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J Fish Biol ; 97(3): 753-762, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32524613


Understanding how ecosystem processes influencing fish distribution operate across spatial scales is important to understand biological invasions. Salmonids, originally from the Northern Hemisphere, have been repeatedly introduced throughout the world, making them an ideal group to test hypotheses about factors driving invasions. We assessed the influence of environmental variables at the watershed scale on the abundance and structure of salmonid assemblages in the breeding streams of the Upper Limay river basin, Rio Negro, Argentina. We combined field captures with digital map data and geographic information systems to examine landscape-level patterns of salmonid abundance in 35 representative sub-basins of the environmental gradient. We employed a hierarchical cluster analysis and classification and regression tree models to relate the abundance of salmonids and types of species assemblages with environmental characteristics at watershed level. We found stream localization, precipitation regime, altitude and air temperature to be important predictors of the abundance and assemblage structure of salmonids. Total catches showed an increasing gradient of catch-per-unit-effort from west to east and from north to south, with Oncorhynchus mykiss being the most abundant species. O. mykiss relative abundance was westward skewed, where smaller catchments with steeper and shaded valleys are drained by less productive streams with more irregular hydrological regimes, like those found in this species' North American native range. In contrast, the abundance of Salmo trutta abundance was eastward skewed, where larger, sunnier and more gently sloped catchments result in more productive streams with stable hydrological regimes, like those found in that species' European native range. Thus, differential salmonid abundance could result from the interplay between the evolutionary fingerprint left by each species' native environment (especially flow and temperature regimes) and the availability of those conditions in new environments to which they have been translocated. By furthering our understanding of how landscape conditioned invasion success, these findings can help guide the management of economically important introduced fish.

Distribución Animal , Ecosistema , Ríos , Salmonidae/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Animales , Argentina , Oncorhynchus mykiss/fisiología , Densidad de Población
Sci Total Environ ; 636: 688-698, 2018 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29727836


Habitat use in relation to the thermal habitat availability and food source as a forcing factor on habitat selection and use of Percichthys trucha (Creole perch), Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), Salmo trutta (brown trout) and Salvelinus fontinalis (brook trout) were determined as well as future potential thermal habitat availability for these species under climate change scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5. This study was conducted in three interconnected lakes of Northern Patagonia (Moreno Lake system). Data on fish abundance was obtained through gill netting and hydroacoustics, and thermal profiles and fish thermal habitat suitability index curves were used to identify current species-specific thermal habitat use. Surface air temperatures from the (NEX GDDP) database for RCP scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 were used to model monthly average temperatures of the water column up to the year 2099 for all three lakes, and to determine potential future habitat availability. In addition, data on fish diet were used to determine whether food could act as a forcing factor in current habitat selection. The four species examined do not use all the thermally suitable habitats currently available to them in the three lakes, and higher fish densities are not necessarily constrained to their "fundamental thermal niches" sensu Magnuson et al. (1979), as extensive use is made of less suitable habitats. This is apparently brought about by food availability acting as a major forcing factor in habitat selection and use. Uncertainties related to the multidimensionality inherent to habitat selection and climate change imply that fish resource management in Patagonia will not be feasible through traditional incremental policies and strategic adjustments based on short-term predictions, but will have to become highly opportunistic and adaptive.

Cambio Climático , Ecosistema , Peces/fisiología , Lagos/química , Animales , Argentina , Percas , Temperatura , Trucha