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Toxics ; 11(9)2023 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37755772


This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of mycotoxigenic fungi in fish farm water and mycotoxins in feeds for farmed tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). A total of 40 samples of freshwater from fish farms and 16 samples of feed were collected and analyzed for microbiology. A total of five species of free-living fungi were identified in fish farms: Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium citrinum, P. implicatum, Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata. These fungi species were counted in water samples at 35.14 CFU mL-1 and 24.69 CFU mL-1 in the dry seasons. In all fish farms, there was a higher abundance of fungi species in the rainy season. During visits to the fish farmers, it was possible to verify poor feed storage conditions. Concerning mutations in blood cells, in tambaqui (C. macropomum), a total of 159 anomalies were found, and in Leptodactylus petersii, 299 anomalies were found, with higher incidences in conditions above 1.0 CFU mL-1 in log10(x+1) fungi and in the rainy season. The occurrence of mycotoxicological contamination was confirmed in 81.25% of the analyzed samples. The quantified mycotoxin was Fumonisins B1 + B2 (375 to 1418 µg kg-1). Pearson's correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between Fumonisins and feed samples (r = 0.83). There was also a significant positive correlation between the abundance of fungi in water and the quantification of Fumonisins (r = 0.79). Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that free-living fungi can be used as bioindicators of water quality in fish farms. Consequently, the lack of good management practices caused microbiological contamination of the aquatic environment.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 14(3): 1840-1843, sept.-dic. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-621879


Un Jabotí-Piranga adulto (Geochelone carbonaria), hembra, con peso de 3.5 kg ingresó por consulta en la escuela clínica “Dr. Cataldi Luiz de Souza”, del “Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos - Teresopolis, Río de Janeiro”, con historia de retención de huevos. En la evaluación clínica y radiológica, se encontró tres huevos en posiciones normales. Teniendo en cuenta la temporada de reproducción, se aconsejó la observación del animal. Después de un año, dicho animal regresó a la clínica por no haber todavía expulsado los huevos. Tras nuevo examen radiográfico se observó que los 3 huevos continuaban en la misma posición. A continuación, se aplicó 0.03 ml de oxitocina por vía subcutanea (10 UI x ml), en el apéndice anterior del animal. Tres horas después de la aplicación de la hormona, el animal expulsó los huevos naturalmente, sin la necesidad de una intervención quirúrgica, con lo que se puede sospechar de la eficacia de la aplicación de oxitocina para este procedimiento en jabotí Piranga.

Huevos , Oxitocina