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Animals (Basel) ; 13(24)2023 Dec 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136807


The high-resolution forecasting of vegetation type shifts may prove essential in anticipating and mitigating the impacts of future climate change on bird populations. Here, we used the US Forest Service Ecological Response Unit (ERU) classification to develop and assess vegetation-based breeding habitat profiles for eight owl species occurring in the foothills and mountains of the Southwestern US. Shifts in mapped habitat were forecast using an ecosystem vulnerability model based on the pre-1990 climate envelopes of ERUs and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) A1B moderate-emission scenario for the future climate. For five of the eight owl species, the regional breeding habitat extent was projected to decline by at least 60% by 2090. Three species, the boreal owl (Aegolius funereus; at the trailing edge of its distribution), flammulated owl (Psiloscops flammeolus), and northern pygmy-owl (Glaucidium gnoma), were projected to experience the steepest habitat loss rates of 85%, 85%, and 76%, respectively. Projected vegetation shifts overlaid with well-documented flammulated owl breeding populations showed the complete or near complete loss of habitat by 2090 in areas of montane forest currently supporting dense aggregations of owl territories. Generalist or lower-elevation owl species were predicted to be less impacted, while, for the whiskered screech-owl (Megascops trichopsis), the contraction of the current habitat was nearly offset by a projected northward expansion. In general, the results of this study suggest high exposure to climate change impacts for the upper-elevation forest owls of semi-arid Southwestern North America. Long-distance migration and low natal philopatry may prove important to some montane owl populations in adapting to the regional loss of habitat.

Nat Neurosci ; 26(6): 932-941, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37217727


Genome-wide association studies have led to the identification of robust statistical associations of genetic variants with numerous brain-related traits, including neurological and psychiatric conditions, and psychological and behavioral measures. These results may provide insight into the biology underlying these traits and may facilitate clinically useful predictions. However, these results also carry the risk of harm, including possible negative effects of inaccurate predictions, violations of privacy, stigma and genomic discrimination, raising serious ethical and legal implications. Here, we discuss ethical concerns surrounding the results of genome-wide association studies for individuals, society and researchers. Given the success of genome-wide association studies and the increasing availability of nonclinical genomic prediction technologies, better laws and guidelines are urgently needed to regulate the storage, processing and responsible use of genetic data. Also, researchers should be aware of possible misuse of their results, and we provide guidance to help avoid such negative impacts on individuals and society.

Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo , Genómica , Humanos , Fenotipo , Cabeza , Encéfalo
Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1738, 2022 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35365644


A hallmark of topological superconductivity is the non-Abelian statistics of Majorana bound states (MBS), its chargeless zero-energy emergent quasiparticles. The resulting fractionalization of a single electron, stored nonlocally as a two spatially-separated MBS, provides a powerful platform for implementing fault-tolerant topological quantum computing. However, despite intensive efforts, experimental support for MBS remains indirect and does not probe their non-Abelian statistics. Here we propose how to overcome this obstacle in mini-gate controlled planar Josephson junctions (JJs) and demonstrate non-Abelian statistics through MBS fusion, detected by charge sensing using a quantum point contact, based on dynamical simulations. The feasibility of preparing, manipulating, and fusing MBS in two-dimensional (2D) systems is supported in our experiments which demonstrate the gate control of topological transition and superconducting properties with five mini gates in InAs/Al-based JJs. While we focus on this well-established platform, where the topological superconductivity was already experimentally detected, our proposal to identify elusive non-Abelian statistics motivates also further MBS studies in other gate-controlled 2D systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(3): 036802, 2021 Jan 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33543950


Topological superconductivity holds promise for fault-tolerant quantum computing. While planar Josephson junctions are attractive candidates to realize this exotic state, direct phase measurements as the fingerprint of the topological transition are missing. By embedding two gate-tunable Al/InAs Josephson junctions in a loop geometry, we measure a π jump in the junction phase with an increasing in-plane magnetic field B_{∥}. This jump is accompanied by a minimum of the critical current, indicating a closing and reopening of the superconducting gap, strongly anisotropic in B_{∥}. Our theory confirms that these signatures of a topological transition are compatible with the emergence of Majorana bound states.

