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Arch Virol ; 165(1): 237-239, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31679082


Aglaonema bacilliform virus (ABV), a member of the genus Badnavirus in the family Caulimoviridae, is associated with leaf deformation and chlorosis in Aglaonema modestum. The complete genome sequence of a Minnesota isolate of ABV was determined. The ABV genome is 7,178 bp in length and similar in size and organization to those of the members of the genus Badnavirus, containing three open reading frames (ORFs) with the potential to encode three proteins of 14.92, 13.33 and 207.95 kDa, respectively. The last ORF (ORF3) encodes a putative polyprotein with conserved domains, including zinc finger, aspartic protease, reverse transcriptase (RT) and RNase H domains, in that order. Phylogenetic analysis using the amino acid sequence of the ORF3 polyprotein showed that ABV clusters with several isolates of taro bacilliform CH virus (TaBCHV). Pairwise alignment using the highly conserved RT/RNase H region reveals that ABV has the highest level of identity (71%) at the nucleotide level to a Hawaiian isolate of TaBCHV.

Badnavirus/genética , Secuenciación Completa del Genoma/métodos , Badnavirus/clasificación , Tamaño del Genoma , Genoma Viral , Sistemas de Lectura Abierta , Filogenia
Rev Neurol ; 35(1): 95-7, 2002.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12389201


Santiago Ram n y Cajal entered the Medical Corps after graduating in Medicine in 1873. His marked Spanish nationalist character and his excellent physical condition led him to serve in the third Carlist war as a medical lieutenant and later in the Cuban War as a captain. His stay in Cuba, however, was marked by hardship and illness. The decline of Spain s colonialist policy, the war that was fought in a hostile climate and atmosphere, and the corruption of the military officers led to Santiago being posted to the frontlines on a fixed logistics system of trails. All this was to end in military failure and the subsequent loss of the colony. Disillusioned and seriously ill from malaria, which nearly killed him, he returned to Spain after being discharged for illness. Shortly afterwards, thanks to Dr. Jenaro Casas, he became a university lecturer, which put an end to his military career

Medicina Militar/historia , Neurociencias/historia , Cuba , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Malaria/historia , Personal Militar/historia , España
Rev Neurol ; 34(12): 1183-94, 2002.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12134287


INTRODUCTION: About five thousand years ago, one of the most ancient, important and enduring civilisations in the history of Mankind flourished on the banks of the Nile. In Egypt, all the branches of human knowledge attained a high degree of development and today it is considered the mother of medicine. Despite the marked religious component that affected all its activities, the medicine of the Pharaohs was practised in a rational and deductive manner, and the Egyptians were the inventors of clinical observation. METHOD: The desert climate of the Nile Valley has preserved monuments, mummies and papyruses which have enabled us to get a certain idea of the degree of development reached in medical matters. The aim of this work is to analyse them from a neuroscientific point of view. The anatomical discoveries of the Egyptians originated in the inspection of wounds and the practice of embalming. They came to know a large number of diagnoses and were able to prescribe many different forms of treatment. They also attained a certain proficiency in dealing with neurotraumatological patients. They practised anamnesis, prognostics and a regulated surgery that infrequently included trephination. Their conservatism meant that, after the Macedonian domination, the traditional Egyptian medicine was replaced the Greek medicinal arts, which reached their maximum period of splendour in the School of Alexandria, where Herophilus and Erasistratus, pioneers in the study of anatomy and brain circulation, were especially renowned. CONCLUSIONS: From the point of view of the neurosciences, the Egyptians were the first to describe the brain, migraine, epilepsy, strokes, tetanus, Bell s palsy and the sequelae of head injuries and of spinal transection. Their artwork sometimes shows neurological patients and, according to Herodotus, there were doctors who were specialised in head diseases and could therefore be considered the precursors of our present day neurologists.

