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Chemistry ; 30(28): e202303809, 2024 May 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38465520


Patterning of graphene (functionalizing some areas while leaving others intact) is challenging, as all the C atoms in the basal plane are identical, but it is also desirable for a variety of applications, like opening a bandgap in the electronic structure of graphene. Several methods have been reported to pattern graphene, but most of them are very technologically intensive. Recently, we reported the use of microemulsions as templates to pattern graphene at the µm scale. This method is very simple and in principle tunable, as emulsions of different droplet size and composition can be prepared easily. Here, we explore in detail the scope of this methodology by applying it to all the combinations of four different emulsions and three different organic reagents, and characterizing the resulting substrates exhaustively through Raman, SEM and AFM. We find that the method is general, works better when the reactive species are outside the micelles, and requires reactive species that involve short reaction times.

Nanoscale ; 16(4): 2048-2059, 2024 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38204411


Both at the academic and the industrial level, material scientists are exploring routes for mass production and functionalization of graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNT), carbon dots, 2D materials, and heterostructures of these. Proper application of the novel materials requires fast and thorough characterization of the samples. Raman spectroscopy stands out as a standard non-invasive technique capable of giving key information on the structure and electronic properties of nanomaterials, including the presence of defects, degree of functionalization, diameter (in the case of CNT), different polytypes, doping, etc. Here, we present a computational tool to automatically analyze the Raman spectral features of nanomaterials, which we illustrate with the example of CNT and graphene. The algorithm manages hundreds of spectra simultaneously and provides statistical information (distribution of Raman shifts, average values of shifts and relative intensities, standard deviations, correlation between different peaks, etc.) of the main spectral features defining the structure and electronic properties of the samples, as well as publication-ready graphical material.

ACS Nano ; 16(9): 14479-14489, 2022 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36027581


Efficient operation of electronic nanodevices at ultrafast speeds requires understanding and control of the currents generated by femtosecond bursts of light. Ultrafast laser-induced currents in metallic nanojunctions can originate from photoassisted hot electron tunneling or lightwave-induced tunneling. Both processes can drive localized photocurrents inside a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) on femto- to attosecond time scales, enabling ultrafast STM with atomic spatial resolution. Femtosecond laser excitation of a metallic nanojunction, however, also leads to the formation of a transient thermalized electron distribution, but the tunneling of thermalized hot electrons on time scales faster than electron-lattice equilibration is not well understood. Here, we investigate ultrafast electronic heating and transient thermionic tunneling inside a metallic photoexcited tunnel junction and its role in the generation of ultrafast photocurrents in STM. Phase-resolved sampling of broadband terahertz (THz) pulses via the THz-field-induced modulation of ultrafast photocurrents allows us to probe the electronic temperature evolution inside the STM tip and to observe the competition between instantaneous and delayed tunneling due to nonthermal and thermal hot electron distributions in real time. Our results reveal the pronounced nonthermal character of photoinduced hot electron tunneling and provide a detailed microscopic understanding of hot electron dynamics inside a laser-excited tunnel junction.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 58(56): 7813-7816, 2022 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35736674


We show that microemulsions can be used as a simple, cheap and scalable template for the covalent patterning of graphene.

Nat Chem ; 14(6): 695-700, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35469006


The most widespread method for the synthesis of 2D-2D heterostructures is the direct growth of one material on top of the other. Alternatively, flakes of different materials can be manually stacked on top of each other. Both methods typically involve stacking 2D layers through van der Waals forces-such that these materials are often referred to as van der Waals heterostructures-and are stacked one crystal or one device at a time. Here we describe the covalent grafting of 2H-MoS2 flakes onto graphene monolayers embedded in field-effect transistors. A bifunctional molecule featuring a maleimide and a diazonium functional group was used, known to connect to sulfide- and carbon-based materials, respectively. MoS2 flakes were exfoliated, functionalized by reaction with the maleimide moieties and then anchored to graphene by the diazonium groups. This approach enabled the simultaneous functionalization of several devices. The electronic properties of the resulting heterostructure are shown to be dominated by the MoS2-graphene interface.

ACS Photonics ; 7(8): 2046-2055, 2020 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32851116


Coupling phase-stable single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulses to scanning tunneling microscope (STM) junctions enables spatiotemporal imaging with femtosecond temporal and Ångstrom spatial resolution. The time resolution achieved in such THz-gated STM is ultimately limited by the subcycle temporal variation of the tip-enhanced THz field acting as an ultrafast voltage pulse, and hence by the ability to feed high-frequency, broadband THz pulses into the junction. Here, we report on the coupling of ultrabroadband (1-30 THz) single-cycle THz pulses from a spintronic THz emitter (STE) into a metallic STM junction. We demonstrate broadband phase-resolved detection of the THz voltage transient directly in the STM junction via THz-field-induced modulation of ultrafast photocurrents. Comparison to the unperturbed far-field THz waveform reveals the antenna response of the STM tip. Despite tip-induced low-pass filtering, frequencies up to 15 THz can be detected in the tip-enhanced near-field, resulting in THz transients with a half-cycle period of 115 fs. We further demonstrate simple polarity control of the THz bias via the STE magnetization and show that up to 2 V THz bias at 1 MHz repetition rate can be achieved in the current setup. Finally, we find a nearly constant THz voltage and waveform over a wide range of tip-sample distances, which by comparison to numerical simulations confirms the quasi-static nature of the THz pulses. Our results demonstrate the suitability of spintronic THz emitters for ultrafast THz-STM with unprecedented bandwidth of the THz bias and provide insight into the femtosecond response of defined nanoscale junctions.

