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Rev. argent. microbiol ; 56(1): 3-3, Mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559278


Resumen Escherichia coli diarreogénica abarca un grupo heterogéneo de patotipos o variantes patogénicas que comparten características fenotípicas con marcadas diferencias en genes de virulencia, sitios de colonización, patogenia, presentación clínica y epidemiología de la infección. Los patotipos más estudiados son E.coli productora de toxina Shiga (STEC), E.coli enterotoxigénica (ETEC), E.coli enteropatogénica (EPEC), E.coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) y E.coli enteroinvasiva (EIEC). El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar los aislamientos de E.coli diarreogénica provenientes de población pediátrica ambulatoria con diarrea, atendida en dos hospitales públicos de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los patotipos de E.coli diarreogénica se investigaron mediante la amplificación de fragmentos de genes de virulencia característicos: intimina (eae), toxina termolábil (lt), toxinas termoestables (stp, sth), antígeno plasmídico de invasiónH (ipaH), activador transcripcional R (aggR) y toxinas Shiga (stx1, stx2). La subtipificación molecular de aislamientos se realizó mediante PFGE (XbaI). E.coli diarreogénica fue detectada en el 14% (84/601) de los casos. El patotipo EAEC fue prevalente, mientras que ETEC, STEC, EPEC y EIEC fueron hallados en menor proporción. Los aislamientos de EAEC presentaron un alto grado de diversidad genética. Todos los patotipos fueron hallados en niños menores de 5años, mientras que solamente EAEC, EIEC y ETEC fueron detectados en población de mayor edad. Futuros estudios que incluyan la caracterización de aislamientos a partir de un mayor número de genes y población de otras áreas geográficas serán necesarios para determinar la relevancia de E.coli diarreogénica en Argentina.

Abstract Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli comprises a heterogeneous group of pathotypes or pathogenic variants that share phenotypic characteristics with marked differences in virulence genes, colonization sites, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and epidemiology of infection. The most studied pathotypes are Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC), enteroaggregative E.coli (EAEC), and enteroinvasive E.coli (EIEC). The objective of the study was to characterize the isolates of diarrheagenic E.coli from an outpatient pediatric population with diarrhea attended in two public hospitals from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Diarrheagenic E.coli pathotypes were investigated by amplifying characteristic virulence gene fragments: intimin (eae), heat-labile toxin (lt), heat-stable toxins (stp, sth), invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH), transcriptional activator R (aggR) and Shiga toxins (stx1, stx2). Molecular subtyping of isolates was performed using PFGE (XbaI). Diarrheagenic E.coli was detected in 14% (84/601) of cases. The EAEC pathotype was prevalent, while ETEC, STEC, EPEC and EIEC were found in a lower proportion. EAEC isolates exhibited a high degree of genetic diversity. All pathotypes were found in children under 5years of age, while only EAEC, EIEC and ETEC were detected in the older population. Future studies that include the characterization of isolates from a greater number of genes and populations from other geographical areas will be necessary to determine the relevance of diarrheagenic E.coli in Argentina.

Rev Argent Microbiol ; 56(1): 8-15, 2024.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37500356


Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli comprises a heterogeneous group of pathotypes or pathogenic variants that share phenotypic characteristics with marked differences in virulence genes, colonization sites, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and epidemiology of infection. The most studied pathotypes are Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC), enteroaggregative E.coli (EAEC), and enteroinvasive E.coli (EIEC). The objective of the study was to characterize the isolates of diarrheagenic E.coli from an outpatient pediatric population with diarrhea attended in two public hospitals from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Diarrheagenic E.coli pathotypes were investigated by amplifying characteristic virulence gene fragments: intimin (eae), heat-labile toxin (lt), heat-stable toxins (stp, sth), invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH), transcriptional activator R (aggR) and Shiga toxins (stx1, stx2). Molecular subtyping of isolates was performed using PFGE (XbaI). Diarrheagenic E.coli was detected in 14% (84/601) of cases. The EAEC pathotype was prevalent, while ETEC, STEC, EPEC and EIEC were found in a lower proportion. EAEC isolates exhibited a high degree of genetic diversity. All pathotypes were found in children under 5years of age, while only EAEC, EIEC and ETEC were detected in the older population. Future studies that include the characterization of isolates from a greater number of genes and populations from other geographical areas will be necessary to determine the relevance of diarrheagenic E.coli in Argentina.

Escherichia coli Enteropatógena , Infecciones por Escherichia coli , Niño , Humanos , Argentina/epidemiología , Pacientes Ambulatorios , Diarrea/epidemiología , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/epidemiología , Escherichia coli Enteropatógena/genética , Hospitales
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e156, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37901443


Objective: To highlight the objectives, achievements, challenges, and next steps for the World Health Organization's Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) framework, a project designed to improve psychosocial care (PSC) in pediatric cancer centers across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methods: The project was launched in Peru, the first GICC focal country, in November 2020. The diagnosis phase included a survey and a semistructured interview with health professionals to assess PSC practices in institutions, and a needs assessment survey for caregivers. In the second phase, a strategic plan was developed to address the identified needs, including the adaptation of PSC standards, the establishment of multicenter working groups, the expansion of the proposal, and the development of materials. Results: The study found that PSC was not being adequately provided in accordance with international standards. Six adapted standards were proposed and validated, and more than 50 regional health professionals participated in online activities to support the project. The implementation process is currently ongoing, with the establishment of five multidisciplinary working groups, one regional committee, and the production of 16 technical outputs. Conclusion: This project represents a substantial step forward to improve PSC for pediatric patients with cancer and their families in LAC countries. The establishment of working groups and evidence-based interventions strengthen the proposal and its implementation. Development of health policies that include PSC according to standards is needed to achieve sustainable results in the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47, 2023. Cáncer infantil en las Américas
Artículo en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-58351