Neurociencias/historia , Facultades de Medicina/historia , Antiguo Egipto , Embalsamiento/historia , Antigua Grecia , Historia Antigua , Humanos , Manuscritos Médicos como Asunto/historia , Medicina en las Artes , Neurología/historia , Cráneo/anatomía & histología , Cráneo/patología
Rev Neurol ; 34(11): 1092-4, 2002.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12134309


In this work we present a study of the different conceptual, physiopathological, anatomical and clinical aspects that cerebrovascular pathology has had throughout history, from the early pre scientific beginnings of religious medicine, through the Renaissance period up to the Modern and Contemporary Ages. In the second part we emphasise its social importance and economic cost, and new methodologies are proposed for use in its study and pursuit. We also highlight the need for the creation of stroke units.

Trastornos Cerebrovasculares/historia , Historia del Siglo XV , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia Antigua , Humanos , Neurología/historia , Religión y Medicina
Rev Neurol ; 34(9): 877-92, 2002.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12134355


INTRODUCTION: Since the application of technical medicine by the Greeks, modern neurology has been based on a body of knowledge and cultural heritage from ancient times. In this paper we review the contribution made by Al Andalus to neuroscience during the Middle Ages and its repercussions on modern neurology. DEVELOPMENT: Following the death of Mohammed in the vii century AD, Islam enjoyed one of the most spectacular periods of expansion in the history of mankind. Occupation of the cities of Alexandria and Gundishapur put the Arabs into contact with original Greco Latin manuscripts, which were assimilated and divulged by Islamic scientists in the middle eastern caliphates of Damascus and Bagdad as well as the western caliphates of Al Andalus (Spain) and Kairwan (Tunis). This classical hippocratico galenico medicine was refashioned into the so called arabized galenism, which markedly influenced the Scholastics and the cultured world of the lower Middle Ages and became the basis of European medicine until well into the Renaissance period. There was a first Spanish cultural Renaissance in Al Andalus during the ix xii centuries, which led to a flowering unheard of in the Middle Ages before then. Andalusian doctors made major contributions to the body of knowledge about neuroscience and developed major philosophical concepts of human understanding. Thus, Abulcasis (936 1013), the father of modern surgery, developed material and technical designs which are still used in neurosurgery. Averroes suggested the existence of Parkinson s syndrome and attributed photoreceptor properties to the retina. Avenzoar described meningitis, intracranial thrombophlebitis, mediastinal tumours and made contributions to modern neuropharmacology. Maimonides wrote about neuropsychiatric disorders and described rabies and belladonna intoxication. CONCLUSION: Aside from the political, religious and cultural differences between Al Andalus and the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula, the historical Andalusian period (711 1492) forms one of the most brilliant periods of Spanish neuroscience.

Historia Medieval , Neurociencias/historia , Islamismo , Neurocirugia/historia , España
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 34(12): 1183-1194, 16 jun., 2002.
Artículo en Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-27792


Introducción. A orillas del Nilo floreció hace cinco milenios una de las civilizaciones más antiguas, importantes y duraderas de la historia de la humanidad. En Egipto se alcanzó un alto grado de desarrollo en todas las ramas del saber humano y hoy se considera la civilización madre de la medicina. A pesar del marcado componente religioso que afectaba a todas sus actividades, la medicina faraónica se practicó de una forma racional y deductiva, y los egipcios fueron los creadores de la observación clínica. Desarrollo. El clima desértico del valle del Nilo ha preservado monumentos, momias y papiros cuyo estudio permite hacerse cierta idea del grado de desarrollo alcanzado en los saberes médicos. Su análisis desde el punto de vista de los conocimientos neurocientíficos constituye el objetivo de este trabajo. Los hallazgos anatómicos de los egipcios derivaron de la inspección de heridas y de la práctica del embalsamamiento. Llegaron a conocer un gran número de diagnósticos y a prescribir muchos tratamientos, y alcanzaron cierto desarrollo en el manejo del paciente neurotraumatológico. Practicaron la anamnesis, el pronóstico y una cirugía reglada que incluía infrecuentemente la trepanación. Su conservadurismo hizo que, tras la dominación macedónica, la medicina griega suplantara a la tradicional egipcia, que alcanzó su máximo esplendor con la escuela de Alejandría, donde destacaron Herófilo y Erasístrato, pioneros de los estudios de anatomía y circulación cerebrales. Conclusiones. Desde el punto de vista de la neurociencia, los egipcios describieron por primera vez el cerebro, la jaqueca, la epilepsía, los ictus, el tétanos, la parálisis de Bell y las secuelas de los traumatismos craneales y de la sección medular. En sus manifestaciones artísticas se aprecian pacientes neurológicos y, según refiere Heródoto, había medicos especializados en las `enfermedades de la cabeza' que podrían considerarse precursores de los actuales neurólogos (AU)

