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Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(4): e312, oct.-dic. 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093416


ABSTRACT Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica was introduced in Cuba in 2014 for african religious purposes and nowadays, mainly by human activity, it is widespread all over the country and, where besides a general nuisance for people it is a pest and also a public health concern, since it is one of the natural intermediate host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, ethiological agent of the meningoencephalitis. As in Havana is experiencing the explosive phase of the invasion, LABCEL has been receiving samples of these molluscs for identification and search for Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae. While examining samples of A. fulica different larvae were obtained, as strongylides found in the interior of the pallial cavity of A. fulica.This is the first report in San Miguel del Padron and Regla municipalities of the development of larvae in A. Fulica evidencing the health importance of this mollusc in the potential transmission of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. Since the spread of A. fulica is pointed out in the literature as one of the main causative spread of the meningoencephalitis caused by A. cantonensis the authors emphasize the need of sanitary vigilance of snails and rats from vulnerable areas for A. cantonensis introduction as the port side areas like these municipalities.

RESUMEN Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica se introdujo en Cuba en 2014 con fines religiosos africanos y hoy en día, principalmente por actividad humana, está muy extendida en todo el país y, además de una molestia general para las personas, es una plaga y también un problema de salud pública, ya que es uno de los huéspedes intermedios naturales de Angiostrongylus cantonensis, agente etiológico de la meningoencefalitis. Como en La Habana está experimentando la fase explosiva de la invasión, LABCEL ha estado recibiendo muestras de estos moluscos para su identificación y búsqueda de larvas de Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Mientras se examinaban muestras de A. fulica, se obtuvieron diferentes larvas, como strongylides encontrados en el interior de la cavidad paliar de A. fulica. Este es el primer informe en los municipios de San Miguel del Padrón y Regla sobre el desarrollo de larvas en A. Fulica evidenciando La importancia para la salud de este molusco en la transmisión potencial de la meningoencefalitis eosinofílica. Dado que la propagación de A. fulica se señala en la literatura como una de las principales causas de la meningoencefalitis causada por A. cantonensis, los autores enfatizan la necesidad de vigilancia sanitaria de caracoles y ratas de áreas vulnerables para la introducción de A. cantonensis como zonas de babor como estos municipios.

Humanos , Caracoles , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Informe de Investigación , Actividades Humanas , Angiostrongylus cantonensis , Moluscos
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(1): e155, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093381


Introduction: Quincke´s Scholarship deals with themes related to neuroinmunology and the complement system. Objective: Describe the most recent advances of the Vll Edition of Quincke´s Scholarship. Methods: Publications pertaining to Quincke´s Scholarship were selected and revised from the work group of the Central Lab of Cerebrospinal fluid (LABCEL). Results: The principal topic was the C1q protein; initiator of the clasic complement pathway. From the analisis of the molecular concentration of this protein, its transference and the correlations between the concentration of C1q protein in cerebrospinal fluid (LCR) and the quotient of albumin (QAlb) between LCR and plasma it is hypothesized that an intratecal synthesis of the C1q in patients with a disfunction of the blood-brain barrier. The most recently discovered pathway in the activation of the complement is the lectin pathway. The diffusion of the MASP-3 protein from blood to LCR is proof that the MASP-3 is synthesized in the leptomeninges. The reibergram is useful to evaluate the inmune response in patients with: neurological manifestations caused by the dengue virus, and patients with multiple sclerosis. Conclusions: The Vll Edition of Quincke´s Scholarship dealt with C1q protein and recently discovered themes of the lectin pathway and the use of the reibergram(AU)

Humanos , Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/microbiología , Conformación Molecular
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(1): e108, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093376


Introduction: The diffusion of proteins from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid is influenced by its molecular weight and by the intrinsic properties and biological properties of the protein. Methods: Paired samples of serum and cerebrospinal fluid were taken from normal subjects to quantify albumin and proteins of the lectin pathway of the complement system. The distribution of these with regard to the value of QAlbúmin = (Albumin in serum / albumin in cerebrospinal fluid) was evaluated because this protein is used as a marker of the passage of the barrier. Results: It was observed that some of these describe a saturation pattern which resembles the curves that describe the Michaelis-Menten reaction of enzymatic activity. This led to the consideration of two constants that will help to characterize the behavior of these proteins by spreading to the cerebrospinal fluid: the maximum Q of the protein, which is the maximum proportion found empirically between the concentrations in blood and cerebrospinal fluid and the value Kcdw which is the value of the average diffusion speed of Q albumin when the semi-maximal value of the Q of the protein under study is obtained. Conclusions: Empirically obtained constants will help the characterization and differentiation of the diffusion of these new proteins as they pass from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid(AU)

Humanos , Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/fisiología , Proteínas del Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/análisis
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(1): e103, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093375


Introduction: Defining mechanisms governing the diffusion from blood to cerebrospinal fluid is central to understanding immune function in the central nervous system. Objective: To describe the dynamics of diffusion of the lectin pathway components from blood to cerebrospinal fluid. Methods: It was organized the information available in PubMed database and of papers from journals, and abstract books from international congresses belongs mainly to Cuban authors all about the lectin pathway of complement including manan-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins complexed with the MBL-associated serine proteases (MASP2), and of other components like MASP3, Map44 as regulatory components and the different starters like MBL, ficolins and CLLK. Results: All the lectin pathways component are blood derived proteins but at the same time it could be synthesized intrathecally. Most of the protein can be transferred from blood to cerebrospinal fluid in different aggregation forms and some of them can be described as a consuming curve. The control mechanism of regulation the lectin pathway can be followed by molecules as MASP3 and Map44. Conclusions: The under- constructed lectin pathway of the complement system required not only the available information in different journals. It had to be completed by reviewing the congress abstract book and congress website of the last years(AU)

Humanos , Líquido Cefalorraquídeo/fisiología