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To highlight the objectives, achievements, challenges, and next steps for the World Health Organization’s Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) framework, a project designed to improve psychosocial care (PSC) in pediatric cancer centers across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methods. The project was launched in Peru, the first GICC focal country, in November 2020. The diagnosis phase included a survey and a semistructured interview with health professionals to assess PSC practices in institutions, and a needs assessment survey for caregivers. In the second phase, a strategic plan was developed to address the identified needs, including the adaptation of PSC standards, the establishment of multicenter working groups, the expansion of the proposal, and the development of materials. Results. The study found that PSC was not being adequately provided in accordance with international standards. Six adapted standards were proposed and validated, and more than 50 regional health professionals participated in online activities to support the project. The implementation process is currently ongoing, with the establishment of five multidisciplinary working groups, one regional committee, and the production of 16 technical outputs. Conclusion. This project represents a substantial step forward to improve PSC for pediatric patients with cancer and their families in LAC countries. The establishment of working groups and evidence-based interventions strengthen the proposal and its implementation. Development of health policies that include PSC according to standards is needed to achieve sustainable results in the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Resaltar los objetivos, logros, desafíos y próximos pasos a seguir en el marco de la Iniciativa Mundial contra el Cáncer Infantil de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (GICC, por su sigla en inglés), un proyecto diseñado para mejorar la atención psicosocial (APSS) en los centros de atención oncológica pediátrica de América Latina y el Caribe. Métodos. El proyecto se inició en Perú, el primer país que puso en marcha esta iniciativa mundial, en noviembre del 2020. La fase de diagnóstico incluyó una encuesta y una entrevista semiestructurada con profesionales de la salud para evaluar las prácticas en materia de APSS en las instituciones, junto con una encuesta de evaluación de necesidades para las personas cuidadoras. En la segunda fase se elaboró un plan estratégico para abordar las necesidades reconocidas, el cual comprendió la adaptación de las normas en materia de APSS, la creación de grupos de trabajo multicéntricos, la ampliación de la propuesta y la elaboración de materiales. Resultados. En el estudio se descubrió que no se proporcionaba una APSS adecuada y conforme a las normas internacionales. Se propusieron y convalidaron 6 normas adaptadas, y más de 50 profesionales de la salud de la región participaron en las actividades en línea dirigidas a apoyar el proyecto. En estos momentos está en marcha el proceso de implementación, que incluye la creación de 5 grupos de trabajo multidisciplinarios, un comité regional y la elaboración de 16 productos técnicos. Conclusión. Este proyecto supone un gran avance para la mejora de la APSS de los pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y sus familias en los países de América Latina y el Caribe. La creación de grupos de trabajo y las intervenciones basadas en la evidencia permiten consolidar la propuesta y su implementación. Es necesario formular políticas de salud que comprendan una APSS basada en normas para lograr resultados sostenibles desde el punto de vista de la calidad de vida de los pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y sus familias.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Destacar os objetivos, as conquistas, os desafios e as próximas etapas da Iniciativa Global para o Câncer Infantil (GICC), um projeto criado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para melhorar a atenção psicossocial em centros de câncer pediátrico na América Latina e no Caribe. Métodos. O projeto foi lançado no Peru, o primeiro país focal da GICC, em novembro de 2020. A fase de diagnóstico incluiu uma pesquisa e uma entrevista semiestruturada com profissionais de saúde para avaliar as práticas de atenção psicossocial nas instituições, bem como uma pesquisa para avaliar as necessidades dos cuidadores. Na segunda fase, foi desenvolvido um plano estratégico para atender às necessidades identificadas, incluindo uma adaptação de padrões de atenção psicossocial, o estabelecimento de grupos de trabalho multicêntricos, a expansão da proposta e o desenvolvimento de materiais. Resultados. O estudo constatou que, de acordo com padrões internacionais, a atenção psicossocial não estava sendo adequadamente oferecida. Seis padrões adaptados foram propostos e validados, e mais de 50 profissionais de saúde da região participaram de atividades on-line para apoiar o projeto. O processo de implementação está em andamento, com a formação de cinco grupos de trabalho multidisciplinares e um comitê regional e a produção de 16 relatórios técnicos. Conclusão. Este projeto representa um avanço substancial para melhorar a atenção psicossocial para pacientes pediátricos com câncer e suas famílias nos países da América Latina e do Caribe. A criação de grupos de trabalho e intervenções baseadas em evidências fortalecem a proposta e sua implementação. É preciso desenvolver políticas de saúde que incluam atenção psicossocial segundo padrões estabelecidos para alcançar resultados sustentáveis na qualidade de vida das crianças com câncer e de suas famílias.

Salud Infantil , Psicooncología , Neoplasias , Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica , Nivel de Atención , América Latina , Región del Caribe , Salud Infantil , Psicooncología , Neoplasias , Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica , Nivel de Atención , América Latina , Región del Caribe , Salud Infantil , Psicooncología , Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica , Nivel de Atención , Región del Caribe
Int J Biol Sci ; 19(1): 204-224, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36594086


In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the pleiotropic NDRG1 (N-Myc downstream regulated gene 1) promotes progression and worse survival, yet contradictory results were documented, and the mechanisms remain unknown. Phosphorylation and localization could drive NDRG1 pleiotropy, nonetheless, their role in TNBC progression and clinical outcome was not investigated. We found enhanced p-NDRG1 (Thr346) by TGFß1 and explored whether it drives NDRG1 pleiotropy and TNBC progression. In tissue microarrays of 81 TNBC patients, we identified that staining and localization of NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) are biomarkers and risk factors associated with shorter overall survival. We found that TGFß1 leads NDRG1, downstream of GSK3ß, and upstream of NF-κB, to differentially regulate migration, invasion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, tumor initiation, and maintenance of different populations of cancer stem cells (CSCs), depending on the progression stage of tumor cells, and the combination of TGFß and GSK3ß inhibitors impaired CSCs. The present study revealed the striking importance to assess both total NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) positiveness and subcellular localization to evaluate patient prognosis and their stratification. NDRG1 pleiotropy is driven by TGFß to differentially promote metastasis and/or maintenance of CSCs at different stages of tumor progression, which could be abrogated by the inhibition of TGFß and GSK3ß.

