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Surg Neurol Int ; 14: 316, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37810308


Background: Rare cases of biconvex hematomas splitting the convexity dura mater were reported and denominated interdural hematoma (IDH). Due to their rarity, little is known about their radiological characteristics, and in most cases, their invasive management with craniotomy and dural membrane excision is unnecessary. Case Description: We report here a case of single burr-hole endoscopic evacuation of an IDH and its complete resolution after the 6-month follow-up imaging. The literature review reveals 11 reported cases of IDH. Most of them are male and the mean age is 65 years (range 51-90). Most of the reported IDHs were misdiagnosed as epidural hematoma or meningioma, and therefore, they have been managed invasively through craniotomy with dural excision. Diagnosis of the interdural nature was confirmed macroscopically during surgery in all cases and histology was reported for 6 cases. Image analysis found a double dural beak sign and biconvex shape on coronal planes, subarachnoid space enlargement at the collection extremities, and irregular thick inner wall as common radiological aspects of the IDH. Conclusion: IDH is a rarely reported and often misdiagnosed dural hematoma subtype. Its invasive treatment through craniotomy is likely related to its unknown radiological characteristics. We review and raise awareness about potentially unique radiological anatomy that could avoid unnecessary invasive treatment. Moreover, we report the first case of endoscopically evacuated IDH with long-term follow-up imaging showing complete resolution.

Int J Mol Sci ; 24(8)2023 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37108562


Hearing loss is the most prevalent sensory disorder worldwide. The majority of congenital nonsyndromic hearing loss (NSHL) cases are caused by hereditary factors. Previously, the majority of NSHL studies focused on the GJB2 gene; however, with the availability of next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods, the number of novel variants associated with NSHL has increased. The purpose of this study was to design effective genetic screening for a Hungarian population based on a pilot study with 139 NSHL patients. A stepwise, comprehensive genetic approach was developed, including bidirectional capillary sequencing, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and an NGS panel of 108 hearing loss genes. With our results, a genetic diagnosis was possible for 92 patients. Sanger sequencing and MLPA identified the genetic background of 50% of these diagnosed cases, and the NGS panel identified another 16%. The vast majority (92%) of the diagnosed cases showed autosomal recessive inheritance and 76% were attributed to GJB2. The implementation of this stepwise analysis markedly increased our diagnostic yield and proved to be cost-effective as well.

Pérdida Auditiva , Humanos , Hungría , Proyectos Piloto , Mutación , Pérdida Auditiva/diagnóstico , Pérdida Auditiva/genética , Conexina 26/genética , Conexinas/genética
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 279(12): 5631-5638, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35727414


PURPOSE: During cochlear implantation surgery, a range of complications may occur such as tip fold-over. We recently developed a method to estimate the insertion orientation of the electrode array. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal angle of orientation in a cohort of cochlear implanted patients. METHODS: On eighty-five CT scans (80 uncomplicated insertions and 5 cases with tip fold-over), location of the electrode array's Insertion Guide (IG), Orientation marker (OM) and two easily identifiable landmarks (the round window (RW) and the incus short process (ISP)) were manually marked. The angle enclosed by ISP-RW line and the Cochlear™ Slim Modiolar electrode array's OM line determined the electrode array insertion angle. RESULTS: The average insertion angle was 45.0-47.2° ± 10.4-12° SD and was validated with 98% confidence interval. Based on the measurements obtained, patients' sex and age had no impact on the size of this angle. Although the angles of the tip fold-over cases (44.9°, 46.9°, 34.2°, 54.3°, 55.9°) fell within this average range, the further it diverted from the average it increased the likelihood for tip fold-over. CONCLUSION: Electrode array insertion in the individually calculated angle relative to the visible incus short process provides a useful guide for the surgeon when aiming for the optimal angle, and potentially enhances good surgical outcomes. Our results show that factors other than the orientation angle may additionally contribute to failures in implantation when the Slim Modiolar electrode is used.

Implantación Coclear , Implantes Cocleares , Humanos , Implantación Coclear/métodos , Ventana Redonda/cirugía , Cóclea/cirugía , Electrodos Implantados
Orv Hetil ; 162(25): 988-996, 2021 06 20.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34148026


Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az elmúlt években a cochlearis implantátum a súlyos halláskárosodás vagy a teljes siketség rutinszeru és hatékony kezelési eszközévé vált. Korunk egyik leggyakrabban használt és leghatékonyabb újítása a cochlearis implantációban a perimodiolaris vékony elektródasorok alkalmazása. A cochlea középtengelyét, a modiolust szorosan ölelo atraumatikus elektródasor igen meggyozo eredménnyel bizonyítja népszeruségét, mind az elektrofiziológiai mérések során, mind az akusztikus hallás megorzése terén nyújtott teljesítményével. Ugyanakkor igen kevés publikáció írja le az elektródasor nem megfelelo helyzetének elofordulási gyakoriságát, pontosabban a visszatekeredését a csúcsi szakaszon. Célkituzés: Tanulmányunk célja olyan szoftveres technika, a transzimpedancia-mátrix (TIM) beillesztése a rutin intraoperatív elektrofiziológiai mérési metodikák közé, amely képes objektív diagnosztikai lehetoséget biztosítani ahhoz, hogy korán felismerhessük a cochlearis implantátum elektródasorán keletkezett hurkot. Módszer: Hároméves kisgyermek kétoldali cochlearis implantációját követoen, posztoperatív röntgenfelvételen a bal oldalon az elektródasor megfelelo pozíciója figyelheto meg, míg a jobb oldalon az intracochlearis elektródasor végének visszatekeredése igazolódott. Képalkotó vizsgálatot követoen elektrofiziológiai metódusként TIM-vizsgálatot végeztünk. Az eljárás során a méroeszköz a kijelölt stimuláló elektródákon 1 V nagyságrendu feszültséget közöl állandó áramerosség mellett a cochlea közel eso struktúrái felé. Méroelektródák segítségével regisztráljuk a szöveteken mérheto feszültséget, majd transzimpedancia-mátrixszá alakítjuk a mért értékeket. Eredmények: Az elektródasor visszatekeredése, amelyet korábban radiológiai vizsgálattal igazoltunk, az objektív elektrofiziológiai mérések segítségével is jól azonosítható, és a vizsgálatok szoros párhuzamot mutatnak. Következtetés: Az elektródák helyzetének megjelenítésére szolgáló standard radiológiai képalkotási technikák kiegészíthetok, illetve kiválthatók egyszeruen elvégezheto, hatékony, objektív elektrofiziológiai vizsgálatokkal. Intraoperatíven, még a sebzárás elott kimutatható, ha az elektródasor nem megfelelo helyzetbe került, így csökkenthetjük a radiológiai vizsgálatokkal járó sugárterhelés és annak finanszírozási problémáját. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 988-996. INTRODUCTION: In recent years, the cochlear implant has become a routine and effective treatment tool for severe hearing loss and total deafness. One of the commonly used and effective innovations of our time in cochlear implantation is the perimodiolar thin electrode array. The atraumatic electrode array, which closely embraces the central axis of the cochlea (modiolus), has served its popularity with very convincing results, with its performance in both electrophysiological measurements and acoustic hearing preservation. However, very few publications describe the frequency of improper positioning of the electrode array, which is known as 'tip fold-over'. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study is to incorporate a software technique, the transimpedance matrix (TIM), into routine intraoperative electrophysiological measurement methodologies to provide a potential objective diagnostic opportunity for early detection of tip fold-over of the electrode array. METHOD: Following bilateral cochlear implantation of a three-year-old child, postoperative radiography showed the correct position of the electrode array on the left side, while tip fold-over of the intracochlear electrode array was detected on the right side. Following imaging, a TIM study was performed as an electrophysiological method. During the procedure, the measuring device transmits a voltage of the order of 1 V to the nearby structures of the cochlea at a constant current at the designated stimulus electrodes. Measuring electrodes were used to register the voltage measured on the tissues, and then converted into a TIM. RESULTS: Electrode tip fold-over was previously diagnosed by radiological examination, while it can also be diagnosed by objective electrophysiological measurements now, and these two tests correlate well. CONCLUSION: Standard radiological imaging techniques for electrode positioning can be supplemented or replaced by easy-to-perform, effective objective electrophysiological studies. Tip fold-over can be detected intraoperatively, even before wound closure, if the electrode array is in the wrong position, thus reducing the radiation exposure associated with radiological examinations as well as reducing relevant costs. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(25): 988-996.

Implantación Coclear , Implantes Cocleares , Sordera , Preescolar , Cóclea/cirugía , Electrodos Implantados , Humanos
Orv Hetil ; 162(22): 878-883, 2021 05 30.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34052802


Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A cochlearis implantátum egy mutétileg behelyezett elektromos eszköz, amely az akusztikus hanghullámokat elektromos jelekké alakítja, közvetlenül a hallóideget stimulálja, így segíti a súlyos fokú hallássérüléssel vagy teljes hallásvesztéssel élok életét. Cochlearis implantációt követoen a legjobb rehabilitációs eredmény elérésének technikai feltétele többek között az esetre szabott elektródaválasztás és az elektródasor teljes, kontrollált, szövodménymentes bejuttatása a scala tympaniba, miközben a cochlea belso struktúrája a leheto legkisebb mértékben sérül. A rutin intraoperatív elektrofiziológiai tesztek fontos információt adnak a készülék muködoképességérol és a hallóideg stimulációjáról, azonban nem hagyatkozhatunk rájuk az elektródasor cochleán belüli helyzetének igazolásában. Mivel elofordulhat, hogy a rendelkezésre álló elektrofiziológiai vizsgálatok eredménye megfelelo, és mégis rendellenes helyzetbe kerül az elektróda, az arany standardot a képalkotó vizsgálatok jelentik. Módszer: Közleményünkben egy modern, hibrid muto által nyújtott technológiai háttér új alkalmazási területét mutatjuk be. Szimultán kétoldali cochlearis implantációt végeztünk Cochlear Nucleus Slim Modiolar típusú perimodiolaris elektródasorral, a belso fül fejlodési rendellenességével rendelkezo betegen. Az intraoperatív képalkotást Siemens Artis pheno C-karos robot digitális szubtrakciós angiográfiás rendszer biztosította valós ideju átvilágító és volumentomográfiás funkcióval. Eredmények: Az intraoperatív képalkotás által dinamikusan követheto az elektródasor bevezetésének folyamata, ellenorizheto az elektródasor statikus helyzete, így kiváltható a rutinnak számító posztoperatív képalkotó vizsgálat. A rendellenes helyzetbe kerülo elektródasor pozíciója egy ülésben korrigálható, az újból bevezetheto, így elkerülheto az újabb altatással járó, bizonytalan kimenetelu revíziós mutét. Következtetés: A hibrid muto jól kontrollált, minimálisan invazív eljárások elvégzését biztosítja. Különösen a hallószerv fejlodési rendellenessége vagy egyéb, az elektródának a cochleába vezetését nehezíto rendellenesség esetén javasolt a mutoi képalkotó diagnosztika. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(22): 878-883. INTRODUCTION: The cochlear implant is a surgically inserted electrical device that converts acoustic sound waves into electrical signals to stimulate the cochlear nerve, thus helps the rehabilitation of people with severe to total hearing loss. One of the most important technical conditions for achieving the best rehabilitation result after cochlear implantation is the personalized choice of electrodes. Additionally, it is vital that there is a complete, controlled, uncomplicated delivery of the electrode array to the scala tympani while minimizing damage to the inner structures of the cochlea. Routine electrophysiological tests provide important information about device functionality and auditory nerve stimulation. However, they probably do not show an abnormal position of the electrode array within the cochlea. Thus, imaging studies remain the gold standard. METHOD: In our paper, we present a novel application field of the modern technological background provided by a hybrid operating room. Simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation was performed with cochlear implants with perimodiolar electrode array (Nucleus Slim Modiolar) in a patient with cochlear malformation. Intraoperative imaging was provided by a Siemens Artis pheno C-arm robot digital subtraction angiography system with real-time fluoroscopy and volume tomography function. RESULTS: Intraoperative imaging ensures dynamic follow-up of the introduction and static determination of the position of the electrode array and replaces routine postoperative imaging. If the electrode array was inserted in an abnormal position, the revision can be performed in the same sitting. Also, the revision surgery with a potential risk of uncertain outcome, alongside additional anaesthesia, can be prevented. CONCLUSION: The hybrid operating room ensures that well-controlled, minimally invasive procedures are performed. Intraoperative imaging can be imperative in malformed cochleae and conditions that may complicate electrode insertion. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(22): 878-883.

Implantación Coclear , Implantes Cocleares , Sordera , Cóclea/cirugía , Electrodos Implantados , Humanos
Orv Hetil ; 162(16): 623-628, 2021 04 07.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33830933


Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: Az emberi sziklacsont a halántékcsont része, egy bonyolult és változatos anatómiai felépítésu struktúra. A sziklacsonton végzett beavatkozások elott, a mutéti szövodmények megelozése érdekében, nélkülözhetetlen a biztos anatómiai tudás és kézügyesség megszerzése, valamint az egyes mutéti lépések és mozdulatok begyakorlása. A VOXEL-MAN Tempo 3D fül-orr-gégészeti szimulátor a virtuális valóság és a robotika alkalmazásával nyújt gyakorlási lehetoséget. Célkituzés: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem 2019-ben VOXEL-MAN fül-orr-gégészeti szimulátort helyezett üzembe az Orvosi Készségfejlesztési Központban. A cikk fül-orr-gégész szakorvos szerzoi a VOXEL-MAN Tempo szimulátor megismerését követoen bemutatják a készüléket, és megfogalmazzák a szimulátorral végzett beavatkozásokkal szemben támasztott igényüket. Módszer: A szerzok a megfogalmazott szempontoknak megfeleloen értékelik a VOXEL-MAN Tempo szimulátort, és meghatározzák, milyen szerepet szánnak neki a gyakorlati képzésben. Eredmények: A szimulátor virtuálisan, mégis valósághuen mutatja meg a sziklacsont anatómiai viszonyait, a fontos anatómiai struktúrák valós térbeli elhelyezkedését és egymástól, illetve a sebészi eszköztol mért távolságát. A rendszer lehetové teszi a fülmutétek valósághu elvégzését (kétkezes csontmunka fúróval és szívóval, vérzés szimulálása) taktilis visszacsatolással. Az egy- vagy kétkezes feladatokkal fejleszthetjük a sebészi készségeket. A fülmutétek csontmunkája reprodukálható módon elvégezheto valódi beteg halántékcsontjáról készített rutin, nagy felbontású komputertomográfiás vizsgálat anyagából. Következtetés: Tapasztalataink alapján a szimulátor kiválóan alkalmas az egyes mutéti lépesek begyakorlására. A jövoben fontos szerepet szánunk a virtuális rendszernek a fül-orr-gégészeti graduális és a fülsebészeti posztgraduális képzésben. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(16): 623-628. INTRODUCTION: The pars petrosa of the human temporal bone is a structure of complex and diverse anatomy. Prior to surgical interventions, in order to prevent surgical complications, it is essential to acquire sound anatomical knowledge and dexterity as well as to practice each surgical step and movement. The VOXEL-MAN Tempo 3D simulator uses virtual reality and robotics to provide an opportunity to practice. OBJECTIVE: In 2019, the University of Szeged installed a VOXEL-MAN Virtual Reality simulator at the Medical Skills Development Center. After learning about the VOXEL-MAN Tempo simulator, the authors present the device and articulate their need for interventions with the simulator. METHOD: The VOXEL-MAN Tempo simulator is evaluated according to the formulated criteria and the role assigned to it in the practical training is determined. RESULTS: The simulator shows the anatomical structure of the temporal bone virtually, yet realistically, the real spatial location of the important anatomical structures and their distance from each other and from the surgical instrument. The system allows ear surgery to be performed realistically (two-handed bone work with a drill and suction) with tactile (vibration) and visual (bleeding) feedback. One can improve surgical skills with one- or two-handed tasks. Bone work in ear surgeries can be performed in a reproducible manner from routine, high-resolution computer tomography of the temporal bone of a real patient. CONCLUSION: With reference to our experience, the simulator is excellent for practicing each surgical step. In the future, we intend to use this virtual system in undergraduate and postgraduate training in otolaryngology. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(16): 623-628.

Periodo Preoperatorio , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos , Hueso Temporal/cirugía , Realidad Virtual , Humanos
Ideggyogy Sz ; 73(9-10): 354-360, 2020 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33035412


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although vertigo is one of the most common complaints, intracranial malignant tumors rarely cause sudden asymmetry between the tone of the vestibular peripheries masquerading as a peripheral-like disorder. Here we report a case of simultaneous temporal bone infiltrating macro-metastasis and disseminated multi-organ micro-metastases presenting as acute unilateral vestibular syndrome, due to the reawakening of a primary gastric signet ring cell carcinoma. Purpose - Our objective was to identify those pathophysiological steps that may explain the complex process of tumor reawakening, dissemination. The possible causes of vestibular asymmetry were also traced. METHODS: A 56-year-old male patient's interdisciplinary medical data had been retrospectively analyzed. Original clinical and pathological results have been collected and thoroughly reevaluated, then new histological staining and immunohistochemistry methods have been added to the diagnostic pool. RESULTS: During the autopsy the cerebrum and cerebellum was edematous. The apex of the left petrous bone was infiltrated and destructed by a tumor mass of 2x2 cm in size. Histological reexamination of the original gastric resection specimen slides revealed focal submucosal tumorous infiltration with a vascular invasion. By immunohistochemistry mainly single infiltrating tumor cells were observed with Cytokeratin 7 and Vimentin positivity and partial loss of E-cadherin staining. The subsequent histological examination of necropsy tissue specimens confirmed the disseminated, multi-organ microscopic tumorous invasion. Discussion - It has been recently reported that the expression of Vimentin and the loss of E-cadherin is significantly associated with advanced stage, lymph node metastasis, vascular and neural invasion and undifferentiated type with p<0.05 significance. As our patient was middle aged and had no immune-deficiency, the promoting factor of the reawakening of the primary GC malignant disease after a 9-year-long period of dormancy remained undiscovered. The organ-specific tropism explained by the "seed and soil" theory was unexpected, due to rare occurrence of gastric cancer to metastasize in the meninges given that only a minority of these cells would be capable of crossing the blood brain barrier. CONCLUSION: Patients with past malignancies and new onset of neurological symptoms should alert the physician to central nervous system involvement, and the appropriate, targeted diagnostic and therapeutic work-up should be established immediately. Targeted staining with specific antibodies is recommended. Recent studies on cell lines indicate that metformin strongly inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition of gastric cancer cells. Therefore, further studies need to be performed on cases positive for epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

Biomarcadores de Tumor/análisis , Carcinoma de Células en Anillo de Sello/secundario , Carcinomatosis Meníngea/secundario , Neoplasias Gástricas/secundario , Hueso Temporal/patología , Vértigo/etiología , Carcinoma de Células en Anillo de Sello/patología , Transición Epitelial-Mesenquimal , Humanos , Metástasis Linfática/patología , Masculino , Carcinomatosis Meníngea/patología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Retrospectivos , Neoplasias Gástricas/patología
Development ; 147(19)2020 10 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32764029


