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Front Neurosci ; 17: 1179228, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37360157


Brain activity of people in a disorder of consciousness (DoC) is diffuse and different from healthy people. In order to get a better understanding of their cognitive processes and functions, electroencephalographic activity has often been examined in patients with DoC, including detection of event-related potentials (ERPs) and spectral power analysis. However, the relationship between pre-stimulus oscillations and post-stimulus ERPs has rarely been explored in DoC, although it is known from healthy participants that pre-stimulus oscillations predispose subsequent stimulus detection. Here, we examine to what extent pre-stimulus electroencephalography band power in DoC relates to post-stimulus ERPs in a similar way as previously documented in healthy people. 14 DoC patients in an unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS, N = 2) or a minimally conscious state (MCS, N = 12) participated in this study. In an active oddball paradigm patients received vibrotactile stimuli. Significant post-stimulus differences between brain responses to deviant and standard stimulation could be found in six MCS patients (42.86%). Regarding relative pre-stimulus frequency bands, delta oscillations predominated in most patients, followed by theta and alpha, although two patients showed a relatively normal power spectrum. The statistical analysis of the relationship between pre-stimulus power and post-stimulus event-related brain response showed multiple significant correlations in five out of the six patients. Individual results sometimes showed similar correlation patterns as in healthy subjects primarily between the relative pre-stimulus alpha power and post-stimulus variables in later time-intervals. However, opposite effects were also found, indicating high inter-individual variability in DoC patients´ functional brain activity. Future studies should determine on an individual level to what extent the relationship between pre- and post-stimulus brain activity could relate to the course of the disorder.

Front Hum Neurosci ; 15: 781778, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34938169


Intra-hemispheric interference has been often observed when body parts with neighboring representations within the same hemisphere are stimulated. However, patterns of interference in early and late somatosensory processing stages due to the stimulation of different body parts have not been explored. Here, we explore functional similarities and differences between attention modulation of the somatosensory N140 and P300 elicited at the fingers vs. cheeks. In an active oddball paradigm, 22 participants received vibrotactile intensity deviant stimulation either ipsilateral (within-hemisphere) or contralateral (between-hemisphere) at the fingers or cheeks. The ipsilateral deviant always covered a larger area of skin than the contralateral deviant. Overall, both N140 and P300 amplitudes were higher following stimulation at the cheek and N140 topographies differed between fingers and cheek stimulation. For the N140, results showed higher deviant ERP amplitudes following contralateral than ipsilateral stimulation, regardless of the stimulated body part. N140 peak latency differed between stimulated body parts with shorter latencies for the stimulation at the fingers. Regarding P300 amplitudes, contralateral deviant stimulation at the fingers replicated the N140 pattern, showing higher responses and shorter latencies than ipsilateral stimulation at the fingers. For the stimulation at the cheeks, ipsilateral deviants elicited higher P300 amplitudes and longer latencies than contralateral ones. These findings indicate that at the fingers ipsilateral deviant stimulation leads to intra-hemispheric interference, with significantly smaller ERP amplitudes than in contralateral stimulation, both at early and late processing stages. By contrast, at the cheeks, intra-hemispheric interference is selective for early processing stages. Therefore, the mechanisms of intra-hemispheric processing differ from inter-hemispheric ones and the pattern of intra-hemispheric interference in early and late processing stages is body-part specific.