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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(16): 11085-11092, 2023 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36484473


Understanding the mechanisms of X-ray radiation damage in biological systems is of prime interest in medicine (radioprotection, X-ray therapy…). Study of low-energy rays, such as soft-X rays and light ions, points to attribute their lethal effect to clusters of energy deposition by low-energy electrons. The first step, at the atomic or molecular level, is often the ionization of inner-shell electrons followed by Auger decay in an aqueous environment. We have developed an experimental set-up to perform electron coincidence spectroscopy on molecules in a water micro-jet. We present here the first results obtained on sodium benzoate solutions, irradiated at the oxygen and carbon K-edges.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(34): 20219-20227, 2022 Aug 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35983783


Single-photon multiple photoionization results from electron correlations that make this process possible beyond the independent electron approximation. To study this phenomenon experimentally, the detection in coincidence of all emitted electrons is the most direct approach. It provides the relative contribution of all possible multiple ionization processes, the energy distribution between electrons that can reveal simultaneous or sequential mechanisms, and, if possible, the angular correlations between electrons. In the present work, we present a new magnet design of our magnetic bottle electron spectrometer that allows the detection of multiply charged Xen+ ions in coincidence with n electrons. This new coincidence detection allows more efficient extraction of minor channels that are otherwise masked by random coincidences. The proof of principle is provided for xenon triple ionization.

J Chem Phys ; 151(21): 214303, 2019 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31822078


Single-site Double-Core Hole (ss-DCH or K-2) and two-site Double-Core Hole (ts-DCH or K-1K-1) photoelectron spectra including satellite lines were experimentally recorded for the aromatic C6H6 molecule using the synchrotron radiation and multielectron coincidence technique. Density functional theory and post-Hartree-Fock simulations providing binding energies and relative intensities allow us to clearly assign the main K-2 line and its satellites. K-1K-1 states' positions and assignments are further identified using a core-equivalent model. We predict that, contrary to what has been observed in the C2H2n series of molecules, the K-1K-1 energy-level ordering in C6H6 does not reflect the core-hole distances between the two holes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(2): 023201, 2019 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386513


We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study on superfluorescence in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength regime. Focusing a free-electron laser pulse in a cell filled with Xe gas, the medium is quasi-instantaneously population inverted by 4d-shell ionization on the giant resonance followed by Auger decay. On the timescale of ∼10 ps to ∼100 ps (depending on parameters) a macroscopic polarization builds up in the medium, resulting in superfluorescent emission of several Xe lines in the forward direction. As the number of emitters in the system is increased by either raising the pressure or the pump-pulse energy, the emission yield grows exponentially over four orders of magnitude and reaches saturation. With increasing yield, we observe line broadening, a manifestation of superfluorescence in the spectral domain. Our novel theoretical approach, based on a full quantum treatment of the atomic system and the irradiated field, shows quantitative agreement with the experiment and supports our interpretation.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 13317, 2017 10 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29042664


Recent advances in X-ray instrumentation have made it possible to measure the spectra of an essentially unexplored class of electronic states associated with double inner-shell vacancies. Using the technique of single electron spectroscopy, spectra of states in CS2 and SF6 with a double hole in the K-shell and one electron exited to a normally unoccupied orbital have been obtained. The spectra are interpreted with the aid of a high-level theoretical model giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The results shed new light on the important distinction between direct and conjugate shake-up in a molecular context. In particular, systematic similarities and differences between pre-edge states near single core holes investigated in X-ray absorption spectra and the corresponding states near double core holes studied here are brought out.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(13): 133001, 2016 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27715102


Using synchrotron radiation and high-resolution electron spectroscopy, we have directly observed and identified specific photoelectrons from K^{-2}V states in neon corresponding to simultaneous 1s ionization and 1s→valence excitation. The natural lifetime broadening of the K^{-2}V states and the relative intensities of different types of shakeup channels have been determined experimentally and compared to ab initio calculations. Moreover, the high-energy Auger spectrum resulting from the decay of Ne^{2+}K^{-2} and Ne^{+}K^{-2}V states as well as from participator Auger decay from Ne^{+}K^{-1}L^{-1}V states, has been measured and assigned in detail utilizing the characteristic differences in lifetime broadenings of these core hole states. Furthermore, post collision interaction broadening of Auger peaks is clearly observed only in the hypersatellite spectrum from K^{-2} states, due to the energy sharing between the two 1s photoelectrons which favors the emission of one slow and one fast electron.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(10): 103001, 2016 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27015477


We have studied, for the first time by electron spectroscopy, the Auger decay of the 4d→nf (n=4,5) resonances in Xe^{5+} ion. By detecting in coincidence the Auger electrons with the resulting Xe^{6+} ions, we unravel the contribution of the different final ionic states to the total cross section measured by ion spectroscopy. A strong intensity of 5s5p satellite lines has been observed, up to 4 times stronger than the 5s^{2} main lines. This unexpected behavior is confirmed by multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. This technique provides the most stringent test for theoretical models and allows us to disentangle the contribution of ions in the ground and metastable states in the target beam.