Erythropoietin (EPO), the hypoxia-inducible hematopoietic hormone, has well-established neuroprotective/neurotrophic roles in the developing central nervous system and the therapeutic potential of EPO has been widely explored in clinical studies for the treatment of perinatal hypoxic brain lesion, as well as prematurity. Here, we reveal that both EPO and Epo receptor (EPOR) are expressed in the developing rat somatosensory cortex during radial migration and laminar positioning of granular and supragranular neurons. Experimental deregulation of EPO signaling using genetic approaches results in aberrant migration, as well as permanent neuronal misplacement leading to abnormal network activity and protracted sensory behavioral deficits. We identify ERK as the downstream effector of the EPO signaling pathway for neuronal migration. These findings reveal a crucial role for endogenous EPO signaling in neuronal migration, and offer important insights for understanding how the temporary deregulation of EPO could result in migration defects that lead to abnormal behavior in the adult.

Eritropoyetina/metabolismo , Neocórtex/citología , Neocórtex/metabolismo , Animales , Movimiento Celular/genética , Movimiento Celular/fisiología , Electroporación , Eritropoyetina/genética , Potenciales Evocados Somatosensoriales/genética , Potenciales Evocados Somatosensoriales/fisiología , Femenino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Inmunohistoquímica , Hibridación in Situ , Masculino , Embarazo , Ratas , Transducción de Señal/genética , Transducción de Señal/fisiología
Front Plant Sci ; 11: 684, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32670307


In the present study, we conducted field surveys to detect the population density of the most important invasive weed species and their associated virus vectoring aphids in crops grown under high input field (HIF) vs. low-input field (LIF) conditions, with and without fertilizers and pesticides. The most frequent invasive weed species were annual fleabane, Erigeron annua (L.), Canadian horseweed, Erigeron canadensis (L.) and Canadian goldenrod, Solidago canadensis (L.). These species were predominantly hosts of the aphids Brachycaudus helichrysi and Aulacorthum solani under both management systems. The 13% higher coverage of E. annua under LIF conditions resulted in a 30% higher B. helichrysi abundance and ∼85% higher A. solani abundance compared with HIF conditions. To reveal the incidence of virus infection in crop plants and invasive weeds, high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs was performed. Bioinformatics analysis combined with independent validation methods revealed the presence of six viruses, but with strikingly different patterns under LIF and HIF conditions. Their presence without symptoms in invasive weeds and crop plants supports the necessity of employing new approaches to those currently employed in invasive weed management. These findings also suggest that invasive weeds could serve as hosts for local aphid species and reservoirs for plant pathogenic viruses, both under low and high input management systems. In this light, as here demonstrated, viruses transmitted by local aphid species were found to differ between the management systems; hence, the importance of B. helichrysi and A. solani as virus vectors in particular clearly needs to be re-evaluated. Altogether, we accept that the present study is a pilot one and individual virus vectoring of aphids still needs to be directly tested. Even so, it represents one of the first contributions to this particular area, and thereby paves the way for further similar applied research in the future.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 27(24): 29867-29899, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32500500


We present a synthetic review and expert consultation that assesses the actual risks posed by arthropod pests in four major crops, identifies targets for integrated pest management (IPM) in terms of cultivated land needing pest control and gauges the implementation "readiness" of non-chemical alternatives. Our assessment focuses on the world's primary target pests for neonicotinoid-based management: western corn rootworm (WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) in maize; wireworms (Agriotes spp.) in maize and winter wheat; bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi) in winter wheat; brown planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens) in rice; cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) and silver-leaf whitefly (SLW, Bemisia tabaci) in cotton. First, we queried scientific literature databases and consulted experts from different countries in Europe, North America, and Asia about available IPM tools for each crop-pest system. Next, using an online survey, we quantitatively assessed the economic relevance of target pests by compiling country-level records of crop damage, yield impacts, extent of insecticide usage, and "readiness" status of various pest management alternatives (i.e., research, plot-scale validation, grower-uptake). Biological control received considerable scientific attention, while agronomic strategies (e.g., crop rotation), insurance schemes, decision support systems (DSS), and innovative pesticide application modes were listed as key alternatives. Our study identifies opportunities to advance applied research, IPM technology validation, and grower education to halt or drastically reduce our over-reliance on systemic insecticides globally.