Historia Antigua , Humanos , Facultades de Medicina , Cráneo , Medicina en las Artes , Neurología , Neurociencias , Manuscrito Médico , Egipto , Embalsamiento , Grecia
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 34(9): 877-892, 1 mayo, 2002.
Artículo en Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-27726


Introducción. Desde la aplicación de la medicina técnica por los griegos, la neurología moderna se basa en un cuerpo de conocimientos y en un bagaje cultural heredado desde la antigüedad. En este trabajo se repasa la contribución de Al Ándalus a la neurociencia durante el medioevo y su repercusión en la neurología moderna. Desarrollo. Tras la muerte de Mahoma, en el siglo VII d.C., el Islam tuvo uno de los más espectaculares períodos de expansión en la historia de la humanidad. La ocupación de las ciudades de Alejandría y Gundishapur puso en contacto a los árabes con manuscritos grecolatinos originales, los cuales fueron asimilados y divulgados por científicos islámicos tanto en los califatos medioorientales de Damasco y Bagdad como en los occidentales de Al Ándalus (España) y Kairwan (Túnez). Esta medicina clásica hipocrático-galénica se reformuló en el denominado galenismo arabizado, que influyó notoriamente en los escolásticos y en el mundo cultural del periodo bajomedieval, y constituyó la base de la medicina europea hasta bien entrado el Renacimiento. En Al Ándalus hubo un primer Renacimiento cultural español durante los siglos IX-XII, a raíz del cual la medicina europea tuvo un florecimiento desconocido hasta entonces en el medioevo. Los médicos andalusíes hicieron importantes contribuciones en el cuerpo de conocimientos de la neurociencia y desarrollaron conceptos filosóficos importantes para el entendimiento del intelecto humano. Así, Abulcasis (936-1013), el padre de la cirugía moderna, diseñó material y técnicas de neurocirugía aún utilizadas en la actualidad. Averroes insinuó el síndrome parkinsoniano y atribuyó el papel fotorreceptor a la retina. Avenzoar describió las meningitis, las tromboflebitis intracraneales y los tumores mediastínicos, e hizo contribuciones a la moderna neurofarmacología. Maimónides escribió sobre enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas y describió la rabia y la intoxicación por belladona. Conclusión. Independientemente de las diferencias políticas, religiosas y culturales que hubo entonces entre Al Ándalus y los reinos cristianos de la península Ibérica, el período histórico andalusí (711-1492) constituye una de las páginas más brillantes de la historia de la neurociencia española (AU)

Historia Medieval , Historia Medieval , Neurociencias/historia , Neurocirugia/historia , España , Islamismo , Retrato
Rev Neurol ; 33(1): 82-9, 2001.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11562865


