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Nanoscale ; 11(1): 193-199, 2018 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30525165


Transient photoluminescence (PL) characteristics and localization phenomena in InGaN/GaN core-shell nanorods (NRs) were investigated from 6 K up to 285 K. The NRs exhibit three well-defined PL bands in the near-UV, blue, and green range ascribed to the emission of quantum well (QW) areas situated at the (1.00) sidewalls, (10.1) top facets, and (00.1) tip, respectively. At low temperature, time-resolved PL shows a fast decay time of about 0.5 ns for the semi- and non-polar QWs, while the polar QWs exhibit at least a twice-longer time. Rapid delocalization of carriers above 50 K indicates shallow potential fluctuations in the QWs. At room temperature, the characteristic fast PL decay time of the three QW bands stabilizes around 300 ps. The slow decaying PL components have different characteristic decay times that are explained by additional localization at basal stacking faults (BSFs), taking into account the quantum confined Stark effect. In addition, narrow excitonic luminescence lines are observed in the BSF-enriched polar QWs, providing direct evidence of the impact of the BSF/QW crossings on the optical properties of the NRs. A PL rise time of about 100 ps does not show any deviation between bands. These findings are suggestive of similar transport mechanisms in temperature equilibrium without inter-facet transport between different QWs. We believe that predictable transient characteristics can play a key role in creating uniform NR ensembles for device applications.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 7311, 2018 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29743644


We report on the thorough investigation of light emitting diodes (LEDs) made of core-shell nanorods (NRs) with InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) in the outer shell, which are grown on patterned substrates by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The multi-bands emission of the LEDs covers nearly the whole visible region, including UV, blue, green, and orange ranges. The intensity of each emission is strongly dependent on the current density, however the LEDs demonstrate a rather low color saturation. Based on transmission electron microscopy data and comparing them with electroluminescence and photoluminescence spectra measured at different excitation powers and temperatures, we could identify the spatial origination of each of the emission bands. We show that their wavelengths and intensities are governed by different thicknesses of the QWs grown on different crystal facets of the NRs as well as corresponding polarization-induced electric fields. Also the InGaN incorporation strongly varies along the NRs, increasing at their tips and corners, which provides the red shift of emission. With increasing the current, the different QW regions are activated successively from the NR tips to the side-walls, resulting in different LED colors. Our findings can be used as a guideline to design effectively emitting multi-color NR-LEDs.