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Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 68(5): T462-T469, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38971561


INTRODUCTION: Peripheral trauma is a very frequent cause of consultation in paediatric emergency departments but few studies have been published describing the characteristics of these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective descriptive study by reviewing computerised emergency department forms during January and February 2020. OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of traumatic injuries in our area and to detect possible areas for improvement. RESULTS: A total of 714 peripheral trauma cases were attended, which represents 9.5% of the total consultations. A total of 52.7% were schoolchildren (6-11 years). The most frequent locations were the ankle (27.5%) and fingers (17.2%). Fracture was detected in 6.7% of cases. Radiographs were requested in 78.6% of the patients, with pathological findings in 9.6% of them. Half of the X-rays were requested due to ankle or finger trauma. Referral to traumatology was made in 16.4% of patients, mainly for elbow and knee trauma, and the most commonly used treatment was general measures (49%) and bandaging (29.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral trauma is very common and, in general, banal. A large number of X-rays are requested with a very low yield, so it seems necessary to establish new protocols to reduce the number of requests. Improving training in elbow and knee trauma could improve paediatricians' autonomy in dealing with these more complex injuries.

Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 68(5): 462-469, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38246345


INTRODUCTION: Peripheral trauma is a very frequent cause of consultation in paediatric emergency departments but few studies have been published describing the characteristics of these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective descriptive study by reviewing computerised emergency department forms during January and February 2020. OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of traumatic injuries in our area and to detect possible areas for improvement. RESULTS: A total of 714 peripheral trauma cases were attended, which represents 9.5% of the total consultations. A total of 52.7% were schoolchildren (6-11 years). The most frequent locations were the ankle (27.5%) and fingers (17.2%). Fracture was detected in 6.7% of cases. Radiographs were requested in 78.6% of the patients, with pathological findings in 9.6% of them. Half of the X-rays were requested due to ankle or finger trauma. Referral to traumatology was made in 16.4% of patients, mainly for elbow and knee trauma, and the most commonly used treatment was general measures (49%) and bandaging (29.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral trauma is very common and, in general, banal. A large number of X-rays are requested with a very low yield, so it seems necessary to establish new protocols to reduce the number of requests. Improving training in elbow and knee trauma could improve paediatricians' autonomy in dealing with these more complex injuries.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38174976


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To analyze the sensitization pattern to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and to associate the diagnostic findings and clinical severity in 218 allergic patients from two different continents. METHODS: Mite allergic patients were recruited by the Allergology departments from Latin America (n=88: Colombia, Costa Rica and Guatemala) and Spain (N=130). All patients had allergic rhinitis with or without asthma and positive skin prick test results to D. pteronyssinus. Specific IgE levels to D. pteronyssinus, D. farinae, Der p 1, Der p 2, and Der p 23 were quantified by ImmunoCAP system (ThermoFisher Scientific). Allergenic profile was also determined by western blot. Comparative Statistical analysis was performed by GraphPad software. RESULTS: Patients recognized most frequently Der p 2 (79%) followed by Der p 1 (73%), and Der p 23 (69%) allergens. The percentage of asthmatic patients increases with the number of sensitizations however none statistically significant differences were found. Interestingly, asthmatic patients presented the highest median levels of total IgE and specific IgE levels of D. pteronyssinus and molecular allergens, mainly Der p 2. Analysing the two different populations, Spanish patients were predominantly sensitized to Der p 2 (88.46%) and Der p 1 (83.84%), whereas Latin American population were more sensitized to Der p 23. CONCLUSION: Our data support the relevance of Der p 2 in mite allergy as the major allergen, with the high number of patients sensitized to it and its importance in the development of asthma. Sensitization to Der p 23 was more important in Latin America.

Ann R Coll Surg Engl ; 106(2): 150-159, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37489525


INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to describe the composition of the current general surgical consultant body in England and Wales and quantify levels of inequality within it as well as describe future workforce challenges. METHODS: This is an observational study of all general surgical departments in England and Wales. Consultant general surgeons were identified and data regarding their gender, country of undergraduate medical education, subspecialty and private practice were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 2,682 consultant general surgeons in England and Wales identified for this study, just 17% are women, with gender inequality most marked in university teaching hospitals and among certain subspecialties. Almost 40% of consultants did not obtain their primary undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom and there are considerably fewer surgeons who studied abroad in university teaching hospitals. Over 40% of current general surgical consultants have been qualified for more than three decades and there is no equivalent sized group of younger consultants. CONCLUSIONS: There remains considerable gender and racial inequality in the consultant general surgical workforce, with pockets of a lack of diversity within university or teaching hospital surgical departments and some subspecialties. The proportion of surgeons in their fourth decade of clinical practice represents the largest group of current practising consultants, which points towards an impending workforce crisis should senior clinicians seek to reduce activity or consider taking early retirement.