The year 2000 is the fifth century of the birth, in Medina del Campo (Vallodolid, Spain) of licenciado Perea (Gomez Perea or Pereira). A man of the Renaissance, he was an outstanding doctor, humanist, theologist, nominalist philosopher, naturalist and practical engineer. He developed the first modern theory of behavior, based purely on mechanicistic principles, describing his ideas in a text known by the curious title of Antoniana Margarita. The objective of this paper is to pay him homage on the fifth centenary of his birth, making a historiographic study of Gomez Perea and his works, with particular emphasis on the ideological basis and its relationship with Renaissance hydraulic engineering, collaborating with his colleague Francisco Lobato, author of one of the only two pretechnological codices of sixteenth century Spain. The book Antoniana Margarita is written in Renaissance Latin and was published in Medina del Campo in 1554. It represents the first truly modern approach to brain function which excludes the providencialist concepts of Galen involving the soul and the spirit, in vogue until then, transmitted through the Arab and Scholastic tradition. Analyzing his theory of the automatism of animals Perea made the first description ever of the reflex arc and the conditioned reflex. He also established a topographical model of the brain in which he sketched the functioning of the prefrontal cortex and neurophysiology of memory. Perea was the immediate forerunner of Neuropsychology and of the methodology and organicist thought which predominates in modern Neurobiology. He was also a visionary of the Evolution of Darwin and of modern aetiology.

Neurobiología/historia , Neuropsicología/historia , Encéfalo/anatomía & histología , Encéfalo/fisiología , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XVIII , España
Rev Neurol ; 32(8): 788-97, 2001.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11391519


Juan Valverde de Amusco (c. 1525-c. 1564) is considered to have been the most important Spanish anatomist of the XVI century. A follower of Vesalius, he increased and divulged knowledge of anatomy during the Renaissance and his book The history of the composition of the human body was printed in Rome in 1556. The objective of this paper is to study the neuroanatomy in this book and present unpublished biographical data and describe the main contributions of this Castilian doctor to the neurosciences, in the context of Spanish medicine during the Renaissance period. He was born in the town of Hamusco (today Amusco) in the province of Palencia, which belonged to the Crown of Castile. Juan Valverde emigrated to Italy to improve his scientific knowledge. He carried out anatomical studies using the then revolutionary method of direct observation, as opposed to the Galenic criteria of authority inherited from the Medieval period. He trained in Padua under Realdo Colombo and lived in Rome where he practiced medicine until his death, becoming deservedly famous. He did not return to Spain since in the Spanish universities of the time there was a mentality which was reactionary to modern anatomy. His works, published in Italy but in the Spanish language, give an idea of the power of the Crown of Castile in the Europe of that period. The book is profusely illustrated with the first illustrations ever published in the history of printing, drawn by Nicolas Beatrizet. The book was sold widely and was translated and reedited on many occasions, until well into the XVIII century. For the first time Valverde made precise references to the minor circulation. He was the first anatomist to describe the muscles for movement of the eye correctly and the intracranial course of the carotid arteries. In his work he made the first drawing of the stapes, described by the Valencian Luis Collado. Vesalius and Valverde contributed decisively to the beginnings of modern neuroanatomy. Thanks to them, the brain is no longer an organ unknown to science.

Neuroanatomía/historia , Anatomía Artística/historia , Encéfalo/anatomía & histología , Historia del Siglo XVI , Humanos , Ilustración Médica/historia , España , Libros de Texto como Asunto/historia
Neurologia ; 15(2): 76-80, 2000 Feb.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10769536


Neurologic manifestations occur in 8-12% of the patients with Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), principally infectious and hemorrhagic and, less frequently, ischemic ones. More than a half of these neurologic complications are associated with pulmonary arterio-venous malformations (PAVM). The diagnosis of HHT is based on the presence of telangiectases, hemorrhagic events and a family history with an autosomal dominant pattern. We report a case of a patient diagnosed as having HHT with transient ischemic attacks and a PAVM, which was occluded by the use of embolotherapy. Cerebral ischemia in HHT is related to the existence of a PAVM and results from three mechanisms: 1) secondary poliglobulia and hyperviscosity because of the hypoxemia due to a right-left shunt; 2) communication between the airway and the pulmonary circulation during cough access, which produces gas embolism and hemoptysis; 3) and, finally, paradoxical embolism trough the PAVM, the same mechanism proposed to the infectious neurologic manifestations of the disease. When the diagnosis of HHT is suspected, early search and treatment of PAVM, with embolotherapy or surgery, are necessary in order to avoid respiratory problems (hemoptysis, exertional dyspnea, cianosis, clubbing) and neurologic complications.

Isquemia Encefálica/diagnóstico , Isquemia Encefálica/etiología , Telangiectasia Hemorrágica Hereditaria/diagnóstico , Malformaciones Arteriovenosas/complicaciones , Malformaciones Arteriovenosas/diagnóstico , Malformaciones Arteriovenosas/terapia , Encéfalo/irrigación sanguínea , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Encéfalo/patología , Embolización Terapéutica/métodos , Humanos , Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Arteria Pulmonar/anomalías , Arteria Pulmonar/diagnóstico por imagen , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 15(2): 76-80, feb. 2000.
Artículo en Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-4760


Un 8-12 por ciento de los pacientes con enfermedad de Rendu-Osler-Weber o telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria presenta manifestaciones neurológicas, sobre todo, hemorrágicas e infecciosas y, de forma menos frecuente, isquémicas. De ellos, más de la mitad asocian la presencia de malformaciones arteriovenosas pulmonares. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad se basa en la existencia de telangiectasias, fenómenos hemorrágicos y un patrón hereditario autosómico dominante. Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente, diagnosticado previamente de telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria, con accidentes isquémicos transitorios y una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar que fue tratada mediante embolización. La isquemia cerebral en la telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria está relacionada con la presencia de una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar y puede deberse a tres mecanismos: a) hiperviscosidad por poliglobulia secundaria a la hipoxemia provocada por la formación de un cortocircuito derecha-izquierda; b) comunicación de la vía aérea y la circulación pulmonar durante accesos de tos, lo que ocasiona una embolia gaseosa habitualmente acompañada de hemoptisis, y, por último, c) embolia paradójica a través de la malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar, que es, asimismo, el origen de las complicaciones neurológicas infecciosas de la enfermedad. En los pacientes con telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria debe investigarse la presencia de malformaciones arteriovenosas pulmonares y llevar a cabo de forma precoz su tratamiento, ya sea intravascular o quirúrgico, con el fin de evitar tanto problemas respiratorios (hemoptisis, disnea de esfuerzo, cianosis o acropaquías) como las posibles manifestaciones neurológicas. (AU)

Persona de Mediana Edad , Masculino , Humanos , Telangiectasia Hemorrágica Hereditaria , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética , Arteria Pulmonar , Malformaciones Arteriovenosas , Embolización Terapéutica , Telencéfalo , Isquemia Encefálica
Rev Neurol ; 25(138): 225-9, 1997 Feb.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9147742


A migranous cerebral infarct (ICM) has the appearance of an ischaemic cerebral lesion which occurs during a migraine crisis and is shown by neuroimaging techniques to be in the corresponding vascular area. Four young patients are described. They fulfilled the clinical and neuroimaging criteria for compatibility with ICM and the protocol for the aetiological study of stroke was normal. Angiography ruled out other causes of ischaemia (dissection, fibromuscular dysplasia, etc.) and showed segmental images of 'vasculitis appearance' similar to these described in Call's syndrome, in 'benign intracranial angiopathy' and in other intracranial vasculopathies or criteria of 'reversible segmental cerebral vasoconstriction'. The pathogenic significance, as with migraine, is still unknown.

Isquemia Encefálica/complicaciones , Trastornos Migrañosos/complicaciones , Adolescente , Adulto , Isquemia Encefálica/diagnóstico , Isquemia Encefálica/fisiopatología , Angiografía Cerebral , Femenino , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Lóbulo Occipital/fisiopatología , Lóbulo Parietal/fisiopatología , Síndrome , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Rev Neurol ; 25(138): 234-6, 1997 Feb.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9147744


Thrombosis of the cerebral venous sinuses is characterized by clinical pleomorphism and variable pathogenesis. Although there is a relationship with pregnancy and especially with the puerperium, occurrence during the first trimester of pregnancy is unusual and this may effect the diagnosis and treatment. We describe the case of a 33 years-old patient with lateral sinus thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. This was diagnosed and followed-up by magnetic resonance. Investigations as to its aetiology were inconclusive and it followed a benign course without anticoagulation. Thrombosis of the venous sinuses has been found empirically to be related to states of deficiency of S protein, hypercoagulability, anaemia and deshydration during pregnancy, to having previously taken contraceptive pills. Behçet's disease, other coagulopathies, central or systemic vasculitis, collagen disorders, septic and neoplastic disorders and a large number of cases of unknown aetiology. In our patient neurological deterioration secondary to a venous infarct or intraparenchymatous haemorrhage was not seen. There was full recovery and complete spontaneous canalization of the sinus, as shown on posterior cranial angiography. The controversial decision to use heparin in thrombosis of the cerebral venous sinuses should probably depend on the possible risks and benefits in each individual case, taking into account the clinical findings, aetiology and topography of the thrombosed sinus.

Complicaciones del Embarazo , Tercer Trimestre del Embarazo , Trombosis de los Senos Intracraneales/diagnóstico , Adulto , Angiografía Cerebral , Femenino , Humanos , Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética , Embarazo
Rev Neurol ; 25(148): 2006-14, 1997 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9528048


INTRODUCTION: The small group of prion diseases, caused by accumulation in the brain of an abnormal protein characterized by its aggregation and relative resistance to proteases (the PrPSc) in man is comprised of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJE), the Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome, kuru and the newest addition which is fatal familial insomnia (FFI). DEVELOPMENT: FFI is a hereditary condition with dominant autosomal transmission, characterized clinically by progressive insomnia, dysautonomy, changes in the circadian rhythm of hormone secretion, motor signs and slight to moderate deterioration of cognition. The usual age of onset is between 40 and 60 years, and the course of the illness lasts between 7 and 18 months. The histopathological changes, involving neurone loss and reactive gliosis, particularly affect the anteroventral and dorsomedial thalamic nuclei. These lesions lead to insomnia and to autonomic and endocrine disorders. To a lesser extent and degree, lesions are seen in other thalamic nuclei, the cerebral cortex, inferior olives and the cerebellum. FFI and some families with CJE have the same mutation of the codon 178 of the protein prion gene (gene PRNP) with substitution of aspartic acid by asparagine. Polymorphism of codon 129, which codifies methionine or valine determines the development of the clinical and neuropathological phenotype of FFI or CJE respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The description of FFI and the detection of PrPSe in familial cases of diffuse subcortical gliosis has indicated the possibility that there may be other familial or non-familial neurodegenerative diseases caused by prions.

Proteínas PrPC/genética , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño/genética , Adulto , Anciano , Ritmo Circadiano/fisiología , Codón/genética , Disautonomía Familiar/genética , Endopeptidasas/metabolismo , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Fenotipo , Mutación Puntual/genética , Polimorfismo Genético/genética , Enfermedades por Prión/enzimología , Enfermedades por Prión/genética , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño/patología , Tálamo/patología
Rev Neurol ; 25(148): 2021-31, 1997 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9528050


INTRODUCTION: Atherosclerosis is a generalized vascular disorder which tends to be localized to specific arterial territories. At the bifurcation of the carotid artery there is a marked predisposition to form plaques of atheroma on the postero-external wall. This tendency is due to the kinematics of fluids and their particular morphological characteristics which are unique in the vascular system. The carotid tree is a physical, non-lineal or in 'non-equilibrium', dynamic system which depends on the fluctuating contribution of energy from the cardiac cycle. It has fractal geometry which follows the Law of Biology of maximum efficiency with a minimum of effort. DEVELOPMENT: The complexity of the relationship between the haemo-rheological and anatomical factors, and the periodic oscillation of flow does not permit use of simple models and classical determinist equations to describe idealized systems of continuous movement and Newtonian fluids. On the contrary, since we are considering a complex dissipative dynamic system. It has marked intrinsic operational freedom adapting its responses to external disturbances well, thus determining vasculo-cerebral autoregulation. The theories of Determinist Chaos and of the Science of Complexity imply the existence of emerging properties which exceed those of the individual elements in the dynamic systems in non-equilibrium, which tend to function in the 'frontier of chaos' at the critical points of phase transition. The carotid tree has non-linear properties, appearance of order and fractal 'sibisemejanza'. Pseudo-chaotic vortices appear--in regions of phase transition between laminar flow and turbulence--with the emergence of a 'strange attractor' near to the postero-external wall of the bulb. CONCLUSIONS: The anatomical and kinematic complexity of the system, together with the irreversibility of the second Law of Thermodynamics, lead to a long-term tendency towards the appearance of a region of stagnant flow with increased Entropy in the territory of the strange attractor which determines--as an inevitable long-term outcome--the tendency to the appearance of atherosclerosis at this particular point.

Encéfalo/irrigación sanguínea , Estenosis Carotídea/patología , Fractales , Dinámicas no Lineales , Arteriosclerosis/complicaciones , Arteriosclerosis/patología , Estenosis Carotídea/etiología , Entropía , Homeostasis/fisiología , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Factores de Tiempo
Rev Neurol ; 24(127): 306-10, 1996 Mar.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8742397


Hiccoughs (singultus) is a habitual physiological phenomenon, the persistence of which might indicate neurological and extraneurological multiple lesions. Its activation involves starting up numerous central and peripheral mechanisms which have yet to be clearly determined. Hiccoughs results from an intermittent myoclonus of the diaphragm, reflex in origin, with unknown authentic cause or physiological significance. It has been suggested that, more than just an abnormal reflex, it could be a type of myoclonus brought on by repeated activity of the 'solitary inspiratory nucleus', by releasing control of the inhibiting-activating upper nervous system activity. We present the case of a patient with uncontrollable hiccoughs lasting over six years as a result of paramedial bilateral thalamic ischaemia (rostral occlusion syndrome of the basilar artery type 1) of cardioembolic origin (auricular fibrillation) secondary to hyperthyroidism.

Arteriopatías Oclusivas/complicaciones , Arteriopatías Oclusivas/fisiopatología , Arteria Basilar/fisiopatología , Hipo/etiología , Administración Oral , Anticoagulantes/administración & dosificación , Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico , Arteriopatías Oclusivas/diagnóstico , Hipo/tratamiento farmacológico , Humanos , Hipertiroidismo/complicaciones , Hipertiroidismo/diagnóstico , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev Neurol ; 24(125): 84-6, 1996 Jan.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8852007


Ischaemic stroke in young people, that is in those under 45 years of age, forms a distinct entity. Whereas in the case of older patients the main cause is arteriosclerosis, in the younger group a broad spectrum of etiologies can be found. It is for this reason that in these latter cases we must carry out a diagnostic study that is not only more exhaustive but also additionally is aimed at seeking out specific pathologies as for instance a possible association with vasculitis, infectious diseases, hematological abnormalities or unclear cardiopathology. Given the therapeutic transcendency that findings might have, in order to avoid new bouts in patients at the most productive moments in their lives, we believe it to be of great interest to carefully study these patients as exhaustively as need be. In the present work we present the case of a young patient with ischaemic infarct in the region of both upper cerebella which started out with a clinical picture of ataxia and dysarthria with benign course and total recovery. Possible etiologies are discussed in the light of findings made during complementary tests, as well as the unusual location of the lesions.

Isquemia Encefálica/etiología , Prolapso de la Válvula Mitral/etiología , Deficiencia de Proteína S , Adulto , Trastornos de la Coagulación Sanguínea/complicaciones , Isquemia Encefálica/diagnóstico , Isquemia Encefálica/fisiopatología , Angiografía Cerebral , Humanos , Arteriosclerosis Intracraneal/complicaciones , Arteriosclerosis Intracraneal/fisiopatología , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Prolapso de la Válvula Mitral/diagnóstico
Rev Neurol ; 23(119): 145-7, 1995.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8548611


Hepatolenticular degeneration, also known as Wilson's disease (WD), is an infrequent hereditary disorder which is transmitted in recessive autosomic fashion: its genetic defect is to be found in the long branch of chromosome 13 (13q14.3) and allows disorder to take place which has not been sufficiently clarified, in the bilious excretion of the copper (Cu) which is deposited in an anomalous manner on a level with different organic tissues, giving rise to characteristic clinical manifestations which are, basically, of a neurological, hepatic, psychiatric and ocular nature. We present the case of a young patient whose case began, four years ago, with depressive-type manifestations, with diagnosis only being made now. Our opinion on the early detection of asymptomatic patients is commented on, along with that concerning the effectiveness and safety of therapeutic alternatives to D-penicilamine.

Corteza Cerebral/fisiopatología , Degeneración Hepatolenticular/tratamiento farmacológico , Degeneración Hepatolenticular/fisiopatología , Trientina/uso terapéutico , Adulto , Ventrículos Cerebrales/anomalías , Cromosomas Humanos Par 13 , Cobre/sangre , Femenino , Degeneración Hepatolenticular/diagnóstico , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Trientina/administración & dosificación
Neurologia ; 9(4): 133-40, 1994 Apr.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8018343


Occlusion of the top of the basilar artery causes infarctions in supra- and infra-tentorial regions (thalamus, occipito-temporal lobes, rostral trunk and cerebellum) with characteristic clinical and radiological manifestations. We studied 17 patients with this syndrome whose clinical data and neurological images led us to classify them into four groups: type I (2 patients, 12%), showing mainly alterations in consciousness and ocular motricity, and bilateral thalamic infarction; type II (6 patients, 35%), with campimetric manifestations and uni- or bilateral ischemia of the occipito-temporal lobes; type III (5 patients, 29%), with associated corticospinal deficits and lacunar images in the rostral brainstem; and type IV (4 patients, 24%) with symptoms of and neuro-images revealing lesions in the cerebellum. The proposed classification is an attempt to facilitate diagnosis by neuro-imaging and to group patients according to prognosis.

Arteria Basilar/fisiopatología , Encefalopatías/fisiopatología , Anciano , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Encéfalo/fisiopatología , Encefalopatías/complicaciones , Encefalopatías/diagnóstico , Isquemia Encefálica/etiología , Isquemia Encefálica/fisiopatología , Femenino , Lateralidad Funcional , Hemianopsia/etiología , Hemianopsia/fisiopatología , Hemiplejía/etiología , Hemiplejía/fisiopatología , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Lóbulo Occipital/fisiopatología , Pronóstico , Trastornos Psicomotores/etiología , Trastornos Psicomotores/fisiopatología , Radiografía , Tálamo/fisiopatología
Arch Neurobiol (Madr) ; 55(4): 188-92, 1992.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1417425


Spontaneous intracerebellar haematomas are a relatively unusual cause of haemorrhagic stroke. The uncommon variety of vermian haematomas (5%) represents a serious diagnostic and treatment challenge and its outcome is generally poor, being the result of rapid elevation of intracranial pressure and brainstem compression. A rare case of spontaneous vermian haematoma with benign course without surgery is reported, including the results of neuroimaging tests.

Enfermedades Cerebelosas/complicaciones , Hemorragia Cerebral/complicaciones , Hematoma/terapia , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Ataxia Cerebelosa/etiología , Enfermedades Cerebelosas/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Cerebelosas/patología , Hemorragia Cerebral/diagnóstico , Hemorragia Cerebral/patología , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Hematoma/complicaciones , Hematoma/diagnóstico , Hematoma/patología , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Vértigo/diagnóstico , Vértigo/etiología