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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(11): 117401, 2022 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35362996


We resolve single-shot polariton condensate polarization dynamics, revealing a high degree of circular polarization persistent up to T=170 K. The statistical analysis of pulse-to-pulse polariton condensate polarization elucidates the stochastic nature of the polarization pinning process, which is strongly dependent on the pump laser intensity and polarization. Our experiments show that by spatial trapping and isolating condensates from their noisy environment it is possible to form strongly spin-polarized polariton condensates at high temperatures, offering a promising route to the realization of polariton spin lattices for quantum simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(3): 036801, 2021 Jan 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33543953


It is well known that electrically neutral excitons can still be affected by crossed electric and magnetic fields that make them move in a direction perpendicular to both fields. We show that a similar effect appears in the absence of external electric fields, in the case of scattering of an exciton flow by charged impurities in the presence of the external magnetic field. As a result, the exciton flow changes the direction of its propagation that may be described in terms of the Hall conductivity for excitons. We develop a theory of this effect, which we refer to as the anomalous exciton Hall effect, to distinguish it from the exciton Hall effect that arises due to the valley selective exciton transport in transition metal dichalcogenides. According to our estimations, the effect is relatively weak for optically active or bright excitons in conventional GaAs quantum wells, but it becomes significant for optically inactive or dark excitons, because of the difference of the lifetimes. This makes the proposed effect a convenient tool for spatial separation of dark and bright excitons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(21): 217005, 2020 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33274986


We extend the thermodynamic approach for the description of the thermal Hall effect in two-dimensional superconductors above the critical temperature, where fluctuation Cooper pairs contribute to the conductivity, as well as in disordered normal metals where the particle-particle channel is important. We express the Hall heat conductivity in terms of the product of temperature derivatives of the chemical potential and of the magnetization of the system. Based on this general expression, we derive the analytical formalism that qualitatively reproduces the superlinear increase of the thermal Hall conductivity with the decrease of temperature observed in a large variety of experimentally studied systems [Grissonnanche et al., Nature (London) 571, 376 (2019)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/s41586-019-1375-0]. We also predict a nonmonotonic behavior of the thermal Hall conductivity in the regime of quantum fluctuations, in the vicinity of the second critical field and at very low temperatures.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(6): 2846-2851, 2020 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31992642


We study the manifestation of the Nernst effect in the Corbino disk subjected to the normal external magnetic field and to the radial temperature gradient. The Corbino geometry offers a precious opportunity for the direct measurement of the magnetization currents that are masked by kinetic contributions to the Nernst current in the conventional geometry. The magnetization currents, also referred to as the edge currents, are independent on the conductivity of the sample which is why they can be conveniently described within the thermodynamic approach. They can be related to the Landau thermodynamic potential for an infinite system. We demonstrate that the observable manifestation of this, purely thermodynamic, Nernst effect consists in the strong oscillations of the magnetic field measured in the center of the disk as a function of the external field. The oscillations depend on the temperature difference at the edges of the disk. Dirac fermions and 2D electrons with a parabolic spectrum are characterized by oscillations of different phase and frequency. We predict qualitatively different power dependencies of the magnitude of the Nernst signal on the chemical potential for normal and Dirac carriers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(14): 147401, 2019 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050466


We report on the experimental evidence for a nanosecond timescale spin memory based on nonradiative excitons with large in-plane wave vector. The effect manifests itself in magnetic-field-induced oscillations of the energy of the optically active (radiative) excitons. The oscillations detected by a spectrally resolved pump-probe technique applied to a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structure in a transverse magnetic field persist over a timescale, which is orders of magnitude longer than the characteristic decoherence time in the system. The effect is attributed to the spin-dependent electron-electron exchange interaction of the optically active and inactive excitons. The spin relaxation time of the electrons belonging to nonradiative excitons appears to be much longer than the hole spin relaxation time.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(4): 047403, 2019 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30768323


Dark excitons are of fundamental importance for a wide variety of processes in semiconductors but are difficult to investigate using optical techniques due to their weak interaction with light fields. We reveal and characterize dark excitons nonresonantly injected into a semiconductor microcavity structure containing InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by a gated train of eight 100 fs pulses separated by 13 ns by monitoring their interactions with the bright lower polariton mode. We find a surprisingly long dark exciton lifetime of more than 20 ns, which is longer than the time delay between two consecutive pulses. This creates a memory effect that we clearly observe through the variation of the time-resolved transmission signal. We propose a rate equation model that provides a quantitative agreement with the experimental data.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 338, 2019 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30674963


We experimentally realize nano-antennas based on hybrid silicon-gold nanoparticles (NPs). The silicon particles covered by clusters of small metal NPs are fabricated from a liquid phase under the effect of the laser irradiation. The complex nanoclusters containing both Si and Au components provide the enhancement of the near-field intensity and the resonant light scattering associated with excitation of multipole resonances in NPs. A strong sensitivity of the resonant light absorption to the hybrid particle size and material parameters is experimentally documented and theoretically discussed. The results demonstrate a high potentiality of the hybrid NPs for the realization of functional optical devices and metasurfaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(5): 053901, 2018 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30118259


We propose using the effective spin-orbit coupling of light in Bragg-modulated cylindrical waveguides for the efficient separation of spin-up and spin-down photons emitted by a single photon emitter. Because of the spin and directional dependence of photonic stop bands in the waveguides, spin-up (-down) photon propagation in the negative (positive) direction along the waveguide axis is blocked while the same photon freely propagates in the opposite direction. Frequency shifts of photonic band structures induced by the spin-orbit coupling are verified by finite-difference time-domain numerical simulations.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 10092, 2018 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29973614


We experimentally investigate the feasibility of a bolometric device based on exciton-polaritons. Initial measurements presented in this work show that heating - via thermal expansion and bandgap renormalization - modifies the exciton-polariton propagation wavevector making exciton-polaritons propagation remarkably sensitive to thermal variations. By theoretical simulations we predict that using a single layer graphene absorbing layer, a THz bolometric sensor can be realized by a simple exciton-polariton ring interferometer device. The predicted sensitivity is comparable to presently existing THz bolometric devices with the convenience of being a device that inherently produces an optical signal output.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(6): 065301, 2018 Feb 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481285


We demonstrate the generation of chiral modes-vortex flows with fixed handedness in exciton-polariton quantum fluids. The chiral modes arise in the vicinity of exceptional points (non-Hermitian spectral degeneracies) in an optically induced resonator for exciton polaritons. In particular, a vortex is generated by driving two dipole modes of the non-Hermitian ring resonator into degeneracy. Transition through the exceptional point in the space of the system's parameters is enabled by precise manipulation of real and imaginary parts of the closed-wall potential forming the resonator. As the system is driven to the vicinity of the exceptional point, we observe the formation of a vortex state with a fixed orbital angular momentum (topological charge). This method can be extended to generate higher-order orbital angular momentum states through coalescence of multiple non-Hermitian spectral degeneracies. Our Letter demonstrates the possibility of exploiting nontrivial and counterintuitive properties of waves near exceptional points in macroscopic quantum systems.

Opt Lett ; 43(2): 259-262, 2018 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328254


Bosonic cascade lasers are terahertz (THz) lasers based on stimulated radiative transitions between bosonic condensates of excitons or exciton-polaritons confined in a trap. We study the interaction of an incoming THz pulse resonant in frequency with the transitions between neighboring energy levels of the cascade. We show that at certain optical pump conditions the cascade becomes transparent to the incident pulse: it neither absorbs nor amplifies it in the mean-field approximation. The populations of intermediate levels of the bosonic cascade change as the THz pulse passes, nevertheless. In comparison, a fermionic cascade laser does not reveal any of these properties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(6): 067406, 2017 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949610


We predict spontaneous generation of superfluid polariton currents in planar microcavities with lateral periodic modulation of both the potential and decay rate. A spontaneous breaking of spatial inversion symmetry of a polariton condensate emerges at a critical pumping, and the current direction is stochastically chosen. We analyze the stability of the current with respect to the fluctuations of the condensate. A peculiar spatial current domain structure emerges, where the current direction is switched at the domain walls, and the characteristic domain size and lifetime scale with the pumping power.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 10284, 2017 08 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28860454


We show that the laser ablation method can be efficiently employed for the synthesis of silicon nanoparticles (NP), which are characterized by a strong resonant optical response in the visible spectral range. A single layer composed of silicon NPs has been deposited from the colloidal solution generated by laser ablation. The formation of hybrid silicon-gold NPs as a result of the laser action on a mixed colloidal solution is observed. These hybrid NPs are characterized by broadening of the near-field photoluminescence spectra compared to pure silicon NPs. These results may be used for the realization of functional metasurfaces consisting of randomly distributed resonant NPs.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 10271, 2017 08 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28860524


We demonstrate theoretically that the characteristic feature of a 2D system undergoing N consequent Lifshitz topological transitions is the occurrence of spikes of entropy per particle s of a magnitude ±ln2/(J - 1/2) with 2 ≤ J ≤ N at low temperatures. We derive a general expression for s as a function of chemical potential, temperature and gap magnitude for the gapped Dirac materials. Inside the smallest gap, the dependence of s on the chemical potential exhibits a dip-and-peak structure in the temperature vicinity of the Dirac point. The spikes of the entropy per particles can be considered as a signature of the Dirac materials. These distinctive characteristics of gapped Dirac materials can be detected in transport experiments where the temperature is modulated in gated structures.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 9797, 2017 08 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28852038


