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Appl Surf Sci ; 529: 147100, 2020 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154607


We investigate the intercalation process of oxygen in-between a PVD-grown graphene layer and different copper substrates as a methodology for reducing the substrate-layer interaction. This growth method leads to an extended defect-free graphene layer that strongly couples with the substrate. We have found, by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, that after oxygen exposure at different temperatures, ranging from 280 °C to 550 °C, oxygen intercalates at the interface of graphene grown on Cu foil at an optimal temperature of 500 °C. The low energy electron diffraction technique confirms the adsorption of an atomic oxygen adlayer on top of the Cu surface and below graphene after oxygen exposure at elevated temperature, but no oxidation of the substrate is induced. The emergence of the 2D Raman peak, quenched by the large interaction with the substrate, reveals that the intercalation process induces a structural undoing. As suggested by atomic force microscopy, the oxygen intercalation does not change significantly the surface morphology. Moreover, theoretical simulations provide further insights into the electronic and structural undoing process. This protocol opens the door to an efficient methodology to weaken the graphene-substrate interaction for a more efficient transfer to arbitrary surfaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(26): 266802, 2020 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449729


The persistence of ferroelectricity in ultrathin layers relies critically on screening or compensation of polarization charges which otherwise destabilize the ferroelectric state. At surfaces, charged defects play a crucial role in the screening mechanism triggering novel mixed electrochemical-ferroelectric states. At interfaces, however, the coupling between ferroelectric and electrochemical states has remained unexplored. Here, we make use of the dynamic formation of the oxygen vacancy profile in the nanometer-thick barrier of a ferroelectric tunnel junction to demonstrate the interplay between electrochemical and ferroelectric degrees of freedom at an oxide interface. We fabricate ferroelectric tunnel junctions with a La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} bottom electrode and BaTiO_{3} ferroelectric barrier. We use poling strategies to promote the generation and transport of oxygen vacancies at the metallic top electrode. Generated oxygen vacancies control the stability of the ferroelectric polarization and modify its coercive fields. The ferroelectric polarization, in turn, controls the ionization of oxygen vacancies well above the limits of thermodynamic equilibrium, triggering the build up of a Schottky barrier at the interface which can be turned on and off with ferroelectric switching. This interplay between electronic and electrochemical degrees of freedom yields very large values of the electroresistance (more than 10^{6}% at low temperatures) and enables a controlled switching between clockwise and counterclockwise switching modes in the same junction (and consequently, a change of the sign of the electroresistance). The strong coupling found between electrochemical and electronic degrees of freedom sheds light on the growing debate between resistive and ferroelectric switching in ferroelectric tunnel junctions, and moreover, can be the source of novel concepts in memory devices and neuromorphic computing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(3): 037601, 2019 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30735408


The electronic reconstruction occurring at oxide interfaces may be the source of interesting device concepts for future oxide electronics. Among oxide devices, multiferroic tunnel junctions are being actively investigated as they offer the possibility to modulate the junction current by independently controlling the switching of the magnetization of the electrodes and of the ferroelectric polarization of the barrier. In this Letter, we show that the spin reconstruction at the interfaces of a La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}/BaTiO_{3}/La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} multiferroic tunnel junction is the origin of a spin filtering functionality that can be turned on and off by reversing the ferroelectric polarization. The ferroelectrically controlled interface spin filter enables a giant electrical modulation of the tunneling magnetoresistance between values of 10% and 1000%, which could inspire device concepts in oxides-based low dissipation spintronics.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 17997, 2017 12 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29269845


We have assessed the stabilizing role that induced co-deposition has in the growth of nanostructured NiW alloy films by electrodeposition on polished steel substrates, under pulsed galvanostatic conditions. We have compared the kinetic roughening properties of NiW films with those of Ni films deposited under the same conditions, as assessed by Atomic Force Microscopy. The surface morphologies of both systems are super-rough at short times, but differ at long times: while a cauliflower-like structure dominates for Ni, the surfaces of NiW films display a nodular morphology consistent with more stable, conformal growth, whose height fluctuations are in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of rough two-dimensional interfaces. These differences are explained by the mechanisms controlling surface growth in each case: mass transport through the electrolyte (Ni) and attachment of the incoming species to the growing interface (NiW). Thus, the long-time conformal growth regime is characteristic of electrochemical induced co-deposition under current conditions in which surface kinetics is hindered due to a complex reaction mechanism. These results agree with a theoretical model of surface growth in diffusion-limited systems, in which the key parameter is the relative importance of mass transport with respect to the kinetics of the attachment reaction.

