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Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21265961


Recent reports on waning of COVID-19 vaccine induced immunity have led to the approval and roll-out of additional dose and booster vaccinations. At risk individuals are receiving additional vaccine dose(s), in addition to the regimen that was tested in clinical trials. The risks and the adverse event profiles associated with these additional vaccine doses are currently not well understood. Here, we performed a retrospective study analyzing vaccine-associated adverse events using electronic health records (EHRs) of individuals that have received three doses of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines (n = 47,999). By comparing symptoms reported in 2-week time periods after each vaccine dose and in a 2-week period before the 1st vaccine dose, we assessed the risk associated with 3rd dose vaccination, for both BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273. Reporting of severe adverse events remained low after the 3rd vaccine dose, with rates of pericarditis (0.01%, 0%-0.02% 95% CI), anaphylaxis (0.00%, 0%-0.01% 95% CI), myocarditis (0.00%, 0%-0.01% 95% CI), and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (no cases), consistent with earlier studies. Significantly more individuals (p-value < 0.05) report low-severity adverse events after their 3rd dose compared with after their 2nd dose, including fatigue (4.92% after 3rd dose vs 3.47% after 2nd dose), lymphadenopathy (2.89% vs 2.07%), nausea (2.62% vs 2.04%), headache (2.47% vs 2.07%), arthralgia (2.12% vs 1.70%), myalgia (1.99% vs 1.63%), diarrhea (1.70% vs 1.24%), fever (1.11% vs 0.81%), vomiting (1.10% vs 0.80%), and chills (0.47% vs 0.36%). Our results show that although 3rd dose vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection led to increased reporting of low-severity adverse events, risk of severe adverse events remained comparable to the standard 2-dose regime. This study provides support for the safety of 3rd vaccination doses of individuals that are at high-risk of severe COVID-19 and breakthrough infection.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21261707


Although clinical trials and real-world studies have affirmed the effectiveness and safety of the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines, reports of breakthrough infections and persistent emergence of new variants highlight the need to vigilantly monitor the effectiveness of these vaccines. Here we compare the effectiveness of two full-length Spike protein-encoding mRNA vaccines from Moderna (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) in the Mayo Clinic Health System over time from January to July 2021, during which either the Alpha or Delta variant was highly prevalent. We defined cohorts of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals from Minnesota (n = 25,589 each) matched on age, sex, race, history of prior SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing, and date of full vaccination. Both vaccines were highly effective during this study period against SARS-CoV-2 infection (mRNA-1273: 86%, 95%CI: 81-90.6%; BNT162b2: 76%, 95%CI: 69-81%) and COVID-19 associated hospitalization (mRNA-1273: 91.6%, 95% CI: 81-97%; BNT162b2: 85%, 95% CI: 73-93%). In July, vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization has remained high (mRNA-1273: 81%, 95% CI: 33-96.3%; BNT162b2: 75%, 95% CI: 24-93.9%), but effectiveness against infection was lower for both vaccines (mRNA-1273: 76%, 95% CI: 58-87%; BNT162b2: 42%, 95% CI: 13-62%), with a more pronounced reduction for BNT162b2. Notably, the Delta variant prevalence in Minnesota increased from 0.7% in May to over 70% in July whereas the Alpha variant prevalence decreased from 85% to 13% over the same time period. Comparing rates of infection between matched individuals fully vaccinated with mRNA-1273 versus BNT162b2 across Mayo Clinic Health System sites in multiple states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, and Iowa), mRNA-1273 conferred a two-fold risk reduction against breakthrough infection compared to BNT162b2 (IRR = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.39-0.64). In Florida, which is currently experiencing its largest COVID-19 surge to date, the risk of infection in July after full vaccination with mRNA-1273 was about 60% lower than after full vaccination with BNT162b2 (IRR: 0.39, 95% CI: 0.24-0.62). Our observational study highlights that while both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines strongly protect against infection and severe disease, further evaluation of mechanisms underlying differences in their effectiveness such as dosing regimens and vaccine composition are warranted.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21254593