Censos , Consultores , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Gales , Inglaterra , Recursos Humanos
Infect Dis Model ; 8(4): 1138-1150, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38023490


Background: The public health response to COVID-19 has shifted to reducing deaths and hospitalizations to prevent overwhelming health systems. The amount of SARS-CoV-2 RNA fragments in wastewater are known to correlate with clinical data including cases and hospital admissions for COVID-19. We developed and tested a predictive model for incident COVID-19 hospital admissions in New York State using wastewater data. Methods: Using county-level COVID-19 hospital admissions and wastewater surveillance covering 13.8 million people across 56 counties, we fit a generalized linear mixed model predicting new hospital admissions from wastewater concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from April 29, 2020 to June 30, 2022. We included covariates such as COVID-19 vaccine coverage in the county, comorbidities, demographic variables, and holiday gatherings. Findings: Wastewater concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 RNA correlated with new hospital admissions per 100,000 up to ten days prior to admission. Models that included wastewater had higher predictive power than models that included clinical cases only, increasing the accuracy of the model by 15%. Predicted hospital admissions correlated highly with observed admissions (r = 0.77) with an average difference of 0.013 hospitalizations per 100,000 (95% CI = [0.002, 0.025]). Interpretation: Using wastewater to predict future hospital admissions from COVID-19 is accurate and effective with superior results to using case data alone. The lead time of ten days could alert the public to take precautions and improve resource allocation for seasonal surges.

Bol. pediatr ; 63(264): 123-126, 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230682


Introducción. El diagnóstico del síndrome del espectro óculo-aurículo-vertebral (OAVS) se basa en los hallazgos fenotípicos al nacimiento. Presentamos este caso por su peculiar presentación clínica y su escasa frecuencia. Caso clínico. Recién nacido prematuro tardío con diagnóstico prenatal de cefalocele atrético que ingresa en la Unidad de Neonatología. A su llegada a la Unidad, se observan mamelones preauriculares bilaterales con posible fístula, aparente estenosis de los conductos auditivos externos, hipertelorismo, micrognatia, y un dermoide limbar en el ojo derecho. Se realiza resonancia magnética cerebral, que confirma el cefalocele atrético (no comunicante con el parénquima cerebral), con restos meníngeos y tejido neural degenerado en su interior, siendo intervenido con éxito a la semana de vida. Por otro lado, se amplían estudios radiológicos objetivando asimetría y estenosis de ambos conductos auditivos externos, conducto auditivo interno derecho doble y severa hipoplasia de las ramas ascendentes de la mandíbula que condicionan una importante micrognatia. El fenotipo del paciente junto con los hallazgos radiológicos, son compatibles con un OAVS. Comentarios. Resulta interesante el caso por la peculiar presentación clínica, ya que en la literatura consultada no hay ningún caso publicado con la particularidad de nuestro paciente, un cefalocele atrético. El OAVS constituye una entidad congénita poco frecuente, caracterizada por la asociación de anomalías oculares, auriculares, mandibulares y vertebrales, y cuya etiología permanece desconocida, presentando un diagnóstico clínico, según los criterios de Feingold y Baum. Su pronóstico y tratamiento es variable, en función de las manifestaciones acompañantes (AU)

Introduction. The diagnosis of oculus atrial vertebral spectrum syndrome (OAVS) is based on phenotypic findings at birth. We present this case because of its peculiar clinical presentation and its low frequency. Clinical case. Late preterm newborn with prenatal diagnosis of atretic cephalocele cephalocele admitted to the Neonatology Unit. Upon arrival at the Unit, bilateral preauricular mamelons with possible fistula, apparent stenosis of the external auditory canals, hypertelorism, micrognathia, and a limbar dermoid in the right eye were observed. Brain MRI is performed, which confirms atretic cephalocele (not communicating with the cerebral parenchyma), with meningeal remains and degenerated neural tissue inside, being successfully operated on in the first week of life. On the other hand, radiological studies are expanded aiming at asymmetry and stenosis of both external auditory canals, double right internal auditory canal and severe hypoplasia of the ascending branches of the jaw that condition an important micrognathia. The patient’s phenotype, along with radiological findings, are compatible with OAVS. Comments. The case is interesting because of the peculiar clinical presentation, since in the literature consulted, there is no published case with the particularity of our patient, an atretic cephalocele. OAVS is a rare congenital entity, characterized by the association of ocular, auricular, mandibular and vertebral anomalies, and whose etiology remains unknown, presenting a clinical diagnosis, according to the criteria of Feigold and Baum. Its prognosis and treatment is variable, depending on the accompanying manifestations (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Recién Nacido , Síndrome de Goldenhar/diagnóstico , Micrognatismo/diagnóstico
Bol. pediatr ; 62(262): 285-290, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-225311


