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Biology (Basel) ; 13(3)2024 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38534451


Mosquitoes are the most notorious arthropod vectors of viral and parasitic diseases for which approximately half the world's population, ~4,000,000,000, is at risk. Integrated pest management programs (IPMPs) have achieved some success in mitigating the regional transmission and persistence of these diseases. However, as many vector-borne diseases remain pervasive, it is obvious that IPMP successes have not been absolute in eradicating the threat imposed by mosquitoes. Moreover, the expanding mosquito geographic ranges caused by factors related to climate change and globalization (travel, trade, and migration), and the evolution of resistance to synthetic pesticides, present ongoing challenges to reducing or eliminating the local and global burden of these diseases, especially in economically and medically disadvantaged societies. Abatement strategies include the control of vector populations with synthetic pesticides and eco-friendly technologies. These "green" technologies include SIT, IIT, RIDL, CRISPR/Cas9 gene drive, and biological control that specifically targets the aquatic larval stages of mosquitoes. Regarding the latter, the most effective continues to be the widespread use of Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Ls) and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti). Here, we present a review of the health issues elicited by vector mosquitoes, control strategies, and lastly, focus on the biology of Ls and Bti, with an emphasis on the latter, to which no resistance has been observed in the field.

Biology (Basel) ; 12(11)2023 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37998020


The three most important commercial bacterial insecticides are all derived from subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Specifically, Bt subsp. kurstaki (Btk) and Bt subsp. aizawai (Bta) are used to control larval lepidopteran pests. The third, Bt subsp. israelensis (Bti), is primarily used to control mosquito and blackfly larvae. All three subspecies produce a parasporal body (PB) during sporulation. The PB is composed of insecticidal proteins that damage the midgut epithelium, initiating a complex process that results in the death of the insect. Among these three subspecies of Bt, Bti is unique as it produces the most complex PB consisting of three compartments. Each compartment is bound by a multilaminar fibrous matrix (MFM). Two compartments contain one protein each, Cry11Aa1 and Cyt1Aa1, while the third contains two, Cry4Aa1/Cry4Ba1. Each compartment is packaged independently before coalescing into the mature spherical PB held together by additional layers of the MFM. This distinctive packaging process is unparalleled among known bacterial organelles, although the underlying molecular biology is yet to be determined. Here, we present structural and molecular evidence that the MFM has a hexagonal pattern to which Bti proteins Bt152 and Bt075 bind. Bt152 binds to a defined spot on the MFM during the development of each compartment, yet its function remains unknown. Bt075 appears to be derived from a bacteriophage major capsid protein (MCP), and though its sequence has markedly diverged, it shares striking 3-D structural similarity to the Escherichia coli phage HK97 Head 1 capsid protein. Both proteins are encoded on Bti's pBtoxis plasmid. Additionally, we have also identified a six-amino acid motif that appears to be part of a novel molecular process responsible for targeting the Cry and Cyt proteins to their cytoplasmic compartments. This paper describes several previously unknown features of the Bti organelle, representing a first step to understanding the biology of a unique process of sorting and packaging of proteins into PBs. The insights from this research suggest a potential for future applications in nanotechnology.