Proteínas de Ciclo Celular , Péptidos y Proteínas de Señalización Intracelular , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas , Humanos , Proteínas de Ciclo Celular/metabolismo , Línea Celular Tumoral , Regulación Neoplásica de la Expresión Génica , Glucógeno Sintasa Quinasa 3 beta/genética , FN-kappa B/genética , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta/genética , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta/metabolismo , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas/genética , Neoplasias de la Mama Triple Negativas/patología , Péptidos y Proteínas de Señalización Intracelular/metabolismo
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e156, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530309


ABSTRACT Objective. To highlight the objectives, achievements, challenges, and next steps for the World Health Organization's Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer (GICC) framework, a project designed to improve psychosocial care (PSC) in pediatric cancer centers across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Methods. The project was launched in Peru, the first GICC focal country, in November 2020. The diagnosis phase included a survey and a semistructured interview with health professionals to assess PSC practices in institutions, and a needs assessment survey for caregivers. In the second phase, a strategic plan was developed to address the identified needs, including the adaptation of PSC standards, the establishment of multicenter working groups, the expansion of the proposal, and the development of materials. Results. The study found that PSC was not being adequately provided in accordance with international standards. Six adapted standards were proposed and validated, and more than 50 regional health professionals participated in online activities to support the project. The implementation process is currently ongoing, with the establishment of five multidisciplinary working groups, one regional committee, and the production of 16 technical outputs. Conclusion. This project represents a substantial step forward to improve PSC for pediatric patients with cancer and their families in LAC countries. The establishment of working groups and evidence-based interventions strengthen the proposal and its implementation. Development of health policies that include PSC according to standards is needed to achieve sustainable results in the quality of life of children with cancer and their families.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

RESUMO Objetivo. Destacar os objetivos, as conquistas, os desafios e as próximas etapas da Iniciativa Global para o Câncer Infantil (GICC), um projeto criado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para melhorar a atenção psicossocial em centros de câncer pediátrico na América Latina e no Caribe. Métodos. O projeto foi lançado no Peru, o primeiro país focal da GICC, em novembro de 2020. A fase de diagnóstico incluiu uma pesquisa e uma entrevista semiestruturada com profissionais de saúde para avaliar as práticas de atenção psicossocial nas instituições, bem como uma pesquisa para avaliar as necessidades dos cuidadores. Na segunda fase, foi desenvolvido um plano estratégico para atender às necessidades identificadas, incluindo uma adaptação de padrões de atenção psicossocial, o estabelecimento de grupos de trabalho multicêntricos, a expansão da proposta e o desenvolvimento de materiais. Resultados. O estudo constatou que, de acordo com padrões internacionais, a atenção psicossocial não estava sendo adequadamente oferecida. Seis padrões adaptados foram propostos e validados, e mais de 50 profissionais de saúde da região participaram de atividades on-line para apoiar o projeto. O processo de implementação está em andamento, com a formação de cinco grupos de trabalho multidisciplinares e um comitê regional e a produção de 16 relatórios técnicos. Conclusão. Este projeto representa um avanço substancial para melhorar a atenção psicossocial para pacientes pediátricos com câncer e suas famílias nos países da América Latina e do Caribe. A criação de grupos de trabalho e intervenções baseadas em evidências fortalecem a proposta e sua implementação. É preciso desenvolver políticas de saúde que incluam atenção psicossocial segundo padrões estabelecidos para alcançar resultados sustentáveis na qualidade de vida das crianças com câncer e de suas famílias.

Molecules ; 27(22)2022 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36431865


Iron overload (IOL) increases the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM). Capsaicin (CAP), an agonist of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1), reduces the effects of IOL. We evaluated the effects of chronic CAP administration on hepcidin expression, kidney iron deposits, and urinary biomarkers in a male Wistar rat model with IOL and DM (DM-IOL). IOL was induced with oral administration of iron for 12 weeks and DM was induced with streptozotocin. Four groups were studied: Healthy, DM, DM-IOL, and DM-IOL + CAP (1 mg·kg-1·day-1 for 12 weeks). Iron deposits were visualized with Perls tissue staining and a colorimetric assay. Serum hepcidin levels were measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Kidney biomarkers were assayed in 24 h urine samples. In the DM-IOL + CAP group, the total area of iron deposits and the total iron content in kidneys were smaller than those observed in both untreated DM groups. CAP administration significantly increased hepcidin levels in the DM-IOL group. Urinary levels of albumin, cystatin C, and beta-2-microglobulin were similar in all three experimental groups. In conclusion, we showed that in a DM-IOL animal model, CAP reduced renal iron deposits and increased the level of circulating hepcidin.

Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , Sobrecarga de Hierro , Ratas , Masculino , Animales , Hepcidinas/metabolismo , Hierro/metabolismo , Capsaicina/farmacología , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/tratamiento farmacológico , Ratas Wistar , Sobrecarga de Hierro/complicaciones , Sobrecarga de Hierro/tratamiento farmacológico , Sobrecarga de Hierro/metabolismo , Riñón/metabolismo , Biomarcadores
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 30(108): 7-16, 20220000. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1363203