Nano Lett ; 21(5): 1915-1920, 2021 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33617256


Epitaxial Al-InAs heterostructures appear as a promising materials platform for exploring mesoscopic and topological superconductivity. A unique property of Josephson junction field effect transistors (JJ-FETs) fabricated on these heterostructures is the ability to tune the supercurrent using a metallic gate. Here, we report the fabrication and measurement of gate-tunable Al-InAs JJ-FETs in which the gate dielectric in contact with the InAs is produced by mechanically exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) followed by dry transfer. We discuss a versatile fabrication process that enables compatibility between layered material transfer and Al-InAs heterostructures that allows us to achieve full gate-tunability of supercurrent by using only 5 nm thick h-BN flakes. Our study shows that pristine properties of epitaxial Josephson junctions, such as product of normal resistance and critical current, IcRn, are preserved. Furthermore, complementary measurements confirm that using h-BN dielectric changes the channel density less when compared to atomic layer deposition of Al2O3.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 78, 2021 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33397966


Josephson junctions hosting Majorana fermions have been predicted to exhibit a 4π periodic current phase relation. One experimental consequence of this periodicity is the disappearance of odd steps in Shapiro steps experiments. Experimentally, missing odd Shapiro steps have been observed in a number of materials systems with strong spin-orbit coupling and have been interpreted in the context of topological superconductivity. Here we report on missing odd steps in topologically trivial Josephson junctions fabricated on InAs quantum wells. We ascribe our observations to the high transparency of our junctions allowing Landau-Zener transitions. The probability of these processes is shown to be independent of the drive frequency. We analyze our results using a bi-modal transparency distribution which demonstrates that only few modes carrying 4π periodic current are sufficient to describe the disappearance of odd steps. Our findings highlight the elaborate circumstances that have to be considered in the investigation of the 4π Josephson junctions in relationship to topological superconductivity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(13): 137001, 2020 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32302171


Topological superconductivity supports exotic Majorana bound states (MBS) which are chargeless zero-energy emergent quasiparticles. With their non-Abelian exchange statistics and fractionalization of a single electron stored nonlocally as a spatially separated MBS, they are particularly suitable for implementing fault-tolerant topological quantum computing. While realizing MBS has focused on one-dimensional systems, the onset of topological superconductivity requires delicate parameter tuning and geometric constraints pose significant challenges for their control and demonstration of non-Abelian statistics. To overcome these challenges, building on recent experiments in planar Josephson junctions (JJs), we propose a MBS platform of X-shaped JJs. This versatile implementation reveals how external flux control of the superconducting phase difference can generate and manipulate multiple MBS pairs to probe non-Abelian statistics. The underlying topological superconductivity exists over a large parameter space, consistent with materials used in our fabrication of such X junctions, as an important step towards scalable topological quantum computing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(7): 076802, 2020 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142329


Topological effects in edge states are clearly visible on short lengths only, thus largely impeding their studies. On larger distances, one may be able to dynamically enhance topological signatures by exploiting the high mobility of edge states with respect to bulk carriers. Our work on microwave spectroscopy highlights the response of the edges which host very mobile carriers, while bulk carriers are drastically slowed down in the gap. Though the edges are denser than expected, we establish that charge relaxation occurs on short timescales and suggest that edge states can be addressed selectively on timescales over which bulk carriers are frozen.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 212, 2020 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31924783


In a standard Josephson junction the current is zero when the phase difference between superconducting leads is zero. This condition is protected by parity and time-reversal symmetries. However, the combined presence of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic field breaks these symmetries and can lead to a finite supercurrent even when the phase difference is zero. This is the so called anomalous Josephson effect-the hallmark effect of superconducting spintronics-which can be characterized by the corresponding anomalous phase shift. Here we report the observation of a tunable anomalous Josephson effect in InAs/Al Josephson junctions measured via a superconducting quantum interference device. By gate controlling the density of InAs, we are able to tune the spin-orbit coupling in the Josephson junction. This gives us the ability to tune the anomalous phase, and opens new opportunities for superconducting spintronics, and new possibilities for realizing and characterizing topological superconductivity.

