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Front Neuroinform ; 17: 1215261, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37720825


Introduction: Open science initiatives have enabled sharing of large amounts of already collected data. However, significant gaps remain regarding how to find appropriate data, including underutilized data that exist in the long tail of science. We demonstrate the NeuroBridge prototype and its ability to search PubMed Central full-text papers for information relevant to neuroimaging data collected from schizophrenia and addiction studies. Methods: The NeuroBridge architecture contained the following components: (1) Extensible ontology for modeling study metadata: subject population, imaging techniques, and relevant behavioral, cognitive, or clinical data. Details are described in the companion paper in this special issue; (2) A natural-language based document processor that leveraged pre-trained deep-learning models on a small-sample document corpus to establish efficient representations for each article as a collection of machine-recognized ontological terms; (3) Integrated search using ontology-driven similarity to query PubMed Central and NeuroQuery, which provides fMRI activation maps along with PubMed source articles. Results: The NeuroBridge prototype contains a corpus of 356 papers from 2018 to 2021 describing schizophrenia and addiction neuroimaging studies, of which 186 were annotated with the NeuroBridge ontology. The search portal on the NeuroBridge website provides an interactive Query Builder, where the user builds queries by selecting NeuroBridge ontology terms to preserve the ontology tree structure. For each return entry, links to the PubMed abstract as well as to the PMC full-text article, if available, are presented. For each of the returned articles, we provide a list of clinical assessments described in the Section "Methods" of the article. Articles returned from NeuroQuery based on the same search are also presented. Conclusion: The NeuroBridge prototype combines ontology-based search with natural-language text-mining approaches to demonstrate that papers relevant to a user's research question can be identified. The NeuroBridge prototype takes a first step toward identifying potential neuroimaging data described in full-text papers. Toward the overall goal of discovering "enough data of the right kind," ongoing work includes validating the document processor with a larger corpus, extending the ontology to include detailed imaging data, and extracting information regarding data availability from the returned publications and incorporating XNAT-based neuroimaging databases to enhance data accessibility.

Front Neuroinform ; 17: 1216443, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37554248


Background: Despite the efforts of the neuroscience community, there are many published neuroimaging studies with data that are still not findable or accessible. Users face significant challenges in reusing neuroimaging data due to the lack of provenance metadata, such as experimental protocols, study instruments, and details about the study participants, which is also required for interoperability. To implement the FAIR guidelines for neuroimaging data, we have developed an iterative ontology engineering process and used it to create the NeuroBridge ontology. The NeuroBridge ontology is a computable model of provenance terms to implement FAIR principles and together with an international effort to annotate full text articles with ontology terms, the ontology enables users to locate relevant neuroimaging datasets. Methods: Building on our previous work in metadata modeling, and in concert with an initial annotation of a representative corpus, we modeled diagnosis terms (e.g., schizophrenia, alcohol usage disorder), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan types (T1-weighted, task-based, etc.), clinical symptom assessments (PANSS, AUDIT), and a variety of other assessments. We used the feedback of the annotation team to identify missing metadata terms, which were added to the NeuroBridge ontology, and we restructured the ontology to support both the final annotation of the corpus of neuroimaging articles by a second, independent set of annotators, as well as the functionalities of the NeuroBridge search portal for neuroimaging datasets. Results: The NeuroBridge ontology consists of 660 classes with 49 properties with 3,200 axioms. The ontology includes mappings to existing ontologies, enabling the NeuroBridge ontology to be interoperable with other domain specific terminological systems. Using the ontology, we annotated 186 neuroimaging full-text articles describing the participant types, scanning, clinical and cognitive assessments. Conclusion: The NeuroBridge ontology is the first computable metadata model that represents the types of data available in recent neuroimaging studies in schizophrenia and substance use disorders research; it can be extended to include more granular terms as needed. This metadata ontology is expected to form the computational foundation to help both investigators to make their data FAIR compliant and support users to conduct reproducible neuroimaging research.

AMIA Annu Symp Proc ; 2022: 1135-1144, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37128458


Scientific reproducibility that effectively leverages existing study data is critical to the advancement of research in many disciplines including neuroscience, which uses imaging and electrophysiology modalities as primary endpoints or key dependency in studies. We are developing an integrated search platform called NeuroBridge to enable researchers to search for relevant study datasets that can be used to test a hypothesis or replicate a published finding without having to perform a difficult search from scratch, including contacting individual study authors and locating the site to download the data. In this paper, we describe the development of a metadata ontology based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) PROV specifications to create a corpus of semantically annotated published papers. This annotated corpus was used in a deep learning model to support automated identification of candidate datasets related to neurocognitive assessment of subjects with drug abuse or schizophrenia using neuroimaging. We built on our previous work in the Provenance for Clinical and Health Research (ProvCaRe) project to model metadata information in the NeuroBridge ontology and used this ontology to annotate 51 articles using a Web-based tool called Inception. The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) neural network model, which was trained using the annotated corpus, is used to classify and rank papers relevant to five research hypotheses and the results were evaluated independently by three users for accuracy and recall. Our combined use of the NeuroBridge ontology together with the deep learning model outperforms the existing PubMed Central (PMC) search engine and manifests considerable trainability and transparency compared with typical free-text search. An initial version of the NeuroBridge portal is available at:

Algoritmos , Aprendizaje Profundo , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Motor de Búsqueda , PubMed