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Phys Rev Lett ; 127(13): 137201, 2021 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623852


Asymmetric charge transport at the interface of two materials with dissimilar electrical properties, such as metal-semiconductor and p-n junctions, is the fundamental feature behind modern diode and transistor technology. Spin pumping from a ferromagnet into an adjacent nonmagnetic material is a powerful technique to generate pure-spin currents, wherein spin transport is unaccompanied by net charge transport. It is therefore interesting to study pure-spin transport at the interface of two materials with different spin transport properties. Here we demonstrate asymmetric transport of pure-spin currents across an interface of dissimilar nonmagnetic materials Au/Pt. We exploit Py/Au/Pt/Co structures where spin pumping can generate pure-spin current from either Py or Co independently. We find that the transmission of pure-spin current from Au into Pt is twice as efficient as transmission from Pt into Au. Experimental results are interpreted by extending conventional spin-pumping, spin-diffusion theory to include boundary conditions of reflected and transmitted spin current at the Au/Pt interface that are proportional to the established spin chemical potentials on either side of the interface.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 10220, 2020 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32576911


Spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) is a promising candidate for next generation memory as it is non-volatile, fast, and has unlimited endurance. Another important aspect of STT-MRAM is that its core component, the nanoscale magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ), is thought to be radiation hard, making it attractive for space and nuclear technology applications. However, studies on the effects of ionizing radiation on the STT-MRAM writing process are lacking for MTJs with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (pMTJs) required for scalable applications. Particularly, the question of the impact of extreme total ionizing dose on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, which plays a crucial role on thermal stability and critical writing current, remains open. Here we report measurements of the impact of high doses of gamma and neutron radiation on nanoscale pMTJs used in STT-MRAM. We characterize the tunneling magnetoresistance, the magnetic field switching, and the current-induced switching before and after irradiation. Our results demonstrate that all these key properties of nanoscale MTJs relevant to STT-MRAM applications are robust against ionizing radiation. Additionally, we perform experiments on thermally driven stochastic switching in the gamma ray environment. These results indicate that nanoscale MTJs are promising building blocks for radiation-hard non-von Neumann computing.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 543, 2019 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30710092


Energy-efficient switching of magnetization is a central problem in nonvolatile magnetic storage and magnetic neuromorphic computing. In the past two decades, several efficient methods of magnetic switching were demonstrated including spin torque, magneto-electric, and microwave-assisted switching mechanisms. Here we experimentally show that low-dimensional magnetic chaos induced by alternating spin torque can strongly increase the rate of thermally-activated magnetic switching in a nanoscale ferromagnet. This mechanism exhibits a well-pronounced threshold character in spin torque amplitude and its efficiency increases with decreasing spin torque frequency. We present analytical and numerical calculations that quantitatively explain these experimental findings and reveal the key role played by low-dimensional magnetic chaos near saddle equilibria in enhancement of the switching rate. Our work unveils an important interplay between chaos and stochasticity in the energy assisted switching of magnetic nanosystems and paves the way towards improved energy efficiency of spin torque memory and logic.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 14(1): 27-30, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30374162


Spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in multilayers of ferromagnetic (FM) and non-magnetic (NM) metals can manipulate the magnetization of the FM layer efficiently. This is employed, for example, in non-volatile magnetic memories for energy-efficient mobile electronics1,2 and spin torque nano-oscillators3-7 for neuromorphic computing8. Recently, spin torque nano-oscillators also found use in microwave-assisted magnetic recording, which enables ultrahigh-capacity hard disk drives9. Most SOT devices employ spin Hall10,11 and Rashba12 effects, which originate from spin-orbit coupling within the NM layer and at the FM/NM interfaces, respectively. Recently, SOTs generated by the anomalous Hall effect in FM/NM/FM multilayers were predicted13 and experimentally realized14. The control of SOTs through crystal symmetry was demonstrated as well15. Understanding all the types of SOTs that can arise in magnetic multilayers is needed for a formulation of a comprehensive SOT theory and for engineering practical SOT devices. Here we show that a spin-polarized electric current known to give rise to anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and the planar Hall effect (PHE) in a FM16 can additionally generate large antidamping SOTs with an unusual angular symmetry in NM1/FM/NM2 multilayers. This effect can be described by a recently proposed magnonic mechanism17. Our measurements reveal that this torque can be large in multilayers in which both spin Hall and Rashba torques are negligible. Furthermore, we demonstrate the operation of a spin torque nano-oscillator driven by this SOT. These findings significantly expand the class of materials that exhibit giant SOTs.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 16040, 2018 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30375413