Public health concerns are emerging based on reports of new SARS-CoV-2 variant strains purportedly triggering a rise in COVID-associated hospitalizations and ICU admissions, particularly in younger patients and the pediatric population. However, analyzing health records of COVID patients from the electronic health records (EHRs) of a multi-state US healthcare system, we find that there is actually a significant drop in COVID-associated hospitalization rates and ICU admission rates in March 2021 compared to February 2021. We further triangulate these EHR-derived insights with the official US government epidemiological data sets to show that during this same time period, there is no apparent nation-wide spike in pediatric hospitalizations. Our study motivates the need to develop a real-time system that integrates various COVID hospitalization and ICU monitoring efforts from the EHR databases of various health systems together with national epidemiological data sets. By infusing SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequencing data to flag potentially new or emergent viral strains, as well as county-level COVID vaccine rollout rates and shifts in SARS-CoV-2 PCR positivity rates into such a real-time monitoring system, public health policies and media reporting can be more effectively informed through the rigor of holistic biomedical data sciences.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21256193


In light of the massive and rapid vaccination campaign against COVID-19, continuous real-world effectiveness and safety assessment of the FDA-authorized vaccines is critical to amplify transparency, build public trust, and ultimately improve overall health outcomes. In this study, we leveraged large-scale longitudinal curation of electronic health records (EHRs) from the multi-state Mayo Clinic health system (MN, AZ, FL, WN, IA). We compared the infection rate of 2,195 individuals who received a single dose of the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine from Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to the infection rate of 21,950 unvaccinated, propensity-matched individuals between February 27th and April 14th 2021. Of the 1,779 vaccinated individuals with at least two weeks of follow-up, only 3 (0.17%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 15 days or more after vaccination compared to 128 of 17,744 (0.72%) unvaccinated individuals (4.34 fold reduction rate). This corresponds to a vaccine effectiveness of 76.7% (95% CI: 30.3-95.3%) in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection with onset at least two weeks after vaccination. This data is consistent with the clinical trial-reported efficacy of Ad26.COV2.S in preventing moderate to severe COVID-19 with onset at least 14 days after vaccine administration (66.9%; 95% CI: 59.0-73.4%). Due to the recent authorization of the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine, there are not yet enough hospitalizations, ICU admissions, or deaths within this cohort to robustly assess the effect of vaccination on COVID-19 severity, but these outcomes will be continually assessed in near-real-time with our platform. Collectively, this study provides further evidence that a single dose of Ad26.COV2.S is highly effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and reaffirms the urgent need to continue mass vaccination efforts globally.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21255806


Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) has been reported in a small number of individuals who have received the mRNA vaccines1 or the adenoviral vector vaccines for COVID-19 in the US2 and Europe3. Continued pharmacovigilance is integral to mitigating the risk of rare adverse events that clinical trials are underpowered to detect, however, these anecdotal reports have led to the pause or withdrawal of some vaccines in many jurisdictions and exacerbated vaccine hesitancy at a critical moment in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We investigated the frequencies of CVST seen among individuals who received FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech (n = 94,818 doses), Moderna (n = 36,350 doses) and Johnson & Johnson - J&J (n = 1,745 doses), and among individuals receiving one of 10 FDA-approved non-COVID-19 vaccines (n = 771,805 doses). Comparing the incidence rates of CVST in 30-day time windows before and after vaccination, we found no statistically significant differences for the COVID-19 vaccines or any other vaccines studied in this population. In total, we observed 3 cases of CVST within the 30 days following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination (2 females, 1 male; Ages (years): [79, 80, 84]), including one individual with a prior history of thrombosis and another individual with recent trauma in the past 30 days. We did not observe any cases of CVST among the patients receiving Moderna or J&J vaccines in this study population. We further found the baseline CVST incidence in the study population between 2017 and 2021 to be 45 to 98 per million patient years. Overall, this real-world evidence-based study highlights that CVST is rare and is not significantly associated with COVID-19 vaccination. In addition, there is a need for a concerted international effort to monitor EHR data across diverse patient populations and to investigate the underlying biological mechanisms leading to these rare clotting events.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21252134


