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Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253967


Freezing air temperatures kill most leaves, yet the leaves of some species can survive these events. Tracking the temporal and spatial dynamics of freezing remains an impediment to characterizing frost tolerance. Here we deploye time-lapse imaging and image subtraction analysis, coupled with fine wire thermocouples, to discern the in situ spatial dynamics of freezing and thawing. Our method of analysis of pixel brightness reveals that ice formation in leaves exposed to natural frosts initiates in mesophyll before spreading to veins, and that while ex situ xylem sap freezes near 0°C, in situ xylem sap has a freezing point of -2°C in our model freezing-resistant species of Lonicera. Photosynthetic rates in leaves that have been exposed to a rapid freeze or thaw do not recover, but leaves exposed to a slow, natural freezing and thawing to -10°C do recover. Using this method, we are able to quantify the spatial formation and timing of freezing events in leaves, and suggest that in situ and ex situ freezing points for xylem sap can differ by more than 4°C depending on the rate of temperature decline.

J Exp Bot ; 2023 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38155578


The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a major role in closing the stomata of angiosperms. However, recent reports of some angiosperm species having a peaking-type ABA dynamic, in which under extreme drought ABA levels decline to pre-stressed levels, raises the possibility that passive stomatal closure by leaf water status alone can occur in species from this lineage. To test this hypothesis, we conducted instantaneous rehydration experiments in the peaking-type species Umbellularia californica through a long-term drought, in which ABA levels declined to pre-stress levels, yet stomata remain closed. We found that when ABA levels were lowest during extreme drought, stomata of U. californica were passively closed by leaf water status alone, with stomata reopening rapidly to maximum rates of gas exchange on instantaneous rehydration. This contrasts with leaves early in drought, in which ABA levels were highest and stomata did not reopen on instantaneous rehydration. The transition from ABA-driven stomatal closure to passively driven stomatal closure as drought progresses in this species occurs at very low water potentials facilitated by highly embolism-resistant xylem. These results have important implications for understanding stomatal control during drought in angiosperms.

J Exp Bot ; 74(10): 3255-3266, 2023 05 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36882050


Senescence vividly marks the onset of the final stages of the life of a leaf, yet the triggers and drivers of this process are still not fully understood. The hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is an important regulator of leaf senescence in model herbs, but the function of this hormone has not been widely tested in deciduous trees. Here we investigate the importance of ABA as a driver of leaf senescence in winter deciduous trees. In four diverse species we tracked leaf gas exchange, water potential, chlorophyll content, and leaf ABA levels from the end of summer until leaves were abscised or died. We found that no change in ABA levels occurred at the onset of chlorophyll decline or throughout the duration of leaf senescence. To test whether ABA could enhance leaf senescence, we girdled branches to disrupt ABA export in the phloem. Girdling increased leaf ABA levels in two of the species, and this increase triggered an accelerated rate of chlorophyll decline in these species. We conclude that an increase in ABA level may augment leaf senescence in winter deciduous species but that it is not essential for this annual process.

Ácido Abscísico , Senescencia de la Planta , Clorofila , Hormonas , Hojas de la Planta
Tree Physiol ; 43(1): 75-87, 2023 01 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36070431


The resistance of xylem conduits to embolism is a major factor defining drought tolerance and can set the distributional limits of species across rainfall gradients. Recent work suggests that the proximity of vessels to neighbors increases the vulnerability of a conduit. We therefore investigated whether the relative vessel area of xylem correlates with intra- and inter-generic variation in xylem embolism resistance in species pairs or triplets from the genera Acer, Cinnamomum, Ilex, Quercus and Persea, adapted to environments differing in aridity. We used the optical vulnerability method to assess embolism resistance in stems and conducted anatomical measurements on the xylem in which embolism resistance was quantified. Vessel lumen fraction (VLF) correlated with xylem embolism resistance across and within genera. A low VLF likely increases the resistance to gas movement between conduits, by diffusion or advection, whereas a high VLF enhances gas transport thorough increased conduit-to-conduit connectivity and reduced distances between conduits and therefore the likelihood of embolism propagation. We suggest that the rate of gas movement due to local pressure differences and xylem network connectivity is a central driver of embolism propagation in angiosperm vessels.