Las infecciones de piel y partes blandas (IPPB) en niños son una de las principales causas de prescripción de antimicrobianos. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características clínicas y microbiológicas de las IPPB ambulatorias de niños asistidos en dos hospitales zonales. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo entre el 1/11/2017 y el 1/11/2018. Se incluyeron pacientes entre 1 mes y 15 años internados en dos hospitales. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, localidad, factores predisponentes, tipo de IPPB, muestras biológicas realizadas, aislamiento microbiológico, tratamiento empírico indicado y evolución del cuadro. Se realizó antibiograma y determinación genética. Se calculó chi2, IC95, OR; α=5%. N= 94. 58,7% masculinos. 12 pacientes <1 año, 85 >1 año (promedio de edad 4 años, 1-15). El 36% de Tandil y 63,8% de Florencio Varela. El 59,6% corresponden a IPPB purulentas. Se aislaron microorganismos en un 59,6%. Los aislamientos principales: SAMR (40,4%), SAMS (7,4%), S. agalactiae (2,1%) y S. pyogenes (2,1%). El 100% de SAMR son portadores de gen mecA y SCCmec tipo IV, sin multirresistencia. No hubo diferencia estadística entre los factores de riesgo evaluados para el desarrollo de IPPB por SAMR. El 52,1% de los niños recibió tratamiento antibiótico combinado, siendo la más indicada TMS-SMX + CLI en 36 eventos. (38,3%). La evolución fue favorable: no hubo diferencia significativa entre el subgrupo que se aisló SAMR y el que no se aisló SAMR; 91,9% (34/37) y 92,6% (50/54) correspondientemente (chi2: 0,01; p= 0,97 IC95: 0,26-3,88). El principal agente etiológico fue SAMRco, debiendo adecuar los tratamientos a este microorganismo.

Skin and soft tissue infections (SSIs) in children are one of the main causes of antimicrobial prescription. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical and microbiological characteristics of outpatient SSIs in children attended in two hospitals. A prospective study was conducted between 11/1/2017 and 11/1/2018. Patients between 1 month and 15 years old, hospitalized were included. We evaluated: age, sex, locality, predisposing factors, type of IPPB, biological samples taken, microbiological isolation, empirical treatment indicated and evolution of the condition. An antibiogram and genetic determination were performed. Chi2, CI95, OR; α=5% were calculated. N= 94. 58.7% male. 12 patients <1 year, 85 >1 year (mean age 4 years, 1-15). 36% were from Tandil and 63.8% from Florencio Varela. 59.6% corresponded to purulent SSIs. The diagnostic yield was 59.6%. Main isolates: MRSA (40.4%), MSSA (7.4%), S. agalactiae (2.1%) and S. pyogenes (2.1%). 100% of MRSA carried the mecA gene and SCCmec type IV, with no multidrug resistance. There was no statistical difference between the risk factors evaluated. 52.1% of children received combined antibiotic treatment, the most indicated being TMS-SMX + CLI in 36 events. (38,3%). Evolution was favorable: there was no significant difference between the subgroup that isolated MRSA and the subgroup that did not isolate MRSA; 91.9% (34/37) and 92.6% (50/54) respectively (chi2: 0.01; p= 0.97 CI95: 0.26-3.88). The main etiological agent was MRSA, and treatments should be adapted to this microorganism

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Enfermedades Cutáneas Infecciosas/microbiología , Infecciones Estafilocócicas/microbiología , Staphylococcus aureus/aislamiento & purificación , Infecciones de los Tejidos Blandos/microbiología , Enfermedades Cutáneas Infecciosas/tratamiento farmacológico , Staphylococcus aureus/genética , Modelos Logísticos , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Infecciones de los Tejidos Blandos/tratamiento farmacológico , Quimioterapia Combinada , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina/aislamiento & purificación , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina/genética , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico
Nutr. hosp ; 36(5): 1133-1138, sept.-oct. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-184637


Introduction: CD36 is a membrane protein that functions as a lingual receptor for lipids. The soluble CD36 fraction (sCD36) may correlate oral fatty acid fat taste sensitivity to body mass index (BMI) and adiposity. Objectives: to determine if the oral fatty acid taste sensitivity in healthy young individuals of both sexes is related to serum sCD36 levels, adiposity and BMI. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted in 72 healthy young individuals (18-25 years). Serum sCD36 was quantified for all subjects. Oral fatty acid taste sensitivity was determined using an ascending series of the three-alternate forced choice methodology. Additionally, BMI was calculated using anthropometry, and adiposity was determined by bioelectric impedance analysis. Results: there was a positive correlation between BMI and the oral fatty acid taste sensitivity threshold (r = 0.277, p < 0.05) and a negative correlation between BMI and serum sCD36 levels (r = -0.035, p < 0.01). Adiposity negatively correlated with the sCD36 levels only in women (r = -0.359, p < 0.05). The threshold for oral sensitivity to fatty acids in overweight individuals was 1.0 (IQR 1.16) mM vs 0.2 (IQR 0.29) mM in healthy weight individuals (p < 0.05), while sCD36 levels were 26.1 pg/ml (IQR 32.9) and 77.97 pg/ml (IQR 560.66) in overweight and normal weight individuals, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions: BMI positively correlates with the oral sensitivity threshold of fatty acids and negatively correlates with serum sCD36 levels. The threshold of oral sensitivity to fatty acids was significantly higher in overweight subjects, while sCD36 levels were significantly higher in the group of normal weight individuals

