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Phys Rev E ; 109(6-1): 064143, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39020881


We undertake a numerical study of the ordering kinetics in the two-dimensional (2D) active Ising model (AIM), a discrete flocking model with a conserved density field coupled to a nonconserved magnetization field. We find that for a quench into the liquid-gas coexistence region and in the ordered liquid region, the characteristic length scale of both the density and magnetization domains follows the Lifshitz-Cahn-Allen growth law, R(t)∼t^{1/2}, consistent with the growth law of passive systems with scalar order parameter and nonconserved dynamics. The system morphology is analyzed with the two-point correlation function and its Fourier transform, the structure factor, which conforms to the well-known Porod's law, a manifestation of the coarsening of compact domains with smooth boundaries. We also find the domain growth exponent unaffected by different noise strengths and self-propulsion velocities of the active particles. However, transverse diffusion is found to play the most significant role in the growth kinetics of the AIM. We extract the same growth exponent by solving the hydrodynamic equations of the AIM.

Phys Rev E ; 108(1-1): 014604, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37583144


We study the active Potts model with either site occupancy restriction or on-site repulsion to explore jamming and kinetic arrest in a flocking model. The incorporation of such volume exclusion features leads to a surprisingly rich variety of self-organized spatial patterns. While bands and lanes of moving particles commonly occur without or under weak volume exclusion, strong volume exclusion along with low temperature, high activity, and large particle density facilitates jams due to motility-induced phase separation. Through several phase diagrams, we identify the phase boundaries separating the jammed and free-flowing phases and study the transition between these phases which provide us with both qualitative and quantitative predictions of how jamming might be delayed or dissolved. We further formulate and analyze a hydrodynamic theory for the restricted APM which predicts various features of the microscopic model.

Phys Rev E ; 107(3-1): 034106, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073029


We observe multiple steplike jumps in a Dy-Fe-Ga-based ferrimagnetic alloy in its magnetic hysteresis curve at 2 K. The observed jumps are found to have a stochastic character with respect to their magnitude and the field position, and the jumps do not correlate with the duration of the field. The distribution of jump size follows a power law variation indicating the scale invariance nature of the jumps. We have invoked a simple two-dimensional random bond Ising-type spin system to model the dynamics. Our computational model can qualitatively reproduce the jumps and their scale-invariant character. It also elucidates that the flipping of antiferromagnetically coupled Dy and Fe clusters is responsible for the observed jumps in the hysteresis loop. These features are described in terms of the self-organized criticality.

Opt Express ; 30(11): 19930-19943, 2022 May 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221756


We develop a novel hyperspectral imaging system using structured illumination in an SLM-based Michelson interferometer. In our design, we use a reflective SLM as a mirror in one of the arms of a Michelson interferometer and scan the interferometer by varying the phase across the SLM display. For achieving the latter, we apply a checkerboard phase mask on the SLM display where the gray value varies between 0-255, thereby imparting a dynamic phase of up to 262° to the incident light beam. We couple a supercontinuum source into the interferometer in order to mimic an astronomical object such as the Sun and choose a central wavelength of 637.4 nm akin to the strong emission line of Fe X present in the solar spectrum. We use a bandwidth of 30 nm and extract fringes corresponding to a spectral resolution of 3.8 nm which is limited by the reflectivity of the SLM. We also demonstrate a maximum wavelength tunability of ∼8 nm by varying the phase over the phase mask with a spectral sampling of around 0.03 nm between intermediate fringes. The checkerboard phase mask can be adapted close to real time on time-scales of a few tens of milliseconds to obtain spectral information for other near-contiguous wavelengths. The compactness, potential low cost, low power requirements, real-time tunability and lack of moving mechanical parts in the setup implies that it can have very useful applications in settings that require near real-time, multi-wavelength spectroscopic applications and is especially relevant in space astronomy.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32837088


We explore a standard epidemiological model, known as the SIRD model, to study the COVID-19 infection in India, and a few other countries around the world. We use (a) the stable cumulative infection of various countries and (b) the number of infection versus the tests carried out to evaluate the model. The time-dependent infection rate is set in the model to obtain the best fit with the available data. The model is simulated aiming to project the probable features of the infection in India, various Indian states, and other countries. India imposed an early lockdown to contain the infection that can be treated by its healthcare system. We find that with the current infection rate and containment measures, the total active infection in India would be maximum at the end of June or beginning of July 2020. With proper containment measures in the infected zones and social distancing, the infection is expected to fall considerably from August. If the containment measures are relaxed before the arrival of the peak infection, more people from the susceptible population will fall sick as the infection is expected to see a threefold rise at the peak. If the relaxation is given a month after the peak infection, a second peak with a moderate infection will follow. However, a gradual relaxation of the lockdown started well ahead of the peak infection, leads to a nearly twofold increase of the peak infection with no second peak. The model is further extended to incorporate the infection arising from the population showing no symptoms. The preliminary finding suggests that random testing needs to be carried out within the asymptomatic population to contain the spread of the disease. Our model provides a semi-quantitative overview of the progression of COVID-19 in India, with model projections reasonably replicating the current progress. The projection of the model is highly sensitive to the choice of the parameters and the available data.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33250600


According to the current perception, symptomatic, presymptomatic and asymptomatic infectious persons can infect the healthy population susceptible to the SARS-CoV-2. More importantly, various reports indicate that the number of asymptomatic cases can be several-fold higher than the reported symptomatic cases. In this article, we take the reported cases in India and various states within the country till September 1, as the specimen to understand the progression of the COVID-19. Employing a modified SEIRD model, we predict the spread of COVID-19 by the symptomatic as well as asymptomatic infectious population. Considering reported infection primarily due to symptomatic, we compare the model predicted results with the available data to estimate the dynamics of the asymptomatically infected population. Our data indicate that in the absence of the asymptomatic infectious population, the number of symptomatic cases would have been much less. Therefore, the current progress of the symptomatic infection can be reduced by quarantining the asymptomatically infectious population via extensive or random testing. This study is motivated strictly toward academic pursuit; this theoretical investigation is not meant for influencing policy decisions or public health practices.