Embolia , Magnoliopsida , Hojas de la Planta , Xilema , Resistencia a la Sequía , Agua , Sequías
Funct Plant Biol ; 49(9): 759-772, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35718950


Maintaining water transport in the xylem is critical for vascular plants to grow and survive. The drought-induced accumulation of embolism, when gas enters xylem conduits, causes declines in hydraulic conductance (K ) and is ultimately lethal. Several methods can be used to estimate the degree of embolism in xylem, from measuring K in tissues to directly visualising embolism in conduits. One method allowing a direct quantification of embolised xylem area is the optical vulnerability (OV) technique. This method has been used across different organs and has a high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, we review studies using the OV technique, discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of this method, and summarise key advances arising from its use. Vulnerability curves generated by the OV method are regularly comparable to other methods, including the centrifuge and X-ray microtomography. A major advantage of the OV technique over other methods is that it can be simultaneously used to determine in situ embolism formation in leaves, stems and roots, in species spanning the phylogeny of land plants. The OV method has been used to experimentally investigate the spreading of embolism through xylem networks, associate embolism with downstream tissue death, and observe embolism formation in the field.

Embolia , Agua , Sequías , Microtomografía por Rayos X/métodos , Xilema
Hortic Res ; 2022 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35048120


Plant specialized 1,4-naphthoquinones present a remarkable case of convergent evolution. Species across multiple discrete orders of vascular plants produce diverse 1,4-naphthoquinones via one of several pathways using different metabolic precursors. Evolution of these pathways was preceded by events of metabolic innovation and many appear to share connections with biosynthesis of photosynthetic or respiratory quinones. Here, we sought to shed light on the metabolic connections linking shikonin biosynthesis with its precursor pathways and on the origins of shiknoin metabolic genes. Downregulation of Lithospermum erythrorhizon geranyl diphosphate synthase (LeGPPS), recently shown to have been recruited from a cytoplasmic farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS), resulted in reduced shikonin production and a decrease in expression of mevalonic acid and phenylpropanoid pathway genes. Next, we used LeGPPS and other known shikonin pathway genes to build a coexpression network model for identifying new gene connections to shikonin metabolism. Integrative in silico analyses of network genes revealed candidates for biochemical steps in the shikonin pathway arising from Boraginales-specific gene family expansion. Multiple genes in the shikonin coexpression network were also discovered to have originated from duplication of ubiquinone pathway genes. Taken together, our study provides evidence for transcriptional crosstalk between shikonin biosynthesis and its precursor pathways, identifies several shikonin pathway gene candidates and their evolutionary histories, and establishes additional evolutionary links between shikonin and ubiquinone metabolism. Moreover, we demonstrate that global coexpression analysis using limited transcriptomic data obtained from targeted experiments is effective for identifying gene connections within a defined metabolic network.

Plant Cell Environ ; 45(4): 1204-1215, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34984700


Xylem embolism resistance varies across species influencing drought tolerance, yet little is known about the determinants of the embolism resistance of an individual conduit. Here we conducted an experiment using the optical vulnerability method to test whether individual conduits have a specific water potential threshold for embolism formation and whether pre-existing embolism in neighbouring conduits alters this threshold. Observations were made on a diverse sample of angiosperm and conifer species through a cycle of dehydration, rehydration and subsequent dehydration to death. Upon rehydration after the formation of embolism, no refilling was observed. When little pre-existing embolism was present, xylem conduits had a conserved, individual embolism-resistance threshold that varied across the population of conduits. The consequence of a variable conduit-specific embolism threshold is that a small degree of pre-existing embolism in the xylem results in apparently more resistant xylem in subsequent dehydrations, particularly in angiosperms with vessels. While our results suggest that pit membranes separating xylem conduits are critical for maintaining a conserved individual conduit threshold for embolism when little pre-existing embolism is present, as the percentage of embolized conduits increases, gas movement, local pressure differences and connectivity between conduits increasingly contribute to embolism spread.

