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J Chem Phys ; 159(19)2023 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37982478


A model system of identical particles interacting via a hard-sphere potential is essential in condensed matter physics; it helps to understand in and out of equilibrium phenomena in complex fluids, such as colloidal dispersions. Yet, most of the fixed time-step algorithms to study the transport properties of those systems have drawbacks due to the mathematical nature of the interparticle potential. Because of this, mapping a hard-sphere potential onto a soft potential has been recently proposed [Báez et al., J. Chem. Phys. 149, 164907 (2018)]. More specifically, using the second virial coefficient criterion, one can set a route to estimate the parameters of the soft potential that accurately reproduces the thermodynamic properties of a monocomponent hard-sphere system. However, real colloidal dispersions are multicomponent or polydisperse, making it important to find an efficient way to extend the potential model for dealing with such kind of many-body systems. In this paper, we report on the extension and applicability of the second virial coefficient criterion to build a description that correctly captures the phenomenology of both multicomponent and polydisperse hard-sphere dispersions. To assess the accuracy of the continuous potentials, we compare the structure of soft polydisperse systems with their hard-core counterpart. We also contrast the structural and thermodynamic properties of soft binary mixtures with those obtained through mean-field approximations and the Ornstein-Zernike equation for the two-component hard-sphere dispersion.

J Chem Phys ; 157(7): 074903, 2022 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35987592


Depletion forces are fundamental for determining the phase behavior of a vast number of materials and colloidal dispersions and have been used for the manipulation of in- and out-of-equilibrium thermodynamic states. The entropic nature of depletion forces is well understood; however, most theoretical approaches, and also molecular simulations, work quantitatively at moderate size ratios in much diluted systems since large size asymmetries and high particle concentrations are difficult to deal with. The existing approaches for integrating out the degrees of freedom of the depletant species may fail under these extreme physical conditions. Thus, the main goal of this contribution is to introduce a general physical formulation for obtaining the depletion forces even in those cases where the concentration of all species is relevant. We show that the contraction of the bare forces uniquely determines depletion interactions. Our formulation is tested by studying depletion forces in binary and ternary colloidal mixtures. We report here results for dense systems with total packing fractions of 45% and 55%. Our results open up the possibility of finding an efficient route to determine effective interactions at a finite concentration, even under non-equilibrium thermodynamic conditions.

Entropía , Termodinámica
J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(16)2022 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35108690


The discrete hard-sphere (HS), square-well (SW), and square-shoulder (SS) potentials have become the battle horse of molecular and complex fluids because they contain the basic elements to describe the thermodynamic, structural, and transport properties of both types of fluids. The mathematical simplicity of these discrete potentials allows us to obtain some analytical results despite the nature and complexity of the modeled systems. However, the divergent forces arising at the potential discontinuities may lead to severe issues when discrete potentials are used in computer simulations with uniform time steps. One of the few routes to avoid these technical problems is to replace the discrete potentials with continuous and differentiable forms built under strict physical criteria to capture the correct phenomenology. The match of the second virial coefficient between the discrete and the soft potentials has recently been successfully used to construct a continuous representation that mimics some physical properties of HSs (Báezet al2018J. Chem. Phys.149164907). In this paper, we report an extension of this idea to construct soft representations of the discrete SW and SS potentials. We assess the accuracy of the resulting soft potential by studying structural and thermodynamic properties of the modeled systems by using extensive Brownian and molecular dynamics computer simulations. Besides, Monte Carlo results for the original discrete potentials are used as benchmark. We have also implemented the discrete interaction models and their soft counterparts within the integral equations theory of liquids, finding that the most widely used approximations predict almost identical results for both potentials.

J Chem Phys ; 155(2): 024901, 2021 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34266249


Depletion interactions between colloidal particles surrounded by smaller depletants are typically characterized by a strong attraction at contact and a moderately repulsive barrier in front of it that extends at distances similar to the size of the depletants; the appearance and height of the barrier basically depend on the concentration and, therefore, the correlation between depletants. From a thermodynamic point of view, the former can drive the system to phase separation or toward non-equilibrium states, such as gel-like states, but its effects on both local and global properties may be controlled by the latter, which acts as a kind of entropic gate. However, the latter has not been entirely analyzed and understood within the context of colloidal mixtures mainly driven by entropy. In this contribution, we present a systematic study of depletion forces in ternary mixtures of hard spherical particles with two species of depletants, in two and three dimensions. We focus the discussion on how the composition of the depletants becomes the main physical parameter that drives the competition between the attractive well and the repulsive barrier. Our results are obtained by means of the integral equation theory of depletion forces and techniques of contraction of the description adapted to molecular dynamics computer simulations.

J Chem Phys ; 140(24): 244116, 2014 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24985627


The long-time self-diffusion coefficient, D(L), of charged spherical colloidal particles in parallel planar layers is studied by means of Brownian dynamics computer simulations and mode-coupling theory. All particles (regardless which layer they are located on) interact with each other via the screened Coulomb potential and there is no particle transfer between layers. As a result of the geometrical constraint on particle positions, the simulation results show that D(L) is strongly controlled by the separation between layers. On the basis of the so-called contraction of the description formalism [C. Contreras-Aburto, J. M. Méndez-Alcaraz, and R. Castañeda-Priego, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 174111 (2010)], the effective potential between particles in a layer (the so-called observed layer) is obtained from integrating out the degrees of freedom of particles in the remaining layers. We have shown in a previous work that the effective potential performs well in describing the static structure of the observed layer (loc. cit.). In this work, we find that the D(L) values determined from the simulations of the observed layer, where the particles interact via the effective potential, do not agree with the exact values of D(L). Our findings confirm that even when an effective potential can perform well in describing the static properties, there is no guarantee that it will correctly describe the dynamic properties of colloidal systems.