Insecticidas , Plaguicidas , Animales , Asia , Europa (Continente) , Neonicotinoides , América del Norte
Orv Hetil ; 161(19): 780-788, 2020 05.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32365050


Otosclerosis is a human-specific ear disease characterised by complex bone-remodelling with multifactorial aetiology. It affects the bony labyrinth capsule and consequently fixates the stapes to the oval window rim. The fixation of the ossicular chain leads to a decrease in the middle ear's acoustic impedance-fitting and amplifier function that leads to conductive hearing loss. The process is progressive and when it involves the inner ear structures, it deteriorates the sensorineural function as well. The course of the illness can be prevented or delayed if hearing reconstructive surgery is performed on time. The development of stapes surgery spans the 20th century, and despite the major surgical steps - laid down by Shea and Marquet in the 1960s - are quite conservative, fine adjustments are still being made mainly due to technical progress. Several studies confirm that stapedotomy remained the first-to-offer therapeutic option in otosclerosis. With an adequate surgical technique, significant improvement can be achieved in the air conduction threshold, the air-bone gap may be minimalized or ceased over the speech frequencies, which significantly improves the quality of life of the patients. In this quest, we reviewed the Hungarian and the international literature as well in context with otosclerosis, with special attention to the newest methods in diagnostics and treatment management. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(19): 780-788.

Pérdida Auditiva/cirugía , Prótesis Osicular , Otosclerosis/cirugía , Cirugía del Estribo/métodos , Conducción Ósea/fisiología , Pérdida Auditiva/etiología , Pérdida Auditiva Conductiva , Humanos , Otosclerosis/complicaciones , Otosclerosis/diagnóstico , Calidad de Vida , Estudios Retrospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento
Cereb Cortex ; 30(8): 4708-4725, 2020 06 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32266929


Transplantation of appropriate neuronal precursors after injury is a promising strategy to reconstruct cortical circuits, but the efficiency of these approaches remains limited. Here, we applied targeted apoptosis to selectively ablate layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the rat juvenile cerebral cortex and attempted to replace lost neurons with their appropriate embryonic precursors by transplantation. We demonstrate that grafted precursors do not migrate to replace lost neurons but form vascularized clusters establishing reciprocal synaptic contacts with host networks and show functional integration. These heterotopic neuronal clusters significantly enhance the activity of the host circuits without causing epileptic seizures and attenuate the apoptotic injury-induced functional deficits in electrophysiological and behavioral tests. Chemogenetic activation of grafted neurons further improved functional recovery, and the persistence of the graft was necessary for maintaining restored functions in adult animals. Thus, implanting neuronal precursors capable to form synaptically integrated neuronal clusters combined with activation-based approaches represents a useful strategy for helping long-term functional recovery following brain injury.

Lesiones Encefálicas , Células Madre Embrionarias/trasplante , Células-Madre Neurales/trasplante , Recuperación de la Función/fisiología , Trasplante de Células Madre/métodos , Animales , Ratas , Ratas Wistar
Ideggyogy Sz ; 73(1-2): 53-59, 2020 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32057205


Background - Several cochlear implant recipients experience functionality loss due to electrode array mal-positioning. The application of delicate perimodiolar electrodes has many electrophysiological advantages, however, these profiles may be more susceptible to tip fold-over. Purpose - The prompt realization of such complication following electrode insertion would be auspicious, thus the electrode could be possibly repositioned during the same surgical procedure. Methods - The authors present three tip fold-over cases, experienced throughout their work with Slim Modiolar Electrode implants. Implantations were performed through the round window approach, by a skilled surgeon. Standard intraoperative measurements (electric integrity, neural response telemetry, and electrical stapedial reflex threshold tests) were successfully completed. The electrode position was controlled by conventional radiography on the first postoperative day. Results - Tip fold-over was not tactilely sensated by the surgeon. Our subjects revealed normal intraoperative telemetry measurements, only the postoperative imaging showed the tip fold-over. Due to the emerging adverse perception of constant beeping noise, the device was replaced by a CI512 implant after 6 months in one case. In the two remaining cases, the electrode array was reloaded into a back-up sheath, and reinserted into the scala tympani successfully through an extended round window approach. Discussion - Future additional studies using the spread of excitation or electric field imaging may improve test reliability. As all of these measurements are still carried out following electrode insertion, real-time identification, unfortunately, remains questionable. Conclusion - Tip fold-over could be reliably identified by conventional X-ray imaging. By contrast, intraoperative electrophysiology was not sufficiently sensitive to reveal it.

Implantación Coclear , Implantes Cocleares , Electrodos Implantados , Cóclea , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Rampa Timpánica
Orv Hetil ; 160(31): 1216-1222, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31352808


