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Eur J Hosp Pharm ; 26(2): 93-100, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31157107


A person-centred approach to care is central to NHS England's health policy agenda and a standard for pharmacy practice from the General Pharmaceutical Council. Health coaching is a method of delivering person-centred care. A pilot of a health coaching support package, including a 2-day course and practice-based follow-up, was delivered to 70 London North West Healthcare NHS Trust pharmacy staff between December 2015 and July 2017. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the support package, identifying key themes from course feedback, evaluating staff perception and evidence of application in practice. To identify key benefits of the support package. METHODS: Qualitative analysis of written course feedback was undertaken to identify staff learning themes about person-centred care. The themes were used to design a survey, administered to support package recipients (staff), exploring staff perception of the package. Qualitative review of written examples highlighted use of person-centred themes in practice. RESULTS: Twelve person-centred themes emerged from 49 course evaluations forms, describing what participants learnt about patient-centred care. Of 24 surveys completed, respondents reported increased awareness of themes; however, use in practice varied between themes. Overall, respondents valued the support package and rated practice-support more highly than the course for ongoing development. Patient examples described the use of themes in practice. CONCLUSIONS: The support package increased awareness of person-centred themes, portrayed within the practice examples submitted. While the course provided a foundation for use of a person-centred approach, continuing practice-based support is desired by staff to embed learning into day-to-day practice.