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Eur Phys J C Part Fields ; 77(12): 829, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31997935


High-energy jets recoiling against missing transverse energy (MET) are powerful probes of dark matter at the LHC. Searches based on large MET signatures require a precise control of the Z ( ν ν ¯ ) +  jet background in the signal region. This can be achieved by taking accurate data in control regions dominated by Z ( ℓ + ℓ - ) +  jet, W ( ℓ ν ) +  jet and γ +  jet production, and extrapolating to the Z ( ν ν ¯ ) +  jet background by means of precise theoretical predictions. In this context, recent advances in perturbative calculations open the door to significant sensitivity improvements in dark matter searches. In this spirit, we present a combination of state-of-the-art calculations for all relevant V +  jets processes, including throughout NNLO QCD corrections and NLO electroweak corrections supplemented by Sudakov logarithms at two loops. Predictions at parton level are provided together with detailed recommendations for their usage in experimental analyses based on the reweighting of Monte Carlo samples. Particular attention is devoted to the estimate of theoretical uncertainties in the framework of dark matter searches, where subtle aspects such as correlations across different V +  jet processes play a key role. The anticipated theoretical uncertainty in the Z ( ν ν ¯ ) +  jet background is at the few percent level up to the TeV range.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(21): 212001, 2014 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25479488


Charged gauge boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider allows detailed probes of the fundamental structure of electroweak interactions. We present precise theoretical predictions for on-shell W+ W- production that include, for the first time, QCD effects up to next to next to leading order in perturbation theory. As compared to next to leading order, the inclusive W+ W- cross section is enhanced by 9% at 7 TeV and 12% at 14 TeV. The residual perturbative uncertainty is at the 3% level. The severe contamination of the W+ W- cross section due to top-quark resonances is discussed in detail. Comparing different definitions of top-free W+ W- production in the four and five flavor number schemes, we demonstrate that top-quark resonances can be separated from the inclusive W+ W- cross section without a significant loss of theoretical precision.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(11): 111601, 2012 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22540459


We introduce a new technique to generate scattering amplitudes at one loop. Traditional tree algorithms, which handle diagrams with fixed momenta, are promoted to generators of loop-momentum polynomials that we call open loops. Combining open loops with tensor-integral and Ossola-Papadopoulos-Pittau reduction results in a fully flexible, very fast, and numerically stable one-loop generator. As demonstrated with nontrivial applications, the open-loop approach will permit us to obtain precise predictions for a very wide range of collider processes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(10): 102003, 2006 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17025806


The four-loop QCD corrections to the electroweak rho parameter arising from top and bottom quark loops are computed. Specifically we evaluate the missing "nonsinglet" piece. Using algebraic methods the amplitude is reduced to a set of around 50 new master integrals which are calculated with various analytical and numerical methods. The inclusion of the newly completed term halves the final value of the four-loop correction for the minimally renormalized top-quark mass. The predictions for the shift of the weak mixing angle and the W-boson mass are thus stabilized.