As the COVID-19 vaccination campaign unfolds as one of the most rapid and widespread in history, it is important to continuously assess the real world safety of the FDA-authorized vaccines. Curation from large-scale electronic health records (EHRs) allows for near real-time safety evaluations that were not previously possible. Here, we advance context- and sentiment-aware deep neural networks over the multi-state Mayo Clinic enterprise (Minnesota, Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin) for automatically curating the adverse effects mentioned by physicians in over 108,000 EHR clinical notes between December 1st 2020 to February 8th 2021. We retrospectively compared the clinical notes of 31,069 individuals who received at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine to those of 31,069 unvaccinated individuals who were propensity matched by demographics, residential location, and history of prior SARS-CoV-2 testing. We find that vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals were seen in the the clinic at similar rates within 21 days of the first or second actual or assigned vaccination dose (first dose Odds Ratio = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.09-1.16; second dose Odds Ratio = 0.89, 95% CI: 0.84-0.93). Further, the incidence rates of all surveyed adverse effects were similar or lower in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals after either vaccine dose. Finally, the most frequently documented adverse effects within 7 days of each vaccine dose were arthralgia (Dose 1: 0.59%; Dose 2: 0.39%), diarrhea (Dose 1: 0.58%; Dose 2: 0.33%), erythema (Dose 1: 0.51%; Dose 2: 0.31%), myalgia (Dose 1: 0.40%; Dose 2: 0.34%), and fever (Dose 1: 0.27%; Dose 2: 0.31%). These remarkably low frequencies of adverse effects recorded in EHRs versus those derived from active solicitation during clinical trials (arthralgia: 24-46%; erythema: 9.5-14.7%; myalgia: 38-62%; fever: 14.2-15.5%) emphasize the rarity of vaccine-associated adverse effects requiring clinical attention. This rapid and timely analysis of vaccine-related adverse effects from contextually rich EHR notes of 62,138 individuals, which was enabled through a large scale Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered platform, reaffirms the safety and tolerability of the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines in practice.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21251623


Large Phase 3 clinical trials of the two FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines, mRNA-1273 (Moderna) and BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech), have demonstrated efficacies of 94.1% (n = 30,420, 95% CI: 89.3-96.8) and 95% (n = 43,448, 95% CI: 90.3-97.6) in preventing symptomatic COVID-19, respectively. Given the ongoing vaccine rollout to healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care facilities, here we provide a preliminary assessment of real-world vaccination efficacy in 62,138 individuals from the Mayo Clinic and associated health system (Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin) between December 1st 2020 and February 8th 2021. Our retrospective analysis contrasts 31,069 individuals receiving at least one dose of either vaccine with 31,069 unvaccinated individuals who are propensity-matched based on demographics, location (zip code), and number of prior SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests. 8,041 individuals received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and were at risk for infection at least 36 days after their first dose. Administration of two COVID-19 vaccine doses was 88.7% effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection (95% CI: 68.4-97.1%) with onset at least 36 days after the first dose. Furthermore, vaccinated patients who were subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19 had significantly lower 14-day hospital admission rates than propensity-matched unvaccinated COVID-19 patients (3.7% vs. 9.2%; Relative Risk: 0.4; p-value: 0.007). Building upon the previous randomized trials of these vaccines, this study demonstrates their real-world effectiveness in reducing the rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity among individuals at highest risk for infection.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20242958


BackgroundAs the number of new and recovering COVID-19 cases continues to rise, it has become evident that patients can experience symptoms and complications after viral clearance. Clinical biomarkers characterizing patients who are likely to experience these prolonged effects are unknown. MethodsWe conducted a retrospective study to compare longitudinal lab test measurements (hemoglobin, hematocrit, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen) in patients rehospitalized after PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 clearance (n=104) versus patients not rehospitalized after viral clearance (n=278). FindingsCompared to patients who were not rehospitalized after PCR-confirmed viral clearance, those who were rehospitalized had lower median hemoglobin levels in the year prior to COVID-19 diagnosis (cohens D = -0.50; p=1.2x10-3) and during the active infection window (cohens D = -0.71; p=4.6x10-8). Patients hospitalized after viral clearance were also more likely to be diagnosed with moderate or severe anemia during the active infection window (OR = 2.18; p = 4.99x10-9). ConclusionsThe occurrence of moderate or severe anemia in hospitalized COVID-19 patients is strongly associated with rehospitalization after viral clearance. Whether interventions to mitigate anemia can improve long term outcomes of COVID-19 patients should be further investigated. FundingThis study was funded by nference.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20161976