Introduction: The cochlear implants vary in electrodes in terms of length, width and proximity to the modiolus. The precurved electrode arrays could be placed closer to the modiolus and the ganglion cells compared to straight electrodes. The two types of electrode arrays provide different electrophysiological characteristics; however, proximity to the modiolus may lead to better hearing performance. Aim: To investigate our preliminary electrophysiological results that suggest that the Slim Modiolar (SM) electrode array has the potential to elicit similar neural responses as the thicker perimodiolar (Contour Advance, CA) electrode from the same generation of implants. Method: Subjects that were implanted either with CA or SM electrodes were enrolled, 54 consecutive subjects in each group. All electrodes were introduced into the cochlea via the round window. The diameter of the largest turn of the electrode arrays within the cochlea was measured through postoperative radiography. The energy consumption parameters were estimated 2 months after implantation. Results: The mean of the largest turns of the arrays within the cochlea was 4.2 ± 0.5 mm in the SM group and 4.9 ± 1.1 mm in the CA group. 'Auto power' was 44.81 ± 5.05% and 50.85 ± 8.35% with SM and CA, respectively. Estimated energy consumption was lower with SM. The differences were statistically significant. Conclusion: Our measurements for a large cohort in each group suggest that the SM electrode array takes a significantly closer position to the modiolus than the CA. This finding supports our earlier electrophysiological result and indicates better performance abilities. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(31): 1216-1222.

Cóclea/diagnóstico por imagen , Implantación Coclear/instrumentación , Implantación Coclear/métodos , Implantes Cocleares , Discriminación de la Altura Tonal/fisiología , Radiografía/métodos , Cóclea/cirugía , Electrodos Implantados , Humanos
Cell Rep ; 27(5): 1487-1502.e6, 2019 04 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31042475


During development, the precise implementation of molecular programs is a key determinant of proper dendritic development. Here, we demonstrate that canonical Wnt signaling is active in dendritic bundle-forming layer II pyramidal neurons of the rat retrosplenial cortex during dendritic branching and spine formation. Transient downregulation of canonical Wnt transcriptional activity during the early postnatal period irreversibly reduces dendritic arbor architecture, leading to long-lasting deficits in spatial exploration and/or navigation and spatial memory in the adult. During the late phase of dendritogenesis, canonical Wnt-dependent transcription regulates spine formation and maturation. We identify neurotrophin-3 as canonical Wnt target gene in regulating dendritogenesis. Our findings demonstrate how temporary imbalance in canonical Wnt signaling during specific time windows can result in irreversible dendritic defects, leading to abnormal behavior in the adult.

Dendritas/metabolismo , Neurogénesis , Células Piramidales/metabolismo , Memoria Espacial , Vía de Señalización Wnt , Animales , Células Cultivadas , Femenino , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Masculino , Neurotrofina 3/genética , Neurotrofina 3/metabolismo , Células Piramidales/citología , Células Piramidales/fisiología , Ratas , Ratas Wistar
Orv Hetil ; 159(41): 1680-1688, 2018 10.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30295044


During the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired patients, the preservation of residual acoustic hearing following cochlear implantation by minimizing the implantation trauma allows for improved hearing performance. To achieve this, minimally invasive, soft surgery methods and thinner, atraumatic electrodes were required. In our present study, we reported a case where Cochlear® Nucleus CI532 Slim Modiolar electrode was implanted in a patient with residual hearing. Our aim was to study the possible preservation of postoperative acoustic residual hearing by audiological monitoring. Since childhood, due to her congenital hearing loss, she has been wearing a conventional, airborne hearing correction device on both ears. Six months before cochlear implantation, we measured the progression on both sides of the hearing loss, so we decided to perform cochlear implantation. The patient had residual hearing on both ears prior to surgery thus the Cochlear® Nucleus CI532 Slim Modiolar Implant was used. The minimally invasive surgery was performed on the patient's right ear through the round window approach. Compared to the preoperative hearing threshold (average 85 dBHL) in the 4th postoperative week, an initial hearing threshold progression of 20-25 dBHL was observed between 0.25 and 1.0 kHz, while of 5-10 dBHL between 2.0-4.0 kHz. Hearing threshold measured in the 6th month showed a slight progression in the range above 1 kHz, but improved by the 12th month, to the results achieved at the 4th week. The effects of cochlear implantation on residual hearing have been studied in numerous studies, in which several key surgical and technical factors have been identified. Nucleus CI532 is a Slim Modiolar electrode profile that is close to the modiolus, so it is expected to have a lower endocochlear hydrodynamic load since it lies in the covering of the osseus spiral lamina, thus less influencing the dynamics of the basilar membrane. However, the perimodiolar location of the electrode array allows the adjacent nerve elements of the spiral ganglion to be stimulated with a lower electrical intensity and a reduced surface that may be neuroprotective. Preservation of acoustic residual hearing following cochlear implantation improves the patient's speech perception and the sound localization skills, particularly in difficult circumstances. Long-term residual hearing preservation may also be of great importance in the subsequent feasibility for regenerative procedures and drug treatments. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(41): 1680-1688.

