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Data Brief ; 53: 110086, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328290


Cilembu sweet potato is one of Indonesia's leading agricultural commodities. The high carbohydrate content in sweet potatoes has the potential to change into sugar (glucose, sucrose, and fructose) during storage. The level of sweetness is one of the characteristics that determines the quality of sweet potatoes. The sweetness level of sweet potatoes is influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment, and their interactions. Apart from that, the role of invertase-producing bacteria in breaking down carbohydrates into sugars is very important. Information regarding the number of invertase-producing bacteria in Cilembu sweet potatoes and their activity during storage is still limited. This research aimed to determine the number and activity of invertase-producing bacteria in Cilembu sweet potatoes and estimate the relationship between activity and total invertase-producing bacteria during storage of Cilembu sweet potatoes. The results showed significant differences between the number and activity of invertase-producing bacteria at each storage time. There is a relationship between sugar levels and invertase-producing bacteria. Sucrose levels had a negative and significant correlation with fructose levels (-0.56) and invertase-producing bacteria (-0.58). Glucose levels were significantly and positively correlated with fructose levels (0.91) and invertase-producing bacteria (0.88). Fructose levels also significantly and positively correlated with invertase-producing bacteria (0.95). This information can be used as a reference in determining the quality of sweet potatoes directly and indirectly.

Heliyon ; 9(9): e20203, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809946


Genetic studies on yield and yield quality are becoming benchmarks for farmers and industry in selecting and developing varieties. Evaluations that combine various stability statistics can provide more accurate information to select the ideal genotype. This study aims to identify the effect of genotype by environment interactions (GEIs) for yield and yield quality, to select high yield and stable sweet potato genotypes, as well as to select superior genotypes based on yield and yield quality. Three different environments in West Java, Indonesia, were used to test the sweet potato genotypes using a randomized block design that was repeated three times. Highly significant effects of sweet potato genotypes (G), environments (E), and GEIs were observed for yield and yield quality. The Combined ANOVA showed that GEIs effect contributed 54.88% for yield, 40.01% for sweetness, 10.46% for moisture content, 68.80% for tuber diameter, and 72.57% for tuber length from the sum of square. Five most high and stable yield on sweet potato genotypes identified by all measures, includes G4, G6, G7, G31, and G32. Genotype by yield*traits (GYT) selected seven genotypes that have superior in yield and yield quality, they were G7, G15, G4, G20, G6, G31, and G14. Based on stability measurements and GYT biplots, the genotypes G4, G6, G7, and G31 are in both slices. So that the four genotypes have high, stable yields, and have a good combination of traits for yield quality. Our findings can be used for improvement cultivation involving partner companies, partner institutions, and farmers, and the selected genotypes can be release as superior varieties candidate.

Heliyon ; 7(4): e06881, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34007919


Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) is an important crop in Indonesia. Yield potential and genotypic adaptability are important factors in varietal development. The purpose of this study was to estimate the stability of yield and to select the best OFSP genotypes across three agroecosystems in West Java, Indonesia. The field trials used were augmented design with 50 F1 Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) genotypes as treatment, and seven check varieties as controls. The experiments were conducted in three different agroecosystems in West Java (Sumedang, Bandung, and Karawang). Selection was based on physical characteristics of sweet potato tuber, yield and stability across three environments. Data analysis of the yield characters, yield component, and tuber quality were performed by combined variance analysis. Selected genotypes were analyzed for stability yield using the parametric, non-parametric, Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI), AMMI Stability Value (ASV), and Genotype and Genotype by Environment (GGE) biplot models. Results identified the top best ten F1 genotypes namely F1-38 (G1), F1-69 (G2), F1-71 (G3), F1-77 (G4), F1-127 (G5), F1-128 (G6), F1-135 (G7), F1-159 (G8), F1-191 (G9), and F1-226 (G10). Location showed a significant effect on yield. Genotypes F1-069, F1-077, F1-226, F1-038, and F1-128 have the lowest ASR based on non-parametric and parametric stability models and there were identified as the most stable. AMMI analysis identified F1-128, F1-135, F1-038, and F1-069 as the most stable genotypes. F1-38 (G1), F1-69 (G2), F1-128 (G6) were found to be the most stable genotypes based on ASV analysis, while GGE biplot identified F1-38 (G1) and F1-69 (G2) genotypes as the stable genotypes. Other genotypes were considered to as location-specific. Based on AMMI, ASV, and GGE Biplot models, F1-038, and F1-069 were identified as stable genotypes. They produced higher yields than other genotypes. Therefore, the F1-038 and F1-069 genotypes can be potentially recommended as superior varieties for West Java, Indonesia.