J Chem Phys ; 142(1): 014307, 2015 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25573561


We present in detail a theoretical model that provides absolute cross sections for simultaneous core-ionization core-excitation (K(-2)V) and compare its predictions with experimental results obtained on the water molecule after photoionization by synchrotron radiation. Two resonances of different symmetries are assigned in the main K(-2)V peak and comparable contributions from monopolar (direct shake-up) and dipolar (conjugate shake-up) core-valence excitations are identified. The main peak is observed with a much greater width than the total experimental resolution. This broadening is the signature of nuclear dynamics.

J Chem Phys ; 142(1): 014308, 2015 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25573562


The formalism developed in the companion Paper I is used here for the interpretation of spectra obtained recently on the nitrogen molecule. Double core-hole ionization K(-2) and core ionization-core excitation K(-2)V processes have been observed by coincidence electron spectroscopy after ionization by synchrotron radiation at different photon energies. Theoretical and experimental cross sections reported on an absolute scale are in satisfactory agreement. The evolution with photon energy of the relative contribution of shake-up and conjugate shake-up processes is discussed. The first main resonance in the K(-2)V spectrum is assigned to a K(-2)π(∗) state mainly populated by the 1s→ lowest unoccupied molecular orbital dipolar excitation, as it is in the K(-1)V NEXAFS (Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) signals. Closer to the K(-2) threshold Rydberg resonances have been also identified, and among them a K(-2)σ(∗) resonance characterized by a large amount of 2s/2p hybridization, and double K(-2)(2σ(∗)/1π/3σ)(-1)1π(∗2) shake-up states. These resonances correspond in NEXAFS spectra to, respectively, the well-known σ(∗) shape resonance and double excitation K(-1)(2σ(∗)/1π/3σ)(-1)1π(∗2) resonances, all being positioned above the threshold.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(14): 143005, 2014 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24765953


We provide a final state selective experimental study on the direct double photoionization of the valence states of benzene and pyrrole. The experiment is carried out using a magnetic-bottle electron time-of-flight coincidence setup at the incident photon energy region of 25-120 eV. We discuss on the recently discovered phenomenon of so-called Cooper pair formation [R. Wehlitz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 193001 (2012)] and show that our experiment provides contradicting evidence on its existence in the proposed form. We confirm the finding of a new two-electron continuum resonance structure observed at about 30­70 eV above the double ionization threshold in benzene, provide further information from it, and suggest an alternative explanation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(12): 123001, 2013 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24093255


Simultaneous core ionization and core excitation have been observed in the C(2)H(2n) (n=1, 2, 3) molecular series using synchrotron radiation and a magnetic bottle time-of-flight electron spectrometer. Rich satellite patterns corresponding to (K(-2)V) core excited states of the K(-1) molecular ions have been identified by detecting in coincidence the photoelectron with the two Auger electrons resulting from the double core hole relaxation. A theoretical model is proposed providing absolute photoionization cross sections and revealing clear signatures of direct (monopolar) and conjugate (dipolar near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure) shakeup lines of comparable magnitude.

Hidrocarburos/química , Espectroscopía de Fotoelectrones/métodos , Espectroscopía de Absorción de Rayos X/métodos
J Chem Phys ; 138(21): 214308, 2013 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23758372


Electron reemission following photoelectron recapture due to post-collision interaction has been studied at 0.7 eV the inner-shell photoionization threshold of water molecules, using a multi-electron coincidence method. Electron reemissions after single Auger decay occur from O and OH fragments which are produced by the dissociations of high-n Rydberg H2O(+) states populated through photoelectron recapture. In addition, electron reemissions after double Auger decay are identified in triple coincidence events, where autoionization lines from O and O(+) fragments are observed.

