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J Clin Ultrasound ; 2024 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38887803


We report a case of BPS combined with CPAM prenatally diagnosed as having two aberrant arteries from the celiac artery by fetal 3D-US. Although the pattern of arterial feeding vessels was extremely rare in our case, the vasculature images obtained using fetal 3D-US were comparable to those obtained using postnatal CT angiography.

Radiol Case Rep ; 19(8): 3254-3257, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38812596


Double aortic arch (DAA) is a rare congenital abnormality characterized by a vascular ring that often requires surgical intervention due to respiratory complications. The DAA and right aortic arch with mirror-image branches (RAA-MB) represent abnormalities in development of the aortic arch. However, prognosis differs significantly, as the DAA forms vascular rings, whereas the RAA-MB typically does not. Distinguishing between the conditions becomes particularly challenging in cases of DAA with closure of the posterior portion of the left aortic arch (LAA) because the postnatal manifestations closely resemble those of RAA-MB. Herein, we present a case of DAA in which longitudinal observation of the LAA and RAA diameters during pregnancy aimed in predicting postnatal closure of the LAA. A 37-year-old female with suspected DAA was referred to our hospital at 26 weeks of gestation. Initial measurements revealed comparable diameters for the LAA and RAA; however, the LAA diameter decreased to approximately half that of the RAA by term owing to growth restrictions. Postnatal contrast computed tomography confirmed the closure of the posterior portion of the LAA and RAA with Kommerell diverticulum. Our findings suggest that careful monitoring of DAA throughout fetal development, especially during the third trimester, may aid in predicting atretic changes in the nondominant arch after birth, allowing an easy distinction between the DAA and RAA-MB after birth.

Radiol Case Rep ; 19(4): 1463-1467, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38304349


Here, we report a case of a congenital peribronchial myofibroblastic tumor (CPMT). A 34-year-old primigravida was referred to our hospital at 31 gestation weeks because of suspected congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM). Fetal ultrasonography showed a mass measuring 4.6 × 4.0 × 3.9 cm with mixed high and low echogenicity in the left lung, which was associated with microvascular blood flow in the tumor. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a low-intensity left lobe lung lesion on a T2-weighted image. These findings suggested that the mass was a CPAM with atypical hypointense findings on MRI T2-weighted images or a rare primary pulmonary tumor, such as a CPMT. Unfortunately, the fetus died in utero at 34 gestation weeks due to cardiovascular failure, which could have resulted from direct encasement of the great vessels or cardiac compression due to rapid tumor growth. The autopsy findings confirmed the diagnosis of CPMT. Primary pulmonary tumors, such as CPMT, are extremely rare lung diseases that develop in utero. These tumors often rapidly grow during pregnancy, resulting in intrauterine fetal death. However, if the patient survives surgical mass resection, the prognosis is good. Given the adverse outcomes observed in our case, careful fetal monitoring is required in case of suspected CPMT during the third trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, in case the well-being of the fetus cannot be assured, immediate delivery should be considered, even in the preterm period, followed by surgery.

Case Rep Womens Health ; 37: e00479, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36683783


Dermatomyositis (DM) is one of the most common autoimmune rheumatic diseases affecting women of childbearing age. Pregnancy may lead to exacerbation of DM, especially of DM with anti-melanoma differentiation-associated gene (MDA) 5 antibody positivity, leading to a poor obstetric outcome. Here, we report consecutive pregnancies complicated by DM with anti-MDA-5 antibodies. A 32-year-old pregnant woman, gravida 3 para 1, presented with fetal growth restriction. Emergency cesarean section was performed because of non-reassuring fetal status at 28 weeks of gestation. Two days postpartum, the patient's hand eczema had worsened and she was diagnosed with DM with MDA-5 antibody positivity. Immunosuppressive therapy using corticosteroids combined with tacrolimus was immediately started, suppressing the DM symptoms. Eighteen months later, she became pregnant again but was then negative for anti-MDA-5 antibodies while continuing immunosuppressive therapy. During pregnancy, the titer of the antibody gradually increased, peaked in the second trimester and declined to near normal range through the third trimester. A male infant weighing 2418 g was delivered at 38 weeks of gestation. Our case demonstrates that controlling of DM activity using immunosuppressive treatment before and during pregnancy may be beneficial to obstetric outcomes.