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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 29(Pt 3): 654-663, 2022 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35510998


Scientific tasks aimed at decoding and characterizing complex systems and processes at high pressures set new challenges for modern X-ray diffraction instrumentation in terms of X-ray flux, focal spot size and sample positioning. Presented here are new developments at the Extreme Conditions beamline (P02.2, PETRA III, DESY, Germany) that enable considerable improvements in data collection at very high pressures and small scattering volumes. In particular, the focusing of the X-ray beam to the sub-micrometer level is described, and control of the aberrations of the focusing compound refractive lenses is made possible with the implementation of a correcting phase plate. This device provides a significant enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio by conditioning the beam shape profile at the focal spot. A new sample alignment system with a small sphere of confusion enables single-crystal data collection from grains of micrometer to sub-micrometer dimensions subjected to pressures as high as 200 GPa. The combination of the technical development of the optical path and the sample alignment system contributes to research and gives benefits on various levels, including rapid and accurate diffraction mapping of samples with sub-micrometer resolution at multimegabar pressures.

Biomed Opt Express ; 11(10): 5506-5517, 2020 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33149967


Thanks to its non-invasive nature, X-ray phase contrast tomography is a very versatile imaging tool for biomedical studies. In contrast, histology is a well-established method, though having its limitations: it requires extensive sample preparation and it is quite time consuming. Therefore, the development of nano-imaging techniques for studying anatomic details at the cellular level is gaining more and more importance. In this article, full field transmission X-ray nanotomography is used in combination with Zernike phase contrast to image millimeter sized unstained tissue samples at high spatial resolution. The regions of interest (ROI) scans of different tissues were obtained from mouse kidney, spleen and mammalian carcinoma. Thanks to the relatively large field of view and effective pixel sizes down to 36 nm, this 3D approach enabled the visualization of the specific morphology of each tissue type without staining or complex sample preparation. As a proof of concept technique, we show that the high-quality images even permitted the 3D segmentation of multiple structures down to a sub-cellular level. Using stitching techniques, volumes larger than the field of view are accessible. This method can lead to a deeper understanding of the organs' nano-anatomy, filling the resolution gap between histology and transmission electron microscopy.

Opt Lett ; 44(3): 574-577, 2019 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30702682


The extension of transient grating spectroscopy to the x-ray regime will create numerous opportunities, ranging from the study of thermal transport in the ballistic regime to charge, spin, and energy transfer processes with atomic spatial and femtosecond temporal resolution. Studies involving complicated split-and-delay lines have not yet been successful in achieving this goal. Here we propose a novel, simple method based on the Talbot effect for converging beams, which can easily be implemented at current x-ray free electron lasers. We validate our proposal by analyzing printed interference patterns on polymethyl methacrylate and gold samples using ∼3 keV X-ray pulses.