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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 9(12): 10897-10903, 2017 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28262013


Metal oxide thin films are critical components in modern electronic applications. In particular, high-κ dielectrics are of interest for reducing power consumption in metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) field-effect transistors. Although thin-film materials are typically produced via vacuum-based methods, solution deposition offers a scalable and cost-efficient alternative. We report an all-inorganic aqueous solution route to amorphous lanthanum zirconium oxide (La2Zr2O7, LZO) dielectric thin films. LZO films were spin-cast from aqueous solutions of metal nitrates and annealed at temperatures between 300 and 600 °C to produce dense, defect-free, and smooth films with subnanometer roughness. Dielectric constants of 12.2-16.4 and loss tangents <0.6% were obtained for MIS devices utilizing LZO as the dielectric layer (1 kHz). Leakage currents <10-7 A cm-2 at 4 MV cm-1 were measured for samples annealed at 600 °C. The excellent surface morphology, high dielectric constants, and low leakage current densities makes these LZO dielectrics promising candidates for thin-film transistor devices.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(51): 16800-16808, 2016 12 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27982572


Thin films with tunable and homogeneous composition are required for many applications. We report the synthesis and characterization of a new class of compositionally homogeneous thin films that are amorphous solid solutions of Al2O3 and transition metal oxides (TMOx) including VOx, CrOx, MnOx, Fe2O3, CoOx, NiO, CuOx, and ZnO. The synthesis is enabled by the rapid decomposition of molecular transition-metal nitrates TM(NO3)x at low temperature along with precondensed oligomeric Al(OH)x(NO3)3-x cluster species, both of which can be processed from aq solution. The films are dense, ultrasmooth (Rrms < 1 nm, near 0.1 nm in many cases), and atomically mixed amorphous metal-oxide alloys over a large composition range. We assess the chemical principles that favor the formation of amorphous homogeneous films over rougher phase-segregated nanocrystalline films. The synthesis is easily extended to other compositions of transition and main-group metal oxides. To demonstrate versatility, we synthesized amorphous V0.1Cr0.1Mn0.1Fe0.1Zn0.1Al0.5Ox and V0.2Cr0.2Fe0.2Al0.4Ox with Rrms ≈ 0.1 nm and uniform composition. The combination of ideal physical properties (dense, smooth, uniform) and broad composition tunability provides a platform for film synthesis that can be used to study fundamental phenomena when the effects of transition metal cation identity, solid-state concentration of d-electrons or d-states, and/or crystallinity need to be controlled. The new platform has broad potential use in controlling interfacial phenomena such as electron transfer in solar-cell contacts or surface reactivity in heterogeneous catalysis.

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(10): 3638-48, 2015 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25700234


Cobalt oxides and (oxy)hydroxides have been widely studied as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). For related Ni-based materials, the addition of Fe dramatically enhances OER activity. The role of Fe in Co-based materials is not well-documented. We show that the intrinsic OER activity of Co(1-x)Fe(x)(OOH) is ∼100-fold higher for x ≈ 0.6-0.7 than for x = 0 on a per-metal turnover frequency basis. Fe-free CoOOH absorbs Fe from electrolyte impurities if the electrolyte is not rigorously purified. Fe incorporation and increased activity correlate with an anodic shift in the nominally Co(2+/3+) redox wave, indicating strong electronic interactions between the two elements and likely substitutional doping of Fe for Co. In situ electrical measurements show that Co(1-x)Fe(x)(OOH) is conductive under OER conditions (∼0.7-4 mS cm(-1) at ∼300 mV overpotential), but that FeOOH is an insulator with measurable conductivity (2.2 × 10(-2) mS cm(-1)) only at high overpotentials >400 mV. The apparent OER activity of FeOOH is thus limited by low conductivity. Microbalance measurements show that films with x ≥ 0.54 (i.e., Fe-rich) dissolve in 1 M KOH electrolyte under OER conditions. For x < 0.54, the films appear chemically stable, but the OER activity decreases by 16-62% over 2 h, likely due to conversion into denser, oxide-like phases. We thus hypothesize that Fe is the most-active site in the catalyst, while CoOOH primarily provides a conductive, high-surface area, chemically stabilizing host. These results are important as Fe-containing Co- and Ni-(oxy)hydroxides are the fastest OER catalysts known.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 6(24): 22830-7, 2014 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25469622


Protecting Si photocathodes from corrosion is important for developing tandem water-splitting devices operating in basic media. We show that textured commercial Si-pn(+) photovoltaics protected by solution-processed semiconducting/conducting oxides (plausibly suitable for scalable manufacturing) and coupled to thin layers of Ir yield high-performance H2-evolving photocathodes in base. They also serve as excellent test structures to understand corrosion mechanisms and optimize interfacial electrical contacts between various functional layers. Solution-deposited TiO2 protects Si-pn(+) junctions from corrosion for ∼24 h in base, whereas junctions protected by F:SnO2 fail after only 1 h of electrochemical cycling. Interface layers consisting of Ti metal and/or the highly doped F:SnO2 between the Si and TiO2 reduce Si-emitter/oxide/catalyst contact resistance and thus increase fill factor and efficiency. Controlling the oxide thickness led to record photocurrents near 35 mA cm(-2) at 0 V vs RHE and photocathode efficiencies up to 10.9% in the best cells. Degradation, however, was not completely suppressed. We demonstrate that performance degrades by two mechanisms, (1) deposition of impurities onto the thin catalyst layers, even from high-purity base, and (2) catastrophic failure via pinholes in the oxide layers after several days of operation. These results provide insight into the design of hydrogen-evolving photoelectrodes in basic conditions, and highlight challenges.