Carbon N Y ; 119: 535-543, 2017 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28507390


We present a new protocol to grow large-area, high-quality single-layer graphene on Cu foils at relatively low temperatures. We use C60 molecules evaporated in ultra high vacuum conditions as carbon source. This clean environment results in a strong reduction of oxygen-containing groups as depicted by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Unzipping of C60 is thermally promoted by annealing the substrate at 800ºC during evaporation. The graphene layer extends over areas larger than the Cu crystallite size, although it is changing its orientation with respect to the surface in the wrinkles and grain boundaries, producing a modulated ring in the low energy electron diffraction (LEED) pattern. This protocol is a self-limiting process leading exclusively to one single graphene layer. Raman spectroscopy confirms the high quality of the grown graphene. This layer exhibits an unperturbed Dirac-cone with a clear n-doping of 0.77 eV, which is caused by the interaction between graphene and substrate. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that this interaction can be induced by a coupling between graphene and substrate at specific points of the structure leading to a local sp3 configuration, which also contribute to the D-band in the Raman spectra.

Sci Rep ; 6: 26774, 2016 06 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27251233


Thermoelectric materials may contribute in the near future as new alternative sources of sustainable energy. Unprecedented thermoelectric properties in p-type SnSe single crystals have been recently reported, accompanied by extremely low thermal conductivity in polycrystalline samples. In order to enhance thermoelectric efficiency through proper tuning of this material we report a full structural characterization and evaluation of the thermoelectric properties of novel Ge-doped SnSe prepared by a straightforward arc-melting method, which yields nanostructured polycrystalline samples. Ge does not dope the system in the sense of donating carriers, yet the electrical properties show a semiconductor behavior with resistivity values higher than that of the parent compound, as a consequence of nanostructuration, whereas the Seebeck coefficient is higher and thermal conductivity lower, favorable to a better ZT figure of merit.

Sci Rep ; 5: 17926, 2015 Dec 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26648002


We study the origin of the magnetoelectric coupling in manganite films on ferroelectric substrates. We find large magnetoelectric coupling in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/BaTiO3 ultra-thin films in experiments based on the converse magnetoelectric effect. The magnetization changes by around 30-40% upon applying electric fields on the order of 1 kV/cm to the BaTiO3 substrate, corresponding to magnetoelectric coupling constants on the order of α = (2-5) · 10(-7) s/m. Magnetic anisotropy is also affected by the electric field induced strain, resulting in a considerable reduction of coercive fields. We compare the magnetoelectric effect in pre-poled and unpoled BaTiO3 substrates. Polarized neutron reflectometry reveals a two-layer behavior with a depressed magnetic layer of around 30 Å at the interface. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) shows a granular magnetic structure of the La0.7Ca0.3MnO3. The magnetic granularity of the La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 film and the robust magnetoelastic coupling at the La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/BaTiO3 interface are at the origin of the large magnetoelectric coupling, which is enhanced by phase separation in the manganite.

Nano Lett ; 15(11): 7526-31, 2015 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26441137


The design of artificial vortex pinning landscapes is a major goal toward large scale applications of cuprate superconductors. Although disordered nanometric inclusions have shown to modify their vortex phase diagram and to produce enhancements of the critical current ( MacManus-Driscoll , J. L. ; Foltyn , S. R. ; Jia , Q. X. ; Wang , H. ; Serquis , A. ; Civale , L. ; Maiorov , B. ; Hawley , M. E. ; Maley , M. P. ; Peterson , D. E. Nat. Mater. 2004 , 3 , 439 - 443 and Yamada , Y. ; Takahashi , K. ; Kobayashi , H. ; Konishi , M. ; Watanabe , T. ; Ibi , A. ; Muroga , T. ; Miyata , S. ; Kato , T. ; Hirayama , T. ; Shiohara , Y. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005 , 87 , 1 - 3 ), the effect of ordered oxide nanostructures remains essentially unexplored. This is due to the very small nanostructure size imposed by the short coherence length, and to the technological difficulties in the nanofabrication process. Yet, the novel phenomena occurring at oxide interfaces open a wide spectrum of technological opportunities to interplay with the superconductivity in cuprates. Here, we show that the unusual long-range suppression of the superconductivity occurring at the interface between manganites and cuprates affects vortex nucleation and provides a novel vortex pinning mechanism. In particular, we show evidence of commensurate pinning in YBCO films with ordered arrays of LCMO ferromagnetic nanodots. Vortex pinning results from the proximity induced reduction of the condensation energy at the vicinity of the magnetic nanodots, and yields an enhanced friction between the nanodot array and the moving vortex lattice in the liquid phase. This result shows that all-oxide ordered nanostructures constitute a powerful, new route for the artificial manipulation of vortex matter in cuprates.