Implantación Coclear/métodos , Implantes Cocleares , Sordera/cirugía , Ventana Redonda/cirugía , Adulto , Audiometría de Tonos Puros , Cóclea/cirugía , Implantación Coclear/instrumentación , Electrodos Implantados , Femenino , Humanos , Diseño de Prótesis
Cell ; 174(5): 1264-1276.e15, 2018 08 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057116


During corticogenesis, ventricular zone progenitors sequentially generate distinct subtypes of neurons, accounting for the diversity of neocortical cells and the circuits they form. While activity-dependent processes are critical for the differentiation and circuit assembly of postmitotic neurons, how bioelectrical processes affect nonexcitable cells, such as progenitors, remains largely unknown. Here, we reveal that, in the developing mouse neocortex, ventricular zone progenitors become more hyperpolarized as they generate successive subtypes of neurons. Experimental in vivo hyperpolarization shifted the transcriptional programs and division modes of these progenitors to a later developmental status, with precocious generation of intermediate progenitors and a forward shift in the laminar, molecular, morphological, and circuit features of their neuronal progeny. These effects occurred through inhibition of the Wnt-beta-catenin signaling pathway by hyperpolarization. Thus, during corticogenesis, bioelectric membrane properties are permissive for specific molecular pathways to coordinate the temporal progression of progenitor developmental programs and thus neocortical neuron diversity.

Potenciales de la Membrana , Neocórtex/embriología , Neuronas/metabolismo , Células Madre/citología , Animales , Encéfalo/citología , Encéfalo/embriología , Diferenciación Celular , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Electroporación , Femenino , Regulación del Desarrollo de la Expresión Génica , Masculino , Ratones , Neocórtex/citología , Proteínas del Tejido Nervioso/metabolismo , Células-Madre Neurales/citología , Neurogénesis , Canales de Potasio de Rectificación Interna/metabolismo , Análisis de Secuencia de ARN , Transducción de Señal , Factores de Tiempo , Proteínas Wnt/metabolismo , beta Catenina/metabolismo
J Neurosci ; 38(15): 3776-3791, 2018 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29555850


Most research on focal epilepsy focuses on mechanisms of seizure generation in the primary epileptic focus (EF). However, neurological deficits that are not directly linked to seizure activity and that may persist after focus removal are frequent. The recruitment of remote brain regions of an epileptic network (EN) is recognized as a possible cause, but a profound lack of experimental evidence exists concerning their recruitment and the type of pathological activities they exhibit. We studied the development of epileptic activities at the large-scale in male mice of the kainate model of unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy using high-density surface EEG and multiple-site intracortical recordings. We show that, along with focal spikes and fast ripples that remain localized to the injected hippocampus (i.e., the EF), a subpopulation of spikes that propagate across the brain progressively emerges even before the expression of seizures. The spatiotemporal propagation of these generalized spikes (GSs) is highly stable within and across animals, defining a large-scale EN comprising both hippocampal regions and frontal cortices. Interestingly, GSs are often concomitant with muscular twitches. In addition, while fast ripples are, as expected, highly frequent in the EF, they also emerge in remote cortical regions and in particular in frontal regions where GSs propagate. Finally, we demonstrate that these remote interictal activities are dependent on the focus in the early phase of the disease but continue to be expressed after focus silencing at later stages. Our results provide evidence that neuronal networks outside the initial focus are progressively altered during epileptogenesis.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT It has long been held that the epileptic focus is responsible for triggering seizures and driving interictal activities. However, focal epilepsies are associated with heterogeneous symptoms, calling into question the concept of a strictly focal disease. Using the mouse model of hippocampal sclerosis, this work demonstrates that focal epilepsy leads to the development of pathological activities specific to the epileptic condition, notably fast ripples, that appear outside of the primary epileptic focus. Whereas these activities are dependent on the focus early in the disease, focus silencing fails to control them in the chronic stage. Thus, dynamical changes specific to the epileptic condition are built up outside of the epileptic focus along with disease progression, which provides supporting evidence for network alterations in focal epilepsy.

Excitabilidad Cortical , Epilepsia del Lóbulo Temporal/fisiopatología , Animales , Epilepsia del Lóbulo Temporal/etiología , Ácido Kaínico/toxicidad , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL
Orv Hetil ; 159(8): 303-311, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29429357


The development of the therapeutic possibilities of vocal cord immobility necessitated the parallel renewal of diagnostic methods. In the last years, laryngeal electromyography, which was first introduced more than 70 years ago, has been re-discovered. After reviewing the international literature and their own experience, the authors present the indications, technical requirements, method and, particularly, the evaluation of the results of this procedure. Laryngeal electromyography makes the differentiation between mechanical fixation and immobility with neurological origin of the vocal folds possible. In case of laryngeal paralysis/paresis it also evaluates objectively the severity of neural injury, the prognosis of the disease and the necessity of any glottis-widening procedure. The widespread application of dynamic rehabilitation interventions is not conceivable without the routine application of laryngeal electromyography, so this sensitive diagnostic tool has to be introduced in all laryngological centers. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(8): 303-311.

Electromiografía/métodos , Parálisis de los Pliegues Vocales/diagnóstico , Parálisis de los Pliegues Vocales/fisiopatología , Humanos , Enfermedades de la Laringe/diagnóstico , Pronóstico