Introducción: CD36 es una proteína de membrana que funciona como receptor lingual para lípidos. La fracción soluble del CD36 (sCD36) podría correlacionar la sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y con la adiposidad. Objetivos: determinar si la sensibilidad gustativa a ácidos grasos orales se relaciona con los niveles séricos de sCD36, la adiposidad y el IMC en jóvenes de ambos sexos. Métodos: estudio transversal en 72 adultos jóvenes (18-25 años). Se cuantificaron los niveles séricos de sCD36 para todos los sujetos. Se determinó la sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales usando la prueba triangular discriminatoria de concentraciones escaladas. Adicionalmente, se calculó el IMC usando antropometría y se determinó la adiposidad por análisis de bioimpedancia. Resultados: se encontró correlación positiva entre el IMC y el umbral de sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales (r = 0,277, p < 0,05) y una correlación negativa entre el IMC y los niveles séricos de sCD36 (r = -0,035, p < 0,01). La adiposidad, solo en mujeres se correlacionó negativamente con los niveles de sCD36 (r = -0,359, p < 0,05). El umbral para la sensibilidad gustativa a ácidos grasos orales en sujetos con sobrepeso fue 1,0 (IQR 1,16) mM vs. 0,2 (IQR 0,29) mM en sujetos con peso normal (p < 0,05), mientras que los niveles séricos de sCD36 fueron de 26,1 pg/ml (IQR 32,9) en sujetos con sobrepeso y 77,97 pg/ml (IQR 560,66) en sujetos con peso normal, respectivamente (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: el IMC se correlaciona positivamente con el umbral para la sensibilidad oral a los ácidos grasos y negativamente se correlaciona con los niveles séricos de sCD36. El umbral de sensibilidad oral a los ácidos grasos fue significativamente mayor en sujetos con sobrepeso, mientras que los niveles de sCD36 fueron significativamente más altos en el grupo de sujetos con peso normal

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Ácidos Grasos , Índice de Masa Corporal , Antígenos CD36/sangre , Adiposidad , Voluntarios Sanos , Impedancia Eléctrica
Nutr Hosp ; 36(5): 1133-1138, 2019 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31475843


INTRODUCTION: Introduction: CD36 is a membrane protein that functions as a lingual receptor for lipids. The soluble CD36 fraction (sCD36) may correlate oral fatty acid fat taste sensitivity to body mass index (BMI) and adiposity. Objectives: to determine if the oral fatty acid taste sensitivity in healthy young individuals of both sexes is related to serum sCD36 levels, adiposity and BMI. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted in 72 healthy young individuals (18-25 years). Serum sCD36 was quantified for all subjects. Oral fatty acid taste sensitivity was determined using an ascending series of the three-alternate forced choice methodology. Additionally, BMI was calculated using anthropometry, and adiposity was determined by bioelectric impedance analysis. Results: there was a positive correlation between BMI and the oral fatty acid taste sensitivity threshold (r = 0.277, p < 0.05) and a negative correlation between BMI and serum sCD36 levels (r = -0.035, p < 0.01). Adiposity negatively correlated with the sCD36 levels only in women (r = -0.359, p < 0.05). The threshold for oral sensitivity to fatty acids in overweight individuals was 1.0 (IQR 1.16) mM vs 0.2 (IQR 0.29) mM in healthy weight individuals (p < 0.05), while sCD36 levels were 26.1 pg/ml (IQR 32.9) and 77.97 pg/ml (IQR 560.66) in overweight and normal weight individuals, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions: BMI positively correlates with the oral sensitivity threshold of fatty acids and negatively correlates with serum sCD36 levels. The threshold of oral sensitivity to fatty acids was significantly higher in overweight subjects, while sCD36 levels were significantly higher in the group of normal weight individuals.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Introducción: CD36 es una proteína de membrana que funciona como receptor lingual para lípidos. La fracción soluble del CD36 (sCD36) podría correlacionar la sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y con la adiposidad. Objetivos: determinar si la sensibilidad gustativa a ácidos grasos orales se relaciona con los niveles séricos de sCD36, la adiposidad y el IMC en jóvenes de ambos sexos. Métodos: estudio transversal en 72 adultos jóvenes (18-25 años). Se cuantificaron los niveles séricos de sCD36 para todos los sujetos. Se determinó la sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales. Adicionalmente, se calculó el IMC usando antropometría y se determinó la adiposidad por análisis de bioimpedancia. Resultados: se encontró correlación positiva entre el IMC y el umbral de sensibilidad gustativa a los ácidos grasos orales (r = 0,277, p < 0,05) y una correlación negativa entre el IMC y los niveles séricos de sCD36 (r = −0,035, p < 0,01). La adiposidad, solo en mujeres se correlacionó negativamente con los niveles de sCD36 (r = −0,359, p < 0,05). El umbral para la sensibilidad gustativa a ácidos grasos orales en sujetos con sobrepeso fue 1,0 (IQR 1,16) mM vs. 0,2 (IQR 0,29) mM en sujetos con peso normal (p < 0,05), mientras que los niveles séricos de sCD36 fueron de 26,1 pg/ml (IQR 32,9) en sujetos con sobrepeso y 77,97 pg/ml (IQR 560,66) en sujetos con peso normal, respectivamente (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: el IMC se correlaciona positivamente con el umbral para la sensibilidad oral a los ácidos grasos y negativamente se correlaciona con los niveles séricos de sCD36. El umbral de sensibilidad oral a los ácidos grasos fue significativamente mayor en sujetos con sobrepeso, mientras que los niveles de sCD36 fueron significativamente más altos en el grupo de sujetos con peso normal.

Índice de Masa Corporal , Antígenos CD36/sangre , Ácidos Grasos , Gusto , Adiposidad , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven
J Clin Invest ; 129(5): 2123-2132, 2019 05 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30860496


BACKGROUND: Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells can induce remission in highly refractory leukemia and lymphoma subjects, yet the parameters for achieving sustained relapse-free survival are not fully delineated. METHODS: We analyzed 43 pediatric and young adult subjects participating in a Phase I trial of defined composition CD19CAR T cells (NCT02028455). CAR T cell phenotype, function and expansion, as well as starting material T cell repertoire, were analyzed in relation to therapeutic outcome (defined as achieving complete remission within 63 days) and duration of leukemia free survival and B cell aplasia. RESULTS: These analyses reveal that initial therapeutic failures (n = 5) were associated with attenuated CAR T cell expansion and/or rapid attrition of functional CAR effector cells following adoptive transfer. The CAR T products were similar in phenotype and function when compared to products resulting in sustained remissions. However, the initial apheresed peripheral blood T cells could be distinguished by an increased frequency of LAG-3+/TNF-αlow CD8 T cells and, following adoptive transfer, the rapid expression of exhaustion markers. For the 38 subjects who achieved an initial sustained MRD-neg remission, remission durability correlated with therapeutic products having increased frequencies of TNF-α-secreting CAR CD8+ T cells, and was dependent on a sufficiently high CD19+ antigen load at time of infusion to trigger CAR T cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: These parameters have the potential to prospectively identify patients at risk for therapeutic failure and support the development of approaches to boost CAR T cell activation and proliferation in patients with low levels of CD19 antigen. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02028455. FUNDING: Partial funding for this study was provided by Stand Up to Cancer & St. Baldrick's Pediatric Dream Team Translational Research Grant (SU2C-AACR-DT1113), RO1 CA136551-05, Alex Lemonade Stand Phase I/II Infrastructure Grant, Conquer Cancer Foundation Career Development Award, Washington State Life Sciences Discovery Fund, Ben Towne Foundation, William Lawrence & Blanche Hughes Foundation, and Juno Therapeutics, Inc., a Celgene Company.