Spin Hall oscillators (SHO) are promising candidates for the generation, detection and amplification of high frequency signals, that are tunable through a wide range of operating frequencies. They offer to be read out electrically, magnetically and optically in combination with a simple bilayer design. Here, we experimentally study the spatial dependence and spectral properties of auto-oscillations in SHO devices based on Pt(7 nm)/Ni80Fe20(5 nm) tapered nanowires. Using Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we observe two individual self-localized spin-wave bullets that oscillate at two distinct frequencies (5.2 GHz and 5.45 GHz) and are localized at different positions separated by about 750 nm within the SHO. This state of a tapered SHO has been predicted by a Ginzburg-Landau auto-oscillator model, but not yet been directly confirmed experimentally. We demonstrate that the observed bullets can be individually synchronized to external microwave signals, leading to a frequency entrainment, linewidth reduction and increase in oscillation amplitude for the bullet that is selected by the microwave frequency. At the same time, the amplitude of other parasitic modes decreases, which promotes the single-mode operation of the SHO. Finally, the synchronization of the spin-wave bullets is studied as a function of the microwave power. We believe that our findings promote the realization of extended spin Hall oscillators accomodating several distinct spin-wave bullets, that jointly cover an extended range of tunability.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 4861, 2017 07 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28687777


We report on magnetic damping of exchange coupled, polycrystalline Py(Ni80Fe20)|Fe and Fe|Py bilayers, prepared by sputter-deposition on an amorphous 3 nm Ta seed layer. FMR measurements are performed on varying thicknesses of the individual Py and Fe layers while keeping the total bilayer structure thickness fixed. When Fe is grown directly on Ta, there is large magnetic inhomogeneity and damping. However, when a Py layer is deposited between Fe and Ta, both the magnetic inhomogeneity and damping significantly decrease even if Fe is covered by Ta. The intrinsic damping of the Ta|Py|Fe film can be further lowered by increasing the Fe to Py ratio. SQUID measurements show a linear increase in saturation magnetization with increasing ratio of Fe to Py. A combination of in-plane and out-of-plane X-ray diffraction measurements show that Py is textured along the 〈111〉 directions and Fe is textured along the 〈110〉, with Fe texture significantly improving if it is deposited on Ta|Py instead of Ta. By improving the texture of Fe by introducing a thin Py layer between Fe and Ta, one can grow Fe thin films with zero in-plane anisotropy, tunable magnetic moment, and low magnetic damping, approaching that of the best single crystal Fe.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(13): 136601, 2014 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25302912


Spin pumping at the ferromagnetic metal (Fe)/normal metal (Au) interface and the subsequent spin transport in Au/Pd heterostructures is studied using ferromagnetic resonance. The spin pumping induced damping in the Fe/Pd structure is greatly suppressed by the addition of a Au spacer layer in the structure Fe/Au/Pd. The rapid decrease in the interface damping with an increasing Au layer thickness does not correspond to an expectation based on a simple spin diffusion theory in the Au layer. It is possible to account for this behavior by introducing a partial reflection of spin current at the Au/Pd interface. Furthermore, oscillations in the amplitude of spin pumping damping are observed in the Fe/Au/Pd structure as a function of Au thickness for thicknesses less than half the electron mean free path of bulk Au. This new effect indicates a formation of quantum well states in the accumulated spin density in the Au spacer that affect the time irreversible process of spin pumping.