50 years ago are also provided and the importance of our results in conservation planning are discussed, including the designation of new protected areas for freshwater bodies and the compilation of the Romanian Red List of fishes.

BMC Zool ; 6(1): 3, 2021 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37170347


BACKGROUND: Phylogenetic studies of widespread European fish species often do not completely cover their entire distribution area, and some areas are often excluded from analyses than others. For example, Carpathian stocks are often omitted from these surveys or are under-represented in the samples. However, this area served as an extra-Mediterranean refugia for many species; therefore, it is assumed that fish stocks here may show special phylogenetic features. For this reason, increased spatial resolution of sampling, namely revealing genetic information from unexamined Carpathian areas within the range of doubtful taxa, may help us better understand their phylogenetic features. To test this hypothesis, a phylogenetic investigation using a partial mtCR sequence data was conducted on 56 stream-dwelling freshwater fish (Gobio spp.) individuals collected from 11 rivers of the data-deficient Southeastern Carpathian area. Moreover, we revieved the available phylogenetic data of Middle-Danubian stream-dwelling gudgeon lineages to delineate their distribution in the area. RESULTS: Seven out of the nine detected haplotypes were newly described, suggesting the studied area hosts distinct and diverse Gobio stocks. Two valid species (G. obtusirostris, G. gobio), and a haplogroup with doubtful phylogenetic position" G. sp. 1" were detected in the area, showing a specific spatial distribution pattern. The distribution of the detected lineages in the Middle-Danubian area correspond with recent and paleo hydrogeographic features, at the same time mainly on their bordering areas show considerable overlap. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the relatively limited geographic range of the study, our results provide important information which contributes to a better understanding of the phylogenetic, taxonomic and distribution features of Central European gudgeons. The genetically confirmed distribution data of the indicated lineages corresponds well with the recent and near-recent hydrogeographic features of the area, and assumes several hybrid zones in the Carpathian Basin. Additionally, the results show that the middle and lower Danubian watershed cannot be excluded from the range of G. gobio. Moreover, the" G. sp. 1", is slightly differentiated but phylogenetically distinct entity, and is the only Gobio taxa thus far detected in the middle and lower Tisza-basin. However, further investigations are necessary to clarify the taxonomic position of this group.