Electrones , Agua/química , Procesos Fotoquímicos
Phys Rev Lett ; 110(16): 163001, 2013 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679597


We have observed single photon double K-shell photoionization in the C(2)H(2n) (n=1-3) hydrocarbon sequence and in N(2) and CO, using synchrotron radiation and electron coincidence spectroscopy. Our previous observations of the K(-2) process in these molecules are extended by the observations of a single photon double photoionization with one core hole created at each of the two neighboring atoms in the molecule (K(-1)K(-1) process). In the C(2)H(2n) sequence, the spectroscopy of K(-1)K(-1) states is much more sensitive to the bond length than conventional electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis spectroscopy based on single K-shell ionization. The cross section variation for single photon K(-1)K(-1) double core ionization in the C(2)H(2n) sequence and in the isoelectronic C(2)H(2n), N(2) and CO molecules validates a knock-out mechanism in which a primary ionized 1s photoelectron ejects another 1s electron of the neighbor atom. The specific Auger decay from such states is clearly observed in the CO case.

J Chem Phys ; 138(2): 024306, 2013 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23320682


We have investigated a local chemical environment effect on Auger spectra of ethyl trifluoroacetate (C(4)H(5)F(3)O(2)), using multi-electron coincidence spectroscopy and high-resolution electron spectroscopy. Site-specific KVV Auger spectra for each carbon atom, and for the fluorine and oxygen atoms are presented. The extent of hole localization in the final dicationic states was investigated with the help of theoretical calculations based on a two-hole population analysis. The Auger spectra have been simulated using a statistical approach. It is found that all Auger decays populate mainly localized dicationic states, with the two holes located either on the same fluorine atom or on adjacent fluorine atoms. While the decay of the F 1s hole populates exclusively the former states, the latter class of states is also populated by the decay of the C and O 1s holes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(11): 113002, 2013 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166528


Direct measurements of the photoelectrons or Auger electrons associated with inner shell ionization of positively charged ions are extremely difficult and rarely realized. We propose an alternative method to simulate such measurements, based on core valence double photoionization of the neutral species. As an example, we obtain the spectroscopy, lifetimes, and Auger decays of the states arising from 2p inner shell ionisation of an Ar(+) ion. Observations compare well with theoretical predictions obtained within multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock formalism.

J Chem Phys ; 137(19): 191101, 2012 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23181286


Double Auger decay of O1s(-1) and its satellite states in H(2)O has been studied with a multi-electron coincidence method, and a process leading to autoionizing O* fragments has been revealed. The breaking of the two O-H bonds producing the autoionizing O* fragments occurs for highly excited H(2)O(2+) populated by the initial Auger decay. The O* fragments are more favorably produced in the decay from the satellite states, resulting from the larger population of highly excited H(2)O(2+) states inheriting the valence excitation in the initial state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(19): 193004, 2011 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181603


We observe the formation in a single-photon transition of two core holes, each at a different carbon atom of the C2H2 molecule. At a photon energy of 770.5 eV, the probability of this 2-site core double ionization amounts to 1.6 ± 0.4% of the 1-site core double ionization. A simple theoretical model based on the knockout mechanism gives reasonable agreement with experiment. Spectroscopy and Auger decays of the associated double core hole states are also investigated.

J Chem Phys ; 135(13): 134309, 2011 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21992307


Spectra of triply ionized CO(2) have been obtained from photoionization of the molecule using soft x-ray synchrotron light and an efficient multi-electron coincidence technique. Although all states of the CO(2) (+++) trication are unstable, the ionization energy for formation of molecular ions at a geometry similar to that of the neutral molecule is determined as 74 ± 0.5 eV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(11): 113005, 2011 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22026663


The direct observation of triple photoionization involving one inner shell and two valence electrons is reported. The energy distribution of the three photoelectrons emitted from Ne is obtained using a very efficient multielectron coincidence method using the magnetic bottle electron spectroscopic technique. A predominance of the direct path to triple photoionization for the formation of Ne3+ in the 1s 2s2 2p4 configuration is observed. It is demonstrated that the energy distribution evolves with photon energy and indicates a significant difference with triple photoionization involving only valence electrons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(10): 103002, 2011 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21469789


We present an experimental and theoretical study of triply charged hydrogen bromide ions formed by photoionization of the inner 3d shell of Br. The experimental results, obtained by detecting the 3d photoelectron in coincidence with the two subsequent Auger electrons, are analyzed using calculated potential energy curves of HBr3+. The competition between the short-range chemical binding potential and the Coulomb repulsion in the dissociative process is shown. Two different mechanisms are observed for double Auger decay: one, a direct process with simultaneous ejection of two Auger electrons to final HBr3+ ionic states and the other, a cascade process involving double Auger decay characterized by the autoionization of Br*+ ion subsequent to the HBr2+ fragmentation.