Introducción y objetivos. Una inspección perineal alterada o el retraso en la expulsión meconial debe hacernos sospechar una malformación anorrectal. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la incidencia de estas malformaciones, así como el estudio de las características obstétricas y neonatales, diagnósticas y terapéuticas de estos pacientes, y sus complicaciones en los últimos 22 años. Material y método. Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo incluyendo pacientes con diagnóstico en periodo neonatal de malformaciones anorrectales, excluyendo enfermedad de Hirschsprung, entre 2000-2021. Se establecieron dos periodos temporales para ver posibles cambios (2000-2010 versus 2011-2021). Resultados. 27 pacientes, 92,6% varones. Incidencia de 1 caso por cada 5.895 recién nacidos en nuestra región. El 88,9% fueron intervenidos con una mediana de edad de 2 días, precisando ingreso todos ellos durante una mediana de 15 días. El 95,8% recibió antibioterapia (mediana de 6 días), siendo la pauta más utilizada la asociación ampicilina, gentamicina y clindamicina; el 25% precisó ventilación mecánica invasiva (mediana de 1 día) y el 25% sedoanalgesia, tras la intervención; y 17 pacientes precisaron nutrición parenteral (media de 7,6 días). El 16,7% presentó complicaciones a corto plazo (75% infecciosas). A mediolargo plazo, el 37,5% precisó reintervención. No hemos encontrado diferencias significativas en las características clínicas ni diagnósticas entre los dos periodos temporales analizados. Conclusiones. Las malformaciones anorrectales son una causa relativamente frecuente de obstrucción intestinal en periodo neonatal que requiere un tratamiento multidisciplinar. En los últimos 22 años no hemos encontrado diferencias en cuanto a su incidencia ni en su manejo y resultado (AU)

Introduction and objectives. An altered perineal inspection or the delay in meconium expulsion should lead us to suspect an anorectal malformation. This study has aimed to know the incidence of these malformations and to study the obstetric and neonatal, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of these patients, and their complications in the last 22 years. Material and methods. A descriptive and retrospective study including patients having a diagnosis in the neonatal period of anorectal malformations, excluding Hirschsprung’s disease, between 2000-2021. Two time periods were established to see possible changes (2000-2010 versus 2011-2021). Results. 27 patients, 92.6% males, there being an incidence of one case per 5,895 newborns in our region. 88.9% underwent surgery with a median age of 2 days, admission being required for a median of 15 days. 95.8% received antibiotic therapy (median of 6 days), the regimen used most being the association of ampicillin, gentamicin and clindamycin; 25% required invasive mechanical ventilation (median of 1 day) and 25% sedated analgesia after the intervention. 17 patients required parenteral nutrition (mean 7.6 days). 16.7% had short-term complications (75% infectious). In the medium to long term, 37.5% required reoperation. We did not find any significant differences in the clinical or diagnostic characteristics between the two time periods analyzed. Conclusions. Anorectal malformations are a relatively frequent cause of intestinal obstruction in the neonatal period that requires multidisciplinary treatment. We have not found differences in terms of its incidence or in its management and outcome regarding the last 22 years (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Malformaciones Anorrectales/diagnóstico , Malformaciones Anorrectales/cirugía , Malformaciones Anorrectales/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Incidencia
Bol. pediatr ; 62(262): 297-299, 2022. tab, mapas
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-225313


Introducción. El fenotipo Duffy nulo es una variante de la normalidad de los antígenos de membrana de las células sanguíneas que ocasiona la forma más frecuente de neutropenia congénita a nivel mundial. Los individuos que la poseen, mayoritariamente provenientes de regiones de África subsahariana, presentan de forma persistente recuentos de neutrófilos por debajo del rango normal, sin que esto implique aumento en el riesgo de infecciones. Caso clínico. Presentamos un lactante, seguido en nuestro Servicio de Neonatología, por neutropenia persistente desde el nacimiento, hijo de una madre procedente de Guinea Ecuatorial. Tras varias analíticas se pudo comprobar el diagnóstico de neutropenia congénita asociada a Duffy nulo a través de inmunofenotipo de sangre periférica. La evolución del niño fue satisfactoria y no presentó ninguna complicación por su neutropenia. Conclusiones. Se debe clasificar la Neutropenia Congénita Asociada a Duffy Nulo (DANC, en sus siglas en inglés) como un polimorfismo genético que genera una variante de la normalidad, adecuando los rangos de los recuentos de neutrófilos a la misma. No se ha visto aumento en el riesgo de infecciones o enfermedades autoinmunes, ni alteraciones en la función de los neutrófilos. Considerar a estos pacientes con los rangos normales de la mayoría de la población tiene consecuencias como pruebas innecesarias, exclusión de ensayos clínicos o no administración de tratamientos oncológicos (AU)