The pseudospin dynamics of long-living exciton-polaritons in a wedged 2D cavity has been studied theoretically accounting for the external magnetic field effect. The cavity width variation plays the role of the artificial gravitational force acting on a massive particle: exciton-polariton. A semi-classical model of the spin-polarization dynamics of ballistically propagating exciton-polaritons has been developed. It has been shown that for the specific choice of the magnetic field magnitude and the initial polariton wave vector the polariton polarization vector tends to an attractor on the Poincaré sphere. Based on this effect, the switching of the polariton polarization in the ballistic regime has been demonstrated. The self-interference of the polariton field emitted by a point-like source has been shown to induce the formation of interference patterns.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 9515, 2017 08 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28842628


We consider finite temperature effects in a non-standard Bose-Hubbard model for an exciton- polariton Josephson junction (JJ) that is characterised by complicated potential energy landscapes (PEL) consisting of sets of barriers and wells. We show that the transition between thermal activation (classical) and tunneling (quantum) regimes exhibits universal features of the first and second order phase transition (PT) depending on the PEL for two polariton condensates that might be described as transition from the thermal to the quantum annealing regime. In the presence of dissipation the relative phase of two condensates exhibits non-equilibrium PT from the quantum regime characterized by efficient tunneling of polaritons to the regime of permanent Josephson or Rabi oscillations, where the tunneling is suppressed, respectively. This analysis paves the way for the application of coupled polariton condensates for the realisation of a quantum annealing algorithm in presently experimentally accessible semiconductor microcavities possessing high (105 and more) Q-factors.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(6): 063602, 2017 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28234528


Angle-resolved second harmonic generation (SHG) spectra of ZnO microwires show characteristic Fano resonances in the spectral vicinity of exciton-polariton modes. We observe a resonant peak followed by a strong dip in SHG originating from the constructive and destructive interference of the nonresonant SHG and the resonant contribution of the polariton mode. It is demonstrated that the Fano line shape, and thus the Fano asymmetry parameter q, can be tuned by the phase shift of the two channels. We develop a model to calculate the phase-dependent q as a function of the radial angle in the microwire and achieve a good agreement with the experimental results. The deduced phase-to-q relation unveils the crucial information about the dynamics of the system and offers a tool for control on the line shape of the SHG spectra in the vicinity of exciton-polariton modes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(11): 116402, 2016 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27035313


We report the experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of a rotating polariton superfluid relying on an innovative method for the injection of angular momentum. This novel, multipump injection method uses four coherent lasers arranged in a square, resonantly creating four polariton populations propagating inwards. The control available over the direction of propagation of the superflows allows injecting a controllable nonquantized amount of optical angular momentum. When the density at the center is low enough to neglect polariton-polariton interactions, optical singularities, associated with an interference pattern, are visible in the phase. In the superfluid regime resulting from the strong nonlinear polariton-polariton interaction, the interference pattern disappears and only vortices with the same sign are persisting in the system. Remarkably, the number of vortices inside the superfluid region can be controlled by controlling the angular momentum injected by the pumps.

Sci Rep ; 6: 21201, 2016 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26887658


Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules is a powerful tool for drawing information on molecular structure and dynamics. It relies on absorption of near infrared radiation (NIR) by molecular vibrations. Here we show the experimental evidence of giant enhancement of the absorption of light in solutions of organic molecules due to the switch from ballistic to diffusive propagation of light through a channel silicate glass waveguide. We also experimentally address a dynamics of absorption as a function of time of adsorption of the organic molecules on a waveguide. The observed enhancement in diffusion regime is by a factor of 300 in N-Methylaniline and by factor of 80 in Aniline compared to the expected values in the case of ballistic propagation of light in a waveguide. Our results underscore the importance of a guide surface modification and the disordered molecular nano-layer in enhancement of absorption by amines on engineered integrated system.

Sci Rep ; 5: 11474, 2015 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26088555


If light beam propagates through matter containing point impurity centers, the amount of energy absorbed by the media is expected to be either independent of the impurity concentration N or proportional to N, corresponding to the intrinsic absorption or impurity absorption, respectively. Comparative studies of the resonant transmission of light in the vicinity of exciton resonances measured for 15 few-micron GaAs crystal slabs with different values of N, reveal a surprising tendency. While N spans almost five decimal orders of magnitude, the normalized spectrally-integrated absorption of light scales with the impurity concentration as N(1/6). We show analytically that this dependence is a signature of the diffusive mechanism of propagation of exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor.