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Diagnostics (Basel) ; 14(11)2024 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38893625


Spondylodiscitis is a rather rare condition with an annual incidence of 1-7 per 100,000. Thus, empirical data on the treatment of this disease are limited. In 2020, the first German guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of spondylodiscitis was published. In a 5-year retrospective analysis, we examined the patient collective, the current diagnosis and treatment strategy, and the effect of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) diagnostics on therapeutic decisions of a consecutive monocentric cohort of 66 patients without neurological symptoms. The majority of the patients were male (55%) with a mean age of 74 years. Non-operative therapy was found to be associated with short-term treatment success in 54 (82%) of the patients. In 12 patients, who underwent surgical therapy, MRI diagnostics and clinical findings were equally important for the decision to perform a surgery. Patients treated operatively stayed for an average of 33.6 (±12.9) days in the hospital and thus significantly longer than non-operatively treated patients with 22.2 (±8.0) days. The in-house standard of care did not essentially deviate from the guideline's recommendations. Future research should address early detection of the need for surgical therapy, and immediate anti-infective treatment appropriate to the detected pathogen.

Front Psychiatry ; 13: 927696, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35928775


Background: While repeated shutdown and lockdown measures helped contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and self-isolation negatively impacted global mental health in 2020 and 2021. Although suicide rates did reportedly not increase during the first months of the pandemic, long-term data, and data on the quality of serious violent suicide attempts (SVSAs) are not available to date. Materials and methods: Orthopaedic trauma patient visits to the emergency department (ED), ED trauma team activations, and SVSAs were retrospectively evaluated from January 2019 until May 2021 in four Level-I Trauma Centers in Berlin, Germany. SVSAs were assessed for suicide method, injury pattern and severity, type of treatment, and length of hospital stay. Results: Significantly fewer orthopaedic trauma patients presented to EDs during the pandemic (n = 70,271) compared to the control (n = 84,864) period (p = 0.0017). ED trauma team activation numbers remained unchanged. SVSAs (corrected for seasonality) also remained unchanged during control (n = 138) and pandemic (n = 129) periods, and no differences were observed for suicide methods, injury patterns, or length of hospital stay. Conclusion: Our data emphasize that a previously reported rise in psychological stress during the COVID-19 pandemic does not coincide with increased SVSA rates or changes in quality of SVSAs.

J Tissue Eng ; 8: 2041731417698852, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28540031


In recent years, circulating progenitors of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were identified in the peripheral blood. In our study, we evaluated the utilization of both cell types isolated and differentiated from peripheral porcine blood in terms for their use for tissue engineering purposes. By means of density gradient centrifugation, the monocyte fraction from porcine blood was separated, split, and cultivated with specific culture media with either endothelial cell growth medium-2 or smooth muscle cell growth medium-2 for the differentiation of endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells. Obtained cells were characterized at an early stage of cultivation before the first passage and a late stage (fourth passage) on the basis of the expression of the antigens CD31, CD34, CD45, nitric oxide synthase, and the contractile filaments smooth-muscle alpha-actin (sm-alpha-actin) and smoothelin. Functional characterization was done based on the secretion of nitric oxide, the formation of a coherent monolayer on polytetrafluoroethylene, and capillary sprouting. During cultivation in both endothelial cell growth medium-2 and smooth muscle cell growth medium-2, substantially two types of cells grew out: early outgrown CD45-positive cells, which disappeared during further cultivation, and in 85% (n = 17/20) of cultures cultivated with endothelial cell growth medium-2 colony-forming late outgrowth endothelial cells. During cultivation with smooth muscle cell growth medium-2 in 80% (n = 16/20) of isolations colony-forming late outgrowth smooth muscle cells entered the stage. Cultivation with either endothelial cell growth medium-2 or smooth muscle cell growth medium-2 had selective effect on the late outgrown cells to that effect that the number of CD31-positive cells increased from 34.8% ± 13% to 83.9% ± 8% in cultures cultivated with endothelial cell growth medium-2 and the number of sm-α-actin+ cells increased from 52.6% ± 18% to 88% ± 5% in cultures cultivated with smooth muscle cell growth medium-2, respectively. Functional analyses revealed significantly higher levels of nitric oxide secretion, endothelialization capacity, and capillary formation in not expanded cultures cultivated with endothelial cell growth medium-2 in comparison to later stages of cultivation and mature aortic cells. Blood seems to be a reliable and feasible source for the isolation of both endothelial and smooth muscle cells for application in tissue engineering approaches. Whereas, early co-cultures of early and late outgrowth cells provide functional advantages, the differentiation of cells can be directed selectively by the used culture medium for the expansion of highly proliferative late outgrowth endothelial cells and late outgrowth smooth muscle cells, respectively.