Antígenos CD19/metabolismo , Linfocitos T CD8-positivos/citología , Regulación Leucémica de la Expresión Génica , Inmunoterapia Adoptiva , Leucemia/terapia , Adolescente , Adulto , Antígenos CD/metabolismo , Proliferación Celular , Niño , Preescolar , Supervivencia sin Enfermedad , Femenino , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas , Receptor 2 Celular del Virus de la Hepatitis A/metabolismo , Humanos , Inmunofenotipificación , Lactante , Células K562 , Estimación de Kaplan-Meier , Leucemia/inmunología , Activación de Linfocitos , Masculino , Fenotipo , Receptor de Muerte Celular Programada 1/metabolismo , Receptores Quiméricos de Antígenos/metabolismo , Recurrencia , Inducción de Remisión , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa/metabolismo , Adulto Joven , Proteína del Gen 3 de Activación de Linfocitos
J Med Food ; 22(5): 538-541, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30864849


Nopal is used in Mexico as both food and traditional medicine for metabolic diseases. Our aim was to analyze the effect of the chronic administration of mucilage fiber extracted from nopal (Opuntia ficus indica; 500 mg/kg body weight per day) on male Wistar rats on a high-fructose diet (HFD). After which three groups were administered one of the following for 30 days: whole-fresh nopal mixed in water, mucilage, and control. Metabolic and hemodynamic parameters (triglycerides, cholesterol, fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, blood pressure, and abdominal circumference) were determined. Rats administered nopal and mucilage had lower levels of triglycerides and diastolic arterial pressure than control, but only nopal had significant differences. Furthermore, systolic and diastolic pressure were higher in the control group. Thus, whole nopal and mucilage improve metabolic parameters in rats fed a HFD.

Fibras de la Dieta/metabolismo , Fructosa/efectos adversos , Síndrome Metabólico/dietoterapia , Opuntia/química , Extractos Vegetales/metabolismo , Animales , Glucemia/metabolismo , Colesterol/metabolismo , Fructosa/metabolismo , Prueba de Tolerancia a la Glucosa , Humanos , Masculino , Síndrome Metabólico/etiología , Síndrome Metabólico/metabolismo , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Triglicéridos/metabolismo
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 52(4): 441-449, dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001068


El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la situación epidemiológica de toxocariosis en un hábitat ribereño. Se determinaron anticuerpos anti-toxocara por ELISA en sueros de 34 niños y 64 adultos, y se hallaron seroprevalencias de 32,3% y 45,3%, respectivamente. Esta fue alta en adultos y en niños de 2 a 3 años. Se realizaron 217 análisis coproparasitológicos de caninos y 23,04% fueron positivos para huevos de Toxocara canis. La distribución de caninos positivos por rango etario fue de 66% entre 1 y 6 meses; de 20,7% entre 6 y 12 meses; y de 10,3% en mayores de 12 meses. El porcentaje de animales parasitados por T. canis fue significativamente menor en relación a otros parásitos y disminuyó marcadamente con el aumento de la edad. Se analizaron 104 muestras de suelo y 1,92% de las mismas fueron positivas para huevos de T. canis. La escasa cantidad de huevos en suelos podría deberse a que los cachorros no se encontraban libres en los espacios públicos. En este barrio podría inferirse que el suelo no actuó como diseminador de esta parasitosis, sino que fueron de mayor relevancia factores como la tenencia de caninos menores de 1 año, el contacto estrecho con los mismos en ámbitos domiciliarios y las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias poco saludables.

The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological situation of toxocariasis in a coastal habitat. Blood samples of 34 children and 64 adults were analyzed in order to determinate antibodies anti-toxocara by ELISA method. Prevalences of 32.3% and 45.3% were obtained respectively. A total of 217 coproparasitological canine analyses were performed, and 104 soil samples were analyzed. In humans, the seroprevalence of 32.4% in children and 45.3% in adults was found. In dogs, 50 samples were positive for T. canis eggs (23.04%). The distribution of canine positive for each age range yielded the following results: from 1 to 6 months, 66%; from 6 to 12 months, 20.7% and over 12 months, 10.3%. In soils, only 2 samples (1.92%) were positive for T. canis eggs. Seroloprevalence in humans was high, especially in adults and children aged 2 to 3 years. The percentage of parasitized animals by Toxocara was significantly lower in relation to other canine parasites and the percentage of dogs parasitized diminished significantly by increasing the age range. The low number of eggs found in soils could be due to the absence of puppies in public spaces. In this neighborhood, it can be inferred that the ground of public spaces did not act as a disseminator of this parasitosis, but that there were more relevant factors such as the possession of canines under 1 year of age, the close contact with them in residential areas, and unhealthy sanitary conditions.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a situação epidemiológica da toxocaríase em um habitat ripícola. Os anticorpos anti-toxocara foram determinados por ELISA em soros de 34 crianças e 64 adultos, com soroprevalência de 32,3% e 45,3%, respectivamente. Ela foi alta em adultos e em crianças de 2 a 3 anos de idade. Foram realizadas 217 análises coproparasitológicas caninas e 23,04% foram positivas para os ovos de Toxocara canis. A distribuição de caninos positivos por faixa etária foi de 66%, entre 1 e 6 meses, de 20,7%, entre 6 e 12 meses, e de 10,3% em maiores de 12 meses. A porcentagem de animais parasitados por T. canis foi significativamente menor em relação a outras parasitas e diminuiu marcadamente com o aumento da idade. Foram analisadas 104 amostras de solo e 1,92% delas foram positivas para ovos de T. canis. A escassa quantidade de ovos nos solos pode ser o resultado do fato de que os filhotes não estivessem livres nos espaços públicos. Poderia ser inferido que, nesse bairro, o solo não atuou como disseminador dessa parasitose, mas fatores como a posse de caninos menores de 1 ano de idade, um contato próximo com eles em ambientes domésticos e condições higiênico-sanitárias insalubres foram fatores de maior relevância.

