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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 41: 477-480, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29546021


BACKGROUND: Entero-vesical fistula (EVF) is an abnormal link between the enteric lumen and the urinary bladder. Crohn's disease (CD) represents, nowadays, the most common cause in the formation of this fistula. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The aim of this study was to describe the diagnostic and treating modalities applied in nine patients with CD and EVFs, the clinical/epidemiological features of this clinical entity and to perform a systemic review of the literature, concerning the diagnosis and treatment of this complication. RESULTS: The medical records of eight men and one woman (mean age 42 ± 12 years) with EVFs were analyzed. The terminal ileum and the ileocecal region were affected in three and six cases, respectively. The most common symptoms were pneumaturia, fecaluria, fever, urinary urgency and abdominal pain. The diagnosis was suspected by abdominal CT scan and by indirect findings of bladder infection in cystoscopy. MRI with concurrent cystography set the diagnosis in three patients. Colonoscopy was not helpful. Conservative treatment, including administration of antibiotics and immunosuppressive agents in all patients and anti-TNF-a agent (infliximab) in six patients, was ineffective. Surgical treatment was applied in seven cases (77.8%), including fistula repair in all patients, drainage of coexistent intraabdominal abscess in two, small bowel resection in four and ileocecectomy in two cases. CONCLUSION: EFVs are uncommon but potentially dangerous complications of CD. Abdominal CT scan and cystoscopy are the most commonly used diagnostic modalities. Surgical treatment seems to be unavoidable in most cases, although medical treatment could also benefit a small cohort of patients.

Indian J Surg Oncol ; 6(3): 237-50, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27217671


Colonoscopy represents a very important diagnostic modality for screening for colorectal cancer, because it has the ability to both detect and effectively remove pro-malignant and malignant lesions. It is recommended by almost all international and national gastroenterology and cancer societies, as an initial screening modality or, following a positive fecal occult blood test, to be performed every 10 years in individuals of average risk starting from the age of 50. However, a significant problem is the so-called post-screening (interval) polyps and cancers found some years after the index colonoscopy. In order to reduce the rate of interval cancers it is extremely necessary to optimize the quality and effectiveness of colonoscopy. Bowel preparation is of paramount importance for both accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment of lesions found on colonoscopy. The quality of bowel preparation could be significantly improved by splitting the dose regimens, a strategy that has been shown to be superior to single-dose regimen. A good endoscopic technique and optimal withdrawal time offering adequate time for inspection, would further optimize the rate of cecal intubation and the number of lesions detected. During the last years, sophisticated devices have been introduced that would further facilitate cecal intubation. The percentage of total colonoscopies is now super-passing the level of 95 % allowing the adenoma detection rate to be greater than the suggestive level of 25 % in men and 15 % in women. This review aims to provide the reader with the current knowledge concerning indications, usefulness, limitations and future perspectives of this probably most important screening technique for colorectal cancer available today.

Clin Exp Gastroenterol ; 7: 75-82, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24741324


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort and altered bowel habits. The disease affects a large part of the world population. The clinical course is mostly characterized by a cyclic recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, IBS patients should receive, as an initial therapeutic approach, a short course of treatment, and long-term treatment should be reserved for those patients with recurrent symptoms. The available clinical trials show that significant improvement of the symptoms over placebo could be achieved with various drugs, although this improvement is frequently time dependent and with high relapse rates after the cessation of the treatment. In a proportion of patients, clinically obvious relapse could appear long after stopping the treatment. Some of the available pharmacologic agents, including otilonium bromide (OB), are able to significantly prolong the time to the appearance of relapse, compared with placebo. As a consequence, some authors suggest that a cyclic treatment could be of benefit. Antispasmodic drugs have been used for many years in an effort to control the symptoms of IBS. OB is a poorly absorbed spasmolytic drug, exerting significantly greater control of the symptoms of IBS compared with placebo. Recent data suggest that the drug could effectively be used for the long-term management of patients with IBS. The aim of this review is to provide the reader with an evidence-based overview of the efficacy and tolerability of OB in the long-term management of IBS patients, based on the results of the clinical trials published so far.