Data Brief ; 33: 106552, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33299911


Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is widely used as traditional medicine, kitchen spice, and natural dyes in Indonesia. The demand and popularity of this plant is increasing; however, the national supply is still low. Turmeric breeding and crop improvement in Indonesia are needed to boost the national turmeric production. Exploration of turmeric from various areas in Indonesia is a prior step of turmeric breeding. Phenotypic diversity and relationship analysis of an early population can be used as a basis for consideration in plant development and breeding programs. The purpose of this study was to estimate phenotypic diversity and relationship of local turmeric accessions from Indonesia. Raw data analysis was conducted after standardization using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA) to determine phenotypic diversity and relationship among the newly collected genetic resources. The data in this article showed broad phenotypic diversity with plant height, number of shoots, number of leaves on main shoot, petiole length, lamina length, lamina width, number of mother rhizome, total rhizome weight, weight per shoot, pseudostem habit, leaf margin, and rhizome habit as distinguishing traits among the collection. PCA also resulted cumulative variation percentage of 70.73%. In addition, HCA resulted two main groups with the Euclidean range of 0.31-2.97.

Data Brief ; 32: 106297, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32995393


There are many local varieties of sweet potatoes which are cultivated and consumed in Indonesia. The food industry which uses sweet potato as the main raw material has been developed in West Java. Demand for orange-fleshed sweet potato is high, but the supply of demand has not been fulfilled. This is because the varieties that are widely cultivated do not meet consumer standards and preferences, so new superior genotypes are needed following demand. Currently, selection of stable and high-yielding genotypes and accordance with consumer and industry preferences is one of the focuses of sweet potato research. Orange-fleshed sweet potato multi locations testing in accordance with consumer and industry preferences, can be used as a basis for consideration in the development program. The purpose of this study were to identify genotype by environment interactions (GEIs) and t select superior genotypes and to estimate yield stability across three locations in West Java, Indonesia. Combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine significant differences between each genotype tested in term of yield and to estimated genotype by environment interactions (GEIs). Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI), Genotype Plus Genotype by Environment Interactions (GGE) biplots, and Parametric and non-parametric stability measurements were used to determine yield stability from genotypes tested in all locations (Sumedang Regency, Bandung Regency, Karawang Regency). Data in this article showed that the genotypes, environments, and GEIs had an effect on sweet potato yields, with influences of 35.03%, 18.87%, and 46.01%, respectively. The results in this data also indicate that some new sweet potato genotypes have stable and high yields in three environments in West Java, Indonesia. So they were can be used for development in sweet potato breeding programs.

Data Brief ; 27: 104681, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31720333


This dataset describes the knowledge of local people in North Sulawesi on local edible fruits which can be eaten raw or used as medicine. North Sulawesi is located in the Wallacea zone [1,2] and has a high biodiversity of local fruits that are not yet fully exploited. Fruits are available as rich sources of vitamins, fibres, minerals, and phytochemicals [3] for local people's diet and health. Ethnobotany was used to collect data for the documentation of local knowledge on the existence, the use, and conservation practices of local fruits using semi-structured and structured interviews and questionnaire. There were 27 recorded families of local edible fruits, predominated by Myrtaceae and Anacardiaceae. Some fruits were found abundantly, but some were rarely found, especially those which were endemic to North Sulawesi. The fruit trees were mostly self-grown, and the fruits were eaten by the community themselves. In general, they were well aware of the types of local fruits that could be eaten raw. Knowledge of local fruits were passed on from generation to generation. Most people claimed that local fruits which could be eaten raw were also used for medicine and maintaining health. Most of the local fruits used as medicines were not made as medicinal preparations, but eaten raw or cooked. However, most people did not know exactly about the efficacy of the fruits. Types of diseases that were claimed to be cured by using local fruit among others were sprue, high cholesterol and digestive disorders. The possibility of future youth generations to consume these fruits was very high, according to most people. But they were worried that the younger generation in the future would prefer imported fruits. The community in general knew that these local fruits needed to be conserved, but they did not yet know how to maintain the existence of these local fruits in the future, apart from their current practices.