Appl Spectrosc ; 74(11): 1407-1413, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32820942


Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) provides the sensitivity required to obtain the vibrational fingerprint of few molecules. While single molecule detection has been demonstrated in UHV experiments, the sensitivity of the technique in ambient, liquid and electrochemical conditions is still limited. In this work, we present a new strategy to increase the signal-to-noise in TERS by spatial light modulation. We iteratively optimize the phase of the excitation beam employing two different feedback mechanisms. In one optimization protocol, we monitor the spectral changes upon aberration correction and tight far-field focusing. In a second protocol, we use a phase-optimization strategy where TER spectra are directly used for feedback. Far-field tight focusing results in average signal enhancements of a factor of 3.5 in air and has no impact on TER signals obtained from solid/liquid interfaces. Using the TER spectrum as direct feedback, we obtain average signal enhancements between a factor of 2.6 in liquid and 4.3 in air. In individual cases, some bands increase by more than one order of magnitude in intensity upon spatial light modulation. Importantly, phase modulation in addition allowed the retrieval of bands that were initially not discernible from the noise. The proposed beam-modulation strategy can be easily implemented in existing TERS instruments and can help to push the detection limit of the technique in applications where the signal-to-noise level is low.

ChemElectroChem ; 4(8): 1814-1823, 2017 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28920009


Electrochemistry is re-gaining attention among scientists because the complex interplay between electronic and chemical interfacial processes lies at the bottom of a broad range of important research disciplines like alternative energy conversion or green catalysis and synthesis. While rapid progress has been made in recent years regarding novel technological applications, the community increasingly recognizes that the understanding of the molecular processes that govern macroscopic device properties is still rather limited - which hinders a systematic and more complete exploration of novel material and functionality space. Here, we discuss advanced Raman spectroscopies as valuable analysis tools for electrochemists. The chemical nature of a material and its interaction with the environment is contained in the label-free vibrational fingerprint over a broad energy range so that organic species, solid-state materials, and hybrids thereof can be investigated alike. For surface studies, the inherently small Raman scattering cross sections can be overcome with advanced nonlinear or nearfield-based approaches that provide signal enhancements between three and seven orders of magnitude, sufficient to detect few scatterers in nano-confined spaces or adsorbate (sub)monolayers. Our article highlights how advanced Raman techniques with extreme chemical, spatial and temporal resolution constitute valuable alternative surface analysis tools and provide otherwise inaccessible information about complex interfacial (electro)chemical processes.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 56(33): 9796-9801, 2017 08 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28643433


Electrochemical surface activity arises from the interaction and geometric arrangement of molecules at electrified interfaces. We present a novel electrochemical tip-enhanced Raman spectroscope that can access the vibrational fingerprint of less than 100 small, non-resonant molecules adsorbed at atomically flat Au electrodes to study their adsorption geometry and chemical reactivity as a function of the applied potential. Combining experimental and simulation data for adenine/Au(111), we conclude that protonated physisorbed adenine adopts a tilted orientation at low potentials, whereas it is vertically adsorbed around the potential of zero charge. Further potential increase induces adenine deprotonation and reorientation to a planar configuration. The extension of EC-TERS to the study of adsorbate reorientation significantly broadens the applicability of this advanced spectroelectrochemical tool for the nanoscale characterization of a full range of electrochemical interfaces.

Anal Chem ; 88(14): 7108-14, 2016 07 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27299508


In situ characterization of surfaces with tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) provides chemical and topographic information with high spatial resolution and submonolayer chemical sensitivity. To further the versatility of the TERS approach toward more complex systems such as biological membranes or energy conversion devices, adaptation of the technique to solid/liquid working conditions is essential. Here, we present a home-built side-illumination TERS setup design based on a commercial scanning tunneling microscope (STM) as a versatile, cost-efficient solution for TERS at solid/liquid interfaces. Interestingly, the results obtained from showcase resonant dye and nonresonant thiophenol monolayers adsorbed on Au single crystals suggest that excitation beam aberrations due to the presence of the aqueous phase are small enough not to limit TER signal detection. The STM parameters are found to play a crucial role for solid/liquid TERS sensitivity. Raman enhancement factors of 10(5) at µW laser power demonstrate the great potential the presented experimental configuration holds for solid/liquid interfacial spectroscopic studies.