Humanos , Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Perros , Suelo/parasitología , Toxocariasis/epidemiología , Toxocara canis/aislamiento & purificación , Argentina/epidemiología , Prevalencia
J Int Med Res ; 46(8): 3327-3336, 2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29962304


Objective To evaluate the preventive effects of Moringa oleifera on metabolic syndrome (MS) in male Wistar rats. Methods MS was induced by feeding rats a high-fat diet and drinking water containing 10% fructose for 6 weeks. In the preventive group, M. oleifera was orally administered for 3 weeks prior to the induction of MS, while in the treatment group, M. oleifera was administered for 3 weeks after the onset of MS. The treatment groups were compared with a control group of untreated rats with induced MS. Fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance, total cholesterol, triglycerides, abdominal circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured before and after MS induction and/or M. oleifera treatment. Results After the induction of MS, the control group had higher fasting glucose levels than the preventive group. No significant differences were observed in insulin tolerance, oral glucose tolerance, cholesterol, triglycerides, abdominal circumference, or systolic or diastolic blood pressure. Compared with untreated controls, rats in the treatment group had significantly improved glucose tolerance, triglycerides, and abdominal circumference. Conclusions M. oleifera treatment attenuates MS in Wistar rats.

Síndrome Metabólico/tratamiento farmacológico , Síndrome Metabólico/prevención & control , Moringa oleifera , Fitoterapia , Animales , Glucemia/análisis , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Prueba de Tolerancia a la Glucosa , Masculino , Síndrome Metabólico/sangre , Extractos Vegetales/administración & dosificación , Hojas de la Planta , Polvos/administración & dosificación , Ratas , Ratas Wistar
J Clin Epidemiol ; 103: 51-59, 2018 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30012478


OBJECTIVE: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0 is currently one of the most used instruments in disability assessment. The objective of this study was to analyze the clinically reliable change of WHODAS 2.0 by applying both Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Item Response Theory (IRT). STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: The sample consisted of 179 patients with dual pathology. The standard error of measurement (SEM) was estimated using the CTT and the rating testlet model. RESULTS: Reliability estimated by Cronbach's alpha provided acceptable values for all domains. The Rasch analysis revealed an adequate capacity to discriminate between people with high and low disability in terms of total scores but not in terms of domains. The SEM varies according to the baseline scores, failing to detect clinically reliable change in patients with lower scores. Kappa coefficients are low for the most of dimensions (except participation) and adequate for total scores. CONCLUSION: The use of total WHODAS 2.0 scores may be useful from a clinical perspective; however, more evidence is required for domain scores to support its usefulness. The decision to use the CTT or the IRT impacts in terms of calculating clinically reliable change.

Actividades Cotidianas , Evaluación de la Discapacidad , Trastornos Mentales , Salud Mental , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Trastornos Mentales/diagnóstico , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Trastornos Mentales/rehabilitación , Mejoramiento de la Calidad , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Proyectos de Investigación/normas , Proyectos de Investigación/estadística & datos numéricos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Acta Biomater ; 72: 407-423, 2018 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29626698


Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys have been widely investigated as the most promising biodegradable metals to replace conventional non-degradable metals for temporary medical implant applications. New Mg alloys have been developed for medical applications in recent years; and the concept of alloying Mg with less-toxic elements have aroused tremendous interests due to the promise to address the problems associated with rapid degradation of Mg without compromising its cytocompatibility and biocompatibility. Of particular interests for orthopedic/spinal implant applications are the additions of calcium (Ca) and strontium (Sr) into Mg matrix because of their beneficial properties for bone regeneration. In this study, degradation and cytocompatibility of four binary MgSr alloys (Mg-xSr, x = 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%) and four ternary MgCaSr alloys (Mg-1Ca-xSr, x = 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%) were investigated and compared via direct culture with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The influence of the alloy composition on the degradation rates were studied and compared. Moreover, the cellular responses to the binary MgSr alloys and the ternary MgCaSr alloys were comparatively evaluated; and the critical factors influencing BMSC behaviors were discussed. This study screened the degradability and in vitro cytocompatibility of the binary MgSr alloys and the ternary MgCaSr alloys. Mg-1Sr, Mg-1Ca-0.5Sr and Mg-1Ca-1Sr alloys are recommended for further in vivo studies toward clinical translation due to their best overall performances in terms of degradation and cytocompatibility among all the alloys studied in the present work. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Traditional Mg alloys with slower degradation often contain aluminum or rare earth elements as alloying components, which raised safety and regulatory concerns. To circumvent unsafe elements, nutrient elements such as calcium (Ca) and strontium (Sr) were selected to create Mg-Sr binary alloys and Mg-Ca-Sr ternary alloys to improve the safety and biocompatibility of bioresorbable Mg alloys for medical implant applications. In this study, in vitro degradation and cellular responses to four binary Mg-xSr alloys and four ternary Mg-1Ca-xSr alloys with increasing Sr content (up to 2 wt%) were evaluated in direct culture with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The roles of Sr and Ca in tuning the alloy microstructure, degradation behaviors, and BMSC responses were collectively compared in the BMSC direct culture system for the first time. The most promising alloys were identified and recommended for further in vivo studies toward clinical translation.