Introduction. The Duffy-null phenotype is a variant of normal blood cell membrane antigens that causes the most frequent form of congenital neutropenia worldwide. Individuals who have it, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, persistently have neutrophil counts below the normal range, without this implying an increased risk of infections. Case report. We present a child, followed in our Neonatology Service, due to persistent neutropenia from birth, son of a mother from Equatorial Guinea. After several tests, the diagnosis of congenital neutropenia associated with Duffy null could be verified through peripheral blood immunophenotyping. The evolution of the child was satisfactory and he did not present any complications due to his neutropenia Conclusions. Duffy-Null Associated Congenital Neutropenia (DANC) should be classified as a genetic polymorphism that generates a variant of normality, adapting the ranges of neutrophil counts to it. There has been no increase in the risk of infections or autoimmune diseases, nor alterations in the function of neutrophils. Considering these patients within the normal ranges of the majority of the population has consequences such as unnecessary tests, exclusion from clinical trials, or non-administration of oncological treatments (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Lactante , Sistema del Grupo Sanguíneo Duffy , Neutropenia/diagnóstico , Neutropenia/etiología , Recuento de Células , Fenotipo
Rev Esp Quimioter ; 35(2): 204-212, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34905913


SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped positive-sense single-stranded RNA coronavirus that causes COVID-19, of which the current outbreak has resulted in a high number of cases and fatalities throughout the world, even vaccine doses are being administered. The aim of this work was to scan the SARS-CoV-2 genome in search for therapeutic targets. We found a sequence in the 5'UTR (NC\_045512:74-130), consisting of a typical heptamer next to a structured region that may cause ribosomal frameshifting. The potential biological value of this region is relevant through its low similarity with other viruses, including coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV, and its high sequence conservation within multiple SARS-CoV-2 isolates. We have predicted the secondary structure of the region by means of different bioinformatic tools. We have suggested a most probable secondary structure to proceed with a 3D reconstruction of the structured segment. Finally, we carried out virtual docking on the 3D structure to look for a binding site and then for drug ligands from a database of lead compounds. Several molecules that could be probably administered as oral drugs show promising binding affinity within the structured region, and so it could be possible interfere its potential regulatory role.

Regiones no Traducidas 5' , SARS-CoV-2 , Antivirales/química , Sitios de Unión , COVID-19 , Biología Computacional , Sistema de Lectura Ribosómico , Humanos , Simulación del Acoplamiento Molecular , Conformación de Ácido Nucleico , ARN Viral , SARS-CoV-2/efectos de los fármacos
Actas urol. esp ; 45(1): 83-89, ene.-feb. 2021. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-200672


INTRODUCCIÓN: El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la evolución de pacientes varones con detrusor hipoactivo (DU) neurógeno (DUN) frente a DU no neurógeno (DUNoN) y establecer factores de riesgo para predecir la necesidad de cateterismo limpio intermitente (CLI) en el seguimiento. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal, descriptivo, sobre una cohorte de pacientes con diagnóstico de DU. Se revisaron 2.496 estudios urodinámicos (2008-2018). Se incluyeron pacientes con DU (ICS2002 y/o Bladder contraction index [< 100]) sin tratamiento. Se excluyeron pacientes en CLI o tratamiento intervencionista. Se realizó seguimiento semestralmente con flujometría. Se indicó CLI ante residuos elevados (RPM) > 200 mL o eficiencia de vaciado (EV) < 50%. Se comparó la necesidad de CLI durante el seguimiento o la aparición de complicaciones (infecciones urinarias [ITU], litiasis vesical). RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 172 (6,89%) varones con DU. En 106 (61,6%) se evidenció causa neurológica. Finalmente se incluyeron 62 pacientes con seguimiento medio de 4,9 años (+/-2,6). De ellos, 33 (53%) fueron DUN y 29 (47%) DUNoN. No se apreciaron diferencias en la aparición de ITU (p = 0,34) o litiasis vesicales (p = 0,39). Seis pacientes con DUN precisaron CLI frente a ninguno con DUNoN (p = 0,04). Los pacientes que requirieron CLI presentaron mayor RPM [p = 0,009]) y menor EV [p = 0,017]). También se apreciaron diferencias en el tiempo hasta la necesidad de CLI (log rank: 0,009), siendo este de 15,1 meses (4-38). En el análisis multivariante ninguna de las variables pudo demostrarse como factor predictivo de necesidad de CLI. CONCLUSIONES: La causa más frecuente de DU es la lesión neurológica. Los pacientes con DUN permanecen estables sin necesidad de CLI. No hemos detectado factores de riesgo que identifiquen a los pacientes en riesgo de necesitar CLI

INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study was to compare the evolution of male patients with neurogenic detrusor underactivity (NDU) versus non-neurogenic DU (NNDU) and to establish risk factors to predict the need for clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) during the follow-up period. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Longitudinal, descriptive study of a cohort of patients diagnosed with DU, and 2,496 urodynamic studies (2008-2018) were reviewed. Patients with DU (ICS 2002 and/or Bladder contraction index (< 100)) without treatment were included. Patients with CIC or interventional treatment were excluded. Follow-up included flowmetry every six months. CIC was indicated in cases of high residual volume (PVR) > 200 mL or voiding efficiency (VE) < 50%. The need for CIC during follow-up or the appearance of complications (urinary tract infections (UTI), bladder lithiasis) were compared. RESULTS: DU was found in 172 (6.89%) men. Neurological causes were observed in 106 (61,6%) cases. Finally, 62 patients were included with a mean follow-up of 4.9 years (+/- 2.6). Of these patients, 33 (53%) presented NDU and 29 (47%) NNDU. Six patients with NDU needed CIC versus none with NNDU (p = 0.04). Patients requiring CIC had higher PVR (p = 0.009) and lower VE (p = 0.017)), and there were also differences in terms of time until the need for CIC (log Rank: 0.009), which was 15.1 months [4-38]. In the multivariate analysis, none of the variables showed to be predictive of the need for CIC. CONCLUSIONS: The most common cause of DU is neurologic injury. Patients with NDU remain stable without requiring CIC. We have not detected any risk factors that identify patients at risk of needing CIC

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Vejiga Urinaria de Baja Actividad/terapia , Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente/métodos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Factores de Riesgo , Vejiga Urinaria de Baja Actividad/etiología , Recurrencia , Urodinámica , Análisis Multivariante
Urology ; 152: 197-198, 2021 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33577900


BACKGROUND: Nowadays, short bulbar strictures refractory to one endoscopic treatment attempt could be managed with non-transecting urethroplasty technique as a first option.1 Jordan et al2 and Bugeja et al3 described a dorsal approach, sparing vessels, and spongiosum in the hope of a decrease of surgical side effects. OBJECTIVE: To describe the step-by-step technique of the ventral approach for the non-transecting bulbar urethroplasty in distal and mid short bulbar strictures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a prospective observational study of a cohort of patients who underwent a ventral non-transecting bulbar urethroplasty for short mid or distal bulbar strictures from January 2016 to December 2018. We included 10 patients. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: A ventral midline urethrotomy is made and extended to assure a good caliber lumen both distally and proximally (20 Fr). The mucosal scar tissue is marked and a mucosectomy is performed, preserving the spongiosum.We bring the distal and proximal edges of healthy mucosa together without tension with a 5/0 absorbable monofilament. Ventral stricturotomy is closed over a 20F catheter, in a Heinike-Mikulics fashion, with 5/0 absorbable monofilament for the mucosal anastomosis and a 4/0 absorbable monofilament for the spongioplasty. RESULTS: Mean age was 56,50 years (+/-17,27) and mean stricture length was 1,06cm (+/-1,82). The majority of strictures (90%) were located in the mid bulb. After a mean follow up of 27,25 months (+/-12,12), 9 patients remain recurrence-free (87,5%). A significant mean increase in Qmax was observed (12+/-4,53 ml/s, p=0,04). Urethral Stricture Surgery Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (USS-PROMS), items (Questions 1-6) related to urinate symptoms also showed a significant improvement(p=0,03). We didn't find any significant decrease in erectile function with this technique. CONCLUSION: The ventral approach for mid and distal short bulbar strictures is a feasible and reproducible technique with a significant increase in Qmax and improvement in USS-PROMS. Preliminary results show no decrease in erectile function.

Uretra/cirugía , Estrechez Uretral/cirugía , Adulto , Anciano , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Urológicos Masculinos/métodos
Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed) ; 45(1): 83-89, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33012591


INTRODUCTION: The objective of the study was to compare the evolution of male patients with neurogenic detrusor underactivity (NDU) versus non-neurogenic DU (NNDU) and to establish risk factors to predict the need for clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) during the follow-up period. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Longitudinal, descriptive study of a cohort of patients diagnosed with DU, and 2,496 urodynamic studies (2008-2018) were reviewed. Patients with DU (ICS 2002 and/or Bladder contraction index (< 100)) without treatment were included. Patients with CIC or interventional treatment were excluded. Follow-up included flowmetry every six months. CIC was indicated in cases of high residual volume (PVR) > 200 mL or voiding efficiency (VE)<50%. The need for CIC during follow-up or the appearance of complications (urinary tract infections (UTI), bladder lithiasis) were compared. RESULTS: DU was found in 172 (6.89%) men. Neurological causes were observed in 106 (61,6%) cases. Finally, 62 patients were included with a mean follow-up of 4.9 years (+/- 2.6). Of these patients, 33 (53%) presented NDU and 29 (47%) NNDU. Six patients with NDU needed CIC versus none with NNDU (p = 0.04). Patients requiring CIC had higher PVR (p = 0.009) and lower VE (p = 0.017)), and there were also differences in terms of time until the need for CIC (log Rank: 0.009), which was 15.1 months [4-38]. In the multivariate analysis, none of the variables showed to be predictive of the need for CIC. CONCLUSIONS: The most common cause of DU is neurologic injury. Patients with NDU remain stable without requiring CIC. We have not detected any risk factors that identify patients at risk of needing CIC.

Tratamiento Conservador , Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente , Vejiga Urinaria Neurogénica/terapia , Vejiga Urinaria de Baja Actividad/terapia , Adulto , Anciano , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente/estadística & datos numéricos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores de Riesgo , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento
Sci Adv ; 6(49)2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33268369


T lymphocyte activation requires the formation of immune synapses (IS) with antigen-presenting cells. The dynamics of membrane receptors, signaling scaffolds, microfilaments, and microtubules at the IS determine the potency of T cell activation and subsequent immune response. Here, we show that the cytosolic chaperonin CCT (chaperonin-containing TCP1) controls the changes in reciprocal orientation of the centrioles and polarization of the tubulin dynamics induced by T cell receptor in T lymphocytes forming an IS. CCT also controls the mitochondrial ultrastructure and the metabolic status of T cells, regulating the de novo synthesis of tubulin as well as posttranslational modifications (poly-glutamylation, acetylation, Δ1 and Δ2) of αß-tubulin heterodimers, fine-tuning tubulin dynamics. These changes ultimately determine the function and organization of the centrioles, as shown by three-dimensional reconstruction of resting and stimulated primary T cells using cryo-soft x-ray tomography. Through this mechanism, CCT governs T cell activation and polarity.

Chaperonina con TCP-1 , Tubulina (Proteína) , Centriolos/metabolismo , Chaperonina con TCP-1/metabolismo , Microtúbulos/metabolismo , Receptores de Antígenos de Linfocitos T/metabolismo , Tubulina (Proteína)/química
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol ; 318(2): G322-G335, 2020 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31905022


Bile acid receptors regulate the metabolic and immune functions of circulating enterohepatic bile acids. This process is disrupted by administration of parenteral nutrition (PN), which may induce progressive hepatic injury for unclear reasons, especially in the newborn, leading to PN-associated liver disease. To explore the role of bile acid signaling on neonatal hepatic function, we initially observed that Takeda G protein receptor 5 (TGR5)-specific bile acids were negatively correlated with worsening clinical disease markers in the plasma of human newborns with prolonged PN exposure. To test our resulting hypothesis that TGR5 regulates critical liver functions to PN exposure, we used TGR5 receptor deficient mice (TGR5-/-). We observed PN significantly increased liver weight, cholestasis, and serum hepatic stress enzymes in TGR5-/- mice compared with controls. Mechanistically, PN reduced bile acid synthesis genes in TGR5-/-. Serum bile acid composition revealed that PN increased unconjugated primary bile acids and secondary bile acids in TGR5-/- mice, while increasing conjugated primary bile acid levels in TGR5-competent mice. Simultaneously, PN elevated hepatic IL-6 expression and infiltrating macrophages in TGR5-/- mice. However, the gut microbiota of TGR5-/- mice compared with WT mice following PN administration displayed highly elevated levels of Bacteroides and Parabacteroides, and possibly responsible for the elevated levels of secondary bile acids in TGR5-/- animals. Intestinal bile acid transporters expression was unchanged. Collectively, this suggests TGR5 signaling specifically regulates fundamental aspects of liver bile acid homeostasis during exposure to PN. Loss of TGR5 is associated with biochemical evidence of cholestasis in both humans and mice on PN.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Parenteral nutrition is associated with deleterious metabolic outcomes in patients with prolonged exposure. Here, we demonstrate that accelerated cholestasis and parental nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD) may be associated with deficiency of Takeda G protein receptor 5 (TGR5) signaling. The microbiome is responsible for production of secondary bile acids that signal through TGR5. Therefore, collectively, these data support the hypothesis that a lack of established microbiome in early life or under prolonged parenteral nutrition may underpin disease development and PNALD.

Hepatopatías/etiología , Hepatopatías/fisiopatología , Nutrición Parenteral/efectos adversos , Receptores Acoplados a Proteínas G/genética , Receptores Acoplados a Proteínas G/fisiología , Animales , Ácidos y Sales Biliares/metabolismo , Colestasis , Femenino , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Regulación de la Expresión Génica/fisiología , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Interleucina-6/metabolismo , Pruebas de Función Hepática , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Ratones Noqueados , Tamaño de los Órganos , Transducción de Señal/genética
World J Urol ; 37(2): 385-389, 2019 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29931527


INTRODUCTION: The aim of our study was to analyze the oral quality of life (QoL) in patients with urethral stricture treated with BMG by using a validated questionnaire (OIDP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, single-arm, observational single-centre study of a cohort of patients scheduled for BMG Urethroplasty was conducted. OIDP assesses the impact of oral conditions on daily activities including an oral QoL question (0-10). The questionnaire was self-administered before, 3 months postoperatively and at the end of the study. Means, pre- and postoperatively, were compared. Multivariate analysis was performed to analyze the risk factors for a low quality of life (<8) after surgery. RESULTS: We included 41 patients (2013-2017). The mean preoperative oral QoL was 9.33 points (SD1.16). Preoperative mean OIDP dimensional score and global score were 0,5 (SD:0.02) and 0,8%. The most frequently preoperative altered aspect was hygiene. Mean oral QoL, 3 months after surgery, was 8,56 (SD1.89) and OIDP dimensional score and global score were 0,67 (SD0.21) and 1,1%. Mean oral QoL at the end of the study (mean 3,12 years) was 8,50 (SD1.13). OIDP dimensional score and global score were 0,7 (SD 0.16) and 1,1%.The most frequently altered aspect at the end of the study was eating. No statistical (p = 0.07) decrease in oral QoL was found. The increase in OIDP dimensional and global score was also not statistically significant. Neither age nor smoking, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular morbidity, previous OIDP score, width, length of the graft, or surgery success could explain a low oral QoL alter graft harvesting. CONCLUSIONS: BMG harvesting is not free of problems at the donor site. Eating seems to be the most affected aspect after surgery. Nevertheless, those sequelae do not induce a reduction in oral QoL.

Ingestión de Alimentos , Mucosa Bucal/trasplante , Salud Bucal , Higiene Bucal , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica/métodos , Calidad de Vida , Uretra/cirugía , Estrechez Uretral/cirugía , Adulto , Anciano , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/epidemiología , Estudios de Cohortes , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiología , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Análisis Multivariante , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Fumar/epidemiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Recolección de Tejidos y Órganos
Actas urol. esp ; 42(10): 625-631, dic. 2018.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-179783


El grupo de trabajo de estandarización de la Sociedad Internacional de Continencia ha actualizado las directrices de Buenas Prácticas en Urodinámica de dicha sociedad. Estas GUP2016 basadas en la evidencia han definido los términos y estándares para la práctica de la Urodinámica tanto en los gabinetes como para la práctica individual, en el control de calidad durante la cistomanometría o el estudio de presión-flujo. Además, el grupo de trabajo ha incluido recomendaciones previas a la prueba e información sobre la preparación del paciente, así como recomendaciones para realizar el informe urodinámico. Basándose en la estandarización previa de la Sociedad Internacional de Continencia y en la evidencia actual, se ha detallado la práctica de la uroflujometría, la cistomanometría y el estudio de presión-flujo, con el objetivo de que esta actualización de las Buenas Prácticas en Urodinámica ayude a mejorar la calidad de la clínica e investigación en Urodinámica

The standardisation working group of the International Continence Society has updated the Good Urodynamic Practice directives. This evidence-based ICS-GUP2016 has defined the terminology and standards of Urodynamic practice, for the laboratory and for individual practice, in quality control during cystometry and pressure-flow analysis. In addition, the working group included recommendations prior to the test and information about how to prepare the patient, as well as recommendations for the reporting of urodynamics. Based on earlier International Continence Society standardisations and current evidence, the practice of uroflowmetry, cystometry and pressure-flow study have been detailed with a view to ensuring that this Good Urodynamic Practice update contributes towards improving clinical and research quality in urodynamics

Humanos , Medicina Basada en la Evidencia , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto , Pautas de la Práctica en Medicina , Urodinámica/fisiología , Sociedades Médicas
J Infect ; 77(4): 291-295, 2018 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29928915


OBJECTIVES: The risk of developing active TB is greater in those receiving haemodialysis. This study aimed to describe the incidence of active tuberculosis among patients referred for management of kidney disease and dialysis in a high incidence UK city, with the purpose of informing latent TB testing and treatment practice. METHODS: Information from the tuberculosis register was cross-referenced with the Department of Renal Medicine patient information system. All patients seen between 1st January 2005 and 1st October 2016 were included in the analyses with the exception of those with prior TB. RESULTS: 68 cases of active TB were identified, an incidence of 126/100,000 patient-years (95% CI 97-169). Incidence was lowest in those with CKD 1 or 2 and rose as high as 256/100,000 patient-years (95% CI 183-374) in those receiving renal replacement therapy. 48% of cases were pulmonary and 87% of TB patients gave their ethnicity as either black/black British or Asian/Asian British, significantly more than in the non-TB renal group. Cases occurred steadily over the time period in which patients were in the cohort. CONCLUSION: TB incidence was very high among those receiving renal replacement therapy or CKD 4 or 5. Most cases occurred in those of an Asian/Asian British or black/black British background. Testing and treating such patients for latent TB is justified and should include those who have been receiving renal replacement therapy for some years.

Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/complicaciones , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/microbiología , Tuberculosis/diagnóstico , Adulto , Anciano , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Humanos , Incidencia , Tuberculosis Latente/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Latente/etnología , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Diálisis Renal/efectos adversos , Factores de Riesgo , Tuberculosis/etnología , Reino Unido/epidemiología
Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed) ; 42(10): 625-631, 2018 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29907261


The standardisation working group of the International Continence Society has updated the Good Urodynamic Practice directives. This evidence-based ICS-GUP2016 has defined the terminology and standards of Urodynamic practice, for the laboratory and for individual practice, in quality control during cystometry and pressure-flow analysis. In addition, the working group included recommendations prior to the test and information about how to prepare the patient, as well as recommendations for the reporting of urodynamics. Based on earlier International Continence Society standardisations and current evidence, the practice of uroflowmetry, cystometry and pressure-flow study have been detailed with a view to ensuring that this Good Urodynamic Practice update contributes towards improving clinical and research quality in urodynamics.

Técnicas de Diagnóstico Urológico/normas , Urodinámica , Humanos , Traducciones
Psychol Med ; 48(6): 889-904, 2018 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28889803


Motivational impairment is a common feature of both depression and psychosis; however, the psychological and neural mechanisms that give rise to motivational impairment in these disorders are poorly understood. Recent research has suggested that aberrant effort-cost decision-making (ECDM) may be a potential contributor to motivational impairment in both psychosis and depression. ECDM refers to choices that individuals make regarding the amount of 'work' they are willing to expend to obtain a certain outcome or reward. Recent experimental work has suggested that those with psychosis and depression may be less willing to expend effort to obtain rewards compared with controls, and that this effort deficit is related to motivational impairment in both disorders. In the current review, we aim to summarize the current literature on ECDM in psychosis and depression, providing evidence for transdiagnostic impairment. Next, we discuss evidence for the hypothesis that a seemingly similar behavioral ECDM deficit might arise from disparate psychological and neural mechanisms. Specifically, we argue that effort deficits in psychosis might be largely driven by deficits in cognitive control and the neural correlates of cognitive control processes, while effort deficits in depression might be largely driven by reduced reward responsivity and the associated neural correlates of reward responsivity. Finally, we will provide some discussion regarding future directions, as well as interpretative challenges to consider when examining ECDM transdiagnostically.

Toma de Decisiones , Trastorno Depresivo/fisiopatología , Motivación , Trastornos Psicóticos/fisiopatología , Recompensa , Trastorno Depresivo/diagnóstico , Humanos , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Trastornos Psicóticos/diagnóstico