Multiple clinical studies are ongoing to assess whether existing vaccines may afford protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection through trained immunity. In this exploratory study, we analyze immunization records from 137,037 individuals who received SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests. We find that polio, Hemophilus influenzae type-B (HIB), measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), varicella, pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13), geriatric flu, and hepatitis A / hepatitis B (HepA-HepB) vaccines administered in the past 1, 2, and 5 years are associated with decreased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, even after adjusting for geographic SARS-CoV-2 incidence and testing rates, demographics, comorbidities, and number of other vaccinations. Furthermore, age, race/ethnicity, and blood group stratified analyses reveal significantly lower SARS-CoV-2 rate among black individuals who have taken the PCV13 vaccine, with relative risk of 0.45 at the 5 year time horizon (n: 653, 95% CI: (0.32, 0.64), p-value: 6.9e-05). These findings suggest that additional pre-clinical and clinical studies are warranted to assess the protective effects of existing non-COVID-19 vaccines and explore underlying immunologic mechanisms. We note that the findings in this study are preliminary and are subject to change as more data becomes available and as further analysis is conducted.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20144733


Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admissions and mortality in severe COVID-19 patients are driven by "cytokine storms" and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Interim clinical trial results suggest that the corticosteroid dexamethasone displays superior 28-day survival in severe COVID-19 patients requiring ventilation or oxygen. Among 16 patients with plasma IL-6 measurement post-corticosteroid administration, a higher proportion of patients with an IL-6 value over 10 pg/mL have worse outcomes (i.e. ICU Length of Stay > 15 days or death) when compared to 41 patients treated with non-corticosteroid drugs including antivirals, tocilizumab, azithromycin, and hydroxychloroquine (p-value = 0.0024). Given this unexpected clinical association between post-corticosteroid IL-6 levels and COVID-19 severity, we hypothesized that the Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR or NR3C1) may be coupled to IL-6 expression in specific cell types that govern cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Examining single cell RNA-seq data from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of severe COVID-19 patients and nearly 2 million human cells from a pan-tissue scan shows that alveolar macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells co-express both NR3C1 and IL-6. The mechanism of Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) agonists mitigating pulmonary and multi-organ inflammation in some COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure, may be in part due to their successful antagonism of IL-6 production within lung macrophages and vasculature.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20109439


Temporal inference from laboratory testing results and their triangulation with clinical outcomes as described in the associated unstructured text from the providers notes in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is integral to advancing precision medicine. Here, we studied 181 COVIDpos and 7,775 COVIDneg patients subjected to 1.3 million laboratory tests across 194 assays during a two-month observation period centered around their SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing dates. We found that compared to COVIDneg at the time of clinical presentation and diagnostic testing, COVIDpos patients tended to have higher plasma fibrinogen levels and similarly low platelet counts, with approximately 25% of patients in both cohorts showing outright thrombocytopenia. However, these measures show opposite longitudinal trends as the infection evolves, with declining fibrinogen and increasing platelet counts to levels that are lower and higher compared to the COVIDneg cohort, respectively. Our EHR augmented curation efforts suggest a minority of patients develop thromboembolic events after the PCR testing date, including rare cases with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), with most patients lacking the platelet reductions typically observed in consumptive coagulopathies. These temporal trends present, for the first time, fine-grained resolution of COVID-19 associated coagulopathy (CAC), via a digital framework that synthesizes longitudinal lab measurements with structured medication data and neural network-powered extraction of outcomes from the unstructured EHR. This study demonstrates how a precision medicine platform can help contextualize each patients specific coagulation profile over time, towards the goal of informing better personalization of thromboprophylaxis regimen.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20067660


Understanding temporal dynamics of COVID-19 patient symptoms could provide fine-grained resolution to guide clinical decision-making. Here, we use deep neural networks over an institution-wide platform for the augmented curation of clinical notes from 77,167 patients subjected to COVID-19 PCR testing. By contrasting Electronic Health Record (EHR)-derived symptoms of COVID-19-positive (COVIDpos; n=2,317) versus COVID-19-negative (COVIDneg; n=74,850) patients for the week preceding the PCR testing date, we identify anosmia/dysgeusia (27.1-fold), fever/chills (2.6-fold), respiratory difficulty (2.2-fold), cough (2.2-fold), myalgia/arthralgia (2-fold), and diarrhea (1.4-fold) as significantly amplified in COVIDpos over COVIDneg patients. The combination of cough and fever/chills has 4.2-fold amplification in COVIDpos patients during the week prior to PCR testing, and along with anosmia/dysgeusia, constitutes the earliest EHR-derived signature of COVID-19. This study introduces an Augmented Intelligence platform for the real-time synthesis of institutional biomedical knowledge. The platform holds tremendous potential for scaling up curation throughput, thus enabling EHR-powered early disease diagnosis.