Embolia , Magnoliopsida , Deshidratación , Agua , Xilema
Physiol Plant ; 172(4): 2142-2152, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33942915


Xylem resistance to embolism is a key metric determining plant survival during drought. Yet, we have a limited understanding of the degree of plasticity in vulnerability to embolism. Here, we tested whether light availability influences embolism resistance in leaves and stems. The optical vulnerability method was used to assess stem and leaf resistance to embolism in Phellodendron amurense and Ilex verticillata acclimated to sun and shade microenvironments within the same canopy. In both species, we found considerable segmentation in xylem resistance to embolism between leaves and stems, but only minor acclimation in response to light availability. With the addition of a third species, Betula pubescens, which shows no vulnerability segmentation, we sought to investigate xylem anatomical traits that might correlate with strong vulnerability segmentation. We found a correlation between the area fraction of vessels in the xylem and embolism resistance across species and tissue types. Our results suggest that minimal acclimation of embolism resistance occurs in response to light environment in the same individual and that the degree of vulnerability segmentation between leaves and stems might be determined by the vessel lumen fraction of the xylem.

Embolia , Xilema , Betula , Sequías , Hojas de la Planta , Tallos de la Planta , Agua
Front Plant Sci ; 11: 774, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32655593


High rates of water loss in young, expanding leaves have previously been attributed to open stomata that only develop a capacity to close once exposed to low humidity and high abscisic acid (ABA) levels. To test this model, we quantified water loss through stomata and cuticle in expanding leaves of Quercus rubra. Stomatal anatomy and density were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Leaves of Q. rubra less than 5 days after emergence have no stomata; therefore, water loss from these leaves must be through the cuticle. Once stomata develop, they are initially covered in a cuticle and have no outer cuticular ledge, implying that the majority of water lost from leaves in this phase of expansion is through the cuticle. Foliar ABA levels are high when leaves first expand and decline exponentially as leaves expand. Once leaves have expanded to maximum size, ABA levels are at a minimum, an outer cuticular ledge has formed on most stomata, cuticular conductance has declined, and most water loss is through the stomata. Similar sequences of events leading to stomatal regulation of water loss in expanding leaves may be general across angiosperms.

AoB Plants ; 12(4): plaa025, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32665827


Dynamic variation of the stomatal pore in response to changes in leaf-air vapour pressure difference (VPD) constitutes a critical regulation of daytime gas exchange. The stomatal response to VPD has been associated with both foliage abscisic acid (ABA) and leaf water potential (Ψ  l ); however, causation remains a matter of debate. Here, we seek to separate hydraulic and hormonal control of stomatal aperture by manipulating the osmotic potential of sunflower leaves. In addition, we test whether stomatal responses to VPD in an ABA-deficient mutant (w-1) of sunflower are similar to the wild type. Stomatal apertures during VPD transitions were closely linked with foliage ABA levels in sunflower plants with contrasting osmotic potentials. In addition, we observed that the inability to synthesize ABA at high VPD in w-1 plants was associated with no dynamic or steady-state stomatal response to VPD. These results for sunflower are consistent with a hormonal, ABA-mediated stomatal responses to VPD rather than a hydraulic-driven stomatal response to VPD.

New Phytol ; 227(6): 1804-1817, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32386326


Lycophytes are the earliest diverging extant lineage of vascular plants, sister to all other vascular plants. Given that most species are adapted to ever-wet environments, it has been hypothesized that lycophytes, and by extension the common ancestor of all vascular plants, have few adaptations to drought. We investigated the responses to drought of key fitness-related traits such as stomatal regulation, shoot hydraulic conductance (Kshoot ) and stem xylem embolism resistance in Selaginella haematodes and S. pulcherrima, both native to tropical understory. During drought stomata in both species were found to close before declines in Kshoot , with a 50% loss of Kshoot occurring at -1.7 and -2.5 MPa in S. haematodes and S. pulcherrima, respectively. Direct observational methods revealed that the xylem of both species was resistant to embolism formation, with 50% of embolized xylem area occurring at -3.0 and -4.6 MPa in S. haematodes and S. pulcherrima, respectively. X-ray microcomputed tomography images of stems revealed that the decline in Kshoot occurred with the formation of an air-filled lacuna, disconnecting the central vascular cylinder from the cortex. We propose that embolism-resistant xylem and large capacitance, provided by collapsing inner cortical cells, is essential for Selaginella survival during water deficit.

Embolia , Selaginellaceae , Sequías , Hojas de la Planta , Tallos de la Planta , Agua , Microtomografía por Rayos X , Xilema