Appl Opt ; 56(17): 4948-4955, 2017 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29047640


Bicontinuous structures are an important subset of three-dimensional periodic structures. In multibeam interference structures, the conditions for bicontinuity depend on the beam parameters and the exposure dose. As described in the present work, these conditions can be applied to establish the range of bicontinuity for any multibeam-interference-produced structure. In addition to the bicontinuity range, the analysis yields the volume fraction of the constituent materials and the normalized interface areas. This analysis has been performed for rhombohedral and woodpile lattices as well as their cubic structure limiting cases. A sphere-at-each-lattice-site model for each of the cubic cases has also been developed for comparison. The multibeam interference structures were investigated for representative media and for various incident polarizations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(43): 433002, 2017 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28925381


Circuit QED techniques have been instrumental in manipulating and probing with exquisite sensitivity the quantum state of superconducting quantum bits coupled to microwave cavities. Recently, it has become possible to fabricate new devices in which the superconducting quantum bits are replaced by hybrid mesoscopic circuits combining nanoconductors and metallic reservoirs. This mesoscopic QED provides a new experimental playground to study the light-matter interaction in electronic circuits. Here, we present the experimental state of the art of mesoscopic QED and its theoretical description. A first class of experiments focuses on the artificial atom limit, where some quasiparticles are trapped in nanocircuit bound states. In this limit, the circuit QED techniques can be used to manipulate and probe electronic degrees of freedom such as confined charges, spins, or Andreev pairs. A second class of experiments uses cavity photons to reveal the dynamics of electron tunneling between a nanoconductor and fermionic reservoirs. For instance, the Kondo effect, the charge relaxation caused by grounded metallic contacts, and the photo-emission caused by voltage-biased reservoirs have been studied. The tunnel coupling between nanoconductors and fermionic reservoirs also enable one to obtain split Cooper pairs, or Majorana bound states. Cavity photons represent a qualitatively new tool to study these exotic condensed matter states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(12): 126803, 2017 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388198


No experiment could directly test the particle-antiparticle duality of Majorana fermions, so far. However, this property represents a necessary ingredient towards the realization of topological quantum computing schemes. Here, we show how to complete this task by using microwave techniques. The direct coupling between a pair of overlapping Majorana bound states and the electric field from a microwave cavity is extremely difficult to detect due to the self-adjoint character of Majorana fermions which forbids direct energy exchanges with the cavity. We show theoretically how this problem can be circumvented by using photoassisted tunneling to fermionic reservoirs. The absence of a direct microwave transition inside the Majorana pair in spite of the light-Majorana coupling would represent a smoking gun for the Majorana self-adjoint character.

Appl Opt ; 55(12): 3199-202, 2016 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27140088


The alignment of components in complex multibeam arrangements is typically prone to errors that limit the performance of the system. A systematic procedure for aligning such systems is presented here. The method facilitates the precision alignment of the optical elements to achieve the accurate projection of multiple on- and off-axis images and the simultaneous interference of the multiple beams. In addition to the multibeam imaging/interference system presented, the procedure can be employed in other multibeam imaging and/or interfering configurations.

Opt Lett ; 40(12): 2806-9, 2015 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26076267


The pattern-integrated interference lithography (PIIL) technique combines multi-beam interference lithography (MBIL) and imaging to produce functional periodic-lattice-based microstructures in a rapid single-exposure step. A photonic-crystal waveguide structure with sub-micron resolution is designed, fabricated by PIIL, and characterized. Scanning electron and atomic force microscope images are found to be in good qualitative agreement with three-dimensional simulations of the developed photoresist.