Aleaciones , Células de la Médula Ósea/metabolismo , Calcio , Magnesio , Ensayo de Materiales , Células Madre Mesenquimatosas/metabolismo , Estroncio , Aleaciones/química , Aleaciones/farmacología , Animales , Células de la Médula Ósea/citología , Calcio/química , Calcio/farmacología , Evaluación Preclínica de Medicamentos , Magnesio/química , Magnesio/farmacología , Células Madre Mesenquimatosas/citología , Ratas , Estroncio/química , Estroncio/farmacología
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 80(1): 60-64, ene. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-129565


La taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sostenida (TVMS) es una complicación tardía de la cirugía reparadora de la tetralogía de Fallot y si bien puede ser tratada por técnicas convencionales de ablación por radiofrecuencia, las características de los pacientes hacen que la tasa de éxito de su utilización no supere el 50%. El advenimiento de métodos de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional favorece una ablación exitosa. En esta presentación se describe el caso de un paciente de 53 años con cirugía previa reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot, a quien le fue colocado un cardiodesfibrilador automático implantable por una TVMS sintomática por síncope. Se decidió indicar una ablación por radiofrecuencia por la presentación de recurrencias a pesar del tratamiento con amiodarona. Asimismo, se describen las técnicas de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional que, complementando a la electrofisiología convencional, permiten la caracterización correcta de los circuitos arritmogénicos, posibilitando así la abolición de la arritmia mediante radiofrecuencia. A nuestro entender, este es el primer caso publicado en la Argentina de ablación de TVMS en pacientes con cirugía reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot.(AU)

Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) is a late complication of corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot. The success rate of conventional radiofrequency ablation is <50% due to patients characteristics. Threedimensional electroanatomic mapping system is associated with favorable outcomes. We describe the case of a 53 year-old male patient with a history of previous corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator due to syncope secondary to SMTV. Despite being treated with amiodarone, radiofrequency catheter ablation was indicated due to recurrences. In addition, we describe three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system as a complement to conventional electrophysiology for an adequate characterization of the arrhythmogenic circuits undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation. To our understanding, this is the first case published in Argentina of radiofrequency catheter ablation of a SMVT in patients with corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot.(AU)

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 80(1): 60-64, ene. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-127741


La taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sostenida (TVMS) es una complicación tardía de la cirugía reparadora de la tetralogía de Fallot y si bien puede ser tratada por técnicas convencionales de ablación por radiofrecuencia, las características de los pacientes hacen que la tasa de éxito de su utilización no supere el 50%. El advenimiento de métodos de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional favorece una ablación exitosa. En esta presentación se describe el caso de un paciente de 53 años con cirugía previa reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot, a quien le fue colocado un cardiodesfibrilador automático implantable por una TVMS sintomática por síncope. Se decidió indicar una ablación por radiofrecuencia por la presentación de recurrencias a pesar del tratamiento con amiodarona. Asimismo, se describen las técnicas de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional que, complementando a la electrofisiología convencional, permiten la caracterización correcta de los circuitos arritmogénicos, posibilitando así la abolición de la arritmia mediante radiofrecuencia. A nuestro entender, este es el primer caso publicado en la Argentina de ablación de TVMS en pacientes con cirugía reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot.(AU)

Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) is a late complication of corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot. The success rate of conventional radiofrequency ablation is <50% due to patients characteristics. Threedimensional electroanatomic mapping system is associated with favorable outcomes. We describe the case of a 53 year-old male patient with a history of previous corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator due to syncope secondary to SMTV. Despite being treated with amiodarone, radiofrequency catheter ablation was indicated due to recurrences. In addition, we describe three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system as a complement to conventional electrophysiology for an adequate characterization of the arrhythmogenic circuits undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation. To our understanding, this is the first case published in Argentina of radiofrequency catheter ablation of a SMVT in patients with corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot.(AU)

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 80(1): 60-64, ene. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-639703


La taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sostenida (TVMS) es una complicación tardía de la cirugía reparadora de la tetralogía de Fallot y si bien puede ser tratada por técnicas convencionales de ablación por radiofrecuencia, las características de los pacientes hacen que la tasa de éxito de su utilización no supere el 50%. El advenimiento de métodos de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional favorece una ablación exitosa. En esta presentación se describe el caso de un paciente de 53 años con cirugía previa reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot, a quien le fue colocado un cardiodesfibrilador automático implantable por una TVMS sintomática por síncope. Se decidió indicar una ablación por radiofrecuencia por la presentación de recurrencias a pesar del tratamiento con amiodarona. Asimismo, se describen las técnicas de cartografía electroanatómica tridimensional que, complementando a la electrofisiología convencional, permiten la caracterización correcta de los circuitos arritmogénicos, posibilitando así la abolición de la arritmia mediante radiofrecuencia. A nuestro entender, este es el primer caso publicado en la Argentina de ablación de TVMS en pacientes con cirugía reparadora de tetralogía de Fallot.

Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) is a late complication of corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot. The success rate of conventional radiofrequency ablation is <50% due to patients' characteristics. Threedimensional electroanatomic mapping system is associated with favorable outcomes. We describe the case of a 53 year-old male patient with a history of previous corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator due to syncope secondary to SMTV. Despite being treated with amiodarone, radiofrequency catheter ablation was indicated due to recurrences. In addition, we describe three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system as a complement to conventional electrophysiology for an adequate characterization of the arrhythmogenic circuits undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation. To our understanding, this is the first case published in Argentina of radiofrequency catheter ablation of a SMVT in patients with corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot.