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Conserv Biol ; : e14265, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616727


The fungal infection causing white-nose disease in hibernating bats in North America has resulted in dramatic population declines of affected species, since the introduction of the causative agent Pseudogymnoascus destructans. The fungus is native to the Palearctic, where it also infects several bat species, yet rarely causes severe pathology or the death of the host. Pseudogymnoascus destructans infects bats during hibernation by invading and digesting the skin tissue, resulting in the disruption of torpor patterns and consequent emaciation. Relations among pathogen, host, and environment are complex, and individuals, populations, and species respond to the fungal pathogen in different ways. For example, the Nearctic Myotis lucifugus responds to infection by mounting a robust immune response, leading to immunopathology often contributing to mortality. In contrast, the Palearctic M. myotis shows no significant immunological response to infection. This lack of a strong response, resulting from the long coevolution between the hosts and the pathogen in the pathogen's native range, likely contributes to survival in tolerant species. After more than 15 years since the initial introduction of the fungus to North America, some of the affected populations are showing signs of recovery, suggesting that the fungus, hosts, or both are undergoing processes that may eventually lead to coexistence. The suggested or implemented management methods of the disease in North America have encompassed, for example, the use of probiotics and fungicides, vaccinations, and modifying the environmental conditions of the hibernation sites to limit the growth of the pathogen, intensity of infection, or the hosts' responses to it. Based on current knowledge from Eurasia, policy makers and conservation managers should refrain from disrupting the ongoing evolutionary processes and adopt a holistic approach to managing the epizootic.

Vista paleártica de una enfermedad fúngica de murciélagos Resumen La enfermedad fúngica que produce el síndrome de nariz blanca en murciélagos en hibernación en Norte América ha resultado en declinaciones poblacionales dramáticas en las especies afectadas desde la introducción del agente causante, Pseudogymnoascus destructans. El hongo es nativo del Paleártico, donde también infecta a varias especies de murciélagos; sin embargo, raramente causa patología severa o la muerte del hospedero. Pseudogymnoascus destructans infecta a los murciélagos durante la hibernación invadiendo y digiriendo el tejido de la piel, lo que resulta en la disrupción de los patrones de torpor y la consecuente emaciación. Las relaciones entre el patógeno, el huésped y el ambiente son complejas, y los individuos, las especies y poblaciones responden al patógeno fúngico de distintas maneras. Por ejemplo, Myotis lucifugus, especie del Neártico, responde a la infección montando una respuesta inmune robusta, produciendo una inmunopatología que a menudo contribuye a la mortalidad. En contraste, M. myotis del Paleártico no presenta respuesta inmunológica significativa a la infección. La falta de una fuerte respuesta, resultado de la larga coevolución entre hospederos y el patógeno en el rango nativo de distribución del patógeno, probablemente contribuye a la supervivencia en especies tolerantes. Después de más de 15 años desde la introducción del hongo en Norte América, algunas de las poblaciones afectadas están mostrando señales recuperación, lo que sugiere que el hongo, hospederos, o ambos, están pasando por procesos que eventualmente pueden conducir a la coexistencia. Los métodos de manejo de la enfermedad sugeridos o implementados en Norte América han abarcado, por ejemplo, el uso de probióticos y fungicidas, vacunaciones y modificación de las condiciones ambientales de los sitios de hibernación para limitar el crecimiento del patógeno, la intensidad de la infección o las respuestas de los hospederos. Con base en conocimiento actual de Eurasia, los formuladores de políticas y los manejadores de la conservación deberían abstenerse de alterar los procesos evolutivos en curso y adoptar un enfoque holístico para gestionar la epizootia.

Nature ; 616(7958): 696-701, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37046087


Strong light fields have created opportunities to tailor novel functionalities of solids1-5. Floquet-Bloch states can form under periodic driving of electrons and enable exotic quantum phases6-15. On subcycle timescales, lightwaves can simultaneously drive intraband currents16-29 and interband transitions18,19,30,31, which enable high-harmonic generation16,18,19,21,22,25,28-30 and pave the way towards ultrafast electronics. Yet, the interplay of intraband and interband excitations and their relation to Floquet physics have been key open questions as dynamical aspects of Floquet states have remained elusive. Here we provide this link by visualizing the ultrafast build-up of Floquet-Bloch bands with time-resolved and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We drive surface states on a topological insulator32,33 with mid-infrared fields-strong enough for high-harmonic generation-and directly monitor the transient band structure with subcycle time resolution. Starting with strong intraband currents, we observe how Floquet sidebands emerge within a single optical cycle; intraband acceleration simultaneously proceeds in multiple sidebands until high-energy electrons scatter into bulk states and dissipation destroys the Floquet bands. Quantum non-equilibrium calculations explain the simultaneous occurrence of Floquet states with intraband and interband dynamics. Our joint experiment and theory study provides a direct time-domain view of Floquet physics and explores the fundamental frontiers of ultrafast band-structure engineering.

Nature ; 610(7931): 290-295, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36224421


Delocalized Bloch electrons and the low-energy correlations between them determine key optical1, electronic2 and entanglement3 functionalities of solids, all the way through to phase transitions4,5. To directly capture how many-body correlations affect the actual motion of Bloch electrons, subfemtosecond (1 fs = 10-15 s) temporal precision6-15 is desirable. Yet, probing with attosecond (1 as = 10-18 s) high-energy photons has not been energy-selective enough to resolve the relevant millielectronvolt-scale interactions of electrons1-5,16,17 near the Fermi energy. Here, we use multi-terahertz light fields to force electron-hole pairs in crystalline semiconductors onto closed trajectories, and clock the delay between separation and recollision with 300 as precision, corresponding to 0.7% of the driving field's oscillation period. We detect that strong Coulomb correlations emergent in atomically thin WSe2 shift the optimal timing of recollisions by up to 1.2 ± 0.3 fs compared to the bulk material. A quantitative analysis with quantum-dynamic many-body computations in a Wigner-function representation yields a direct and intuitive view on how the Coulomb interaction, non-classical aspects, the strength of the driving field and the valley polarization influence the dynamics. The resulting attosecond chronoscopy of delocalized electrons could revolutionize the understanding of unexpected phase transitions and emergent quantum-dynamic phenomena for future electronic, optoelectronic and quantum-information technologies.

Nature ; 593(7859): 385-390, 2021 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34012087


When intense lightwaves accelerate electrons through a solid, the emerging high-order harmonic (HH) radiation offers key insights into the material1-11. Sub-optical-cycle dynamics-such as dynamical Bloch oscillations2-5, quasiparticle collisions6,12, valley pseudospin switching13 and heating of Dirac gases10-leave fingerprints in the HH spectra of conventional solids. Topologically non-trivial matter14,15 with invariants that are robust against imperfections has been predicted to support unconventional HH generation16-20. Here we experimentally demonstrate HH generation in a three-dimensional topological insulator-bismuth telluride. The frequency of the terahertz driving field sharply discriminates between HH generation from the bulk and from the topological surface, where the unique combination of long scattering times owing to spin-momentum locking17 and the quasi-relativistic dispersion enables unusually efficient HH generation. Intriguingly, all observed orders can be continuously shifted to arbitrary non-integer multiples of the driving frequency by varying the carrier-envelope phase of the driving field-in line with quantum theory. The anomalous Berry curvature warranted by the non-trivial topology enforces meandering ballistic trajectories of the Dirac fermions, causing a hallmark polarization pattern of the HH emission. Our study provides a platform to explore topology and relativistic quantum physics in strong-field control, and could lead to non-dissipative topological electronics at infrared frequencies.