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 31(7): 1515-9, 2014 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25121439


By combining interference lithography and projection photolithography concurrently, pattern-integrated interference lithography (PIIL) enables the wafer-scale, rapid, and single-exposure fabrication of multidimensional periodic microstructures that integrate arbitrary functional elements. To date, two-dimensional PIIL has been simulated and experimentally demonstrated. In this paper, we report new simulated results of PIIL exposures for various custom-modified three-dimensional (3D) periodic structures. These results were generated using custom PIIL comprehensive vector modeling. Simulations include mask-integrated and mask-shaped 3D periodic arrangements as well as microcavities on top of or fully embedded within 3D periodic structures. These results indicate PIIL is a viable method for making versatile 3D periodic microstructures.

Opt Lett ; 39(13): 3798-801, 2014 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24978740


Pattern-integrated interference lithography (PIIL) has recently been proposed as a rapid, single-step, and wafer-scale fabrication technique for custom-modified one-, two- and three-dimensional periodic structures. Among these structures, photonic-crystal devices have significant potential applications. In this work, we simulate the fabrication of two-dimensional photonic-crystal devices by PIIL using a rigorous vector modeling and realistic photolithographic conditions. We also model the etched patterns in silicon and evaluate the photonic-crystal motif-area and motif-displacement errors. We further calculate the device intensity transmission spectra and show that the performance of PIIL-produced devices are comparable to, and in some cases are superior to, that of their idealized equivalents.

J Biol Chem ; 289(2): 1071-8, 2014 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24280212


The bone marrow microenvironment provides important signals for the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic and malignant cells. In multiple myeloma, plasma cells are surrounded by stromal cells including osteoblasts. These stromal cells protect multiple myeloma cells from apoptosis induced by chemotherapeutic agents. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble receptor of the cytokine TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), is secreted by osteoblasts and has been implicated in the prevention of cell death induced by TRAIL in malignant cells. Previously, we have designed death receptor-specific TRAIL variants that induce apoptosis exclusively via one of its death receptors. Here, we have studied in detail the interaction between recombinant human (rhTRAIL) variants and OPG. We show that a DR5-specific variant (rhTRAIL D269H/E195R) displays a significantly decreased affinity to OPG. Furthermore, this rhTRAIL variant shows a much higher activity when compared with rhTRAIL WT and retains its effectiveness in inducing cell death in multiple myeloma cell lines, in the presence of OPG secreted by stromal cells. We also demonstrate that stromal cells are largely insensitive to high concentrations of this rhTRAIL variant. In conclusion, rhTRAIL D269H/E195R is a potential therapy for multiple myeloma due to its high effectiveness and diminished binding to OPG.

Médula Ósea/metabolismo , Mutación , Osteoprotegerina/metabolismo , Ligando Inductor de Apoptosis Relacionado con TNF/genética , Ligando Inductor de Apoptosis Relacionado con TNF/metabolismo , Sustitución de Aminoácidos , Apoptosis/efectos de los fármacos , Unión Competitiva , Western Blotting , Médula Ósea/efectos de los fármacos , Médula Ósea/patología , Línea Celular Tumoral , Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Resistencia a Antineoplásicos/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Mieloma Múltiple/genética , Mieloma Múltiple/metabolismo , Mieloma Múltiple/patología , Proteínas Mutantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Mutantes/farmacología , Osteoprotegerina/genética , Osteoprotegerina/farmacología , Unión Proteica , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacología , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie , Ligando Inductor de Apoptosis Relacionado con TNF/farmacología , Microambiente Tumoral/efectos de los fármacos , Microambiente Tumoral/genética
Appl Opt ; 52(1): 61-72, 2013 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23292376


Pattern-integrated interference (PII) is described as a logical progression starting from the primary precursors of interference and holography. PII produces, in a single-exposure step, a periodic interference pattern with preselected periods absent. These blocked periods, for example, can form the nonperiodic functional elements of a photonic-crystal device or the circuit elements in a periodic-layout-design semiconductor chip. Various possible system configurations for PII are presented and compared. Example PII-produced intensity patterns for a photonic-crystal microresonator filter and an optical switch are simulated and discussed.